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What are your thoughts on spanking children

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  • #31
    Originally posted by angelik22
    i only believe in speaking with children and disciplining them by alking to them and helping them understand instead of beating the crap outta them- im totally against hitting kids, but its inevitable in situations which ive seen with my older cousins and their kids, where the kid was about to swallow a marbel and the mom out of reflex hit her hand when she saw, not to hurt the kid intentionally but as an instantaneous reaction- but otherwise its wrong i dont think hitting a child teaches them anything but fear from their parents- children shuoldnt fear their parents- but loev them and trust them

    CHILD ABUSE!!!!!
    Achkerov kute.


    • #32
      Originally posted by gevo
      example 1:
      Kid writes on the wall with a marker, mom walks up yells shoves and spanks... WRONG
      example 2:
      Kid writes on wall, mom walks up explains to her nicely yet sternly why not to do such a thing, mom walks away kid keep writing on wall, mom walks back, asks her why she is not listening to her (though the kid doenst understand, its the rebellious nature of human beings, and the kid is practicing an authority, a control over her mom, which is why she continues to write on the wall) again, mom tell her she can not do such a thing, it is wrong, explains why how etc.. tells her if you do it one more, i wills pank you. Mom turns away, few minutes later kid writes on wall.. mom comes back, sends kid to the corner and spanks her slightly to inflict the authorative pain that will make the kid think twice next tiem she tries to take control... Kid goes back to wall with marker, looks at wall, looks at marker, decides its not worth being spanked again.. and the kid allready knows from the mothers' explanations WHY it is wrong to write on walls.. this.. is ok.

      Show me where the mom in this scenerio took her "rage" out on her child?

      The reason why I look cross eyed and why the left side of my face is swollen is because of 1001 mild and very light spanks.
      Achkerov kute.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Anonymouse
        Actually.....that looks more like an anal thermometer is being used.


        • #34
          The poor thing!


          • #35
            Originally posted by Crimson Glow
            Actually.....that looks more like an anal thermometer is being used.
            I think he just got suprised by the camera flash while sleeping in the dark. His pupils didn't get a chance to contract.


            • #36
              I think my theory makes more scientific sense.


              • #37
                poonjilik! koooshaaaa!!! (my word for cutie...yes, I have my own language)


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Anonymouse
                  I thought he was on his fat mamma's lap and was getting spanked. Poor thing.
                  That is such a cute baby. Makes me want to go, "Aaaawwwww." Something wrong with the eyes though. Poor baby!
                  I see...


                  • #39
                    I think who ever here opposes spanking has never actually spent some quality time with kids. I practically helped raise my brother, I always had to watch my cousins, and I've babysat kids since I was 14, still do from time to time. Of course I never spank any of these kids, but I could tell when some of them needed a good spanking. Spanking a kid is basically telling them that that is the consequence of their actions, so next time the kid does it again he/she will know what the consequence of it would be and perhaps think twice about it. Now you may think that this is a little too much for a 6 yr old to be thinking about or strategizing, but let me tell ya, kids are not stupid, they can sense things better than some adults. They analyze just about everything. I remember one kid I babysat who was about to leave the driveway and walk out into the street, the kid stopped at the end of the driveway and looked at me to see my reaction and to basically see if he could get away with it, I looked at him and nodded my head no, he then knew that he could get some consequences so he turned around and walked back up the driveway. I'm not saying that you should spank a 10-month old baby, but a child that can already speak and is able to understand or at least learn that what he/she is doing is wrong needs some spanking now and then. No kid is perfect.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Thai-Samurai
                      Does anyone here think it's ok for Turkish parents to spank their children?
                      what the hell does that mean? who cares if the parent is a turk, jew, anglo, or armenian???

