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Armenian and gay?

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  • Hello:

    My name is Haig Hovanessian. I am an 18 year old Armenian gay man. This life decision is NOT one that I willfully chose. Who in their right mind would want to pick a difficult life like this?

    I grew up in a normal Armenian family. My one brother and one sister married under normal Armenian tradition, and I grew up with a loving and supportive family.

    To clear things up:
    - I am not after you straight men. That's the dumbest thing to assume. Do you think all women want you too?
    - Is it fair for gays to say that HETEROS are all disguisting? No, of course not. So it's not fair to do the same about gays. MOST gays are NOT like the ones you see on your TV. I am not, by any means, some weak limp wristed stereotype.
    - Hating all who are gay is nothing short of INTOLERABLE. I believe people like that should not be allowed to breed. More hate just brings on more hate. Maybe all that hatred comes from a deeper feeling of self-inadequacy or a lack or self love. Or maybe it's the result of a weak maniputable mind that follows the hatred taught to them rather than questioning the validity of such feelings.
    - Gays have gay pride not because they want to rub it in your face. it's because they've been kept hidden and made to feel ashamed for something that's been beyond their control. Example: We're all Armenians. That is beyond our control. We, as a culture, have so much pride because what we were was taken away from us. We did not tolerate anyone else telling us we were inadequate because of something that we had no control over.


    • Hey, Haig, (Im surprised at how young you are) Im glad that you have a supportive family. My family has issues with some of my opinions/choices...although its not really the same as yours and I cant really complain... I agree with you, I think its absurd to think that people choose to be homosexual. I think that its something one is born with, and I believe that it will be proven with our technology eventually.

      P.S. About straight men - they DO think that all women want them too! lol


      • Originally posted by ArmoBarbi
        I don't think that it's "a problem". It just can be difficult for them to live their lives. Although, I myself am against them raising children. Sorry, a child needs a father and a mother - not two of the same. May I add, it is things like this that may make their lives more difficult. lol
        Many kids these days have only one parent...or are raised by their grandparents...or are raised (and I use the term loosely) by people who are unfit parents in a variety of ways....perhaps two loving parents are ideal - but how often to we ever achieve the ideal - and who is to say that two parents - who happen to be of the same sex - but who are loving and attentive - and almost by definition well off financially and stable and good citizens and so on and so forth - remember rules for adoption much stricter then two folks just banging and viola! kid think about it - gay parents (many/most who have to go through many hoops and meet many strict criteria - are likely - on average - better parents then the typical hetero parent. I don't base this on any study or such - but I believe that if studied it would be likley to be found true. So if such were true - then would you advocate gay parentage over hetero? I mean if it is proven that there is a better environment for the child etc? Obviously the question is a bit facetious - but don't just jump to conclusions based on your "feelings" - what if you are very wrong - eh? etc


        • Haig - great post. Good luck to you. I imagine its not easy. Like being a Jew - a certain population just hates you right off the bat. Think about it folks. Be tolerant/ would want the same if it were you....


          • Originally posted by lbc213hc
            I am an 18 year old Armenian gay man.
            Isn't 18 a little too early to be so certain about your sexual orientation? You go through so many phases in your life, so don't label yourself until you're old enough, cause I think that will keep you from exploring what else is out there and giving it a try (hint hint girls )...

            Or maybe I'm just way off...


            • Originally posted by winoman
              Many kids these days have only one parent...or are raised by their grandparents...or are raised (and I use the term loosely) by people who are unfit parents in a variety of ways....perhaps two loving parents are ideal - but how often to we ever achieve the ideal - and who is to say that two parents - who happen to be of the same sex - but who are loving and attentive - and almost by definition well off financially and stable and good citizens and so on and so forth - remember rules for adoption much stricter then two folks just banging and viola! kid think about it - gay parents (many/most who have to go through many hoops and meet many strict criteria - are likely - on average - better parents then the typical hetero parent. I don't base this on any study or such - but I believe that if studied it would be likley to be found true. So if such were true - then would you advocate gay parentage over hetero? I mean if it is proven that there is a better environment for the child etc? Obviously the question is a bit facetious - but don't just jump to conclusions based on your "feelings" - what if you are very wrong - eh? etc
              This is a pointless post. You know nothing about how I was raised, to assume why I feel the way I feel. I told you how I feel about preeching. Do you think that you told me something I didnt think of on my own?

              I never said that bad straight parents are better than good gay parents. I just dont think its the ideal situation. A child SHOULD have a good masculine and feminine role model and authority figure. It doesnt mean that the child will have issues otherwise, (I am a very healthy and productive member of society, and will have my own healthy family) but I have every right to dislike such conditions.


              • Hm - I didn't call your post pointless - but I suppose I could have...

                ArmoBarbi - you can dislike all you want - and you can make spurious claims all you want - but you have no right to deny others - be they interacial or same sex the right to have a family. To claim that a "child needs a father and a mother" as you have done - is clearly an inaccurate statement. It is a statement of (seemingly) your ideal - and while many may agree with it - it has been proven that children can be raised in different manner under different circumstances and turn out OK. Perhaps you - or others - were raised in a comune and had (essentially) 5-10 mothers and fathers - well - I may think that is better then just one - but I would not presume to state that a child "needs" such as you have said. You are stating your personal preferences as fact - and the next step when one takes this approach is that they begin denying other's freedoms based on your particualr beliefs. You made the specific contention that a "child needs a father and a mother" - I countered that as a given in my post - that is all. I made no presumptions regadring your upbringing - I was only commenting on the statement you made. I disagree that it is a truism. And who is to say that two guys or two gals together will not parent with a masculine and feminine approach - eh? think about it. And also think of the many single parents who are doing incredible jobs raising their children - give them some credit as well.


                • I am so annoyed with you right now. You are the one who accused me and put words in my mouth. Dont ever lecture me.

                  When Michigan had to vote on putting law against gay marriage in the const (not that it changed anything) I voted "NO". Where in the world did you get the stupid idea that I wish to deny anyone anything? Please get your facts straight before you accuse people. Its really rude.

                  I was raised by a working single mother, fyi. I repeat - dont ever lecture me.


                  • Originally posted by CatWoman
                    Isn't 18 a little too early to be so certain about your sexual orientation? You go through so many phases in your life, so don't label yourself until you're old enough, cause I think that will keep you from exploring what else is out there and giving it a try (hint hint girls )...

                    Or maybe I'm just way off...
                    hmmm, i'm surprised you said that! wow! we liked boys when we were younger, certainly younger than 18; males reach their sexual peak at around 19, so if he 'thinks' he's gay at 18, we can be pretty sure he most likely is gay and our wishing that he weren't is not going to change things

                    as long as he doesn't start dating girls to see if he can BECOME straight, no harm done


                    • Originally posted by Siggie
                      What exactly is dicreet? I've never had anyone try to impose their ideology. They just want to be treated like everyone else. Is that imposing ideology? You don't have to agree with their lifestyles, but they can do what they want.
                      When heterosexual couples are all over each other in public, that isn't disgusting?
                      I don't have a problem with a gay couple out holding hands or sharing the occasional peck or kiss.

                      Heterosexual or homo, public affection is harmful to little kids. That's why out of courtesy, people gay or straight should respect their surrounding and the little kids (10 -12 years old) near by. People frenching each other and groping each other ugh!.. That’s why the term "get a room was coined.” All that does is impede the innocent childhoods and rush them to the contemptible realities of life.

                      *Side note... I don't understand how a person can be gay. I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be arrogant or prejudice, it just doesn't make sense to me. It just appears to be a perversion that has captivated many weak human beings. IMHO.

