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So much for new youth voters

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  • #51
    Originally posted by loseyourname
    I don't know what you guys are so worked up over. Either man would have continued the war, only one would have tried to appease the "last won a war when Napoleon was in power" French and the "least effective political entity in the history of the planet" UN. The important thing is, the man who is more likely to ease out of the way of what actually made this country great and will continue to make it great - capitalism, entrepeneurialism, and innovation - was elected. It'll take a while for the country to stand up out of its socialistic malaise, but it can happen. We're likely to see at least partial privatization of medicare and social security, and significant tax-code reform in this administration alone. Double-taxation on investment and saving will be eliminated, tort reforms will be enacted, and free trade will be expanded. Perhaps in the not-so-distant future we might even see the elimination of the income tax, and if people can get over their liberal ideals, maybe - just maybe - even the complete elimination of socialized welfare and healthcare and the federal reserve. Hopefully we'll even get the usual glut of technological innovation following a big military buildup as wartime technology is applied to civilian uses.
    real optimistic way to see United States governed the way it is...In reality the market is sooo bad. Since Bush is at the head of your country, the Dollars had a free fall wile the Euro climbed to values it never had hoped.....

    And then again , I'm not talking the negative import/export value the US has...this isn't yet that harmful to the economy but at the end it'll cripple the US even more!


    • #52
      Originally posted by !EEK
      real optimistic way to see United States governed the way it is...In reality the market is sooo bad. Since Bush is at the head of your country, the Dollars had a free fall wile the Euro climbed to values it never had hoped.....

      And then again , I'm not talking the negative import/export value the US has...this isn't yet that harmful to the economy but at the end it'll cripple the US even more!
      Since when does Bush have anything to do with trade deficits, the value of the dollar, or the performance of markets? You can blame international wage disparity, the federal reserve, and the busting of the tech bubble, not to mention the lingering effects of an extremely costly attack in the nation's financial capital for that. I love the way people think changing presidents when the economy is bad is somehow going to make it better.


      • #53
        Originally posted by patlajan
        Are you blowing xxxx Chainy in your free time?? Even I'm not this conservative...
        You mean Cheney? Na, I'm just being as optimistic as I can be. I doubt all of this will happen. I guess I'm thinking about the best-case slippery slope scenario out loud.


        • #54
          Defficits comes because of bad management but of course I know Bush's counsellors are behind all this because he is too dumb to manage it by his own... Anyway, I don't live in the US and I'll shut my mouth.

          Who do you think will be the next president?


          • #55
            Originally posted by !EEK
            Defficits comes because of bad management but of course I know Bush's counsellors are behind all this because he is too dumb to manage it by his own...
            Deficits are overhyped anyway. Individuals aren't considered bad financial managers because they are in debt - if that were the case, anyone with a relatively new house or car would be a bad financial manager. Debt is only bad when it's more than you can pay off.

            By the way, did you just say that you think Bush is too dumb to mismanage? Where's the logic there?


            • #56
              ha ha ha! it is now official that 4.6 million NEW young people voted. that is people from 18-30 HA HA HA!


              • #57
                H.L. Mencken on democracy:

                "Politicians, seldom if ever get [into public office] by merit alone, at least in democratic states. Sometimes, to be sure, it happens, but only by a kind of miracle. They are chosen normally for quite different reasons, the chief of which is simply their power to impress and enchant the intellectually underprivileged….Will any of them venture to tell the plain truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the situation of the country, foreign or domestic? Will any of them refrain from promises that he knows he can’t fulfill – that no human being could fulfill? Will any of them utter a word, however obvious, that will alarm or alienate any of the huge pack of morons who cluster at the public trough, wallowing in the pap that grows thinner and thinner, hoping against hope? Answer: may be for a few weeks at the start…. But not after the issue is fairly joined, and the struggle is on in earnest…. They will all promise every man, woman and child in the country whatever he, she or it wants. They’ll all be roving the land looking for chances to make the rich poor, to remedy the irremediable, to succor the unsuccorable, to unscramble the unscrambleable, to dephlogisticate the undephlogisticable. They will all be curing warts by saying words over them, and paying off the national debt with money no one will have to earn. When one of them demonstrates that twice two is five, another will prove that it is six, six and a half, ten, twenty, n. In brief, they will divest themselves from their character as sensible, candid and truthful men, and simply become candidates for office, bent only on collaring votes. They will all know by then, even supposing that some of them don’t know it now, that votes are collared under democracy, not by talking sense but by talking nonsense, and they will apply themselves to the job with a hearty yo-heave-ho. Most of them, before the uproar is over, will actually convince themselves. The winner will be whoever promises the most with the least probability of delivering anything."
                Achkerov kute.


                • #58
                  Originally posted by Anonymouse
                  H.L. Mencken on democracy:

                  "Politicians, seldom if ever get [into public office] by merit alone, at least in democratic states. Sometimes, to be sure, it happens, but only by a kind of miracle. They are chosen normally for quite different reasons, the chief of which is simply their power to impress and enchant the intellectually underprivileged?.Will any of them venture to tell the plain truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the situation of the country, foreign or domestic? Will any of them refrain from promises that he knows he can?t fulfill ? that no human being could fulfill? Will any of them utter a word, however obvious, that will alarm or alienate any of the huge pack of morons who cluster at the public trough, wallowing in the pap that grows thinner and thinner, hoping against hope? Answer: may be for a few weeks at the start?. But not after the issue is fairly joined, and the struggle is on in earnest?. They will all promise every man, woman and child in the country whatever he, she or it wants. They?ll all be roving the land looking for chances to make the rich poor, to remedy the irremediable, to succor the unsuccorable, to unscramble the unscrambleable, to dephlogisticate the undephlogisticable. They will all be curing warts by saying words over them, and paying off the national debt with money no one will have to earn. When one of them demonstrates that twice two is five, another will prove that it is six, six and a half, ten, twenty, n. In brief, they will divest themselves from their character as sensible, candid and truthful men, and simply become candidates for office, bent only on collaring votes. They will all know by then, even supposing that some of them don?t know it now, that votes are collared under democracy, not by talking sense but by talking nonsense, and they will apply themselves to the job with a hearty yo-heave-ho. Most of them, before the uproar is over, will actually convince themselves. The winner will be whoever promises the most with the least probability of delivering anything."
                  Only in business and in sports are the meritorious alone rewarded even in an ideal situation.


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by loseyourname
                    By the way, did you just say that you think Bush is too dumb to mismanage? Where's the logic there?

                    I don't need logic, I'm above that


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by !EEK
                      I don't need logic, I'm above that
                      that sounds a lot like bush... or as we like to call him in armenian "Abush"


                      saying that he is too dumb to mismanage is like saying "you are too dumb to NOT get an A in the class"

                      the statement should be "you are too dumb to get an A"... this is a good way to totally confuse people by hiding the negative meanings with positive words... the perfect example of this is the gay marriage thing we had this last election, if you voted YES then you are voting NO for gay marriage which ment you are voting YES on "protecting" the meaning of marriage, but there is no meaning of marriage that the government has written down as the meaning of marriage, so IF you are voting a yes, this means "you do NOT want gay people to have civil unions"

                      soooooo.... bush IS to dumb to manage, and he will mismanage, just like the way he has showed us in the past... "anybody want some wood?" and add a chuckle...

