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notes / comments

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  • Re: notes / comments

    Originally posted by tunot
    Actually, I'm after a bit of stability. For people to stop talking of miscegenation because we are constantly under the threat of being on the verge of extinction. Is that too much to ask? Unless you want to continue belonging to a nation that is worthless through and through and better off extinct than surviving just for the sake of survival. When you hated being an Armenian, you knew much more of your heritage than you do now, since you've been blinded by our pathetic history, which our books like to embellish and which you now like to believe is god-sent truth. Try and remember why you hated being an Armenian so much and you may begin to understand what is ailing us as a nation and why we are still complaining about being on the verge of extinction.
    When I hated my heritage, I did not spend time with other Armenians other than my family. Then, as I began speaking the language more and more out of my own interest, I started mingling with other speakers of the language, I felt more comfortable. I got to get more of a feel for what kind of people the speakers of our language are. I used to be prejudiced against them because I thought the language was ugly, their pride was ugly. I think I've learned more since then and not vice versa tunot.

    To this day, I don't share the pride they're indoctorined in our private schools, however, they're normal people just like the everyone else, and we share heritage in common, so we can communicate and come together in our unique way. Why throw this away? For what? What do you get out of throwing it away tunot?

    Originally posted by arabaliozian
    Armenians should embrace themselves and cherish their heritage?
    i would amend that: we should reject that which is weak and evil within us,and accept that which is good and constructive.

    we should reject a culture of treason and subservience.
    and develop self-reliance.
    Yeah, that's a fairer way of putting it.


    • Re: notes / comments

      Originally posted by arabaliozian
      Armenians should embrace themselves and cherish their heritage?
      i would amend that: we should reject that which is weak and evil within us,and accept that which is good and constructive.

      we should reject a culture of treason and subservience.
      and develop self-reliance.
      I agree about treason and subservience, but what is good and evil?
      Achkerov kute.


      • Re: notes / comments

        Perhaps he's refering to the insanity we're capable of practicing. I respect his choice of words anyway.


        • Re: notes / comments

          Originally posted by Anonymouse
          I agree about treason and subservience, but what is good and evil?
          Evil is treason and subservience. You may now guess what good is.


          • Re: notes / comments

            Originally posted by tunot
            Evil is treason and subservience. You may now guess what good is.
            I don't disagree there, but to me good and evil as a concept is relative, and it is all a matter of perspective and circumstance. And you will come to see, that what one considers treason another considers his pleasure or right.
            Last edited by Anonymouse; 06-26-2006, 09:22 PM.
            Achkerov kute.


            • Re: notes / comments

              Originally posted by Anonymouse
              I don't disagree there, but to me good and evil as a concept is relative, and it is all a matter of perspective and circumstance. And you will come to see, that what one considers treason another considers his pleasure or right.
              You say one thing x month and another a few months later... I don't want to dig through what you've said before, so I'll ask you to clarify. I wonder if I see the conflict because I've already done what you are thinking...

              Do you think there is right and wrong? Do you think right and wrong is all relative? You've argued for both. Long ago, I asked you about cultural relativism.

              On a side note, I really enjoy reading these random thoughts on this thread.
              They are full of wisdom.
              I dig this stuff.
              People should maybe even take notes.
              Last edited by Anahita; 06-26-2006, 11:07 PM.


              • Re: notes / comments

                Originally posted by Anahita
                You say one thing x month and another a few months later... I don't want to dig through what you've said before, so I'll ask you to clarify. I wonder if I see the conflict because I've already done what you are thinking...

                Do you think there is right and wrong? Do you think right and wrong is all relative? You've argued for both. Long ago, I asked you about cultural relativism.

                On a side note, I really enjoy reading these random thoughts on this thread.
                They are full of wisdom.
                I dig this stuff.
                People should maybe even take notes.

                Perspectivism should not confuse the fact that no two ideas or things can hold equal weight.
                Achkerov kute.


                • Re: notes / comments

                  Originally posted by Anonymouse
                  I don't disagree there, but to me good and evil as a concept is relative, and it is all a matter of perspective and circumstance. And you will come to see, that what one considers treason another considers his pleasure or right.
                  If it makes our nation continue to exist as it is, then it's evil, because it is forcing us to be weak against our enemies, it is forcing us into a position which makes us vulnerable for another genocide, and it is forcing us to be under the constant threat of being on the verge of extinction.


                  • Re: notes / comments

                    Originally posted by tunot
                    If it makes our nation continue to exist as it is, then it's evil, because it is forcing us to be weak against our enemies, it is forcing us into a position which makes us vulnerable for another genocide, and it is forcing us to be under the constant threat of being on the verge of extinction.
                    Well, I don't think that will happen, but other genocides will happen unless people like Armenian survivors (and a few others around the world) know enough to stop.

                    YOU CAN LITERALLY STOP A GENOCIDE, right now!! [url] link later
                    Last edited by Anahita; 06-27-2006, 02:36 AM.


                    • Re: notes / comments

                      Tuesday, June 27, 2006
                      Everything I say about Armenians is a confession. I invent nothing. When I observe a tendency or a contradiction in myself (such as, to brag or to wallow in self-pity, or to pretend to be better than I am by ignoring my shortcomings in the hope that others will not take notice of them) I make sure that these are results of my Armenian upbringing and education rather than personal failings.
                      The trouble with fanatics is that once they get hold of an idea, they cease asking questions and entertaining doubts. As a former fanatic, whenever I subscribe to an idea I now consider its opposite and invariably I see some merit in it. When Marx said, “I am not a Marxist,” I suspect that’s what he was doing too. It is such a pity that his followers appropriated his assertions but rejected his doubts.
                      On the day they reject the validity of doubts and the importance of dissent, empires begin to dig their own graves. You may now draw your own conclusions about nations and tribes or, for that matter, collections of tribes that pretend to be nations.
                      Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), German philosopher and historian: “Real historical vision belongs to the domain of significances in which the crucial words are not ‘correct’ and ‘erroneous, but ‘deep’ and ‘shallow’.”
                      Arnold J. Toynbee (1889-1975), British historian: “It is unlikely that a writer will not retract some of his previous propositions if he has reconsidered them genuinely.”
                      John Constable (1776-1837), British painter: “No two days are alike, not even two hours; neither were there two leaves alike since the creation of the world.”

