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  • #71
    Originally posted by ExtraHye
    Bruin, guys wouldn't have this problems if they thought with their brains, and not their little buddies. All guys want is sex, and no responsibilities. If a girl tricks them into marriage, then more power to them. Don't think anyone would do something like that if the guy showed he thought about the future, and not just sex.
    This is just sad... and if you really believe that, I trully feel sorry for you as you have a very warped perspective on reality.

    As far as legalized prostitution, just look at Nevada and Holland. I don't see the fabric of society disintegrating and all hell breaking loose with drugs and crack filling the streets. Heck you even have pot legalized in Holland and still it's not the hell on earth that the conservative "thou shalt not"s have been preaching for so long.

    A simple parallel with legalizing prostitution is the legalization of the porn industry. Somewhere some clever people realized you can't really legislate porn out of people's lives so instead, they decided to control it as opposed to fight it. Now it is a highly successful and organized industry instead of being a disease infested 2-bit back alley operation that it would have turned into.

    What's the benefit? Well, now you can legaly oversee these operations and really go after those mother fathers that are abusing under age girls and trying to take advantage of them for profit. So now think ... which one was the lesser "evil"?
    Last edited by Sip; 05-05-2004, 04:43 PM.
    this post = teh win.


    • #72
      Originally posted by Crimson Glow
      ExtraHye: And exactly what type of a marriage is a girl who uses tactics like that expecting? If the guy can't committe to a girl, you're expecting to raise a family with that guy???
      No, I don't see a guy like that raising a family. In fact, don't think "I" would ever do something that underhanded. But I do understand why some girls would do something that drastic. Some guys need a wakeup call like that.
      Last edited by ExtraHye; 05-05-2004, 05:09 PM.


      • #73
        if you Legalize prostitution it would mean that the buisness would increase? because it becomes legale. right?It's easier, now thats it's a free market, and then there is llegal buisnesses who probably wont dissapear because
        who would want to pay more than 2 times more when you can pay much less at the illegal xxxxxhouses!?

        Now you're saying that you dont see any problem with prostitution. Well, there are plenty of problems that many aren't aware of. First of all girls that are forced into prostitution. Im not speaking about call-girls or "high class" prostitutes, most of them are not of that kind.
        Maybe you dont see any problem with girls prostituting themselves and everyone has their own opinion, or ideology. But how do you solve the problem with thousands of girls who are sold in India, in turkey, in eastern europe against their will?
        Last edited by Tres Bien; 05-05-2004, 05:12 PM.


        • #74
          Originally posted by ExtraHye
          No, I don't see a guy like that raising a family. In fact, don't think "I" would ever do something that underhanded. But I do understand why some girls would do something that drastic. Some guys need a wakeup call like that.
 point was HOW is that a wake up call? If you're the woman, you just fuked yourself over (no pun intended). So now you've trapped a guy who has no interest in marrying you, AND you're demented and selfish enough to bring a child into this situation??? And WHY would you want to trap a guy like this into marrying you? I wouldn't call that a wake up call. That's better classified as low self esteem. A woman with an ounce of pride would look for a guy interested in her, not try and force one who ISN'T interested into marrying her by bringing a baby into a dysfunctional relationship. I didn't say YOU'D do it. I'm just wondering how you find this to be a wake up call, or how you "understand" why some women would do that.


          • #75
            Originally posted by spiral
            Yes she does have reason to be proud. She should be proud that she does not allow her arrogance to stand in the way of her family?s well being. She should be proud that she?s able to provide for her family. She?s not begging for money, nor is she waiting for someone?s pitiful generosity. Most importantly, she is not degrading herself in any way.
            I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be all that proud of doing a menial, no skill job to support a family. I'm sure she had her reasons, being an immigrant and all, but as a native of this country who will have a college degree before I actually have kids, there is no way in hell I would ever be serving anybody to bring home the bacon.

            ?and as far as prositution as a means for living. Bullsh!t! They can go scrub toilets, and they would have far more respect than having everyone screw them like they?re crap with no value, and be referred to as xxxxxes, and xxxxxs.
            Spiral, do you honestly not see that successful prostitutes who make a great deal of money and enjoy their work do not feel degraded and do not care whether or not you think they are being degraded? I don't think it's degrading at all. They are exchanging a service for pay, same as many other jobs. Some of them are very well protected, and only service select clientele that they get along with. Many of them even serve submissive men, in which case it is the prostitute who is ordering around the john.

            Originally posted by tres bien
            if you Legalize prostitution it would mean that the buisness would increase? because it becomes legale. right?It's easier, now thats it's a free market, and then there is llegal buisnesses who probably wont dissapear because
            who would want to pay more than 2 times more when you can pay much less at the illegal xxxxxhouses!?
            If you legalize it, more agents will be able to get into the business. Increase the supply, also lower the costs (no more paying to get out of jail and such) and the price will lower a great deal. You should take a beginning course in economics before you come in here with this nonsense. All legalized industries have lower prices than their illegal counterparts.

            This is from the Consumer's Union Report:

            An addict who shifts from black-market heroin to morphine by prescription moves into another world. Suppose, for example, that be has been paying $20 a day for 40 milligrams of heroin mixed with 360 milligrams of hazardous adulterants and contaminants. An-ned with a prescription, he can walk into almost any neighborhood pharmacy and secure pure morphine, U.S.P., safely diluted in an appropriate vehicle, and sterilely packaged, at the full retail price of $5 per dram or less. He thus pays about five cents for 40 milligrams of morphine. If heroin were stocked in pharmacies, he could buy 40 milligrams of it, too, on prescription, for about a nickel-as British addicts do.

            The question is obvious: Why shouldn't the addict be encouraged to secure his opiates legally, on prescription, in pure form, for a nickel a day, rather than be forced by federal and state laws to spend $20 per day in the heroin black market?


            • #76
              Originally posted by Crimson Glow
              Inna: Not sure how someone could be proud of that position. I mean, basically, here's a guy/gal telling you "not ONLY am I too good to clean my OWN bathrooms, I'm going to make YOU do it for me!" Yup! True honor, there.
              -It was kinda different in my mom’s situation..she took care of an older woman who was no longer able to take care of herself

              Originally posted by Spiral
              Yes she does have reason to be proud. She should be proud that she does not allow her arrogance to stand in the way of her family’s well being. She should be proud that she’s able to provide for her family. She’s not begging for money, nor is she waiting for someone’s pitiful generosity. Most importantly, she is not degrading herself in any way.
              -Thank you spiral

              Originally posted by Crimson Glow
              Contrary to your opinion, most people look at someone who cleans toilets in the same respect as you're referring to prostitutes; Worthless. Not to mention, they'd probably be making way more as 5luts. So if you're going to degrade yourself (and yes, cleaning someone ELSES toilet is pretty degrading by most people's books), may as well make the most money doing it while you're at it.
              -If I had found out that the way my mom fed me was by selling her body I would lose all respect for her….prostitution is not the only fact it’s the last choice any woman should have to ever make if she is faced with financial problems.

              Originally posted by Seapahn
              As far as legalized prostitution, just look at Nevada and Holland. I don't see the fabric of society disintegrating and all hell breaking loose with drugs and crack filling the streets. Heck you even have pot legalized in Holland and still it's not the hell on earth that the conservative "thou shalt not"s have been preaching for so long.
              -Holland is a small country. Its easier to keep things under control in a small country, but with a country as big as the US then the government needs to find a better solution.

              Originally posted by loseyourname
              I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be all that proud of doing a menial, no skill job to support a family. I'm sure she had her reasons, being an immigrant and all, but as a native of this country who will have a college degree before I actually have kids, there is no way in hell I would ever be serving anybody to bring home the bacon.
              -That is exactly my point…if these women had a college education then they would never be in the position of even thinking about prostituting themselves…society has to come up with some way to stop these women from making mistakes while their young…then problems will be solved, at least some problems, you’d still have those few women who feel that they, in some weird way, enjoy selling themselves…I came to this country to have a better education, a better life yet everyday I see people who were born here and they have no “better life”…they were handed an opportunity on a silver plater and they threw it in the trash


              • #77
                Originally posted by Seapahn
                This is just sad... and if you really believe that, I trully feel sorry for you as you have a very warped perspective on reality.
                Looks like the Pot is Calling The Kettle Black.
                Yes, if the guy didn't look at her as a sex object, then she would have never thought about doing something so underhanded. Not smart, as she would get hurt as well. But the guy needs to realize you can't play with peoples emotions like that.

                As for Prostitution.... Sex is something that two consenting adults share. It used to be very special and meaningful. It's unbelievable that people like you think sex could be sold. What's next, babies? Hell why not, some people can't conceive babies, might as become a baby making machine, and sell them for profit.
                Last edited by ExtraHye; 05-06-2004, 12:50 AM.


                • #78
                  in the majority of circumstances, prostitution is believing that you have no self worth as a human being and as a woman and have nothing to contribute except your is that simple!!!


                  • #79
                    I think everyone in this thread has a subconscious desire to be a prostitute.
                    Achkerov kute.


                    • #80
                      Originally posted by Crimson Glow
                      Yup....those poor midgets take the blame for everything.

                      HAHA You're a funny man!

