Re: What do you consider more important.....
Where do you get this propaganda from? Always? That is not true, and I wish you knew that.
It absolutely qualifies for disqualification, because you are not considering why so many Asians score so much lower than the lowest educated African Americans, or why so many African Americans score much higher than so many whites, or why so many whites score much higher than so many Asians. All of the exceptions have reasons. You're just not looking at them, resorting instead to the easiest possible conclusion, namely that it is only, and only, a biological factor.
I think Africans, out of all things, have contributed more to music around the globe, including classical music (many white composers were inspired by African music), than any other race in the world.
You clearly need a few more years of growth before speaking so confidently about truth.
No one denies the reality of different races. Instead, there is an "opportunity for all" policy, and I don't see what is wrong with that. As long as people like you continue to believe that nothing can come out of these so-called lower class of men, and you don't even try to do anything about, the situation will indeed never change. Have you ever tried to educate blacks? What came out of it? Did they learn more than you expected? Are they able to score higher now on Western-designed IQ-tests than before you started teaching them? What if you had been born and raised into a rabiz environment that did not promote and support education? How far from the tree would you have fallen?
Originally posted by Anonymouse
That exceptions to the rule exist does not in any way disqualify the rule.
Moreover, while you do not agree with the definition of high civilization or high culture, it remains that most of the worlds contributions have been a result of the Caucasian and Asian races, with Africa and blacks having a horrible track record.
Such an observation and statement is not racist, contrary to what you may think, but it is the simple and sublime truth.
Currently conventional wisdom informs us that there is no such thing as race, although there can be racists (one wonders how racists can exist if there are no races).