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Russians will manage, what they do best: turn their friends into enemies....

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  • #21
    Re: Russians will manage, what they do best: turn their friends into enemies....

    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
    The usual crap from the usual crappy source..I guess Avakov conveniently forgot that Ukrain helped the Azeris or that right now is helping the Azeris or that it along with Georgia and azergayjan are the western axis working to isolate Armenia.. as usual you can count on Vrej and Lragir to omit and twist the truth so that people get the exact opposite impression of what is really going on. I am sure Vrej is very proud of himself and his crappy source of disinformation.
    We agreed to disagree.
    No point in discussing with you.
    So be kind, do not mention me, pass your way, or counter the content.
    Concerning the container, should I remind you the thread link?


    • #22
      Re: Russians will manage, what they do best: turn their friends into enemies....

      ՌԴ դեսպան «Վոլինկա». Ոչ մի անձնական բան, պարզապես՝ բիզնես
      Չորեքշաբթի, 28 Մայիսի 2014,

      Սարդարապատի հուշահամալիրում լրագրողների հետ զրույցում Հայաստանում ՌԴ դեսպան Իվան Վոլինկինը հայտարարել է, որ Ադրբեջանին ՌԴ կողմից զենք վաճառելը զուտ կոմերցիոն գործարք է, տեղեկացնում էը:
      «Դա կոմերցիոն հարց է, այստեղ քաղաքականություն չկա, եւ պետք չէ այս հարցերի վրա կանգ առնել, ես այստեղ որեւէ կրիմինալ չեմ տեսնում, սարսափելի ոչինչ չկա»,-ասել է Վոլինկինը:
      - See more at:


      • #23
        Re: Russians will manage, what they do best: turn their friends into enemies....

        How about we agree to pay you double what the CIA is paying you so you can stop disinformation campaign? I bet we could do that just with the forum members here.
        Originally posted by Vrej1915 View Post
        We agreed to disagree.
        No point in discussing with you.
        So be kind, do not mention me, pass your way, or counter the content.
        Concerning the container, should I remind you the thread link?
        Hayastan or Bust.


        • #24
          Re: Russians will manage, what they do best: turn their friends into enemies....

          Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
          How about we agree to pay you double what the CIA is paying you so you can stop disinformation campaign? I bet we could do that just with the forum members here.
          Andaghant FSB achkhadagtzitz sranitz avel tchi bidi el sbassel .....


          • #25
            Re: Russians will manage, what they do best: turn their friends into enemies....

            Ivan Volynkin: "It Was Simply a Commercial Transaction; I See Nothing Criminal Here"
            Tigranuhi Martirosyan

            May 28, 2014
            Russian Ambassador to Armenia Ivan Volynkin see nothing preposterous or criminal in Russia's move to sell arms to Azerbaijan.

            Recall, Armenia's strategic partner Russia continues to equip rival Azerbaijan. After the incident on the night of May 21 on the line of contact between Karabakh and Azerbaijan armed forces, Azerbaijan suffered three casualties. The following day, news media reported that Russia supplied Baku with 100 T-90C tanks.

            In conversation with Hetq and responding to the question whether Armenia's friend Russia is acting appropriately by again selling tanks to Azerbaijan, Ambassador Volynkin said: "This is a commercial issue — there are no politics here. And attention should not be drawn to these issues. Thus… I don't see [anything] criminal here; nothing dangerous is happening; it was simply a commercial transaction. We are tied also to Armenia through military equipment relations; there are arms sales also in this case, so there is nothing absurd."

            To Hetq's comment that Russia does not sell as much arms to Armenia as it does to Azerbaijan, the ambassador disagreed, saying: "Let's not talk about the volumes. I can only say that the amount is sufficient and good."


            • #26
              Re: Russians will manage, what they do best: turn their friends into enemies....

              Russia's Arms Sale to Azerbaijan Doesn't Shadow Armenia's Partnership with Russia, Assures Deputy Foreign Minister
              Tigranuhi Martirosyan

              May 29, 2014

              Responding to Hetq's questions is Armenia's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Manasaryan.

              RA President Serzh Sargsyan extended an invitation to Turkey's president to participate in the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. If he agrees, what will that visit provide?

              It will develop the process. I consider it very positive; we are waiting for the answer.

              Will there be an answer?

              I can't say.

              The RA Ministry of Foreign Affairs repeatedly speaks of friendly relations between Armenia and Russia, but on Republic Day, the president of the Russian Federation congratulated only Azerbaijan. What does this mean?

              We shouldn't draw conclusions from whether there was a congratulation or not that Russia is not our strategic partner. It's not right…

              What about that our strategic partner is selling arms to Azerbaijan — we shouldn't draw conclusions from that?

              The process of arms sale was always there, and one of Russia's officials said I can't welcome that, but at the same time it's a process that's being carried out.

              Is Armenia taking any steps for Russia to discontinue selling arms to Azerbaijan?

              Steps are being taken: there are international agreements according to which the amount of arms is fixed and so on. A lot of work is and will be carried out in this direction, so that all remain within the framework of these agreements.

              Does Russia remain within the framework of these agreements?

              We have to work…

              You mean, it doesn't, if you have to work [toward that end]. What steps are you taking for it to remain [within the framework of these agreements]?

              I'm not talking about Russia. I'm talking about the number of arms.

              We're talking specifically about Russia because it is Russia that every time sells arms to Azerbaijan.

              Why are you talking only about Russia? Have you forgotten Israel?

              Because Russia is our strategic partner, not Israel.

              You know what, we shouldn't mix up these formats. Russia sells arms to a second, third country, including a country you know quite well, with which we do not have friendly relations, and we should not conclude from that that our relations with Russia have waned, that the strategic partnership isn't working, and so on and so forth. They are parallel processes: we shouldn't look at all this in a simple way.

              So what should we conclude, Mr. Deputy Minister?

              Nothing… [you can] conclude that life continues.


              Comments (1)
              1. Վարազ Սյունի (Ամստերդամ)20:46 - 29 May, 2014
              Ո՞նց կարող է (ՀԱՊԿ-ի համանդամ) քո «ռազմավարական» գործընկերը Ադրբեջանին մլրդ.-ավոր դոլարների ժամանակակից-հարձակողական զենք վաճառել ու դա «չի ստվերու՞մ» հայ-ռուսական հարաբերությունները: Այդ նույն Ադրբեջանի նախագահը չէ՞,որ ՀՐԱՊԱՐԱԿԱՎ հայտարարում է,որ՝ պիտի վերացնի Հայաստանը քարտեզի երեսից:Բա էլ Ի՞ՆՉԸ պիտի ստվերի հայ-ռուսական հարաբերությունները . որ ռուսաստանը ատոմային ռունբ նետի՞ Հայաստանի վրա:


              • #27
                Re: Russians will manage, what they do best: turn their friends into enemies....

                Originally posted by Vrej1915 View Post
                What about that our strategic partner is selling arms to Azerbaijan — we shouldn't draw conclusions from that?
                The conclusion we have to draw is that Russia looks at the world differently to Armenia, and its main concern appears to be to stop NATO taking over countries on its borders. Maybe Russia sees her function as guaranteeing the Armenia-Turkey border and its position on Azerbaijan from the beginning was less clear. Azerbaijan has important influence in Russia too - Lukoil's head is Azerbaijani
                Our "allies" during World War I signed the Treaty of Lausanne with Turkey in 1923 fixing today's borders of Turkey, that did not even mention the Armenian genocide. What was our conclusion from that?
                Last edited by lampron; 05-30-2014, 12:44 AM.


                • #28
                  Re: Russians will manage, what they do best: turn their friends into enemies....

                  Originally posted by lampron View Post
                  The conclusion we have to draw is that Russia looks at the world differently to Armenia, and its main concern appears to be to stop NATO taking over countries on its borders. Maybe Russia sees her function as guaranteeing the Armenia-Turkey border and its position on Azerbaijan from the beginning was less clear. Azerbaijan has important influence in Russia too - Lukoil's head is Azerbaijani
                  Our "allies" during World War I signed the Treaty of Lausanne with Turkey in 1923 fixing today's borders of Turkey, that did not even mention the Armenian genocide. What was our conclusion from that?
                  My Dear,
                  You seem to have a predilection to partial history.
                  Before Lausanne, there was Brest Litovsk.
                  Who signed it?
                  Who did arm Kemal, with the gold he did not have, when his people was starving? Who did sent loads of arms by rail, via Alekpol?
                  Who did foment internal dissent, whith chakals like Mikoyan, in full complicity with the Turks, invading the country on two fronts....??

                  Your name is Lampron.
                  Lampron was selled by the French, you forgot to mention....

                  Before expecting anybody else defend our interest, we should begin to do it ourselves first.
                  In that way, N1 step should be to stop defending Russia`s policies, costing the lives of our boys, against all logic.
                  Let the Russians do that.
                  Do you know any other country, who behaves like us?


                  • #29
                    Re: Russians will manage, what they do best: turn their friends into enemies....

                    I wonder if anything besides "Russia wants to kill Armenia" ever crosses the ever shrinking mind of Vrej. Ok so lets say Russia stops selling azeris arms so now what? You think they will not buy arms elsewhere? Instead of USA or Israel taking the money Russia takes it instead and uses some of that money in arming us. The Russian weapons can be countered since we and Russia know their capabilities and we have the weapons to counter them (which we got from Russia for free or at a fraction of the cost the azeris pay). As usual people with a fixation on hate get tunnel vission and miss the important things happening around them because all they can possibly see is what they want to see. Does anyone understand or talk about what is going on with Iran?? No of course not because vissions of blowing up matrushkas is all some people focus on. The shift of US policy towards Iran is a killer for us but the sale of Russian weapons to azeris is niether news nor that important yet no one talks of the first and some choose to obsess over the later.
                    Hayastan or Bust.


                    • #30
                      Re: Russians will manage, what they do best: turn their friends into enemies....

                      That's why I say, anybody that bases their political position against one or another factors only, cannot represent our interest overall. No matter how much valid their discussion of history(which again takes only part that suits them) their political capital remains an empty or useless value for Armenia. No matter how much or how strong points they bring about evil Russia, someone can bring equal evidence against west or anybody. Now what? Is it enough to deside our future? I think not. Even the lengthy essays above from lragir about Russia's hand in Azerbaijan's problems with US is a shallow self repeating waste because it misses most important factors or questions. Russia influences Baku. Ok . What about US? Russia is doing it for oil, control. Ok, what about US? Aliev and Putin have secret agreements. What about US and Aliev? Russia will sell Artsakh to Baku, why? Because it did it before. So? Why? Was it the only reason? How about other factors? Why did it sell before? Please don't give me all those black and white reasons. What about US's latest 6 points which appearently were there from 15 years ago? Isn't it selling Artsakh too? Did Russia advertise openly similar points that you know? Nazarbayev tells that Armenia should enter union without Artsakh, like it did all the other international agreements. Ok, not good, but why weren't you talking then? Does EU want to sign association agreement with us including Artsakh? Why are you silent about that? Does EU hold US position on 6 points? Certainly yes right? because US pretty much controls EU policies. Then why are you silent about that? Russia bad, Russia bad, Russia bad, Russia bad(it's so easy to throw Armenian government in with Russia and kill 2 rabbits). Ok who's good? Who and why? Stick to that and you'll look more respectfull. "Armenia should have demanded this or that from Russia, rejected this or that". Why don't you look at the whole thing and talk about? Stop pushing us without telling why for a definite end result and not a reaction for your points.
                      Last edited by Hakob; 05-30-2014, 12:01 PM.

