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Armenian and gay?

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  • #51
    Originally posted by nunechka
    gst then why are there so many people who hate homosexuals because they are homosexuals... i just cant connect why they are so hostile to them??? there is a phobia here, and we should just stop bashing on them and hating them...

    its not like they like living in a society that doesnt accept them... its very difficult for them... men get married have children and then when they are like 40yrs old they just dont want to live the lie anymore, so they come out, and there are so many people who are totally hostile to them... and in a strange way, the ones who are not confident of their own sexuality are usually the ones who are "agaist" them...

    my family is totally typical Armenian... my dad and my mom both think gay people are as natural as being heterosexual... my dad's explaination was that gays didnt come into existance in the 21th century, they have been around FOREVER, as long as people have existed and cultures have been formed... especially in Greek society... now there is no reason to say i dont agree or i do agree, its an acceptance thing and we just do that and we should move on... its not important that a woman or a man is gay, its important if they are good people... most gay people are responsible, hardworking, well to do, people who recycle, have cars, homes, and mostly they give to our society good things, like tasteful fashion, cleanliness, tv shows that are fun to watch, etc... i dont see how they threaten anyone in anyway... i am still going to marry a guy and have little armenian children, who will grow up and vacation in armenia in our home there...

    You cannot hate a homosexual if you are one. I dont know how that is possible. Unless you are scared to death someone is going to kill you so you act as though you hate them.

    People in this day have forgotten about caring for others. They are so concerned with themselves and their own pleasures they dont know what it means to care for someone. That is why I agree with Ck.

    Everything that you stated homosexuals do for this socity...can go for all human beings. The Greeks were homosexual for many reasons. If I remember this correctly, one reason was that at the time it was believed a woman was apart of this world for fertilization. They were only empty vassels which men planted their seeds. The other reason was believed that the only true and pure love was between two man.

    Now times change...and people think differently. Women back then wanted their husbands to have lover who were man not that they children could inherit everything. Again times change.

    ehh I dont know!
    You can't hold a man down without staying down with him.


    • #52
      gohar i had forgotten about those reasons... LOL! they are sort of funny... that is absolutely true... so our society shapes how men and women act...

      ooffff i know we are good people here, and i know that there is no one that would beat up a gay person for being gay... SOOOOOOOO! its late we should sleep...


      • #53
        Nunechka, homosexuals are frowned upon by societies that care about the welfare of children and families. And a homosexual couple do not fit that dream. You, and your lesbian friends, can have all the fun you want in your bedroom, but not on the streets. Notice what Thoreau said, IN THE BEDROOM, not on the phucking street.

        Nunechka, homosexuals in Greece was not a genetic thing, it was a society thing. They believed women were inferior and that men could bond much more being lovers than friends. If this was true, Greece would have been full of Homosexuals.

        "mostly they give to our society good things, like tasteful fashion, cleanliness, tv shows that are fun to watch, etc... "

        Hetero men have fashion, hetero men are clean, and those TV shows are stupid because they do not educate. All my 13 year old sister does everyday is watch those stupid shows and re-arranges her room.

        And I am tired of being called a Homophob, I am not afraid of them, I am anti-homosexual. Got that?


        • #54
          Originally posted by Hayq
          And I am tired of being called a Homophob, I am not afraid of them, I am anti-homosexual. Got that?
          Don't translate the word literally. It implies both fear and/or dislike.


          • #55
            flames apperently hayq doesnt understand what is a phobia...

            HAYQ i SAID "our society shapes how men and women act... "

            i dont have one single lesbian friend but i do have 2 gay friends... and they are just as normal and i dont see anythign wrong with them... they have the best advice about dating men, and i really appreciate their input and they listen to my problems, they understand what its like to date a man... its not easy...


            • #56
              I want a lesbian friend My hairdressers are gay but I don't treat them diferently...they ask me whats up with girls etc.... And some of them are soo funny


              • #57
                Originally posted by ckBejug
                Something that is clearly been found to be due to a chemical imbalance in the hypothalmus of human beings can not be defined as a BEHAVIORAL disorder. Why can't you just live and let live? Why can't people seriously live their own lives and not make themselves feel like the better person by judging others? I can not believe that rather than furthering themselves and living their lives, people would choose to waste so much of what seems to be hatred for people who, for all you know, CAN'T help the way they are. I am not talking here about people who are bisexual and like to experiment with sex. I loathe these people just as I loathe sexually promiscuous heterosexuals. However, if a couple, gay or straight, choose to love eachother and be sexual with eachother as long as it's in PRIVATE, they can damn well do as they please. BEHAVIORAL DISORDER would be one that would give a man urges to sleep with an animal or a child or something dead, not show their love for another consenting adult human being.
                Believe it or not, I am very tolerant of people why are not like me, nor do I consider myself superior to anyone. Nevertheless, to reply to your statement, chemical imbalances are brought upon by psychological/behavioral problems - they are interconnected. Don't take my word for it, ask any psychologist or psychotherapist (one who is not gay of course).

                However, the issue was: Is homosexuality genetic or not? The answer is no, it is not genetic. There has been an army of researchers for the past thirty years relentlessly trying to prove that homosexuality is genetic, yet they have utterly failed. Common sense and logic coupled with scientific objectivity reveals homosexuality to be a sexual disorder - nothing else.

                What two consenting adults do behind closed doors is not my problem. I have a problem with homosexuals 'forcing' their lifestyles upon heterosexuals. As such, I would not want to see activist groups promoting adultery or pedophilia as a acceptable forms of social behavior - regardless of whether or not is occurs in society.
                Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                • #58
                  Originally posted by nunechka

                  here take this "for fun" test and see it for yourself...



                  • #59
                    WOW eek jan, you are suspect... lol dont worry i came out a bi in that test... trust me the only womans body i like is MY OWN! lol!


                    • #60
                      Wen it asked who do you have sex with? Did you check the box both?

