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What Do Men Want In A Relationship?

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  • #71
    Anon: You are being repetitive, and refuse to address the original topic of the thread. And as Anna mentioned, it takes 2 to tango, please don't just drop all of the weight of the divorce on a woman. Knowing quite well how many men carelessly engage in self interest and hurt everyone around them, simply because they don't give a crap about the sanctity of family, respect and the love for their faithful and self-sacrificing wife. Although strangely enough, if she was to leave to escape the humiliation and pain, she would be blamed for the collapse of the family from the likeness of you. Where is your sense of justice or objectivity?

    Crimson: Good post, rational views. Would have liked for you to avoid mentioning your age as a determining factor. But then again, I am guilty myself for applying the same tactic at times. Do share what your standards are, it's extremely interesting.

    And as for the reason why men are not participating as much, it's quite clear. Women are a lot more emotional and analytical as well as vocal. They like to dissect their preferences into more complex bits. Men on the other hand are given a tag since birth with the assigned by the society requirements in a woman: 1. She must be Hot. 2. She must be bright. 3. She must want to have sex with you. 4. She should never change. When confronted with that type, they are dumbfounded that something is not working although the conditions are met, so they get confused and run. All because they don't explore the details of the personality they wish for.

    I am constantly changing and with that my standards also. I wouldn't have it any other way. The core remains the same for everyone. 1. Attractive 2. Interesting 3. Respectful 4. Faithful. But that is just a universal platform, after that everyone has their own additional material. Men are not skilled at defining them, since they have been taught the previously mentioned minimal requirement.

    Flames: Dude, you are too young to settle. Sample some dishes for a while. Go travel instead and have a foreign admirer in every country. Then give me a call and we'll travel together, I'll be able to eliminate the cost of the hotels.

    Regarding Anon, just like every other male of this forum he like to be unique, although he passionately denies it. His refusal of conforming to the government and his "forgotten by the unethical society, traditional values of marriage", precisely support his "rejected" desire to be unique.


    • #72
      Originally posted by Baron Dants
      I don't think you were any more mature by coming on here and treating all men as if they are idiots, sleazes, yevayln. And here's the reason why I posted that reply: It's the reply you wanted. What else could one have replied? "No really, I'm a good guy, please don't hate me"? You would've just said that he's lying anyways, so I allowed you to confirm your illusions of males being complete jerks, because I was feeling quite nice. I still fail to see how what you said made you any less of a jerk than all the men you were complaining about.

      And Crimson, that was one helluva nice post.
      hmm!! lesbian, jerk...what else is next? wow!!! such display of maturity and intellect is that all you can do? personal attacks? i still hold on to my beliefs about pigs! damn right!! by your reactive nature to every post i make i can't help but see you for the very insecure male that you make yourself out to be! did i ever mention YOUR name when i first posted? no! but i guess attention seeking people like yourself would love nothing better than to "get offended" and then resort to personal attacks --- get a life dude! if you were truely "mature" you would have quit long time ago! i'm done with you!


      • #73
        Originally posted by hyebruin
        hmm!! lesbian, jerk...what else is next? wow!!! such display of maturity and intellect is that all you can do? personal attacks? i still hold on to my beliefs about pigs! damn right!! by your reactive nature to every post i make i can't help but see you for the very insecure male that you make yourself out to be! did i ever mention YOUR name when i first posted? no! but i guess attention seeking people like yourself would love nothing better than to "get offended" and then resort to personal attacks --- get a life dude! if you were truely "mature" you would have quit long time ago! i'm done with you!
        No offense bruin, but the fact that you're reacting like THIS to Baron of all people (whom I respect very much, so far) proves that you have serious issues with men. Calm down please, you'll develop hypertension.


        • #74
          Originally posted by sSsflamesSs
          And Anon, I must say, I do not agree at all to your idea of what causes the high divorce rate. You basically claim that it is the woman's fault, more often than not, and that, plainly put, is just stupid. We are all in this together. No gender is guiltier than the other. But I have found it pointless to argue with you, so that's that. No more out of me on that issue.
          I do not expect you or anyone else to agree. However, I did not put all the blame on the woman. Men are as much to blame for lack of vision, clarity, and understanding, but with that said, a family beings with a woman, a mther, and it is women that are the molders, creators and shapers of a family. And since I'm a man, naturally, from my perspective I tend to view the role of women at the forefront. What applies to the case of this society is that old aphorism that says the quickest way to destroy a civilization, is to ruin its women. The fact that the divorce has quadrupled since the 1960s - the same time of the sexual revolution and when young women were being indoctrinated with the idea that chasing a career as opposed to a family is the most satisfying thing (strangely enough during the prime of their child bearing years ) - is no coincidence.
          Achkerov kute.


          • #75
            Originally posted by sSsflamesSs
            No offense bruin, but the fact that you're reacting like THIS to Baron of all people (whom I respect very much, so far) proves that you have serious issues with men. Calm down please, you'll develop hypertension.
            i guess we must have more psych majors on the forum
            are you people even reading these posts?? sheeesh! fine "he's a great guy the greatest there ever was!!" all this 'blind devotion' is amazing all of you hold this high school mentality? geeeezzz!!

            why don't you try to be a bit more objective and read the context and not flip back and forth to see who posted what!


            • #76
              Originally posted by anileve
              Anon: You are being repetitive, and refuse to address the original topic of the thread. And as Anna mentioned, it takes 2 to tango, please don't just drop all of the weight of the divorce on a woman. Knowing quite well how many men carelessly engage in self interest and hurt everyone around them, simply because they don't give a crap about the sanctity of family, respect and the love for their faithful and self-sacrificing wife. Although strangely enough, if she was to leave to escape the humiliation and pain, she would be blamed for the collapse of the family from the likeness of you. Where is your sense of justice or objectivity?

              Regarding Anon, just like every other male of this forum he like to be unique, although he passionately denies it. His refusal of conforming to the government and his "forgotten by the unethical society, traditional values of marriage", precisely support his "rejected" desire to be unique.
              Oh stop harping at me, obviously you don't agree, then when I state my views, I'm chastised for "not addressing the original topic" when you force me to explain my position because it's constantly warped. Oh yea, keep painting men as the eternal sabateurs and rapists and evil people. I don't deny there are ahole men that don't deserve anyone's respect, but strangely enough, the same person that whines about "2 to tango" is the same person that doesn't realize there are ovrly controlling scandalous women. Get over it, for any of you that object to my views. There are bad seeds in both sides, and that is not reasonable grounds for objection. Perhaps if you drop the topic since you already disagree with me, I would shut up.

              As for you trying to be psychic and label me as "unique", that is simply silly. So when I say I'm not trying to be unique, I'm just stating my views as they are, you interpret them to be unique, not I. In other words, you view me as unique. Well, I'm flattered and if you view me as unique, is it my fault? It's been you the whole time dubbing me so. As for men not being skillfull at listing the requirement of what they like, I've done so, and it isn't well received in this crowd.
              Achkerov kute.


              • #77
                Originally posted by Anonymouse
                What applies to the case of this society is that old aphorism that says the quickest way to destroy a civilization, is to ruin its women.
                I can see how that makes perfect sense. In fact, one of the reasons why it makes "sooo much sense" is the fact that so many women were and are being forced into prostitution, strip-clubs, and porn industry, whose biggest consumers are "morally correct family men," strangely enough our civilization is still standing and marriage is still a common practice. As a matter of fact prostitution dates back to the Roman Time, a very long time has passed since then. If you recall, the way young men would enter into their manhood is by sleeping with older, more experienced, family men. Civilization still continues its course. Please lets not over dramatize. I would say that a larger percentage of marriages collapse because men couldn't keep their members in their pants, women are tought by the society to forgive and accept. Especially if we are speaking of an Armenian community.


                • #78
                  There will be no doubting. I AM a great guy, and anyone who disagrees is an idiot. Thank you. You can join the Baronagan sect if you wish. You can PM me for details on that.

                  No but seriously, what I don't get is how you still don't get that what you were saying was just as rude/immature as my reply to it.


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by anileve
                    I can see how that makes perfect sense. In fact, one of the reasons why it makes "sooo much sense" is the fact that so many women were and are being forced into prostitution, strip-clubs, and porn industry, whose biggest consumers are "morally correct family men," strangely enough our civilization is still standing and marriage is still a common practice. As a matter of fact prostitution dates back to the Roman Time, a very long time has passed since then. If you recall, the way young men would enter into their manhood is by sleeping with older, more experienced, family men. Civilization still continues its course. Please lets not over dramatize. I would say that a larger percentage of marriages collapse because men couldn't keep their members in their pants, women are tought by the society to forgive and accept. Especially if we are speaking of an Armenian community.
                    No one over dramatized, the decline and fall of every society can be seen in its internal structure, such as family as one of them. This is a common listing of all society on a macrohistoric scale. It isn't all too hard. I don't see the point of your post, for it doesn't address any key point I referred to. By the way, no one forces girls to be strippers or porn stars, certainly not "society". Morals begin at home, and any child, boy or girl, that comes from a defunct home where he she has not received proper moral backing on whats right and wrong, only after becomes a target of society. The home and family are where we are forged, not "society" at large.
                    Achkerov kute.


                    • #80
                      Originally posted by Anonymouse
                      .... chasing a career as opposed to a family is the most satisfying thing (strangely enough during the prime of their child bearing years ) - is no coincidence.
                      well, how else is a woman supposed to secure her place in this world? by blindly trusting a man who may leave or even die? so you would prefer a non-educated woman who stays at home and follows orders or someone who is intellectually compatible with you who can still be a good wife and a mother? when you say "going after her career" that implies education, no? i'm getting confused i mean everyone has got to be self-sufficient before they can care for a family! if a woman has the tools that will help her survive in this world then she can make the decision of whether she wants to stay home and raise the kids or perhaps work only part's not easy especially these days when 2 income families are not just extra money but a necessity!

