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Elections in Armenia

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  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia


    Այսպես կամ մոտավորապես այսպես է ասել Լեւոն Տեր-Պետրոսյանը երեկ Ազատության հրապարակում տեղի ունեցած հանրահավաքի ամբիոնից: Ըստ «»-ի, ՀՀՇ առաջնորդն ի մեջ այլ բաների, ասել է. «Սա վեհացման եւ ստորացման ժամանակաշրջան է: Դժվար է պատկերացնել մի քաղաքացի, որն ունի արժանապատվություն եւ չի կանգնում շարժման կողքին, ուրեմն դա ազգի տականքն է»: Նա ցավ է հայտնել, որ տականքը շատ է, սակայն նշել է նաեւ, որ «ազատ քաղաքացիների, համաժողովրդական շարժման մասնակիցների ավելանալու հետ մեկտեղ այդ տականքը նվազելու է եւ քչանալով՝ մտնելու է իր բները»:

    Այս էլ մեր ուսյա՜լ, գիտնակա՜ն, իմաստո՜ւն, եվրոպական ու համաշխարհային արժեքներ կրո՜ղ նախագահացուն...


    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

      Հարգելի Եղբայր, ես դեր չեմ հավատում որ այսպիսի բան կարող եր պատահել մեր երկրում: Կարծումեյի որ մենք մյուսերից տարպեր ենք: Դեր ցնցումի մեչ եմ: Չեմ հավատում որ այս քան անմիտ «զիպիլ» կա մեր երկրում: Սերժին ատել հասկացանք, բայց այս դավաճան թուրքասեր բոզին վորը մտնել, անհասկանալի է և անընդունելի: Տականքը իրոք այս բոզի տղու փողոցային լակոտներն են: Լևոն Տեր Պետրոսյանի աջակցողները այսոր տխուր փաստ են իմ համար որ մեր երկիրը «պատրաստ չէ» ունենալու ինչպես ասաց «ազադ և արդար» ընտրություններ: Ազատ և արդար ընտրություններ ունենալ մեր երկրի համար կարող է «ինքնասպանություն» լինի: Բարզ է որ մեր երկրի ապագան չենք կարող վստահել ապուշ և կույր հասարակության վռա:

      Originally posted by aray View Post

      Այսպես կամ մոտավորապես այսպես է ասել Լեւոն Տեր-Պետրոսյանը երեկ Ազատության հրապարակում տեղի ունեցած հանրահավաքի ամբիոնից: Ըստ «»-ի, ՀՀՇ առաջնորդն ի մեջ այլ բաների, ասել է. «Սա վեհացման եւ ստորացման ժամանակաշրջան է: Դժվար է պատկերացնել մի քաղաքացի, որն ունի արժանապատվություն եւ չի կանգնում շարժման կողքին, ուրեմն դա ազգի տականքն է»: Նա ցավ է հայտնել, որ տականքը շատ է, սակայն նշել է նաեւ, որ «ազատ քաղաքացիների, համաժողովրդական շարժման մասնակիցների ավելանալու հետ մեկտեղ այդ տականքը նվազելու է եւ քչանալով՝ մտնելու է իր բները»:

      Այս էլ մեր ուսյա՜լ, գիտնակա՜ն, իմաստո՜ւն, եվրոպական ու համաշխարհային արժեքներ կրո՜ղ նախագահացուն...
      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


      • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

        Originally posted by aray View Post
        ՈՎ ԻՆՁ ՀԵՏ ՉԷ, ՏԱԿԱՆՔ Է...

        Այսպես կամ մոտավորապես այսպես է ասել Լեւոն Տեր-Պետրոսյանը երեկ Ազատության հրապարակում տեղի ունեցած հանրահավաքի ամբիոնից: Ըստ «»-ի, ՀՀՇ առաջնորդն ի մեջ այլ բաների, ասել է. «Սա վեհացման եւ ստորացման ժամանակաշրջան է: Դժվար է պատկերացնել մի քաղաքացի, որն ունի արժանապատվություն եւ չի կանգնում շարժման կողքին, ուրեմն դա ազգի տականքն է»: Նա ցավ է հայտնել, որ տականքը շատ է, սակայն նշել է նաեւ, որ «ազատ քաղաքացիների, համաժողովրդական շարժման մասնակիցների ավելանալու հետ մեկտեղ այդ տականքը նվազելու է եւ քչանալով՝ մտնելու է իր բները»:

        Այս էլ մեր ուսյա՜լ, գիտնակա՜ն, իմաստո՜ւն, եվրոպական ու համաշխարհային արժեքներ կրո՜ղ նախագահացուն...
        So now he's calling those who are not with him "filth".

        How over-the-top does this obnoxious SOB have to be in order for the Armenian people to tear him down? If this crap continues to go on, the Government will be forced to silence this pig who is hell bent on creating disorder in order to steal the presidency.

        From what I have read, it looks like thes protests may be put down with force. It seems Kocharian's patience is wearing thin with this treasonous activity.
        Last edited by crusader1492; 02-24-2008, 09:28 AM.


        • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

          Kocharian has the right to crush these protests and arrest LTP...and it seems that this may be his only option if he wishes to stave off instability.

          If the international community protest, he can tell them to screw...after all, they were the ones who deem the elections to be valid.

          Regardless of the above, Kocharian needs to really think about his actions after putting down the protests. The powers behind this situation (western/zionest/Turkish interests) have orchestrated this mess in order to have a violent confrontation between the government and the people. So far, it looks like they will get what they want. Now, it is up to Kocharian to stop the bleeding and put an end to the nefarious elements in the country...and keep them out for good.


          • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

            If these protests go unchecked this can easily become a national security threat. From circles in southern California to circles in Armenia, it now seems as if this ordeal was organized a long time ago by special interests who wanted to bring Levin back into power. I have to say, Levin is doing a good job orchestrating this. It's obvious now that Levin had some well placed supporters within certain levels of government. He also has supporters in the Untied States and most probably in Turkey as well. I understand that there is a core of die-hard anti-government activists amonsgt Armenians in southern California that have chosen Levin as their leader. There are also talk circulating that Turkish and American intelligence services are also involved in all this. The thread starter here was perhaps one of Levin's Turkish agents testing the water last year.

            Nevertheless, have you people been paying attention to Levin's speeches? They are all essentially designed to divide the nation into warring segments; there are designed to turn Armenians against Artsakhtsiner; they are design to convince the population that the military victory in Artsakh was shallow and unattainable; they are designed to bring Armenia closer to Turkey and Azerbaijan. Anyone that can't see these underlying themes in his speeches are either utter idiots or agents of destruction.

            Although a minority, I can't believe that we have this many mentally retarded morons in our nation. I thought we were different form the others.

            I think that the authorities are being too lenient. I think now that blood 'has' to be spilled. An example has to be made regardless of political repercussions. I want to see Levin hanged. I want to see his supporters beaten bloody in the streets. I want to see news outlets such as A1 Plus, Radio Liberty, Armenianow shut down. I want to see foreign agents such as Onnik Krikorian and Richard Giragosian arrested.
            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


            Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


            • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia


              I just got off the phone with my wife's uncle who lives in the gendron. He told me that the situation there is not nearly as bad as the news is making it out to be.
              He said, at most, there are a few hundred people "protesting" behind the opera house and that they are mostly dancing and smoking. He also told me that the energy level of these protests has been dwindling. Moreover, he believes that once the recount of the votes confirm that Serge is the winner (sometime tomorrow), the remnaints of the protest will be broken up with minimal force.

              In short, he told me not to worry as he views these protests as a small number of people acting ridiculously.

              Can any of your sources confirm this?


              • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                Dude, believe me, I know. I have been in touch with some very close friends there as well. They are more-or-less saying the same thing. This ordeal is being orchestrated for foreign consumption by several English language news outlets - for example: My anger and frustration have to do with their 'intent,' what they are trying to do, and not their capabilities or numbers. These people are a 'loud' minority under evil/foreign leadership. However, unchecked these people can become a national security risk. As an Armenian, I don't want these types of vermin in the country. There are, by modest estimates, several hundred thousand of them today. It would anger me even when I see a single Levin Petrostein supporter in Armenia.

                Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post

                I just got off the phone with my wife's uncle who lives in the gendron. He told me that the situation there is not nearly as bad as the news is making it out to be. He said, at most, there are a few hundred people "protesting" behind the opera house and that they are mostly dancing and smoking. He also told me that the energy level of these protests has been dwindling. Moreover, he believes that once the recount of the votes confirm that Serge is the winner (sometime tomorrow), the remnaints of the protest will be broken up with minimal force. In short, he told me not to worry as he views these protests as a small number of people acting ridiculously. Can any of your sources confirm this?
                Last edited by Armenian; 02-24-2008, 10:42 AM.
                Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                  Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post

                  I just got off the phone with my wife's uncle who lives in the gendron. He told me that the situation there is not nearly as bad as the news is making it out to be.
                  He said, at most, there are a few hundred people "protesting" behind the opera house and that they are mostly dancing and smoking. He also told me that the energy level of these protests has been dwindling. Moreover, he believes that once the recount of the votes confirm that Serge is the winner (sometime tomorrow), the remnaints of the protest will be broken up with minimal force.

                  In short, he told me not to worry as he views these protests as a small number of people acting ridiculously.

                  Can any of your sources confirm this?
                  Don’t underestimate these power hungry bastards crusader. They are well organized and they will do everything to gain the power. You don’t need hundreds of thousand people to turn the government down. Just talked to my sister in Yerevan and she said that on H1 they were showing the arrest of people transporting large number of weapons to Yerevan from Echmiadzin. I think Robert and Serjh should act now.


                  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                    Originally posted by Armenian View Post
                    Dude, believe me, I know. I have been in touch with some very close friends there as well. They are more-or-less saying the same thing. This ordeal is being orchestrated for foreign consumption by several English language news outlets - for example: My anger and frustration have to do with their 'intent,' what they are trying to do, and not their capabilities or numbers. These people are a 'loud' minority under evil/foreign leadership. However, even when I see a single Armenian protesting for Levin Petrostein, it angers me.
                    I'm angry as well, but the silver lining is that Kocharian and Sarkisian have been exposed to the danger that the LTP types pose. With that said, it looks like they have learned a lesson from this exposure and that in the future, they will be much more pro-active to stop treasonous behavior before it starts.

                    I doubt we will be seeing "protests" like this in the future.


                    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                      Originally posted by Armenian View Post
                      If these protests go unchecked this can easily become a national security threat. From circles in southern California to circles in Armenia, it now seems as if this ordeal was organized a long time ago by special interests who wanted to bring Levin back into power. I have to say, Levin is doing a good job orchestrating this. It's obvious now that Levin had some well placed supporters within certain levels of government. He also has supporters in the Untied States and most probably in Turkey as well. I understand that there is a core of die-hard anti-government activists amonsgt Armenians in southern California that have chosen Levin as their leader. There are also talk circulating that Turkish and American intelligence services are also involved in all this. The thread starter here was perhaps one of Levin's Turkish agents testing the water last year.
                      Absolutly right, like I mentioned before, the CIA and M6 are behind this, it is so blatently obvious that they are trying to destabilize Armenia. This is how they operate, but again, sheeps are meant to be herded, what can we do about it? You have dumbass Armenian-American media pundits opting to live on the hills of Glendale and Watertown, building wealth in the process, but then want to change and be part of the election process via satalite television. If they want to "change government", let them sell their homes, move to Armenia, pick up a gun, and go after the "corrupt agents" themselves, or else, they should shut their mouths and be content with the status quo. The lack of intelligence is both funny and scary.

