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What If Women Ruled The World?

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  • This equality xxxx is becoming annoying already. Women are superior, I've mentioned this before. End of story.


    • Originally posted by nunechka
      ok peebrain, lets explain again, what is equal and what isnt... there are 2 people: person 1 is a woman, person 2 is a man, they happen to be in a relationship together. they get married. they have childern. during the regular course of their household activities, the man goes to work and comes home. he replaces the occasional light bulb thats gone out, he calls the water people, when there is a leak. he picks up timmy from baseball practice when mommy cant. woman goes to work too. she leaves work in time to go to the grocery store, comes home to clean up things around the house. she picks up timmy most of the time, she picks up nancy from school takes her to piano, then she picks up the dry cleaning. she finally gets back home to cooking.
      she is an accountant at the charles schuab, her husband is an engineer at the local lockheed martin. they make about the same, but obviously the man makes more.
      on the weekend she cleans the house while she askes for her husband to pick up his feet when she comes to the couch with the vacuum. she then does the laundry... her childern help with chores around the house most of the time, and so they do things like taking out the trash, cleaning up the front and back yards, walking the dog, feeding the cat, etc...

      so you see my little growing pain, in most households, men go to work, and thats IT!... and then whats even funnier, is the way they used to brag about it, like it was a magic thing... and when women started to go to work too, we were like "WTF are you talking about"

      and then we realized that its just a bunch of BULL! thats when women like me were born...

      the words equality in your little world arent the same lets say in EUROPE!, you see they recognize this, and so thats why there is a women's conference there every year, to bring EQUALITY to women around the world. you are the one who doesnt understand the meaning of equality. YES we are different one has blond hair the other has brown, but that does not make us UNEQUAL, it makes us diverse, different, not alike, etc...

      equality on this globe, as you have come to see, refers to the treatment of human beings. for example the slaves, were not equal people, they were both human, however in this country and many others, they were not treated the same, they did not have the same rights, in other words, they were treated UNEQUALY!

      HEY you're saying that women and men arent equal? well we arent like you, and so we are never going to believe that women are better or men are better, WE are going to always say that WE ARE EQUAL.

      Originally posted by spiral
      This equality xxxx is becoming annoying already. Women are superior, I've mentioned this before. End of story.

      Achkerov kute.


      • I fail to see your point.


        • Originally posted by spiral
          I fail to see your point.
          I fail to see yours.
          Achkerov kute.


          • Originally posted by violette829
            I wouldn't call it emotional banter. She does have a great point, from what I could understand from her post. I think Armenians, in general, have been raised to be inferior, and I'm not just talking about women. We have these strict morals and guidelines to follow throughout our lives, causing us to "step aside" and let life throw shiit in our face. For example: "It's not polite to talk back to an elder". Now, let's take this back to the time of the genocide. I can just see these little children, being EASILY taken away by "elders" and beaten...and God knows what else. I don't think that was such a good example, but you get my drift...

            Just because kids are taught manners does not mean they’re sheep who will abide by the manners taught to them over anything else.

            ...and as far as Armenian kids being raised to be inferior...I’d think just the opposite.


            • Nunechka - what point of mine are you disagreeing with? - that women as leaders (or more specifically in power positions - as in control of the world etc) will essentially be like men. OK But I actually see it both ways - when one "plays the game" one is to some extent co-opted by it and ends up following its rules. On the other hand I do acknowledge that men and women are (on average?) different - see things differently, react differently, deal with things differently. I have worked for a number of female bosses (in addition to males of course) and I have seen the differences in the way women deal with things (incl subordinants etc)...however I have seen where some women try very hard to act as a male would (essentially) in the position - mostly I think because they have observed how males do it and think that they must do (essentially) the same to suceed.

              And yes - this "equal" thing is an issue of semantics. Obvioulsy everyone one is different/unique - so there is really no such thing as equal in this sense. I think what we (women who strive for status recognition in our society and those males like me who can't imagine why anyone would really have an issue with such) want/are after - is acknowledgement (and practice) where women are not placed in some kind of lessor or inferior niche. Women should have every oppurtunity and privledge available to men, they should be free to choose and pursue any profession - based on merit of course - and in home life they should not be treated as the family slave - that relationships between couples should be as if between two (essentially) EQUALS! (there I said the E word!)

              The fact of the matter is that many/most (?) males and even many females just don't see things this way - and I believe that they are wrong - that this is discrimination and is essentially not allowing all individuals in our society to pursue "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness". And this discrimination is both in the home - in the workplace and out in society at large. I've seen very many example of such. I've been in conversations (with males - and more then once...) where certain men were disparaging of women in the workplace and some were justifying paying women less for the very same job - because "women aren't the breadwinners in the household - thus don't need the mopney as much" - etc


              • Originally posted by Anonymouse
                You obviously do not know of biology, the sexes, and the role of testosterone. Testosterone is the reason why males are more aggressive than females. It is the reason why men are more dominant than women. It is because of testosterone that you have more men in crime than women. It is because of testosterone that you have more younger men in crime as opposed to older men. Now unless you want to deny this, you better well have some good alternative other than some Pavlovian useless crap of "social conditioning".

                you see this is where i agree with anony... I KNOW OHHHHH MY GOD!

                so let me ask the question again: Knowing and acknowledging THIS, how would the world be if there were more WOMEN in authoritative positions? i'd say it would be a better place to live thats for sure. not as many weapons, not as many wars or crime, not as many religions that made women get married at an early age and pump out babies, etc...

                but i disagree with the last statement about pavlov. this social conditioning is true and it exists... the question is how much of the human being is nature or nurture? i dont think its 50/50, but pavlov was right and so are many people with the biology theory. we should never say that it is one or the other, because there are always more grey/tan areas in this world, then extreem black/white


                • winoman, it looks like you are trying to agree with me now... LOL! anywho, interesting points... i see what you are talking about, but those men who say, "women aren't the breadwinners in the household - thus don't need the money as much" are the problem...

                  and many of them are in positions that gives them the authority to do as they please...


                  • Nunechka - I've always stated that I see both sides...I understand why many folks think that women would be/are (substansialy) different then men if/when they were/are in power positions (as women do see and respond to things differently)...however I thought it worthwhile to interject that to achieve such a position one learns to play the (power) game - and in doing so becomes (at least to a degree) co-opted. Louseyourname interpreted my comments as meaning power corrupts - but this is not what I was trying to say at all (though in effect - through the process I describe one is corrupted by power - or more accuratly the pursuit of such) - make sense?

                    When I responded previously to this and thought of the differences between male and female supervisors - and there certainly are - or there has been in my experience - well one way that male and female bosses are different (from my perspective) is that I would never think of dating a male boss...and well - I've done such with a female supervisor before!! lol, yeah...sort of the reverse of the male boss-female subordinate thing...very funny to think back on...but it was all good... But yeah - seriously though - I've had several female bosses and they really have run the gamut - from displaying what one may consider to be very femenin ways of interacting - with greater concern for my well being etc (sometimes much greater concern... ...sorry again I digress) just the opposite - some have been the most hard-assed (I really could use the B word here you know....)...and in the latter respect they were more tyrpical - IMO as a typical or steroetypical male (bad) supervisor...again though - the gamut. Certainly different from a male (well at least ussually more pleasent to look at and such - - but beyond that - with some female bosses I think I've felt freer to express myself believing that they would be less judgemental or such - not sure I can explain this properly - but by and large I think it was true - I was/have been generally more comfortable (and satisfied...) working for a female then a male - though for the mlst part it really hasn't been that different (and of course best when one is one's own boss - or effectively so...)

                    And I agree with you - much racism and sexism are not formally - but informally institutionalized within the dominant group (the usual "white male" suspects in this case...)


                    • OHHHHH OK!

