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What Do Men Want In A Relationship?

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  • i found the guide that will lead me right to anon's heart .. i am going to share it with u girls..

    I'm a monstrous mass of vile, foul & corrupted matter.


    • Oh. My. God.

      I do believe that that guide covers everything. And I mean EVERYTHING.


      • didn't see anything covering bedroom behaviour/etiquette ....well i guess taking off the shoes and being soft spoken will take care of that part eventually

        so now i see who those puckered lips are for sleuth dear
        awwwww you have a crush jaaaaanaaaaaaa
        Last edited by hyebruin; 05-26-2004, 10:16 PM.


        • Originally posted by sleuth
          i found the guide that will lead me right to anon's heart .. i am going to share it with u girls.. ]
          You just summed up everything I could not for the perfect. I tells ya, I wish I lived in 1955. It's way harder to get a wife like that these days.
          Achkerov kute.


          • Move to Iran and you'll have no trouble finding a wife like that.


            • He wants a Stepford wife!
              The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


              • Oh. Forgot about this thread. Let's see....

                Originally posted by hyebruin
                --look, crimson i don't know what kind of girls you've been hanging around with but i'll tell you this much: as bad and as naaaaaaaasty as some women can get, there's still more guys that are total assssses out there compared to women; you don't have to believe me or take my word for it;
                The "kind of girls" I hang around are of all backgrounds, financial status', and ethnicities. There is no certain "type". And I'm well aware I don't have to take your word for it. Why would I take your word for it if I've seen it with my own eyes? Again, you're female analyzing males, so of COURSE you're going to think that way.

                And as for Baron's comment, I don't think he was shooting for maturity, there. He was responding in a way that he saw fit in relation to your post. If it came off as immature, maybe it's because that's how he felt your post came off. And for claiming that you no longer act like a "know-it-all" because of your age/maturity, you sure are displaying a lot of "know-it-all" attitude. Just relax a little. It's not the end of the world if you admit girls are just as bad as guys.

                Moving right along....

                Originally posted by Anonymouse
                This is the most brilliant example of you displaying psychic powers, but I must respectfully disagree. You chastise the idea that the divorce rate is related to women's changing roles ( i.e. career oriented ), yet your explanation is even sillier for it doesn't even offer an answer that can be applied to society on a macro level, for why would people have no clue about what they want? Could it be because the sexual differences are so blurred that people do not know what they want? Surely the fact that 60 to 70% of marriages ending in divorce cannot be attributed to the very ambiguous and pliable reason you put forth.
                Oh, it can, Mousy. It can. Come on, man. You're smart enough to follow this. My reason for the divorce rate makes perfect sense. Nothing has changed since the "times" that you're talking about, and the current times as far as quality of families. But back then, you kept your mouth shut and dealt with it. There was no plausible excuse to justify a divorce back then, even though the relationships were just as rocky as they are now. The only reason divorces have sky-rocketed over time is because it has been deemed more and more acceptable. Standards have changed as to what is and isn’t acceptable by society, not so much the actual consistency or make up of it. My parents are a perfect example. God awful marriage. My dad has literally knocked my mom's teeth, broken all her stuff, etc. My mom wasn't even allowed to get a driver's license. The typical, control freak Armenian father/husband. So, the husband and wife knew their rolls, like you would like to see, Mousy, yet the relationship was still volatile and horrendous. Why didn't she ask for a divorce? Because "you just don't do that the way we were raised". Brilliant! Now perhaps the severe abuse part is not super common in house holds, but the concept of "you just don't do that" used to be the staple people lived by when it came to divorce.

                My idea transcends time. You asked why we wouldn't know what we want. Are you kidding me?? That has been a problem mankind has dealt with since the beginning of existence; the feeling of loneliness and wondering "who are we"? "What are we doing here?" We were looking to something or someone for the answers from the start. Answers came in man forms. Religion, government, cultures forming societies which introduced norms, morals, ideals, etc. This is all part of the programming we have inherited generation upon generation. It has formed a prison we "can not see or taste or touch: A prison for the mind". We have bound ourselves to rules subconsciously. Those rules are what make up every aspect of our behavior. They make up the Matrix we are trapped in. As I said, marriage became part of those rules long ago. Out of that loneliness and need to comply with the norm, people are too quick to select the one they want to "settle down with", even more so now then ever. Couple that with the fact that divorce is far more acceptable now, and you have your answer as to why the divorce rate is so high. Sorry if some of this sounds confusing, but it's a complex philosophy to understand, and much harder to explain. You just sort of have to feel it. "Unfortunately, no one can be told what the matrix is: You have to see it for yourself".

                Originally posted by sSsflamesSs
                OK Crimson, pay attention. We have not agreed much in the past, but this last post of yours - just wow. Everything that I have included in the following quotes, I wholeheartedly agree with. But HOLY SH!T, how can that be?! I'm only 21 and you're 28! That would make me - oh my Lord - a whole 7 years younger than you. Yet - oh my Lord - I've held this same view for a few years now. So just stop it with the whole pretentious age thing, will ya?
                I didn't throw the age thing in there as a vantage point. Comments were being tossed around regarding age vs. intelligence, so I threw in a sarcastic remark about it, as in "how about older AND smarter then most of this forum"? I've held a lot of these views since high school, myself. My sister is only 20, and she's held a lot of the same concepts for a few years, too. Age has nothing to do with unplugging. You either understand (what I refer to as) the matrix concept or you don't. In fact, it's easier to free your mind at a younger age, before it is further imprisoned. The only thing that happens as you get older is that the "codes" start to unravel further as you realize how deep the programming goes.

                Originally posted by anileve
                Crimson: Good post, rational views. Would have liked for you to avoid mentioning your age as a determining factor. But then again, I am guilty myself for applying the same tactic at times. Do share what your standards are, it's extremely interesting.
                Well, I already addressed the age issue with my reply to Flames. It wasn't meant t be a determining factor. As for my "standards", again, they're too long and too complex to get into. It's more a.....feeling, I guess. I'll know it if I ever see her. But there are a few musts. For example, can't smoke, can't drink, or think either are cool (because they're not, they're just retarded), must be able to support herself, must know a decent amount about cars, must question every aspect of reality, including our own existence, and be able to hold a conversation about such topics without getting confused and passing out, etc. But that's not even a scratch on the surface. It....really can't be explained. I'll just know it if it ever happens, but I'm not counting on it.


                • Akh, Crimson Crimson Crimson...where would I be without you?


                  • this thread was done with loooooong ago!


                    • By reading this thread my conclusion is this: None of you understand each others views and all u do is shoot opinions and not even think about it. Like for example the fight between Baron and the UCLA chick was like kindergarten fight. Baron's responce was hillarius to her thread, b/c I came up with the same conclusion. But the UCLA chick shows how she lucks sense of humor and takes everything seriously, like the part that all men are xxxxxxxs in LA. Well I hear that men in Seattle are great, in Detroit too. I mean these are not comments of mature and spherical persons, (B/c u and ur friends chose to be with morons that doesnt mean that all men are like that), like everyone else mentioned it women are xxxxs too, but men became like this b/c of women. Dont blame men only for that. If there werent enough xxxxs, then men wouldnt be scumbags. Heto, one thing i notice in the entire forum is the desire of passionately REALLY PASSIONATELY make always the fellow forumer to seem wrong. why dont u just be mature. None of u is mature b/c all u do is criticise and judge what the other said is wrong and feel better for yourselvs. Im pretty sure that most of u reading my thread will start saying, yeah, Fire started talking, she thinks she this and that and the series of blah blah. But who cares I just felt responding and if I can change a little bit ur attitudes towards each other. This forum is like HATRED FORUM. everyone wants to put down each other. One year of my being here, never saw a day with normal responces. It becomes boring, I love foruming but not fighting. I mean Bruin, dont take it personally but for the occasion u r the example, with Baron's responce shinetsir Horomi Ter@. And each of u does that in every single thread. U pick something, that one said and the circle goes.
                      So, responding to the topic, men want in a relaitonship exactly what women want, thats why nature created to sexes so they will create a relationship and families in future. Having family is by nature, not b/c it's social requirement. Watch some national geographic, its about mating having "babies" ull see what anon means.(at least i get it that way). All u do in this life is to make lots of money, but the best thing is to become mother or father and create family, thats what it counts. The goal of this life is to have family, going univeristy is for spiritual pleasure/satisfaction not for job skills and amounts of yearly incomes.

                      So maybe my thread didnt make sense in some parts, and I myself haves chunem chshtelu, all i say is who cares, believe whatever u want.
                      I felt i needed to write what I felt.
                      Love u all

