Originally posted by Crimson Glow
What I am pointing is exactly that which can be seen on a macro level from pre 1960s to the rapid shift post 1960s. By getting women to abandon their femininity and their role which comes naturally to them, and supplanting it with things like "socially constructed" ( much like the Matrix analogy you allude to below ), it creates a warped vision of what things are. So that women abandon their traditional roles and try to usurp the roles of males it drives a dagger into the natural heterosexual model of humanity ( which means there are inequalities ), and introduces fuzzy concepts such as "androgyny" ( or that the genders can be made equal if women somehow be more like men in everything ) and other social idiocies, and from then on it is no wonder that today, homosexual marriage is becoming tolerated as "normal". So according to this relativity philosophy, gender is not limited to male or female. Not by a longshot. And that, my prejudiced friend, is where things start getting phucked up.
Now you somehow imply that I am somehow supporting the notion that divorce is not an option. That is untrue. In the case of the example you gave, divorce is the only way. But there are many divorces which result because of what I said being a throw away society, and hedonism, and the overall change in the sexes. That sense of sacrifice, and selflessness no longer pervades. A woman is no longer dependent on a man, and he therefore undermines his role. A woman now makes money like a man, works like a man, and has the prolifice lifestyle of a man, and has a career of a man. She lives like a man, in other words. Therefore, she no longer needs that femininity and dependence on a man, that feminine altruism which is essential to marriage and family. She chooses a career over a family. There is nothing wrong with work, as long as it comes after marriage and family. But not in reality for most of the people and that is their choices.
Originally posted by Crimson Glow