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Would you marry a person who isn't Armenian?

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  • Originally posted by Anonymouse This is my choice you culture less bastard. I don't impose my choices on anyone, this is my personal choice, what part of that don't you comprehend? There is no contradiction here. It is of my own volition. You keep dragging this issue of culture more than anyone since it bothers you so much that others choose to marry within their culture. What's your hang up with this?
    I have no issue with people marrying in their own culture. Nor do I have any issue with you marrying in your own culture. What I take issue with is the spirit of divisiveness that causes people to see each other in terms of ethnicity. You might find a girl who shares your political views, has read all of the books you have read, and who even buys into your esoteric religious leanings. She would have more in common with you than any Armenian you are ever likely to find, and still you would not even allow yourself to get close to her. Not only is that close-minded, but it's sad. You'd be denying yourself a wonderful opportunity because of lack of blood relation. You say that blood runs deeper than water, and I say that brainwaves run deeper than all.

    Furthermore, it is the spirit of ethnocentricity evidenced by many of you here that leads to cultural wars and even genocides. It is a falsehood and a vice to divide people and choose who you will love, who you will hate, and who you will be indifferent toward based on ethnicity.


    • Originally posted by fIReBuRntInHeLL There is no excuse for armenians to marry odars, unless the odar is willing to learn armenian and agrees that his/her children have to go armenian school. For the ones who think there is no big deal to marry non armenian then he/she better not consider him/herself armenian beccause i will get MAD. our ancestors sacrifced themselves, died to keep their narioanlity at any price, and still we have some morons who say they dont care! if you dont care then get out of armenian society and live like odar. Since we dont live in our country we owe to marry armenians, we owe to raise our children fanatic armenians until the end!!!!
      It is this very attitude that will cause the death of all of humanity, not just Armenians. You guys criticize the megolomania and jingoism of the United States, then you come back with this. Shame on you. This is the same way the English and the Irish feel, the same way the Arabs and the Jews feel, the same way Indians and Pakistanis feel, and this is why they kill each other.


      • Originally posted by Nimrod Loseyourname needs to realize that that the ID of the culture vanishes and that is what essentially happens to the ethnicity. He needs to see the historical facts because this happened to many civilization just as "unique" as the Armenians e.g. Aztecs Mayas Incas and also the Assyrians whom still as of today are trying to find a culture to at least assimilate in and belong because they already are suffering the consequentials effects of their culture's pseudoness and lack of care to preseve. Hey you do not have to take my word for it just observe their history they technically cease to exist since they do not have their own land or soil or anything of theirs anymore, yet nations like England continue to pursue their goals and rise to the top while other places like France is soon to be overpopulated with non-French citizens which wil eventually result in an overthrow of the "French" ideals. Once a culture mixes they soon as the years progress, they forget and once they forget they no longer exist, hence Assyrians. The only ones that actually exist today as Assyrians are the mixes with either Armenian Persian Arab and even Italian or others. Therefore, I say to you all do what is RIGHT not what some mediocre minded unaware expects you to do out of his selfishness.
        Anakin needs to realize that all things must pass, especially distinct cultures based on nothing but blood relation between people that have little in common other than experience, geography, and physical traits.

        Indeed, do what is right, and quit viewing yourself as "us" and everybody else as "them." We are all human and we are all individuals, distinct from one another because of that. We all have a lot to learn from each other, and it isn't going to happen so long as you insulate yourself and cling to this archaic tribalism that leads to ethnic bloodshed and genocides.


        • You'll have to excuse me for being sappy here, but remember the spirit of John Lennon:

          "Imagine there's no countries; it isn't hard to do. Nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too. Imagine all the people living life in peace."


          • [i][/SIZE]


            $%^&.... [/B]
            Nicely said!


            • Originally posted by loseyourname I have no issue with people marrying in their own culture. Nor do I have any issue with you marrying in your own culture. What I take issue with is the spirit of divisiveness that causes people to see each other in terms of ethnicity. You might find a girl who shares your political views, has read all of the books you have read, and who even buys into your esoteric religious leanings. She would have more in common with you than any Armenian you are ever likely to find, and still you would not even allow yourself to get close to her. Not only is that close-minded, but it's sad. You'd be denying yourself a wonderful opportunity because of lack of blood relation. You say that blood runs deeper than water, and I say that brainwaves run deeper than all.

              Furthermore, it is the spirit of ethnocentricity evidenced by many of you here that leads to cultural wars and even genocides. It is a falsehood and a vice to divide people and choose who you will love, who you will hate, and who you will be indifferent toward based on ethnicity.
              Ethnocentricity? Well of course it can lead to wars and genocides, but that's politics, politics thrives off of mass mindedness. Armenians are a little people with a history that is not similar to most people, and in fact have always been for the most part the ones that suffered aggression. That is why they stick to themselves. This has nothing to do with ethnocentricity, and I assure you Armenians don't have a superiority complex nor think the world evolves around their culture. It is precisely the opposite, and what impels Armenians, for the most part, to mind themselves.

              Loserwithnoname, you are dragging this issue longer than anyone else. We all stated our opinions and your incessant whining doesn't stop. Like I said, what is your hang up with this? Why does this bother you more than us? Do you like an Armenian girl who can't like you because you're not Armenian?

              For the thousandth xxxxing time, I will not marry someone who is not Armenian, because I am culturally conscious of myself. If I wasn't it would be no problem, and many Armenians do marry non-Armenians. I happen to come from a very traditional family so ergo it is my choice to marry within. Now we all stated our opinions and it seems you're the only close and narrow minded idiot that can't fathom it.
              Achkerov kute.


              • Originally posted by loseyourname It is this very attitude that will cause the death of all of humanity, not just Armenians. You guys criticize the megolomania and jingoism of the United States, then you come back with this. Shame on you. This is the same way the English and the Irish feel, the same way the Arabs and the Jews feel, the same way Indians and Pakistanis feel, and this is why they kill each other.
                Her views do not reflect mine. But like I said, you can't understand my position nor any Armenians' position because you aren't Armenian, nor do you understand the history.

                Second of all, if we take your proposal to its logical ends, and we all mix, that will again eventually create different cultures. No one stays uniform. No matter how you like it or not, mankind always finds a different way for each group to express themselves.
                Achkerov kute.


                • I know her views don't reflect yours. Like I said, I've been a little too hard on you and you probably don't deserve it. She, however, does, as does Nimrod as similarly minded people. I have no qualms with you about who you marry, Mousy. It makes no difference to me, nor does it make any difference to me who anybody else here marries. Thankfully, the Armenian girls I know and am friends with do not share the ethnocentric views espoused here by many.

                  I do not envision a utopian soceity devoid of culture, as I said. I have no problem with culture, and I embrace it. But I embrace intellectual culture, not ethnic culture. You do not have any shared history with anybody beyond your 21 years, and chances are you have more in common with me than you do with a girl like fire or TATA.

                  We have stated our opinions on who we will marry and as I said before, I don't care. That is not my issue. It is a personal decision that is none of my business. But, as you noted, the discussion has gone well beyond that, and furthermore, I was not the one to resurrect this thread.


                  • Intellectual culture is at some point a product of ethnic culture, in fact "culture" already implies that it is a product of that given society.
                    Achkerov kute.


                    • I enjoy French literature, Italian films, American sports, British music, and Socratic ideals. Do you suggest that this is a product of the inclusive melting pot that is cultureless southern California?

