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Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

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  • #81
    Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

    Originally posted by oslonor View Post
    I am glad that you have waken up but this thread is not for you. It is for all armenians.
    we don't want you posting your bs here, go find a kurdish or greek forum and post there.
    For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
    to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


    • #82
      Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

      yeah, this thread is for all Armenians? What are you, a messenger of God, and we are the chosen people? So far, it's not all of us who even respond to your posts, it's just a few of us, so listen to what we have to say

      Maybe we should stalk you in the other forums you go to too.


      • #83
        Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

        Originally posted by Armanen View Post
        we don't want you posting your bs here, go find a kurdish or greek forum and post there.
        I suggest you post on a Turkish forum. This is not an appropriate forum for you.
        Persians and Hollywood

        A Google Blog


        • #84
          Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

          Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
          yeah, this thread is for all Armenians? What are you, a messenger of God, and we are the chosen people? So far, it's not all of us who even respond to your posts, it's just a few of us, so listen to what we have to say

          Maybe we should stalk you in the other forums you go to too.
          I have been posting on this forum for many years. You just appeared and declared yourself the owner of this forum. Can you present yourself so we know who you are????
          Persians and Hollywood

          A Google Blog


          • #85
            Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

            correction, part owner of this thread, which for the time being, is shared between me, you and armanen.

            If you want to be a poster here, maybe you should talk to us about other issues too? Be a good sport and participate in more things than just this azeri iranian talk we've all heard already.


            • #86
              Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

              Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
              correction, part owner of this thread, which for the time being, is shared between me, you and armanen.

              If you want to be a poster here, maybe you should talk to us about other issues too? Be a good sport and participate in more things than just this azeri iranian talk we've all heard already.
              Sorry. This is my thread and I do not have any part owners!!!!!!! I am talking about the forum. Are you the owner of this hye club? If not then you have no right to stop any thread.
              Persians and Hollywood

              A Google Blog


              • #87
                Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                ok, enjoy yourself


                • #88
                  Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                  Neo-Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks (Updated Version)

                  With the fall of Byzantine or East Roman Empire in 14 century a branch of Oghuz Turks entered Iran and built the Saffavid dynasty in Iran. Byzantine was a Greek-Roman civilization and was replaced by Ottoman Turks.

                  The Oghuz Turks who entered Iran are called Azeri Turks as they occupied North-West region of Iran or Azerbaijan province. Most of the natives of Azerbaijan were either killed or driven away from the area. These natives of Iran were Kurds who still live as neighbors of Azeri Turks in Norther west Iran.

                  In addition to killing Kurds in North West Iran, the Azeri Turks also murdered millions of native Zoarastrians and imposed a branch of Islam called Shia Islam which had very little following except in Lebanon and Bahrain with Persian Gulf.

                  The Saffavids had very little support from the Persians and other native population of Iran and were viewed with extreme hostility by the natives of Iran.

                  The Saffavids ruled between 15 century to 1722. The capital of Saffavids was in Isfahan. A combination of conspiracy within the Saffavids state by Persians in alliance with Afghans from Kandhar resulted in an attack by Afghan tribes from Kandahar and sacking the Saffavids capital in 1722. It also resulted in the mass murder of Azeri Turk Saffavids in Isfahan by Afghans and Persians. The Afghans were led by Mir-Wais Hotak the Chief of Gizali tribe in Afghanistan. Persians were led by Karim Khan Zand from the Lur tribe. This ended the Saffavid rule in Iran in 1722.

                  Mir-Wais Hotak Khan from Kandahar was called "The Protector of Persian Empire" by Afghans and Persians. A Swedish officer working for Mir-Wais Hotak's family in Kandahar describes these events in a book published in London in 1724. Karim Khan Zand from Lor tribe ruled parts of Iran for some period in 17th century.

                  With the fall of Saffavids in 17 century, Persia was ruled by Afghans. Later an Afghan Empire appeared under the leadership of Duranis.

                  In 18 century Azeri Turks built another dynasty called the Qajars. As Azeri Turks are hated very much in Iran, so the Qajars decided to have a new identity to call themselves. Due to their contacts with Europeans and finding out about ancient Aryan tribes which existed in the region for thousand years ago, the Qajars adopted the name "Iranian" to call themselves in order to associate themselves with these ancient aryan tribes.

                  "Iranian" is just a name adopted from European books in 18 century Europe. As the name "Iranian" actually comes from Europe to Iran, it makes a lot of sense to today's Europeans and Americans. But as we will see the name "Iranian" does not make any sense to the natives of Iran.

                  To the natives of Iran, the "Iranian" identity is entirely unknown. The natives of Iran identify themselves either as Moslems or with the city or region that they reside. The combination of Moslem and location completely identifies a person's identity such as race, culture and language. That is why the term "Iranian" is meaningless term to the natives of Iran as it does not specify any information about race, culture or language or generally the ethnicity of an individual.

                  To Azeri Turks the "Iranian" identity is very important as they can use it to cover and hide their ehtnicity. "Iranian" gives the impression as if there is an ethnic group called "Iranian" in Iran. There is no such ethnic group in Iran called "Iranian". There are no "Iranians" in Iran. Also "Iranian" is used to present as if Azeri Turks were involved in ancient history of Persia. Azeri Turks have created a whole new imaginary history of Iran based on the invented name "Iranian".

                  The Nobel Prize Winner, Iranian Shirin Ebadi claims: "I am an Iranian, descendant of Cyrus the Great, the Leader of Iranian Empire" in a speech in Oslo, Norway when she was receiving her Nobel Prize in Peace. This is an entirely ficticious history of Iran where the term Persian has been replaced by Iranian. Azeri Turks as citizens of Iran have suddenly become participants of ancient history of Persia.

                  There has been a Persian Empire and a Parthian Empire. But no history books have reported any "Iranian Empire". Iran had different names under different periods. Iran has been called Khorasan for a thousand year. There is a mention of "Land of Iran" by Ferdowsi in 10th century A.D. in his book Shahnameh. For Ferdowsi "The Land of Iran" is the present day Afghanistan, Samarkhand and Bokhara in Uzbekistan and Merv in Turkemenstan and Tus in Khorasan. There is no mention of Tabriz, Isfahan or Tehran. Also there is no mention of "Iranian" in his book. In reality there was no "Land of Iran" as his book is only based on epic stories and not real history.

                  Today, Azeris using the "Iranian" name are making territorial claims on parts of Afghanistan, Turkey and Iraq Recently they even have started talking about Armenians as Iranians too.

                  "Iranian" identity had no significance in Iran. Nobody in Iran addressed another native with the name Iranian.The name "Iranian" assumed a signifcance after the formation of Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979. The Islamic Republic of Iran or Azeri Turk Republic of Iran is a second version of the Saffavids from 15 century.

                  As the Azeri Turk Republic of Iran started to confront hostilities by the natives of Iran, it started desperately to use the invented "Iranian" identity to be able to promote its agenda and find a social base with the natives of Iran.

                  On other hand the natives have abandoned the use of the term "Iranian" and have started to call themselves with their ethnic affiliation. The natives of Iran identify themselves as Persians, Kurds, Lurs, Baloochs, Turcoman, Qashqaii, Bakhtiary, Gilani, Mazandarani, Khorasani (Khorasanis are mostly Afghans). As Azeris always hide their ethnic identity, the only ones who are recognized as Iranians are actually Azeri Turks themselves.

                  The ancient aryan tribes have developed into specific ethnicities and none of them use the name "Iranian". Bactrians are actually Afghans with Bactrian origin which could be a Pashtoon or a Dari speaking Afghan. Also Persians are still called Persians. There are remnants of Parthians in Khorasan and they are identified as either Persians or Afghans. The descendants of Scythians or Sakas are called Nuristanis in Afghanistan. Medes have developed into Kurds.

                  Several methods are used by Iranians (Azeris) to confuse the natives of Iran about the origin of "Pure Iranians Azeris".

                  Iranians claim that :

                  1. Persians are mixed with Arabs due to arab invasion in 6 century A.D.
                  2. Iranians and Persians are the same people.
                  3. You can not tell apart an Azeri Turk from a Persian.
                  4. Iran is not a tribal nation anymore but it is now a "beautiful Azeri Turk Iranian Nation".
                  5. There is an "Iranian Race" which is a mix of "Persians,Azeri Turks,Mongols,Arabs and Africans".
                  6. All citizens of Iran are members of the "Iranian Race" and all Look "Iranian".
                  7. "Iranians" speak diferent languages and have different political views but all look the same.
                  8. Persians were related to Persian Empire. Because there is no Persian Empire then there are no Persians either.
                  9. Persians have Blond Hair and Blue Eyes. According to this criteria, then there are no Persians in Iran.

                  To clear these false statements it is necessary to point out that Arabs have gene marker Haplogroup Eu 10. Nobody in Iran has this gene marker. In addition to that Arabs have their own sub-racial type different from both the natives and Azeri Turks. Consequently nobody is ethnically related to Arabs.

                  Persians are not a homogenous group and Persian is not a race. Natives of Iran have different origin. In anthropology Persians are defined as either Cromagnid with native origin or Nordic with Aryan origin (Iran: %35 Persian). Azeri Turks are defined as dinaric alpine (Iran: 40% Azeri). Those are entirely different people and belong to different subracial types. Due to propoganda by the regime all Iranians imagine they are Persians. That is not the case. The Persians and Iranians have entirely different cultures. Persians culture is related to ancient Persia, Central Asia and Afghanistan. Iranian Culture is related to Turks in Anatolia and Caucasus.

                  The Neo-Iranians are the Azeri Turks. Other names that Azeri Turk are called are Saffavids (insurgent groups in Iraq call Azeris for Saffavids). Also Azeris are known as Qizilbash (Red Hat) both in Afghanistan and Iraq. Qizilbash are the remnants of Saffavids army in Iraq and Afghanistan. A famous Qizilbash in Iraq is Mr. Mughtada Al Sadr who originates from the Saffavids Qizilbash army in 15 century in Iraq.

                  Another fraud scheme is inventing the name "Iranic". Nobody knows what is "Iranic" but using this term Azeris claim that the "Ottoman Empire was an "Iranic Empire" !!!!!

                  As most of the Azeri Turk or "Iranians" fruad schemes have failed, they are considering to change the name of the country Iran to Persia so they can start with a new fraud scheme called "Neo-Persians". That is Azeri Turks are planning to call themselves "Persians". So far all of their fruad schemes have failed and Azeri Turks remain Azeri Turks or Iranians.

                  To confuse people, Azeri Turks always write Iranian/Persian meaning these are the same people. This is only fraud.

                  The correct way to write Iranian is "Iranian/Azeri/Qizilbash/Saffavid".

                  Azeris are welcome to use the name "Iranian" but none of natives of Iran will use the "Iranian Identity". Azeri Turks are the only "Pure Iranians".

                  Persians and Hollywood

                  A Google Blog


                  • #89
                    Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                    this genetic chart shows that Iranians are actually Turks.

                    Persians and Hollywood

                    A Google Blog


                    • #90
                      Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                      Originally posted by oslonor View Post
                      this genetic chart shows that Iranians are actually Turks.

                      lol ok. I could pull a chart out of my ass that says chinese are the same thing as japanese too if I wanted.

                      I finally understand where your name comes from, oslonordic, so you must be norwegian?

