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What If Women Ruled The World?

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  • #41
    Well maybe that's precisely the point. Maybe it is the trends in society that have made women more nurturing, and men less nurturing.

    We don't know what would happen if a lot of women held positions of true power, but I'm guessing that once they reach such a position, there really wouldn't br that much of a difference.

    And I can name you thousands of "good men" too, but let's not make lists of Mother Theresa and son...I'm talking of women who truly had an very important political role.

    The former Latvian President comes to mind, and she spent a lot of effort fighting traficking, but then again, so did the male presidents of the other Baltic countries...


    • #42
      here's a bold idea i'll just throw out there for some contemplation

      if women were not nurturing, men wouldn't be obsessed with boobs! think about it! men have tiny "breasts" too..mainly nipples but no one is fascinated with "man boobs" (referring to the masses here, extreme freaks are excluded ) maybe it's all the soft fat tissue in female breasts??? that is reminiscent of a fluffy pillow? ....except of course when you look at female body builders who've managed to turn breasts into pecs...what a shame.....


      • #43
        i dont know if a trend has anything to do with becoming pregnant and giving birth and the breast feeding the baby, only in the very recent past have woman (on a very small scale) stopped breat feeding.

        or maybe the actual proof of women having to bear their childern on their backs all the time, found in fossils of human beings. maybe since there are indiginous people who live in certain rural parts of the world, still continue to live their lives that way, actually have women carrying the babies, making the food, carrying for the crops, etc... and then teaching their children how to interact with their society. its basics baron.

        i think that there is so much that is overlooked about what role woman play, and how naturally they are more carrying and nurturing, that i just want to point it out. but you cant take it, its like if woman are good then men are bad. i dont think that at all. but for you its that simple good or bad. i have never said. however i have said that from our interactions as human beings and taking into consideration the past and the present, men have caused all the havok, and woman have either done the sideline stupidity like condi rice (she is just a "yes ma'am," nothing more) or they have done nothing (mostly because they werent allowed to).

        if you are offened then you must be one of those "men" who has a stuborn short fuse. while women just DONT.

        if it was natural they would've done it all this time. look at our world. how many countries face problems because of what women did? how many women used the atom bomb? how many women killed, mascared, or made the stratigic decisions for it? or how many woman face trafficking, how many COUNTRIES dont allow their women to show their hair? if the answer is more then ZERO then its TOO MUCH!. those muslim countries remind me of the OLD world our ancestors lived in, we (westerners) also used to live this way, but we have gradually moved away from that.

        how many women from saudi arabia do you know who have held public office with true POWER!? none, why? because those people are living in the old ages we used to live in. so what if a woman was to try to do something to achieve this? she would be hated, and society would name her the reasons why we have disease. there you go.

        now to us... even though we are not living in obviously horrifying conditions like the muslim women, we are still not equal citizens of this world. women are the casualties of war, women suffer the MOST from war. remember vietnam and how most women were turned into hookers by the men (the sellers were vietnamese men and the buyers were american men) did women want to become hookers? the answer is obvious, but hey some man has decided to make some money, so thats whats selling right now, and thats what will be sold. but ask a woman if she would do that?

        men lack something:
        - Empathy. primarily involves experiencing and understanding all aspects of the other person's feelings and beliefs
        - sympathy. emphasizes sharing distressing feelings expressed by other people; feeling pity or sorry for their position, etc.

        they are different, but men usually lack both. and maybe thats why you wont understand me, and maybe thats why men think women are complicated, because they just cant place themselves in other people's shoes, and look at the world through different view points.

        i will always fight to keep thing equal, if women get so powerful that they make men into what women are today, i would fight for your rights. but i am sure that MOST women think like me and if that was the case, then there is no need to worry about that ever happening, we are not power hungry.

        it doesnt make our penises any bigger, ohhh we dont have penises (THATS WHY WE dont have the problems you have)


        • #44
          Nunechka's got my vote.


          • #45
            Nunechka, in no way I'm trying to be rude or anything and you're obviously entitled to your opinions and you believe in them, but all you need is a single moment for the woman to go bizark (when on her period), get pissed off and try to end the world[not saying a man is uncapable of doing that]. I don't know (nor it's interesting for me to know) how you feel when you're on your period, but every girlfriend I've had, would get more emotional and sensitive to everything and simple things would trigger big reactions!

            And about this comment of yours "ohhh we dont have penises (THATS WHY WE dont have the problems you have)". Hun, our problems are so so so tiny and minimal compared to your problems (women's, not yours specifically). It's not our fault that you have to deal with the period, give birth to a child (and I've heard it's
            I'm not saying you're jealous or anything, but I feel that from women towards men! Women get to suffer with the things I mentioned above, yet majority of men have the most power in the world. Now how's having a penis cause men to have problems? and what problems are you talking about. You got me confused right there!


            • #46
              the reason i said the thing about the penis was because of the PREVIOUS line i wrote which was related to being POWER HUNGRY! the more power one has the bigger the penis is to THEM.

              see we dont have this issue and therefore we are not power hungry...

              lol, i love my body, i think men love a womans body too... let me make metaphor here, women are the luxury car and men are the sport utility car. both can get you where you need to go, but one can go over turrain because it is physically more capable (4x4, etc.) and the other will get you there thru the scenic route, some wine, cushy seats, comfy climate, and hardly and bumps on the way.

              actually women are more vocal and sesitive thats why we know about our problems, we talk about our feelings a lot more, and we dont like to carry baggage, so we have good friends we tell it to... but men dont do this, and so it seems on the surface that they are ok, but i can tell you so many things that show COMPLETLY how men are more emotionally weaker the women.

              for some men the sight of blood makes MOST men uneasy... why? i dont know, but it doesnt make me uneasy to see my period... LOL!

              birth is a traumatic experiance for men MORE then it is for women... and WOMEN ARE giving birth... its insane...

              i dont know why...


              • #47
                Not big on thinking everything through, are you nunechka? For as "caring, nurturing and intelligent" as you claim women to be, you yourself have made some horrible, baseless assumptions and generalizations. For example, why would you assume that Baron is being stubborn just by pointing out a flaw in your argument, or that he's looking at everything in either "good or bad"? Could it be that maybe you're the one that feels threatened? (True or not, this is similar to the type of argument you're using). And can one not call you equally as stubborn, as you've shown your supposedly nonexistent competitive side through page long arguments on this subject? Let's look even further, shall we?

                First, before the feminatzi bandwagon jumps all over me, Ilet me start by flat out condemning my own gender. Males in general make me sick. The typical "man", the "manly" man, can be summed up in two words: White trash. That's right. They may not all be white, but the list of characteristics one is usually told he needs to posses in order to be a "real man" seems to mirror our trailer park friends' lifestyles quite a bit. Allow me to elaborate:

                The typical manly man "must list":

                You shouldn't care about your appearance.

                You should feel free to scratch yourself in public.

                You should defend yourself against attacks on your "manhood" by any fellow man through any means of physical force/violence necessary.

                Burping and farting in public is perfectly acceptable, and at any opportune moment, should be viewed as a contest.

                The only one allowed to mistreat your significant other physically or otherwise is you. If anyone else tries to partake in this privilege, he is to be taken out.

                There is no such thing as too much alcohol consumption. In fact, you should use *reaching the point of being even MORE of a loud mouth, annoying jack-ass* as a barometer for the minimum.

                Real men finely hone their skills of hunting down and killing unsuspecting, defenseless animals....for no real reason. Oh, oh yeah. I forgot. It's a sport!!

                Being neat, tidy, organized and detail oriented is for women....and gays.

                Bragging about d*ck sizes in pointless debates where not a word you say can be proven....or at least I hope one of the main reasons to live (a bunch of guys sitting around together.....alone....talking about the size of their package.....and they claim being neat is for gays??? )

                I could go on, but you get the idea. There's no doubt that a lot of these characteristics are driven by competitive pride, and the tendencies of dominant nature in males. And yes, a lot of that dominant nature is due to specific chemical structures. But a LOT of it has to do with social rules, rules that vary from culture to culture in one degree, or another. Rules that have varied throughout time even withIN the same culture. There wouldn't be descrepencies from one society to another if it was solely dependant on the gender's biological make up. Whatever the current social ordinance is, one must comply or risk being labeled gay, or "metro-sexual", or whatever other retarded terms are being thrown around out their at the moment.

                Now....on to the women. 7 out of 10 women are caring and compassionate?? Hellooo! Where are you getting this from? Are you ignoring the rather large number of unfit and terrible mothers? You know, the kinds that you read/hear about drowning/shooting/drugging their kids? How about those that puff away on smokes and drink, or worse while pregnant? Are they still naturally nurturing just because they’re carrying a baby? Or the mothers who think their work is done when they're not spreading their legs (during conception and birth)? Are you forgetting how petty and jealous most women can be, and usually towards their own fellow females? I mean, the minute a woman isn't the center of attention, she flips out. How about the mass bills women can rack up while shopping. Do those Stilettos aid in nurturing? And the compassion shines through as bright as a diamond when women shove their hands in their friends' faces and say "look at the MASSIVE rock the man who's children I'm going to nurture bought me". Oh, and let's not forget income being a key reason as to why a lot of women choose to marry the men they marry. "I have the better looking/sexier husband, I have the bigger ring, I don't have to work because I married rich...." See, that's called competitiveness. That's greed. Competitiveness and greed are precursors to power. That’s right. Women have it in them to be completely ruthless b*tches, too. And here you are, making assumptions on what women would do if they were in the position where aggression on a massive scale would be possible. Men have been the reason for a lot of the world's problems? Yes, but this is not an argument FOR your case. It simply means we have nothing to base how women would rule on.

                I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again: The problem boils down to people suck, PERIOD! This battle of the sex’ thing is ridiculous. They BOTH have some TERRIBLE behaviors. You’re merely painting this picture of the way women OUGHT to be, not the way things actually are right now. You’re wrongfully attaching characteristics to men that BOTH genders are guilty of. Labeling is a HUMAN mannerism. Stereotyping is a HUMAN peculiarity. The need for attention and unearned respect is a HUMAN affliction. These are not gender specific traits. Stop trying to force something that’s not there. How would women do/react in power? I don't know, nor will I pretend to. But to say that you're positive the world would be peaceful based on your pseudo generalizations of how "gentle" most women are is preposterous, when women have proved over and over again that you can replace the havic of penis envy with attention wh*reism.

                By the way, how’s everyone been?


                • #48
                  Oh, my goodness, I love reading your posts.

                  And to stay on topic, if woman ruled the world, there would be a lot of pizza and ice cream for everyone.

                  Okay, that one really sux.
                  You can't hold a man down without staying down with him.


                  • #49
                    Can't disagree with Crimson, but I would not thinkt hat most men fit in that "tyical male" description.

                    My point is, women have not been given true power yet, so we do not know if they would be "corrupted" or not. I will not disagree that women are generally more nurturing, but that doesn't have anything to do with the select few of them who would be in power, if women were to rule the world.


                    • #50
                      Originally posted by XxgoeyxX
                      Oh, my goodness, I love reading your posts.

                      Originally posted by Baron Dants
                      Can't disagree with Crimson, but I would not thinkt hat most men fit in that "tyical male" description.
                      A wise choice, young grasshopa'. Well yes, I exaggerated a bit, as most usually do in such circumstances. I picked out a select few of the worst possible attributes. I was trying to offset any arguement a female might make in advance by making males look even worse then they should. I'm showing that I'm aware of the many character flaws in men (must of which even sicken me), and that I'm being fair and balanced about this, not spiteful and defensive (as it seems that's what nunechka was going to label any guy that pointed out inaccuracies in her presentation). My point was the girls weren't doing the same.

                      Originally posted by Baron Dants
                      My point is, women have not been given true power yet, so we do not know if they would be "corrupted" or not. I will not disagree that women are generally more nurturing, but that doesn't have anything to do with the select few of them who would be in power, if women were to rule the world.
                      Precisely, which I touched on. The female character flaws I presented were to show that many women are not the angels that the female population likes to make their gender out to be. Just the mere concept that they would desire such a position would go against the gentle/mild/nurturing argument, would it not?. Therefore, we don't know how women would rule the world, just as you said.

                      On a side note, while I was gone, I bought a new shower head......and it ROCKS!!!

