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Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

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  • #71
    Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

    There are two types of Persians. Those with Aryan origin and those with native origin. Some native Persians are related to Ancient Mesopothemia (Today's Iraq)


    Persians and Hollywood

    A Google Blog


    • #72
      Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

      Azeri Turk Separatism: Is it True?

      Robert Kaplan in "The Coming of Anarchy" points out that the rise tribalism in 21 century due to globalization and weakening of the state power is the biggest event for the new times. His prediction is entirely right. But he thinks the wars of tribalism happen outside state similar to Africa. In Iran we actually see the opposite trend. An Azeri Turk tribe has taken over the state in Iran and uses the state as the tool for its policies. This has led to a "centralized tribal state" in Iran.

      The consequence of "Azeri Turk Centralized Tribal State" in Iran with access to oil revenues with a barrel of oil costing over 100 dollars, has been daily execution for other ethnic minorities in Iran. Those include Kurds, Baluchs, Arabs and others who being executed on a daily basis by the Azeri Turk tribal regime.

      Once tribalism assumes a centralized state form, there is no reason for Azeri Turks to separate from Iran as their tribal demands can be met within the tribal state.

      Anatolian Turks have a Pan Turk agenda whereby they want to unite all turks and establish some kind of political-economical European Union type political unit between them. They are very interested to have Azeris in Iran separate from Iran and join Turkey.

      Anatolian turks look at different countries and try to find Pan-Turk political movements and try to promote and support these political movements. A good example is The Republic of Azerbaijan where they promote the ruling party under Aliev.

      They follow the same policies in Iran. For example anatolian turks promote President Ahmadinejad who is a Azeri Pan Turk nationalist. Also anatolian turks think Azeris in Iran are of the same type of Azeris as those in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

      The problem with this analysis is that Azeri Pan Turkism in Iran not only does not consider itself as an ally of Anatolian turks, but it is a direct rival to Anatolian turks and have the same agenda for Turks in Caucasus and Central Asia although it calls its scheme for "Pan-Iranism".

      Also Azeris in Iran have no desire to separate from Iran as long as they are a ruling force in the government of Iran. They can steal and get all the oil revenue and deny the same resources to all other ethnic groups. Turkey can not offer these resources to Azeris in Iran.

      To explain "Azeri Turk Separatism in Iran" more directly is to say: "If you put a gun on an Azeri head and say separate from Iran, they will not do it". Why should Azeris separate from Iran??? Azeri Turks both in Azerbaijan and Tehran are stealing all the oil money. Baluchs and Arabs do not even have water well to drink water from. This is "Azeri Turk separatism" fraud scheme by the regime in Tehran. Not only Azeri Turks are not planning to separate from Iran, Azeri Turks are moving into different parts of Iran specially to oil rich areas in south and the Caspian Region to get control of these resources.

      The real point is Azeri Separatism is a fraud scheme by President Ahmadinejad. His scheme is something like this: "Azeris are oppresed in Iran" so we should hand over all Iran's resouces to Azeri Turks. Also we should destroy all ethnicities in Iran so Azeri's are not offended. You can even see Azeri Turks talk about a scheme for "ethnicity conversion". Azeris are supposed to become "Persians". That is one side. The other side is Azeri regime in Tehran is taking over The Republic of Azerbaijan and also it is planning to impose its own version of Pan Turkism on Turkey. That is the Islamization of Turkey. So Azeri Pan Turkism in Iran poses a serious threat to the security of Turkey too.

      That is why the general strategy that Anatolian turks have for other countries does not work in Iran. This constitute the basis of the alliance of Anatolian Turks and Persians in Iran. Only Persian political power in Iran will remove Iran as a Pan Turk state which attempts to impose its version of Pan Turkism on Turkey in the form of Islamization or "Pan Azerism" or "Pan Iranism".

      Persians and Hollywood

      A Google Blog


      • #73
        Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

        Marry or Lose your Job - New Law in Iran!!!!!!!

        New Law in Khorasan in North East Iran and South West Iran. Empolyees are informed that either marry or lose your job.

        This is a scheme for Turkification of Iran. Two Areas have declared these rules. The south west Iran and North East Khorasan. South West are Persians and North East is Afghans. They move Azeri Turk Shia Iranians into these areas and force the natives to marry them.

        To explain what is the Azeri regime in Tehran one have to compare them to the Nazi Germany. The Azeris nationalist have dropped the banner of Islam a long time ago. They are replacing Islam with Pan-Turkism and "Islamic Nationalism". Their Pan-Turkism is labeled Pan-Iranism. They have invented something called the "Iranian race".

        For Azeri Turks "Iranian race" is a mixture of Turks, Persians, Mongols, and Arabs and Africans. They call all citizens of Iran as members of the "Iranian Race". Anybody question their policy and state that they are not turks and identify his ethnic affiliation in Iran such as Kurds, Lurs, Persians, Baluchs etc are called Nazist, Azeris will claim that there are no such people in Iran and everybody is mixed up with Azeri Turks!!!!! Azeri Turk sponsors in US have also made genetic charts showing all "Iranians are Turks".

        Unlike the Nazi Germany which believed in the superiority of German Race, the ruling Azeri regime in Tehran believes in the inferiority of the Azeri Turkish race. This is nazism in reverse. So they believe that to improve the Azeri race they mix Azeris with Persians and other natives of Iran such as Kurds. One of their special targets are Kurds and Persians which they force to move to Tehran. They officially call this agenda for "The Aryanization of Azeri Turks into Aryans".

        Persians and Hollywood

        A Google Blog


        • #74
          Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

          oh great, a notes/comments by oslonor


          • #75
            Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

            Iranians are Turks

            Iran is a multi-ethnic country.: Every country is associated with a major ethnicity. Germans with Germany. French with France. Swedes with Sweden.

            An American is a European American.

            A Pakistani is not a Pashtoon. A Pakistani is a sindi or punjabi. A Pashtoon says I am a pashtoon from Pakistan.

            An Afghan is also a Bactrian whether Pashtoon or Dari speaking Bactrian. Dari speaking turks say they are tajiks from AFghanistan.

            Also Russia has many ethnic groups. Those ethnic groups do not call themselves either as Russians. An Uzbek citizen of Russia says he is an Uzbek from Russia. He would not say "I am Russian".

            A Kurd from Iran always says he is a Kurd from Iran. He does not say he is an Iranian. A Iranian is related to the major ethnic group in Iran. Similar to all other countries.

            An Iranian is an Azeri Turk. Iranians are turks. The rest of Iran identify their ethnicity and say that "I am Persian or Balooch or Lur etc from Iran".

            Last edited by oslonor; 06-16-2008, 02:55 PM.
            Persians and Hollywood

            A Google Blog


            • #76
              Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

              Azeri Turks Types

              There are three types of Azeri Turks:

              1. Azeri Turks in Tehran. These Azeri Turks control the regime in Iran and they are Azeri Pan Turks. That is they want to impose their race and culture on the natives of Iran. They do not use Azeri language as it is politically no possible. That may change in future. They mostly use religion in their propoganda although Azeri Turks are not even moslems.

              1. Azeri Turk nationalist in Azerbaijan. These people want to have Azeri language and customs preserved. Azeri nationalist have some conflicts with Azeri Pan Turks in Tehran.

              3. Azeri Turks in the Republic of Azerbaijan (Former Soviet Republic). These people are secular Azeri Turks. Mostly act as a client state for Azeri Turks in tehran. This is despite their public quarrels with Tehran regime.
              Persians and Hollywood

              A Google Blog


              • #77
                Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                Azeri Pan Turkism and Russia and Turkey

                Also Iran as an Azeri Turk country poses a great security risk to Russia as pan Turkism can be promoted in the whole central asia. This would change the balance of forces in the region to the favor of US as opposed to today's situation where Russia is a dominant power in the region. And this is the reason Azeri Turks are promoted by the US, both under Clinton and Bush Administrations.

                Pan Turkism in Iran is not an ally of the Pan Turks in Turkey as they have different agenda and objectives. Pan Turkism in Iran does not use turkish language as its medium for their policies as this is not feasable because of the political conditions in Iran at present time. But that may change in near future. It tries to impose its Azeri Turk culutre on the other people under the banner of "Pan-Iranism". It is necessary to point out that Azeri Turks in Iran do not have any "Iranian" or "Persian "culture" as it is evident for the last 27 years of their rule in Iran.

                Also Pan Turkism in Iran has a religious character as opposed to the anotolian secular version of Pan Turkism. That is why Pan Turkism in Iran poses even a security risk to Turkey as the Azeris might even try to impose their own version of Pan Turkism on Turkey. That is why Turkey is re-considering its alliances and distancing itself from US and may even form an alliance with Russia to oppose Azeri Pan Turks in Iran. This is actually what happened at the end of Saffavids dynasty in 1722 when both Russia and Ottomans together invaded Iran.
                Persians and Hollywood

                A Google Blog


                • #78
                  Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                  Azeri Turks have murdered thousands of people and what they are doing is not a joke. Also the policy of Turkification of Iran is carefully planned by Azeri Turk foreign sponsors. Similar policies have been carried out in other countries too.

                  Massive number of Azeri turks have been moved to Lurestan. Some of them are called "University Students". These Azeri "Students" have been involved in the rape of Lur woman. Also They have published in Newspaper calling Lurs for Turks. The regime has awarded an author of a book with prizes for writing the Lur woman are sleeping with Azeri Turks. For these reasons disturbances have been reported from Lurestan. This has led to the separation of Lur students from Azeri Turks. Also the Azeri regime has written a law to make illegal to publish the picture of Azeri Turks in any publication in order to show how Azeri Turks look like.
                  Persians and Hollywood

                  A Google Blog


                  • #79
                    Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                    I think we've got your message oslonor, now go to your lovely persian wife and make love to her or something


                    • #80
                      Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                      Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
                      I think we've got your message oslonor, now go to your lovely persian wife and make love to her or something
                      I am glad that you have waken up but this thread is not for you. It is for all armenians.
                      Persians and Hollywood

                      A Google Blog

