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To impress a woman, a man.

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  • Originally posted by ckBejug
    You're delusional if you think that men and women can't be qual. Men may surpass women in some things, just as women surpass men in other things, but on certain levels it's very much a fact that men and women are equal and it's quite refreshing to see a guy who wants a girl he's with to be his equal. Comprende?
    CkBejug, you are such an egalitarian. Now submit to me, like a purring kitten!

    - Anonymouse


    • You women are intolerant. Don't worry, I don't intend for any of you to "submit to me", nor can I make you submit. Women who are submissive are so be default, no one has to make them.
      Achkerov kute.


      • who said that being vulgar and masculine are the same in the first place?

        i dont really give a crap if i spelled it incorrectly, you understood the word and its meaning, so end of story.

        the whole point of my post was saying that :

        there are some feminist woman, who do not understand its meaning. They think by being a feminist they should not shave, wear bras and what not in order to be taken as equal to men or being taken seriously. But by doing this, it goes against being feminin, and it does nothing to solve the problem of achieving womans equal rights and respect.

        The idea of that is wrong, it goes against its true meaning. Its not a way to have others think you are equal. Its just lame.

        so do you understand what i was getting at allmighty high one ?
        Last edited by spookyghost; 04-30-2004, 02:39 PM.
        words are meaningless and forgettable...
        words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm.


        • anons arguement had nothing to do with equality of woman . His idea of femininity is different. It doesnt mean he wants a woman to submit to him and become his slave, or to have less rights and respect then him.

          you guys cant read or something ? snap out of it already
          words are meaningless and forgettable...
          words are very unnecessary, they can only do harm.


          • It is a constant obssesion with Anonymouse in this forum, it is begining to get kind of old however. For some reason, most of the forum members (not naming names) tend to "pick on" or question Anonymouse constantly. I have a theory to this, I believe it is because he (Anon) comes out as a dominant, free spirit, knowledgable, self sattisfied, with his own ideas and opinions, type of person and most forumers want to see if they can "break" that quality of his.


            • I can't believe one opinion I stated on page 3 or something, turned out to reach into 2 threads. It's safe to say that some of you women really misunderstood what I said, whether intentionally or not, and in turn reflected your own intolerance toward someone that dares question mainstream wisdom or reflect what some of you may deem "ancient" values.

              I define femininity as a woman who gives her power to her man in return for love. This is what makes her feminine. When a man has to barter or compromise or "share" their power for love, they become women. Men trade love for power. Whether this sturs you up or not, or whether ladies realize it or not, they can't love a man whom they can control. That is why those relationships in which women are either dominant or power is shared, always never works. A woman must look up to the man, sort of like the God principle. Lo and behold I have now officially outstayed my welcome. I gladly await the charged responses.
              Achkerov kute.


              • You are sooo right anonymouse!!! Women can't control men if they do they loose interest and it becomes a constant argument. A women should not portray herself as the dominant in the relationship, The man should play that role. And this is from personal experience.


                • Originally posted by DvlzAdvocate
                  It is a constant obssesion with Anonymouse in this forum, it is begining to get kind of old however. For some reason, most of the forum members (not naming names) tend to "pick on" or question Anonymouse constantly. I have a theory to this, I believe it is because he (Anon) comes out as a dominant, free spirit, knowledgable, self sattisfied, with his own ideas and opinions, type of person and most forumers want to see if they can "break" that quality of his.
                  To put it simply, you're wrong.
                  The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


                  • Anon jan...I think you're digging yourself into a deeper hole. There are some men who like to be dominated because they simply can't handle the responsibility that comes with being a man. If you think you are man enough to wear the pants in the family and be the MANLY MAN that you so are.... , then one day, you'll find a girl who loves and appreciates you for it. Just stop making the same point.....I think you're giving people the wrong impression of you.

                    Alright's about 5pm and I'm going home from work. I am VERY VERY VERY tired and I hope you all have a wonderful Friday night, cuz I know I sure will!!!

                    It's just too bad I have work tomorrow!!!! But, for now, I'll enjoy my freedom!

                    The Violettor


                    • Originally posted by DvlzAdvocate
                      You are sooo right anonymouse!!! Women can't control men if they do they loose interest and it becomes a constant argument. A women should not portray herself as the dominant in the relationship, The man should play that role. And this is from personal experience.
                      Thank you, I have now several of you kind ladies who have at least been tolerant of my opinion. I now raise my champagne glass in your honor. Cheers!

                      Achkerov kute.

