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A day in the life of Joe Republican

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  • #31
    Originally posted by nunechka
    but you see i have a human side and that side tells me that it may not be good for the people of this planet if defense and oil are the larges profitors... anything that has to be made in a company that associates itself with defense 90% of the time will not be good for the people...
    What people are you referring to exactly? As far as I know, the two largest private employers here in Long Beach are Exxon-Mobil and Boeing, an oil company and a defense contractor. I'd say when their employers are doing well, it's good for these people. The tax revenue is pretty good for the city as well.

    you think about it... how come the prices are so high? who is screwing who? well it looks like the american people are getting screwed by american oil companies who just so happen to be best friends from the bush family... do you want to associate yourself with them??? i dont...
    Oh, I don't know, maybe the high prices have something to do with all of the reasons that I listed. In case you never took econ 101, price is determined by supply and demand, not by profit margins. You might also want to ask yourself why people in Europe, with their leaders who are supposed to be so much more enlightened than Bush, are getting screwed over at three times the rate we are.


    • #32
      Originally posted by loseyourname
      In case you never took econ 101, price is determined by supply and demand, not by profit margins. You might also want to ask yourself why people in Europe, with their leaders who are supposed to be so much more enlightened than Bush, are getting screwed over at three times the rate we are.
      She doesn't know that because she doesn't know about economics, although earlier she claimed that's what she's about. She probably reads the New Republic and thinks she's figured it all out.
      Achkerov kute.


      • #33
        It's amazing to me that people like this work in business.


        • #34
          Originally posted by loseyourname
          It's amazing to me that people like this work in business.
          Now you don't have to wonder why the free market becomes less free over time.
          Achkerov kute.


          • #35
            most people in europe dont own cars... most cities in europe are metropolitan, people use buses, the metro, etc...

            but it isnt that the prices are high or LOW anymore... if prices are high, then how come they made RECORD BREAKING PROFITS??? they gave themselves nice little bonuses... and i dont know about any tax revenue, but the people who work in those companies, i know some personally because i work for NASA and we do contrcts with boeing, etc... and they are NOT happy... they are getting screwed... the largest raise was 4%... LOL!!! that hardly covers inflation... and that was just some chosen few who got that... the raise per year in these companies used to be more... it ranged from 7% to 1% and now the MAX is 4%... this is insane... they told all the people that this year we are short on money and so the larges raise is a 4% and most people got 2% and WOW! these people now have LESS money relative to what it costs to live here then they ever did...

            price isnt defermind ONLY by supply and demand... it is determined on trade agreements, whether or not this particular market is dominant, what country they are from, how they are being subsidied, etc... in this case, they are actually an oligoploy... being in this state, these companies talk to each other and determin the price...

            SO... if the prices are high, and they are making RECORD BREAKING PROFITS in the history of this business, you must ask yourself who is getting screwed???

            i did take econ 101, along with an entire SLEW of econ class to complete my econ major...


            • #36
              and to answer loseyourname... well you can be in business, but you dont have to be screwing people to make money... my belief and my faith, tells me what you give is what you get back... and so i would never want to mislead people to make profits... i think doing that, and not taking care of our environment, careing for people is a terrible thing to do...

              i love being in business, i love negotiating, i love economics, i love the financial markets, the money markets, and the cost accounting concepts, and i love politics... but that does not mean that i am a shrude, unethical, immoral business person...

              i am for a market that is allowed to function by itself, however in the US, there is no chance that will ever happen... because the government is TOOOOOOOO involved... the government determins what the interest percentage is, the government determins who will get a subsidy and who will not... the government determins who will be in the elite country membership of trade agreements and who will not... and you can imagine that there is not one single republican that will agree with me on this subject and why...

              i think a compnay should make profits, i think people should get paid relative to what the cost of living is... there is so much in this topic that i absolutly love, but to even make the assumption that supply and demand, or only govenrment, or only 1 thing determins most of why the price is high or low, is stupid...

              but again, isnt it a little strange to have record breaking profits and the highest prices all together in the same timeframe??? then to have the employees of these companies be disgruntled about not getting paid enough to lvie in the same city? yes there is a problem, but it isnt the goverments job to intervien, it is people like myself, who when placed in decision making positions should make those decisions...

              i think the government is involved in so many wrong ways that i cant even pin point it all out...
              Last edited by Siggie; 11-15-2004, 12:09 PM.


              • #37
                Originally posted by nunechka
                most people in europe dont own cars... most cities in europe are metropolitan, people use buses, the metro, etc...

                but it isnt that the prices are high or LOW anymore... if prices are high, then how come they made RECORD BREAKING PROFITS??? they gave themselves nice little bonuses... and i dont know about any tax revenue, but the people who work in those companies, i know some personally because i work for NASA and we do contrcts with boeing, etc... and they are NOT happy... they are getting screwed... the largest raise was 4%... LOL!!! that hardly covers inflation... and that was just some chosen few who got that... the raise per year in these companies used to be more... it ranged from 7% to 1% and now the MAX is 4%... this is insane... they told all the people that this year we are short on money and so the larges raise is a 4% and most people got 2% and WOW! these people now have LESS money relative to what it costs to live here then they ever did...

                price isnt defermind ONLY by supply and demand... it is determined on trade agreements, whether or not this particular market is dominant, what country they are from, how they are being subsidied, etc... in this case, they are actually an oligoploy... being in this state, these companies talk to each other and determin the price...

                SO... if the prices are high, and they are making RECORD BREAKING PROFITS in the history of this business, you must ask yourself who is getting screwed???

                i did take econ 101, along with an entire SLEW of econ class to complete my econ major...
                No one is getting screwed. People exchange voluntarily. No one is coerced into exchanging goods or services. The only area of coercion is government. Trade exists only because of the supply and demand of one good or services, otherwise it would be economically destructive for one to engage in trade to begin with if no one demanded what they were trading. The axiom is that supply and demand determines the prices of goods. There is no argument against that or around it. You being an econ major is a sad thing. For anyone to contend that someone must necessary "get screwed" out of voluntary trading and exchange, is a sure sign of the decadence of economic thought.

                As far as your nonsense of 'subsidies', that is what Keynesian psychobabble is all about, in effect it is statist 'economics'. It treats people as nothing more than mindless automatons on graph curves.
                Achkerov kute.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by nunechka

                  and to answer loseyourname... well you can be in business, but you dont have to be screwing people to make money... my belief and my faith, tells me what you give is what you get back... and so i would never want to mislead people to make profits... i think doing that, and not taking care of our environment, careing for people is a terrible thing to do...

                  i love being in business, i love negotiating, i love economics, i love the financial markets, the money markets, and the cost accounting concepts, and i love politics... but that does not mean that i am a shrude, unethical, immoral business person...

                  i am for a market that is allowed to function by itself, however in the US, there is no chance that will ever happen... because the government is TOOOOOOOO involved... the government determins what the interest percentage is, the government determins who will get a subsidy and who will not... the government determins who will be in the elite country membership of trade agreements and who will not... and you can imagine that there is not one single republican that will agree with me on this subject and why...

                  i think a compnay should make profits, i think people should get paid relative to what the cost of living is... there is so much in this topic that i absolutly love, but to even make the assumption that supply and demand, or only govenrment, or only 1 thing determins most of why the price is high or low, is stupid...

                  but again, isnt it a little strange to have record breaking profits and the highest prices all together in the same timeframe??? then to have the employees of these companies be disgruntled about not getting paid enough to lvie in the same city? yes there is a problem, but it isnt the goverments job to intervien, it is people like myself, who when placed in decision making positions should make those decisions...

                  i think the government is involved in so many wrong ways that i cant even pin point it all out...
                  Since when did you start to sound like a laissez faire economist?
                  Last edited by Siggie; 11-15-2004, 12:10 PM.
                  Achkerov kute.

