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does age matter?

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  • Re: does age matter?

    Originally posted by Siamanto View Post
    LOL With a hacker who - metaphorically speaking - finds challenging to build a shack when others are focusing on building complex pharaonic structures such as high traffic airports?
    Unmetaphorically speaking, even the most complex pharaonic high traffic airport is still (currently) relying on the reliable operation of a simple coupling of an n-mos and a p-mos forming the basis of what you might refer to as "CMOS". Is the work, intellect, and contribution of the poor schmuck who solves the physics equations behind this basic brick of the tiny tool shack in this high traffic airport any less important than the work of the grand master architect of the airport?

    It's all about being able to recognize and see beyond one's chosen level of abstraction since being stuck at a certain level will only create the illusion of grandeur.
    Last edited by Sip; 07-30-2007, 09:18 PM.
    this post = teh win.


    • Re: does age matter?

      Originally posted by Anoush View Post
      Mariposa jan; you made me laugh for the thruthfulness of your previous statement.
      Anoush jan, don't worry...that's what I thought you meant. Thanks.
      Last edited by mariposa; 07-31-2007, 08:43 AM.


      • Re: does age matter?

        Originally posted by Sip View Post
        Wow congrats on your THIRD post Have you read at all what I have said in this thread about this topic? Try starting from page 1.

        What's with all these n00bs showing up that seem to think they know everything? But yes, if it makes you happy, I am the "self centered funny one" around here (whatever that means) ... and some people with very large egos who think too highly of themselves tend to get a bit emotionally offended at times with someone like me who doesn't take himself too seriously all the time. Just ask Siamanto how "she" tried to battle wits with me recently (thinking I would just let her get away with talking all sorts of trash wihtout backing it up) and how she got owned and then ran with her proverbial tail between her legs from a real challange.

        I see that your "large ego who thinks too highly of himself got emotional and was offended???"

        Actually I read some of your "conversation" with Armenian, Siamanto, your reaction to Yedtart's comments about Armenian...and you seem to be an envious person. Typical to people who have nothing to offer. I don't know if anybody is "battling" with you as you say but you sure can't tell when your ass is kicked or should I say when you ass is kicked and humiliated. I don't have to ask Siamanto because I can see just like anybody else how she's kicking your sore loser ass and how you're making an ass of yourself. BTW people like you with ""large ego who think too highly of themselves and are easily offended" end up imagining others are "battling" with them. It helps their ego.
        Last edited by mariposa; 07-31-2007, 08:49 AM.


        • Re: does age matter?

          Great .. post #5 another bashing post ... I am flattered to have been the focus of 40% of what you have said so far!

          Do you have anything meaningful to offer here or your mere point of existence here is to pretend you know everything? By the way, if you have read my "conversations" with Siamanto, you would have noticed "she" is the one who is constantly insulting me and NOT the other way around. Do a search, it's all right there As far as "Armenian" and I, he is cool except I have taken issue at his constant "pro Islam" stance (especially with regards to Iran) but otherwise, he's ok. Oh yah, that and his occasional "grand conspiracy" stories (e.g. about 9/11 stuff). But obviously he is not the only one that falls in those traps as there are large groups of people that even to this day are convinced we have never landed on the moon either.
          Last edited by Sip; 07-31-2007, 09:26 AM.
          this post = teh win.


          • Re: does age matter?

            By the way, mariposa (wow I'd love to see how much grief your name causes Siamanto but that's another story) ... do you speak Armenian? If so, are you familiar with the phrase "kotrats ktal"?
            this post = teh win.


            • Re: does age matter?

              Originally posted by axel View Post
              I was browsing the forum's main page when I saw your username appear next to the subject "does age matter?". I figured, he must be discussing Nietzsche and Data modeling. Let's have a closer look.

              When I mentioned EMF, I was refering to Ecore (the bootstrapped M3 model) which more or less corresponds to EMOF (Essential MOF), a subset of MOF which was extracted from MOF in version 2.0, somewhat aligning the latter with the EMF implementation.

              When you attempt to capture some information, either you reuse an existing metamodel such as you UML and then profile it so as to make it fit your requirements* or you define a brand new metamodel which espouses the domain you want to target.
              You can consider UML as domain-specific and it can be of help in certain contexts but clearly its pretentions were far greater at its inception.

              * The UML profile even in version 2.0 is too weak in that regard. Providing such a mechanism is implicit recognition of the predictable (one-size-fits-all never works) failure of UML as a universal language. (note that the terms 'language' and 'metamodel' are often used interchangeably)

              EMF is not exactly a small subset of UML (or only to the extent MOF is). It is better not to consider it as such in order to avoid confusion (even though it bears a lot of similarity with the class diagram) if only for the fact it stands at a different M-level. EMF is actually used to define M2 models (aka metamodels) such as UML (an implementation of UML2 based on Ecore is in fact provided as a related project)

              By "static" I mean that the structural features of instances of M3-level types (often refered to as metaclasses) are statically determined by the M3 type being instantiated (=> all metaclasses have the exact same structure), you don't have a stereotyping mechanism (as in UML) let alone OCL-like boolean expressions that would allow for further specialization on an instance basis. (True with EMF you have annotations which roughly amount to stereotypes and associated tagged values but these have no underlying schema. Both values and (implicit) structure are specified on an instance basis)

              From now on I will let Seapahn answer your posts on technical subjects

              Quoting from Gustave Le Bon (I gave the reference in another thread)

              "Depuis l'aurore des civilisations les foules ont toujours subi l'influence des illusions. C'est aux créateurs d'illusions qu'elles ont élevé le plus de temples, de statues et d'autels. Illusions religieuses jadis, illusions philosophiques et sociales aujourd'hui, on retrouve toujours ces formidables souveraines à la tête de toutes les civilisations qui ont successivement fleuri sur notre planète."

              Moved to The Role of Universal Thinking In The Human Civilization
              What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


              • Re: does age matter?

                Originally posted by Sip View Post
                Originally posted by Siamanto View Post

                LOL With a hacker who - metaphorically speaking - finds challenging to build a shack when others are focusing on building complex pharaonic structures such as high traffic airports?
                Unmetaphorically speaking, even the most complex pharaonic high traffic airport is still (currently) relying on the reliable operation of a simple coupling of an n-mos and a p-mos forming the basis of what you might refer to as "CMOS". Is the work, intellect, and contribution of the poor schmuck who solves the physics equations behind this basic brick of the tiny tool shack in this high traffic airport any less important than the work of the grand master architect of the airport?
                High Traffic airports or other comparable complex infrastructures also depend on nail, bolt, stone etc.; however, they - including CMOS components - are considered as challenges only by "mental dinosaurs" like you.

                Originally posted by Sip View Post
                It's all about being able to recognize and see beyond one's chosen level of abstraction since being stuck at a certain level will only create the illusion of grandeur.
                Only a dinosaur who - like you - have missed the evolution of "Computer Hacking" into Computer (almost) Science would see in such methodologies and practices what may be, encourage or create an "illusion of grandeur." In fact, nowadays, even junior developers - due to their exposure to J2EE, or even J2SE and/or similar software development frameworks - have a more evolved view of IT than you do.

                Originally posted by Sip View Post
                A few months ago a big shot manager at a fairly large company (who shall remain nameless) was showing me their wonderful new software design methodology. He kept repeating over and over how now they are in business of "modeling" and they are no longer referring to things as "software development".

                He had one of his top engineers explain a bunch of things for hours showing charts and graphs and meta-this and meta-that and how they had spent the last 6 months developing all these models. What was the end result you ask? It was the "automatically generated and then manualy revised and completed" controller firmware for a low power wireless light switch that even a below average recent college grad would have been able to write in less than a week (including debug time).
                Your choice of such a project - a nano project from an IT perspective - to discuss the relevance of software development methodologies, practices and frameworks suggests that, most likely, you had no exposure - or much less than minimal - to anything but college level micro projects. That is reflected in your choice of words and perspective.

                Originally posted by Sip View Post
                Now I am not saying UML doesn't have its uses ... but ironically enough, there is a very specific domain in which UML will be useful and it's by no means "universal" (although it somehow tends to really appeal to the 'manager' types).
                "It somehow tends to really appeal to the 'manager' types?" Does "manager" mean non-hacker, non-dinosaur?
                You, obviously, have no exposure - or much less than minimal - to the real world and real projects. Your pretentious ignorance is saddening.
                Last edited by Siamanto; 08-08-2007, 12:32 AM.
                What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


                • Re: does age matter?

                  Originally posted by Sip View Post
                  I am flattered to have been the focus of 40% of what you have said so far!
                  You're the focus of every woman...who wouldn't be in love with a shallow, immature overweight ass like you?

                  Originally posted by Sip View Post
                  Do you have anything meaningful to offer here or your mere point of existence here is to pretend you know everything?
                  It's too early to tell if I will have anything meaningful to offer but, as for you, there is enough evidence that you have nothing meaningful to offer.
                  BTW I don't remember pretending knowing everything. You don't read before you reply? Or too much weed?

                  Originally posted by Sip View Post
                  By the way, if you have read my "conversations" with Siamanto, you would have noticed "she" is the one who is constantly insulting me and NOT the other way around. Do a search, it's all right there As far as "Armenian" and I, he is cool except I have taken issue at his constant "pro Islam" stance (especially with regards to Iran) but otherwise, he's ok. Oh yah, that and his occasional "grand conspiracy" stories (e.g. about 9/11 stuff). But obviously he is not the only one that falls in those traps as there are large groups of people that even to this day are convinced we have never landed on the moon either.
                  Yes I have read. Posting before reading seems to be your trademark. Yes, you come across as a shallow, envious, immature and obnoxious fat ass.


                  • Re: does age matter?

                    Siamanto, I will repeat in the hopes of you maybe getting it this time ... the real "mental dinosaur" is the one who is stuck at a certain level of abstraction and isn't able to see beyond his or her own level of expertise

                    It is absolutely laughable that you would dismiss "micro-projects" in favor of your "grand IT projects" (i.e. by implication much more high-level and abstract) as some sort of justification for your superiority complex.
                    this post = teh win.


                    • Re: does age matter?

                      Hackers and Painters by Paul Graham

