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Elections in Armenia

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  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

    Originally posted by Virgil View Post
    This from a member of the axis of stupidity. Virgil, do you actually read what you write? Do you believe what you write? Its simpletons like you that put the nation in jeopardy.
    Between childhood, boyhood,
    & manhood (maturity) there
    should be sharp lines drawn w/
    Tests, deaths, feats, rites
    stories, songs & judgements

    - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

      Originally posted by Vortu Gyot View Post
      Virgil, do you actually read what you write? Do you believe what you write?
      Absolutely, when has my post indicated otherwise? Never, I have debated and stood by my opinions from the first post on this forum. I have proven you wrong in many occasions and, clearly, have explained in detail to few LTP whoores on this forum why I am against armed revolution.

      Furthermore, if you do want to "debate" and are "astute" forum member adhering to the principles of "democracy", then please, point to any opinions I have made that you would like to challenge or else shut your mouth.

      Originally posted by Vortu Gyot
      Its simpletons like you that put the nation in jeopardy.
      Shut the xxxx up, it is funny how you are the one calling me a "simpleton", when your views have been challenged and proven to be wrong.

      Furthermore, retard, how is it possible to be for revolution, but yet, not be for the person instigating the coup? It is not possible, by default, anyone, anyone that is against Serge, in this case Armenian, and tries to "smear" or "attack" Armenian is indeed a LTP supporter by chain of implications.
      Last edited by Virgil; 04-13-2008, 10:03 AM.


      • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

        Virgil, need I remind you that you are attempting to communicate with an asswipe? You simply need to wipe your ass with these kinds of animals.
        Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


        Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


        • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

          Please keep up the pressure on ArmeniaNow and John Hughes. Since we don't have a say in what kind of articles they publish we can at least express our anger and disappointment in their message board. By maintaining pressure on them we may also be able to force them to publish balanced/objective views regarding politics in Armenia, as they have several times during the past several weeks. The following open letter is addressed to John Hughes. If interested, periodically post the letter in Armenianow, or simply compose your own for him:

          To John Hughes:

          End your irrational bullshit and stop censoring me, you are acting like a little pathetic tyrant. As a good American you should be giving me my "freedom of speech," even if I use it to call you a foreign agent. Realize that many have that opinion of you, anyway. Nonetheless, also realize that your manipulative crap won't work with Armenians, you are not dealing with some sub-Saharan African tribe. Take your "democracy" and your US State Department agenda and get your ass back to Hicks-ville Alabama. You have overstayed your visit in Armenia.

          Disregarding the self-hating vermin and young ignorant ones in our society, Armenians in general realize that entities such as ArmeniaNow and Radio Liberty are political tools Washington DC uses to meddle into the internal affairs of vulnerable nations such as Armenia with the hopes of driving a wedge between Yerevan and Moscow, and turn the masses against the struggle for Nagorno Karabagh, our sacred homeland of Artsakh. Guess what asswipe, it won't happen.

          Armenians know that accepting financial aid from the West, specifically from Washington DC, is like taking money from the mafia, once you do they own you. Armenia needs to learn to do without western handouts. Officials in Washington DC should concern themselves with keeping 'their' house in order. The nation with the most blood on its hands today is the USA. The nation with the most corrupt public officials today is the USA. The nation that is most hated and feared today is the USA. So, who the fuck gave you criminals the right to judge any nation? Why do petty demons like you have to oversee anything? Keep your "financial aid" (which are nothing legal forms of bribes) to yourselves. And take your deceiving and destructive concepts of "freedom and democracy" and shove it up your filthy asses.

          You will never succeed in breaking Armenia away from Artsakh. You will never succeed in breaking Armenia away from Russia. Your street whores in the Levon camp were soundly defeated. Face it, you lost. Now get your ugly ass out of my country, John. The fledgling Armenian Republic needs political evolution - not an artificial revolution. Armenia's future lies with Russia. Levon and his treasonous team of usurpers need to be hanged for their crimes against the Armenian nation. Levon supporters, be it individuals or organizations, need to be persecuted out of existence.

          Sometimes accurate articles appear in ArmeniaNow only because it's directors wants to be seen as a balanced and fair media outlet. However, ArmeniaNow's agenda, as well as Radio Liberty's, is quite obvious - they strictly follow the dictates of the US State Department. Also, the dubious nature and character of individuals such as John Hughes, the British born Onnik Krikorian and the American born Richard Giragosian are very obvious as well. Nonetheless, these types of entities and individuals are established within vulnerable nations as a means of manipulating public sentiments. In the Armenian case, it's no secret that the West wants to break Yerevan away from Russia and Iran and the West wants Armenia to bend over for Turks/Azeris so that the West can realize it's agenda to exploit central Asian oil/gas and undermining the Russian Federation and Iran.

          Sadly, due to Armenia's numerous domestic problems, the West has found willing partners in the treasonous Levon camp and that is why they are blowing Levon's trumpet today. And that is why the Armenian authorities today are left with no choice but to crackdown hard on Levon supporters and their western backers.

          Moreover, we do realize that you are not alone, John. You have a lot of help - Richard Giragosian, Onnik Krikorian, Van Krikorian come to mind, to name a few of the obvious ones. We also realize that you operate in a vast, well organized and well funded network under the guise of promoting human rights and democracy in nations where the West has financial and/or geopolitical interests. In the 60s and 70s CIA agents posed as Peace Corp volunteers and backpackers/travelers. Today they are internet bloggers and champions of "freedom and democracy". One would think as "freedom loving" westerners the first place you should be promoting your noble agendas are within nations that are your closest allies, who also happen to be the worst offenders in the practice of human rights and democracy - namely, Turkey, Israel, Azerbaijan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, Albania, etc. IN final analysis, the fault lies with us Armenians. The likes of you have an agenda to perform, it's natural, it's your job. The problem is we allow you to do it by our collective ignorance. Thus, I can't blame you John for doing what you are told to do. However, I CAN blame our people for being sheeple.

          Incidentally, John, since you have been very concerned and involved in Armenian society and politics, would you be willing to release your personal tax returns in the United States for the past several years for public viewing? Would you also be willing to subject yourself to an in-depth background investigation? Are you truly this concerned about Armenia or are you simply doing your job? By that I mean, leaving sunny California and hicks-ville Alabama for a foul dictatorship in Caucasus like Armenia?! Heck, you must either be a saint or a demon. Anyway, I know the answers to these questions, I just want to hear them from you...
          Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


          Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


          • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

            Originally posted by Virgil View Post
            Absolutely, when has my post indicated otherwise? Never, I have debated and stood by my opinions from the first post on this forum. I have proven you wrong in many occasions and, clearly, have explained in detail to few LTP whoores on this forum why I am against armed revolution.

            Furthermore, if you do want to "debate" and are "astute" forum member adhering to the principles of "democracy", then please, point to any opinions I have made that you would like to challenge or else shut your mouth.

            Shut the xxxx up, it is funny how you are the one calling me a "simpleton", when your views have been challenged and proven to be wrong.

            Furthermore, retard, how is it possible to be for revolution, but yet, not be for the person instigating the coup? It is not possible, by default, anyone, anyone that is against Serge, in this case Armenian, and tries to "smear" or "attack" Armenian is indeed a LTP supporter by chain of implications.
            When have you ever proven me wrong??? Puhleeze, you don't have the capacity to challenge my views. You never have. You tried e-mailing me to explain yourself but your dribble is painful to decipher...

            Again, to try to simplify all of the opposition as pro-LTP is fallacious. Its not that simple. Under your position, you could easily argue that if you are pro-Serge, you are also pro-LTP. Moron.

            Being opposed to Serge, does not make one pro-revolution.
            Between childhood, boyhood,
            & manhood (maturity) there
            should be sharp lines drawn w/
            Tests, deaths, feats, rites
            stories, songs & judgements

            - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


            • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

              Originally posted by Armenian View Post
              Virgil, need I remind you that you are attempting to communicate with an asswipe? You simply need to wipe your ass with these kinds of animals.
              This from someone who can't discern his vor from his beran. Animals are above your kind on the food chain so calling me an animal actually makes you my foodsource.

              Armenian - Ruler of the axis of stupidity
              Virgil - his brainless follower
              Between childhood, boyhood,
              & manhood (maturity) there
              should be sharp lines drawn w/
              Tests, deaths, feats, rites
              stories, songs & judgements

              - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


              • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
                When have you ever proven me wrong??? Puhleeze, you don't have the capacity to challenge my views. You never have. You tried e-mailing me to explain yourself but your dribble is painful to decipher...
                My dribble is "painful to decipher", more like, you either too prideful to accept my position or are too stupid to understand it. Furthermore, even when you try to belittle me you contradict yourself. I "don't have the capacity to challenge my views", but yet, I wrote you email with my views and I have also challenged your idiocy on many occasions? Meaning, I did challenge you and it is you, not I, that does not have the "capacity", more like, you pretend to be something you are not, which is intelligent and I, expose you for what you are, not only stupid, but a walking contradiction.

                Again, to try to simplify all of the opposition as pro-LTP is fallacious. Its not that simple. Under your position, you could easily argue that if you are pro-Serge, you are also pro-LTP. Moron.
                Retard, how is it a "fallacy" to assume that the opposition supporters are pro-LTP when your opposition is lead by LTP? Can any other member explain to this reject how following the leader of the opposition, LTP, is the same as supporting him? I don't know, I give up.

                Being opposed to Serge, does not make one pro-revolution.
                Yes, it does, in this context. If you explicitly using LTP's coup attempt to overthrow Serge, you are pro-revolution, stop hoping the fence, you have stated numerous times you were for revolution, but as much as I would like to expose you as the asswipe you are, I don't think you are man enough to admit you are wrong.
                Last edited by Virgil; 04-13-2008, 10:49 PM.


                • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                  I don't think you are man
                  That's giving him more credit than is due. He is siamanto's pillow-friend.
                  For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                  to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



                  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                    Gazprom denies offering Vice President post to Robert Kocharian
                    14.04.2008 12:36 GMT+04:00 Print version Send to mail In Russian In Armenian

                    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Gazprom denies offering Armenia’s ex-President Robert Kocharian the post of Vice President.

                    “Robert Kocharian wasn’t offered a leading post in Gazprom,” the giant’s representative Sergei Kupriyanov told Echo of Moscow.

                    Earlier, an informed source in Moscow told PanARMENIAN.Net that Robert Kocharian was proposed the post of Gazprom’s Vice President.


                    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                      Originally posted by Virgil View Post
                      My dribble is "painful to decipher", more like, you either too prideful to accept my position or are too stupid to understand it. Furthermore, even when you try to belittle me you contradict yourself. I "don't have the capacity to challenge my views", but yet, I wrote you email with my views and I have also challenged your idiocy on many occasions? Meaning, I did challenge you and it is you, not I, that does not have the "capacity", more like, you pretend to be something you are not, which is intelligent and I, expose you for what you are, not only stupid, but a walking contradiction.

                      Retard, how is it a "fallacy" to assume that the opposition supporters are pro-LTP when your opposition is lead by LTP? Can any other member explain to this reject how following the leader of the opposition, LTP, is the same as supporting him? I don't know, I give up.

                      Yes, it does, in this context. If you explicitly using LTP's coup attempt to overthrow Serge, you are pro-revolution, stop hoping the fence, you have stated numerous times you were for revolution, but as much as I would like to expose you as the asswipe you are, I don't think you are man enough to admit you are wrong.
                      Douchebag, says what? I don't have to admit anything, especially things that are not true.

                      You have never intelligently confronted any of my positions, let alone proved me wrong. You should resort to challenging your shadow, its the only challenge you may have a chance of winning.

                      I have said consistently and repeatedly that neither LTP nor Serge is the answer. At every critical point of LTP's presidency when Serge had an opportunity to stand up for the country, he protected his political future instead.

                      Demanding that the RA's government uphold the constitution is not seeking revolution. And, demanding that the RA's president be sacked for not following the constitution is not seeking revolution.
                      Between childhood, boyhood,
                      & manhood (maturity) there
                      should be sharp lines drawn w/
                      Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                      stories, songs & judgements

                      - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22

