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Are Armenians white????

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  • Re: Are Armenians white????

    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    There comes a point in life where everyone goes searching to discover who they are. The only ones that don't lose themselves are those who still remained close to their roots even though they didn't embrace it growing up.
    There was an article recently about Kurdish supporter of PKK who discovered he is Armenian and started a community of hidden Armenians among Kurds...we have lots of such people among Kurds,Zaza,Turks...we need to wake them up and also Hamshens...have you seen their videos? Another case of white Armenian community ...


    • Re: Are Armenians white????

      Originally posted by Nare View Post
      da naev mshakuyt, kecvatzq, mtatzelakerp, isk ete du dasum es mez vorpes voch spitak, apa du dnum es mez arab,kurd,cigani het havasar, isk inch en tvel iranq ashxarhin baci spanutyunic, fanatizmic,etc? menq erbek musulman ashxarhi het chenq lini, baic ete spitak chenq, apa evropacinern el mez havasar chen 'nduni....baic inchu? ete metzamasnutyun' mer iroq spitak e...
      Մուհամեդական աշխարհում նաև կան պարսիկները որ շատեր ասում են մեր «արիական (կամ սպիտակ) եղբայրներն» են։ և ինչ եթե եվրոպացիները մեզ չեն թվում որպես հավասար... եվրոպացիները ո՞վ են որ մենք փորձում ենք նրանց նման լինել կամ ուզում ենք որ նրանք մեզ համարեն որպես հավասար/սպիտակ։ Մենք հայ ենք ու վերջ։ Ներողություն թուրքերենս բայց եվրոպան էլ «սիքիմ» մոհամեդականներն էլ «սիքիմ»։ Մենք ոչ մի օտարի հետ պետք չունենք համարվել։ Մենք Կովկասի բնիկ ժողովուրդն ենք և վերջ։
      Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


      • Re: Are Armenians white????

        Originally posted by Federate View Post
        Մուհամեդական աշխարհում նաև կան պարսիկները որ շատեր ասում են մեր «արիական (կամ սպիտակ) եղբայրներն» են։ և ինչ եթե եվրոպացիները մեզ չեն թվում որպես հավասար... եվրոպացիները ո՞վ են որ մենք փորձում ենք նրանց նման լինել կամ ուզում ենք որ նրանք մեզ համարեն որպես հավասար/սպիտակ։ Մենք հայ ենք ու վերջ։ Ներողություն թուրքերենս բայց եվրոպան էլ «սիքիմ» մոհամեդականներն էլ «սիքիմ»։ Մենք ոչ մի օտարի հետ պետք չունենք համարվել։ Մենք Կովկասի բնիկ ժողովուրդն ենք և վերջ։
        Axr tenc hnaravor chi erkusin el en turkakan xoskic anel;-))) The world can't be divided into whites, non whites and Armenians ))))
        Menq petk a mi tegh linenq, isk mahmedakanneri het linel es ktruk hrajarvum em! lol nenc el Hayastanum sagh turkakan u arabakan en parum, aghjiknern el araakan en qsvum, shater' evropakan dimagtzer unen, baic nenc en iranc arabakan dzevov prtum, vor nmanvum en iranc...aid ameni dem paiqarel e petk, te che mez menak mnum a mosque bac anel iranc nmanvelu liovin...Vraciner' iranc megh et asiakan baner; ktruk hanecin henc propagandaov...isk menq "plivem po techeniyu"


        • Re: Are Armenians white????

          Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
          There comes a point in life where everyone goes searching to discover who they are. The only ones that don't lose themselves are those who still remained close to their roots even though they didn't embrace it growing up.
          Amen, this is great stuff. I had a Israeli lady today tell me she does not like to be called xxxish, because she doesn't want to be associated with any religion. So i said okay, Israeli, what are you genetically, she just shook her head......

          We can't let our children be like this, where they do not know their identity.


          • Re: Are Armenians white????

            Our Nordic Race, by Richard Kelly Hoskins. Depicted on the original hardcover of the book is the Armenian goddess of fertility and life, Anahit.


            • Re: Are Armenians white????

              Originally posted by Nare View Post
              OK, I get your point. You are afraid that white/non white issue might divide Armenians. And for that you are denying majority of whites among us calling us all non white.

              But that's not the way to handle this issue. The fact is in our overwhelming majority we are whites...

              Btw, I am originally from Yerevan so Ia m not discriminating Armenia praising Diaspora. I believe it was Mos who mentioned Diaspora turned a blind eye at Armenia being led by Dashnaks, I feel the same way. But when it comes to white/non white it is not only a question of how we look, da naev mshakuyt, kecvatzq, mtatzelakerp, isk ete du dasum es mez vorpes voch spitak, apa du dnum es mez arab,kurd,cigani het havasar, isk inch en tvel iranq ashxarhin baci spanutyunic, fanatizmic,etc? menq erbek musulman ashxarhi het chenq lini, baic ete spitak chenq, apa evropacinern el mez havasar chen 'nduni....baic inchu? ete metzamasnutyun' mer iroq spitak e...

              I can tell you I know many Armenians who want to leave the country because they can't stand any more non Armenian/rabiz subculture...
              If the problem is that we fear being grouped with Kurds, Turks, Arabs, etc... Why didn't you say so? Why bring "whiteness" and "European-ness" into the picture? Why do we have to identify with one side or another using hazy means?

              When people ask me where Armenia is, if we're European or Middle Eastern, I say neither, or both, it depends on what you make of it. I will say, Armenia is its own thing.

              I've been called white, brown, Middle Eastern, European, a mix of European and Arab. What does this mean? This means that there is no homogeneous entity called "white", "brown", "Middle Eastern", "European", "Arab". There are only categories that individual observers are familiar with. Arab is actually an identity based on the "Arabic language", but people forget that because they are so numerous and have their own mostly muslim civilization. Within the Muslim world are very different looking people, some dark, some light, some hairy, others not. Some with big noses, others with small noses. Of course Armenians hate being lumped together with something so vague and vast, that's historically associated as an enemy, or assimilating threat, but more importantly, we want to distance ourselves from the taboo of "Islam", both out of our domestic interest to retain our identity, and also to combat the apparently unfavourable stigma of being associated with Arabs/Muslims by odars.

              On sites like SF, it is not the first reason, our resistance to lose our identity, that shines through. Because we are surrounded by odars who don't give a xxxx anyway about our identity. No, it is the latter reason, this trying to exempt ourselves from the stigma of being associated with Arabs/Muslims, and actually more (Jews) by odar ignoramuses who find pride in their skin colour for the stupidest reasons.

              And if there are Armenians who want to leave Armenia because they can't stand it anymore, on the bright side, their presence in the diaspora is a boost to our communities which always face the threat of dying out over the generations. As much as we fear running out of Armenians in Armenia (which can only be addressed by government domestic policy and the desire and will of individuals to find the best opportunities for themselves, their families and communities while doing one's best to remain, or move to Armenia), there is a bright side to their emigration. The bright side is that they'll have an influence in their new diaspora community that does not support rabiz culture.

              Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
              Forget about it.

              We are few.........but we are the Armenians.
              Exactly why we don't need to have this paranoia about not being European. We are Armenian. If that can't stand on its own legs, without recourse to some greater identification that has nothing to do with our human activity other than reproductive sex and its alleged effects on skin colour and the shape of one's nose, then forget about it.

              Originally posted by Nare View Post
              Typical non white community ;-)))

              Hamuzecinq vergh' qez? ;-))

              Guys, while for us the main thing is to be Armenian no matter what we should realize the world is divided into whites and non whites...we are practically the only nation who doesn't care and stands in between ( like always) But we can't just say " we don't care we are Armenians", we have to be somewhere and since we don't care our enemies happily put us there where we simply don't belong neither with our looks, not with our history, geography,civilization...
              The world is not divided into whites and non-whites unless you choose to see it that way. You can also divide the world into plants and animals, sky and earth, people with big feet and small feet. People who have cancer and no cancer, etc... The contrasts one can choose to look at in the world are endless. However, they all require some kind of definition to test in order to exist. A frog uses an innate definition of what a fly looks like, and will fire its tongue to catch it if its eyes notice an object buzzing in the air that passes the test of this definition. The difference between a frog understanding the world through the lens of fly vs. non fly, and humans noticing the world as "white" vs. "non-white", is that unlike the fly, "white" is not something we can innately identify, it is something learned, and even still is hazy. Not even through genetic testing does the matter become clear, because someone with the genes of a white person could potentially not look white, and vice versa.

              What is "white" is socially and arbitrarily defined, and depends on how far one is willing to stretch "whiteness" in their own understanding of racial categories. And the outdated label "Caucasian" is by far the broadest category for "whiteness" (because its only alternatives are "Negroid" and "Mongoloid", with a possible addition of "Amerindian"), hence why its not used in polls and surveys anymore because it doesn't offer meaningful demographic data for people of Middle Eastern background. It's even worse for categorizing Central Asians, who are pretty much a mix of Caucasian and Mongoloid according to this definition.

              The reality is that all so called "races" are mixed. There are no kinds of races, it is all just a continuum of genetic interaction, sometimes with noticeable physical differences, sometimes not. Often, haplogroup studies do not catch the genetic blueprints for one's physical appearance, and are thus useless for account for the exterior difference between people, so necessary for the sensory and mental category based idea of "race".

              Armenians, like Central Asians, are not victims of not choosing which side of the fence to sit on, but victims (if you choose to see it so negatively and meaningfully) of other communities, understanding the world through their own lenses who place an imaginary "racial fence" which we consequently have to sit on, because in our physical profile, we have both the features of (Southern) Europeans and Middle Easterners. In fact, what this suggests is less of a divide between the Arab and the (Southern) European physical profile, but more of a unity between the two, best represented by Armenians, among other Anatolian and Levantine populations who are geographically considered in the Middle East (which in itself is equally arbitrarily defined as a category, based on historical and social reasons) but having physical features in common with many Europeans, whether these commonalities are reflected in haplogroup studies or not.

              Armenians should start responding to all propaganda against even if you consider it childish...One day that propaganda result will strike us, how could we ever imagine that Azeri Tartars after committing 3 genocides on us (1905, 1918, 1988) will make up some Khojalu and make some countries (Georgia and UK) sign it? All 20 years we silently watched propaganda being convinced that the truth will win, no, it doesn't..we have to fight for it....
              Well if the real issue is a propaganda war, again, why didn't you say so? Why bring whiteness into the matter? Lets say Azeris argued that the colour of our poop was blue, and therefore we were not human. We would not even engage them in a debate, because that's ridiculous! Well, that is how I feel about this whole white/non-white business.
              Last edited by jgk3; 02-01-2011, 06:54 AM.


              • Re: Are Armenians white????

                So have we become stormfront or something?
                Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                • Re: Are Armenians white????

                  Originally posted by jgk3 View Post

                  Exactly why we don't need to have this paranoia about not being European. We are Armenian. If that can't stand on its own legs, without recourse to some greater identification that has nothing to do with our human activity other than reproductive sex and its alleged effects on skin colour and the shape of one's nose, then forget about it.
                  I must be from the old school.....never thought this was a problem as it appears some of us have an inferiourity complex.
                  We are the Armenians, unique in its own freaking way, who cares white or not.

                  With that said, Nare makes a good point that this is not enough since our enemies are working hard to push their "White Genocide" on us and that we must not allow them to get away with their crap, as silly as it might sound, and if we don't put a check on it, time has a way to make the most stupid things become comon knowledge. It is like if you keep repeating a lie enough times it eventually might be taken as the truth....However like you said, this has nothing to do with our true identity and who we are but an information war that we must fight.
                  B0zkurt Hunter


                  • Re: Are Armenians white????

                    Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
                    I must be from the old school.....never thought this was a problem as it appears some of us have an inferiourity complex.
                    We are the Armenians, unique in its own freaking way, who cares white or not.

                    With that said, Nare makes a good point that this is not enough since our enemies are working hard to push their "White Genocide" on us and that we must not allow them to get away with their crap, as silly as it might sound, and if we don't put a check on it, time has a way to make the most stupid things become comon knowledge. It is like if you keep repeating a lie enough times it eventually might be taken as the truth....However like you said, this has nothing to do with our true identity and who we are but an information war that we must fight.
                    I agree with eddo on this one, we must fight back in the information war, so that their attempts at falsification of us don't become temporary truths.
                    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                    • Re: Are Armenians white????

                      Originally posted by Nare View Post
                      Axr tenc hnaravor chi erkusin el en turkakan xoskic anel;-))) The world can't be divided into whites, non whites and Armenians ))))
                      Menq petk a mi tegh linenq, isk mahmedakanneri het linel es ktruk hrajarvum em! lol nenc el Hayastanum sagh turkakan u arabakan en parum, aghjiknern el araakan en qsvum, shater' evropakan dimagtzer unen, baic nenc en iranc arabakan dzevov prtum, vor nmanvum en iranc...aid ameni dem paiqarel e petk, te che mez menak mnum a mosque bac anel iranc nmanvelu liovin...Vraciner' iranc megh et asiakan baner; ktruk hanecin henc propagandaov...isk menq "plivem po techeniyu"
                      Չմոռանանաք որ այսպես կոչված «ոչ-սպիտակները» միայն մուհամեդականները չեն այլ հնդիկները և չինացիները էլ կան։ Պարսիկների հանդեպ կարծիքդ ի՞նչ է ուրեմն։ Ասում են որ մեր արիական եղբայրներն են նրանք բայց մուհամեդական են։ Սպիտակ ե՞ն կամ ոչ Այս արաբական և թուրքական ազդեցությունները սպիտակի կամ ոչ-սպիտակի հարց չե... պարզապես արաբական և թուրքական հարց է։ Ես համարում եմ եվրոպական ազդեցությունները որոնք մտնում են մեր սուրբ մշակույթին մեջ նույնը արաբականի և թուրքականի։ Սրանք ՕՏԱՐ մշակույթներ են ամբողջությամբ որոնք գործ չունեն Հայաստանում և պետք է պայքարել դեմը։ Մենք Հայաստանի և հայերի կողմը պետք է լինենք և ոչ Եվրոպայի կամ Ասիայի։ Այս դարում չկա սպիտակ կամ ոչ-սպիտակ բաժանում... միայն կա ՇԱՀ։
                      Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!

