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Recent Influx of Immigration

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Mikoyan Scum.

    When Armenian Immigrants were arriving to Europe America, you know what reaction they got? the same as the most reactionary people on this board are stating, in that they are in some way a drain on the state. Fukk off. The only drain is the reactionary forces who refuse to allow progress to take place if it goes against their personal interests.
    puhleez... wtf are you on?????? Armenians have been constructive wherever they went. they have built rather than destroyed. they have established businesses, helped the economy. only recently (and only in Cali) do we see the rabiz "i'm on welfare but i drive a mercedes benz" types. the percentage of Armenians who have not succeeded (among the total number of Armenian immigrants) is not even comparable to the massive number of unemployed and lazy non-Armenian immigrants. know your facts before you speak.

    and what's with all the paki gangs in London these days, i keep hearing about it... they have taxi communication circuits all around the place... wtf?


    • #32
      Darorinag, youve been an 1st generation immigrant in one country, and 2nd generation in another, you should be last person to blast immigrants.

      Do you go to school? Yes, did you pay for that? No. Does that make you a drain on the state? according to your idiotic argument, yes.

      Darorinag, even before world war 2 when there were armenians in Britain coming, the right wing in the form of the "Daily Mail" used to slate them as beggars etc. They did the same to jews who fleed Nazi persecution.

      To answer the question of immigration, we must see where the idea of "nationhood" began. It is an artificial set of borders to further the interests of the ruling class. We saw this in Europe with Louis the 14th when he formalised borders around France so that he could push them further and further into Europe to increase the county's wealth. From this state was born a national army, national police and judiciary. this is the root of the class antagonisms we have today. Borders are made for ruling class interests. Who are these class's to say we cant move wherever we want?


      • #33
        Darorinag, youve been an 1st generation immigrant in one country, and 2nd generation in another, you should be last person to blast immigrants.
        What I am has nothing to do with who I blast. For example, just because I am an Armenian doesn't mean I cannot be a revisionist or a denialist w.r.t the "holocaust." Ditto for immigration.

        Do you go to school? Yes, did you pay for that? No. Does that make you a drain on the state? according to your idiotic argument, yes.
        Yes, I go to school. Yes, I pay for my tuition 100%. So don't assume things about me. I have NOT received anything from the government. Not even treatment coverage for Christ's sake. If you don't know about me and what I had to go through because the govenment refused to provide aid to me in special circumstances (and I am not talking about university here, university is a non-issue compared to what I'm talking about, but I'm not gonna go there), and in the meanwhile made welfare payments to undeserving, unskilled immigrants, THEN you would know what I'm talking about.

        They did the same to jews who fleed Nazi persecution.
        Yeah yeah, way to assume another thing. Nazi persecution? Have you heard about the jewish hospital that openly operated in Berlin throughout WW2? I'm not gonna go into a discussion about the "holocaust" in this thread, but do read up some politically incorrect material. But I'm assuming your communist mind is not interested in political incorrectness, but rather at making all minds think alike.

        To answer the question of immigration, we must see where the idea of "nationhood" began. It is an artificial set of borders to further the interests of the ruling class.
        Please.. territories divided by tribes have always existed, long before there was the concept of "class." It is impossible to have no nationhood. There is a reason we are different, and there is a reason why there have always been wars between different people. as long as there's difference, there will always be problems because of that difference, and there will always be hierarchies. if there is no patriarchism, there will be matriarchism. there can't be a single moment in which the two are absolutely equal.

        Borders are made for ruling class interests. Who are these class's to say we cant move wherever we want?
        Borders have always existed. people have always felt inclined to mark territory and make it "theirs." LONG LONG before there was the idea of class or economy.


        • #34
          "and in the meanwhile made welfare payments to undeserving, unskilled immigrants, THEN you would know what I'm talking about"
          -When you can prove all immigrants are undeserving and unskilled then you can talk
          -Look at statistics, majority of immigrants go abroad with a diploma

          "But I'm assuming your communist mind is not interested in political incorrectness, but rather at making all minds think alike. "
          -Nope, in all communist organisations the principle of debate and democracy is the core of the organisation.
          -This is then transfered onto a society where discussion and debate takes place
          -Its highly ironic you say this, when your the victim of right wing press who spreaad viscious lies about immigrants.

          "Please.. territories divided by tribes have always existed, long before there was the concept of "class." It is impossible to have no nationhood. There is a reason we are different, and there is a reason why there have always been wars between different people. as long as there's difference, there will always be problems because of that difference, and there will always be hierarchies. if there is no patriarchism, there will be matriarchism. there can't be a single moment in which the two are absolutely equal."
          -You think there are no agnostic differences in tribes pre-capitalism? You think the chief is equal to a warrior? no, this is why each tribe has a set of warriors to protect the chiefs interests. This has been the case in Africa on a much larger scale, due to the ruling class in each segment setting its toiling class against others See hutus and tutsis
          -Nationhood has only been around for the last 300-400 years....
          -Armenia is was made of several groupings, how is it they all managed to survive?
          -wtf is this patriarch xxxx you talk of?

          "Borders have always existed. people have always felt inclined to mark territory and make it "theirs." LONG LONG before there was the idea of class or economy."
          -Like i said, the idea of territory came about 400 years ago, proposed by the ruling class, not by ordinary peasants who were taxed blood for the King.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Darorinag
            I don't think all human beings are "created equal".
            Vayyyy, how racist of you to say that!!!! How dare you!!!
            this post = teh win.


            • #36
              Ironcally the oppressed gay guy is the biggest discriminator in here.


              • #37
                Strangely so in this twisted world.
                Achkerov kute.


                • #38
                  I was planning on reading this thread but it is too long. So I will not.

                  I think immigration laws would not need to be any stricter if we did not have such an issue with the Mexicans. Mexican illegals should be thrown out with their families, including the ones that were born here. Anybody that comes near the border planning to cross illegally should be shot. And the people in political office that think illegals should get driver's licenses and free education should be tortured to death. If we cleaned up the issue with the southern border, we would be fine. The fact that people come here like that and take our tax money and then have kids who become citizens who will soon be a majority voting population and would elect stupid people to office is very frustrating. And I do not need anybody telling me that they take the jobs nobody wants. That suggests that the survival of United States is dependant on uneducated Mexicans. Absurd. The economy will adjust itself.


                  • #39
                    This is like the latter stages of the Roman empire when in 212 A.D. Caracalla granted Roman citizenship to the entire freeborn population of the empire.
                    Achkerov kute.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by patlajan Ironcally the oppressed gay guy is the biggest discriminator in here.
                      I never said I am oppressed, at least I NO LONGER claim I am. I left the gay rights movement some time ago. I am sick of the whining and b*tching.

                      -When you can prove all immigrants are undeserving and unskilled then you can talk
                      99% of immigrants to Canada are from India or China. 99% of the 99% have no diplomas. The communist obviously hasn't taken the bus. But then again, maybe they don't have many Pakis or Indians in Manchester, eh?
                      What do you consider "skilled".. anyone can work at Macdonalds... That is definitely NOT skilled. Skilled means something else. It means either a degree from university or a vocation, something most of the Chinese and Indian immigrants coming from not-so-mainland provinces/areas don't have.

                      Seapahn, relax, I was trying to show the irony in what you said, and in your previous arguments with me about the same issue.

