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A Modest Armenian House

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  • #41
    Re: A Modest Armenian House

    Attached is the satellite image of Gago’s house. BTW, google maps has satellite image of Yerevan.
    Attached Files


    • #42
      Re: A Modest Armenian House

      Originally posted by HyeWayCop
      WOW annymouse never new a moderator on AC can be s ocruel if a member said that the thread would be closed you guys are like Cops u gus have advantages huh.
      If this Gagik Tsarukyan person were a member here then that might be true. But he is not!
      So we can either praise him and wish him a long and happy life, or laugh at his bad taste, at the probable diminuitive size of his genitals, and desire that every plague known to man or the Bible would descend upon him.
      Plenipotentiary meow!


      • #43
        Re: A Modest Armenian House

        Originally posted by Anonymouse
        So word gets to Dodi Gago that my dad's cousin has apparently been 'talking smack'. So one day they come to his place and take him for a ride, and they get to his 'office'. There they talk where Dodi Gago explains how he doesn't like it when people talk behind his back, and they beat up my dad's cousin.
        Hetq Receives Threats

        In the last week, the Investigative Journalists has received a number of e-mail messages containing threats and vulgar invective sent to the mailbox of Hetq Online. The authors warn the staff of Hetq not to publish articles about Gagik Tsarukyan and threaten violence against us if we do.

        On July 7, 2006 Edik Baghdasaryan, chairman of the Investigative Journalists and editor-in-chief of Hetq Online, submitted a request to Head of the National Security Service of Armenia Gorik Hakobyan to locate the authors of the threatening messages and apply any penalties prescribed by law.


        • #44
          Re: A Modest Armenian House

          Phuck Dodi Gago. If he has such balls I wish he could stop hiding behind his thugs. Hell, I'd even love to fight him one on one. I'd beat the shyt out of him.
          Achkerov kute.


          • #45
            Re: A Modest Armenian House

            Originally posted by Armenian
            The construction of the building in question was started by a Maffia type who made a ton of money in Russia after the Soviet collapse. While in Yerevan, I heard that the man in question was murdered in Moscow by rivals and, as a result, the construction of the building had stopped.

            Nonetheless, who cares how its built or for whom? At the very least, its being built in Armenia and not in Israel, America, Russia or France. When you look at the European castles and palaces do you think about how they were built, or for whom? No, you just look at them and admire.

            Here, take a close look at this castle. It was built by a mad lunatic who ruined the regions treasury. Now it is one of the most visited sites in Germany. I wonder if Armenians who visited this site b-i-t-ched and complained about how and why it was built:

            I suggest you people view Armenia with an open minds

            PS: We also know that money does not buy good taste, nor manners.

            its impossible to look at armenia with an open mind, 2 % of the population drives bmw of 2007 while the rest of the people are starving, there is no justice. why on earth some people in armenia should live in such houses while others are eating basically nothing other that bread? why should the mafia build such houses and care so little for the people. the money that they use to build theyr palaces should be used to help the nation, not for theyr personal needs.


            • #46
              Re: A Modest Armenian House

              yeah it's sad.


              • #47
                Re: A Modest Armenian House

                Originally posted by chika
                its impossible to look at armenia with an open mind...
                Perhaps you don't have an open mind to begin with. No one here is defending the maffia or the criminals, I just want you folks here to put Armenia's sociological issues/evolution within an objective perspective. There is no such thing as perfect justice or honest politicians - anywhere on earth. Thus, everything is relative. Therefore, I suggest many of you avengers here to grow up.
                Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                • #48
                  Re: A Modest Armenian House

                  Originally posted by chika
                  its impossible to look at armenia with an open mind, 2 % of the population drives bmw of 2007 while the rest of the people are starving, there is no justice. why on earth some people in armenia should live in such houses while others are eating basically nothing other that bread? why should the mafia build such houses and care so little for the people. the money that they use to build theyr palaces should be used to help the nation, not for theyr personal needs.
                  Are you a "social justice" crusader? What do you suggest we do? Institute another ponzy scheme of Communism to 'create equality'?
                  Achkerov kute.


                  • #49
                    Re: A Modest Armenian House

                    I plan on moving to Yerevan and becoming a gangster some day. What do you guys recommend, black Audis or black Mercedes Benzs? Black Audis and the AK/Balaclava combination is so Russian, but it's so damn cool too.


                    • #50
                      Re: A Modest Armenian House

                      Originally posted by chika
                      its impossible to look at armenia with an open mind, 2 % of the population drives bmw of 2007 while the rest of the people are starving, there is no justice. why on earth some people in armenia should live in such houses while others are eating basically nothing other that bread? why should the mafia build such houses and care so little for the people. the money that they use to build theyr palaces should be used to help the nation, not for theyr personal needs.
                      uhh what do you mean with open mind? you mean look at armenia in a good way?

                      but that is what they are doing, all there is left in there is RALLY poor people, and REALLY rich people, no middle class, if there is, very very little.

                      Its very xxxxed up over there, when i came back to Armenia from siberia in 1997, it was HELL from the second we crossed the Vrastan/Hayastan border.

                      Where else does KGB knock on your door at 5:30 in the morning and say its our friend's birthday, give some money or we gonna open a case on you?

                      Or where else do they bring home a 19 year old's body with 2 Ak47 bullets on his side and say this coward commited suicide?

                      xxxx it, people need to get together, go back, a revolution needs to take place
                      Last edited by Fedayeen; 07-25-2006, 07:34 PM.

