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The Turks

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  • Originally posted by Gondorian
    How typical, Joobian the Nazi is slandering Jews again like Nazis always do.

    1.5 Million I think we would agree that the reason Excommunication was first invented was to Excommunicate people like Joobian.
    In order for it to be slander, first it would have to be untrue, but unfortunately for you, they are indisputable facts and that's what bothers you more than anything.

    And the reason the Inqisition was first invented was for people like you. God bless Torquemada.


    • yawn


      • Originally posted by Reincarnated Am
        What a low life loser coward you have to be, to post someone’s name in a forum where there are savages lingering around (such ramil safarov), are you sure if that person is who you claim he is? Or are you sure there’s no one else with the same name? you coward Zionist snake? Mark my words you piece of xxxx, if ever any harm comes to an Armenian with a Name “Arto” or with a family name “Vartanian” we are going to find you and nail your ass to that star of david that you warship you M/F piece of xxxx….!!!!!
        So this is your friend you care so much about eh? His views reflect yours it seems - The lovely views of Arto Vartanian...(BTW - pm me if you wish his address & other info...only happy to pass it along...)

        Filthy kikes, your end is near!
        April 15 2001 at 11:22 AM
        No score for this post Ann Frankenstein (no login)
        from IP address

        You filthy kikes are gonna disappear from the face of this earth because you can't get along with anybody exept for savages like albanians, turks, azeris and any other filth like you and you will turn to ashes just like the rest of the garbage that will get incinarated!

        Happy holocaust!

        Ann Frankenstein
        (no login)

        Stroke this ya turk xxxxx!

        April 15 2001, 11:56 AM

        Gas the jews, gas them ALL! Gas the turks, gas them ALL! Gas the azeris, gas them ALL! Gas the albanians, gas them ALL! Gas the chechens, gas them ALL!

        subject: To save this forum, we need jew repellant. Does Zyklon-B come in aerosol cans? name: Ann Frankenstein date: Sat Mar 17 22:47:03 2001 in response to: Save this forum and just email each other - Bored silly (Sat Mar 17 22:38:43 2001) followups: You're a dummy Then some strong deodorizer to get rid of that vile jew smell.

        Ann Frankenstein

        Sat Mar 17 22:38:58 2001

        Zyklon-B, Brand-X, whatever. Then it's crispy kikes up the chiminey.

        Happy holocaust:-)

        Guess again ya xxxx faced jew!
        March 1 2001 at 11:50 PM Ann Frankenstein
        from IP address

        We will post what we feel is important to all Armenians whether you like it or not and we're there to stay. If you want a forum without us, you'de better find yourselves another one!

        Jews are anti-Armenian and pro-turk demons!
        March 2 2001 at 12:06 AM Ann Frankenstein
        from IP address

        xxxx them!

        Happy holocaust!

        jews should have their jew star tatooed on their foreheads!
        by I Smash Azeris
        And it should be mandatory for all jew names to end with "jew" so they can't go aroung doing xxxx in other peoples names and let others take the blame for their jew crimes!

        *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
        *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
        *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
        *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
        *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
        *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
        *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
        *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
        *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
        *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
        *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
        *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****


        • Turks are not like Asala people, no harm will ever come to any arto or vartanyan guy.

          There is a famous Armenian in Turkey named Arto for example.

          I think you are in a paranoia, and think that Turks will behave like your Asala brothers.

          Originally posted by Reincarnated Am
          What a low life loser coward you have to be, to post someone’s name in a forum where there are savages lingering around (such ramil safarov), are you sure if that person is who you claim he is? Or are you sure there’s no one else with the same name? you coward Zionist snake? Mark my words you piece of xxxx, if ever any harm comes to an Armenian with a Name “Arto” or with a family name “Vartanian” we are going to find you and nail your ass to that star of david that you warship you M/F piece of xxxx….!!!!!


          • Originally posted by 1.5 million
            Hellektor -

            I stand by what I said. I do not at all buy your characterization of Pan Turkism having anything to do with Jews except that some of the Turks were Jewish - however they were clearly acting as Turks and their religious affiliation did not come into play.
            That makes no sense at all. Jewish Turks??? How about Turkish Jews??? Armenian Turks??? Turkic Armenians??? WTF???

            Also, many of the names that Hellektor provided, I haven't heard before, and I don't know how factual his claims are but having done a google search, those names are hardly even related to the Ottoman empire. So you essentially misdirected and then twice avoided specific points by Hellektor and comming back with what appears to me as a personal attack against him? Do you know him personally?

            Why do claim that these European Jews sought Pan-Turkism? I guess to clarify my question, how did you learn of this and what makes you strongly believe it?


            • Originally posted by TurQ
              Turks are not like Asala people, no harm will ever come to any arto or vartanyan guy.

              There is a famous Armenian in Turkey named Arto for example.

              I think you are in a paranoia, and think that Turks will behave like your Asala brothers.

              Hey siktir what don't ya "TurQ".

              Latest news coverage, email, free stock quotes, live scores and video are just the beginning. Discover more every day at Yahoo!

              Reincarnated AM:

              Take a look at what I found on wiki on Ramil Safarov.

              What incredible pieces of filth that would a spin on this event. Not only do they spin the beastial turkic act and try to make the victim murdered in that sadistic manner into the culprit, the also lie and actually contradict what Safarov already told, on the record to the whole world.

              And that is that the only interaction between him and the two Armenian officers were when the Armenian officers would say "Hi" to him and he wouldn't respond and another time when he insisted that they said something behind his back and "Laughed at him", that's when he said he decided to kill them. Those are his own words.


              • There is a famous Armenian in Turkey named Arto for example.
                Is he also Armenian, TurQ?


                • Originally posted by 1.5 million
                  So this is your friend you care so much about eh? His views reflect yours it seems - The lovely views of Arto Vartanian...(BTW - pm me if you wish his address & other info...only happy to pass it along...)

                  Filthy kikes, your end is near!
                  April 15 2001 at 11:22 AM
                  No score for this post Ann Frankenstein (no login)
                  from IP address

                  You filthy kikes are gonna disappear from the face of this earth because you can't get along with anybody exept for savages like albanians, turks, azeris and any other filth like you and you will turn to ashes just like the rest of the garbage that will get incinarated!

                  Happy holocaust!

                  Ann Frankenstein
                  (no login)

                  Stroke this ya turk xxxxx!

                  April 15 2001, 11:56 AM

                  Gas the jews, gas them ALL! Gas the turks, gas them ALL! Gas the azeris, gas them ALL! Gas the albanians, gas them ALL! Gas the chechens, gas them ALL!

                  subject: To save this forum, we need jew repellant. Does Zyklon-B come in aerosol cans? name: Ann Frankenstein date: Sat Mar 17 22:47:03 2001 in response to: Save this forum and just email each other - Bored silly (Sat Mar 17 22:38:43 2001) followups: You're a dummy Then some strong deodorizer to get rid of that vile jew smell.

                  Ann Frankenstein

                  Sat Mar 17 22:38:58 2001

                  Zyklon-B, Brand-X, whatever. Then it's crispy kikes up the chiminey.

                  Happy holocaust:-)

                  Guess again ya xxxx faced jew!
                  March 1 2001 at 11:50 PM Ann Frankenstein
                  from IP address

                  We will post what we feel is important to all Armenians whether you like it or not and we're there to stay. If you want a forum without us, you'de better find yourselves another one!

                  Jews are anti-Armenian and pro-turk demons!
                  March 2 2001 at 12:06 AM Ann Frankenstein
                  from IP address

                  xxxx them!

                  Happy holocaust!

                  jews should have their jew star tatooed on their foreheads!
                  by I Smash Azeris
                  And it should be mandatory for all jew names to end with "jew" so they can't go aroung doing xxxx in other peoples names and let others take the blame for their jew crimes!

                  *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
                  *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
                  *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
                  *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
                  *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
                  *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
                  *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
                  *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
                  *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
                  *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
                  *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
                  *****EXTERMINATE THE JEWS!!!!!*****
                  Hey lying jew, can you provide us with the URLs so we can verify the authenticity of your claims for ourselves? Not that we don't believe you ,but we would like to see for ourselves, that is, if you don't mind too much and it's not too much trouble for you.

                  Keep in mind that "Whosoever preserves a single soul of Israel, Scripture ascribes to him as if he had preserved a complete world" (Tractate Sanhedrin 37a).

                  Now go fetch!


                  • Originally posted by RUDO
                    Is he also Armenian, TurQ?
                    He doesn't refer to the singer Arto, I think he refers to Arto Tuncboyaciyan.
                    I will read the forum rules and not post in Turkish! I will read the forum rules and not post in Turkish! I will read the forum rules and not post in Turkish! I will read the forum rules and not post in Turkish! I will read the forum rules and not post in Turkish! I will read the forum rules and not post in Turkish! I will read the forum rules and not post in Turkish! I will read the forum rules and not post in Turkish!


                    • Aka Onno Tunc

                      or is he his brother?

                      Originally posted by Tarrak Hasan
                      He doesn't refer to the singer Arto, I think he refers to Arto Tuncboyaciyan.

