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notes / comments

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  • Re: notes / comments

    I am not "cultured" I am just a simpleton.

    there is an old saying:
    "after shaking hands with an armenian simpleton,
    count your fingers!" / ara


    • Re: notes / comments

      Originally posted by arabaliozian
      I am not "cultured" I am just a simpleton.

      there is an old saying:
      "after shaking hands with an armenian simpleton,
      count your fingers!" / ara
      hahahaha.... that's a funny one.


      • Re: notes / comments

        Originally posted by arabaliozian
        Who qualifies as an intellectual? Anyone who has mastered the difficult art of thinking against himself.
        You have a long road ahead then, if you hop in my bus, I am willing to give you a ride there.
        Achkerov kute.


        • Re: notes / comments

          Wednesday, November 08, 2006
          HERE WE GO AGAIN
          “You don’t always practice what you preach,” I am sometimes informed by disappointed readers. To which I can only say, “Here we go again!”
          First of all, I am neither a preacher nor a propagandist (same thing). If I were, I would be paid for my work. But like everyone else, including preachers and their dupes, I stand for certain things (such as tolerance and solidarity) and am against others (censorship and authoritarianism…both in the name of patriotism, of course). That doesn’t make me a preacher, just an average Joe who values common sense and decency over charlatanism.
          So much for my positives. On the negative side, I am willing to concede that I have little patience with and no sympathy whatever for anonymous and faceless hoodlums who take pleasure in flinging mud at me hoping some of it will stick. They may even think if they make themselves repellent enough I may give up in disgust and fall silent. This may indeed happen some day, but not yet – at least not today and probably not tomorrow.
          However, I am willing to compromise and make the following solemn promise. On the day I achieve perfection, I may see the wisdom in bullies and liars, and on the day I achieve sainthood, I may forgive and love them. In the meantime, my advice is: Don’t hold your breath!


          • Re: notes / comments

            Originally posted by arabaliozian
            I am not "cultured" I am just a simpleton.

            there is an old saying:
            "after shaking hands with an armenian simpleton,
            count your fingers!" / ara
            That is funny.
            So were you able to read past my comment that triggered your response?


            • Re: notes / comments

              Originally posted by gmd
              An unclean swine cannot be butchered for consumption, but the unclean Armenian can be butchered so that his wealth can be consumed.
              Totally deep, dude.
              Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


              Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


              • Re: notes / comments

                Originally posted by gmd
                That is funny.
                So were you able to read past my comment that triggered your response?
                He can't go past anything that does not paint him in glorious colors. He has deep resentment and anger towards Armenians because a great majority of self-respecting Armenians have rejected his warped ideology and his lack of intellect. As a result, he lashes out at us. Read his writing closely, its all about his hurt ego.
                Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                • Re: notes / comments

                  Originally posted by Armenian
                  He can't go past anything that does not paint him in glorious colors. He has deep resentment and anger towards Armenians because a great majority of self-respecting Armenians have rejected his warped ideology and his lack of intellect. As a result, he lashes out at us. Read his writing closely, its all about his hurt ego.
                  I understand and value what you say. I also have learned alot from reading your posts along with others on this forum.

                  Since I am not familiar with Paron Baliozian or his work I can enjoy it for what it appears to be, entertainment. I guess I am taking it as amusing that everyone against him is a xooligan.


                  • Re: notes / comments

                    Originally posted by Armenian
                    He can't go past anything that does not paint him in glorious colors. He has deep resentment and anger towards Armenians because a great majority of self-respecting Armenians have rejected his warped ideology and his lack of intellect. As a result, he lashes out at us. Read his writing closely, its all about his hurt ego.
                    Strange thing is, he was once one of those "self-respecting Armenians", or if you wish, behaved like one. What do you think made him change?


                    • Re: notes / comments

                      Originally posted by jgk3
                      Strange thing is, he was once one of those "self-respecting Armenians", or if you wish, behaved like one. What do you think made him change?
                      He was a "self-respecting" Armenian, according to who?

                      Self-respecting Armenians don't "change" their ideological commitment to the nation. Nonetheless, during the past fifteen to twenty years I have periodically come across many of his self-hating rantings. Thus, I can tell you that at no point in his life was he a "self-respecting" Armenian.

                      A whiner - perhaps. A self-respecting Armenian - no way.

                      Being a self-respecting 'Armenian' should help one supercede, overcome, petty sociological isues, such as the ones our "intellectual" loves to beat to death. Being an Armenian supercedes the individual. A self-respecting Armenian looks to glorify the 'nation' not his ego. A self-respecting Armenian seeks to defends the nation at all costs, regardless of ethics. A self-respecting Armenian gives his/herself to the Armenian nation, regardless of whether or not he/she is appreciated.

                      We need loud and clear voices of nationalism and ethno-centrism within the Armenian Diaspora. We need real intellectuals, not egos. We need thinkers, not whiners. We need leaders, not self-haters. The Armenian Diaspora is dying a slow death, and people like our "intellectual" here are acting as willing catalysts for this death.

                      I, personally, have more than enough reasons to dislike perhaps most Armenians alive today. But my ideological commitment to my nation, my selfless dedication to Armenian causes, helps me overlook the current degradation that our people suffer. And this "intellectual" in our midst is a shining example of the degradation that is eating away at our nation.

                      The Fatherland is 'above' any individual.
                      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:

