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U.N. Anti-Racism Conference

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  • U.N. Anti-Racism Conference

    Envoys walk out of U.N. anti-racism conference

    (CNN) --

    Dozens of international envoys walked out during a speech by Iran's president Monday as he accused Israel of having a "racist government" and committing genocide.

    European Union delegates leave during Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech Monday.

    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad accused the West of making "an entire nation homeless under the pretext of xxxish suffering ... in order to establish a totally racist government in occupied Palestine."

    Many delegates at the controversial U.N. anti-racism conference in Geneva, Switzerland, cheered his words as a minority of diplomats -- mostly from Europe -- collected their papers and briefcases and left the room. Cameras at the scene showed empty seats where delegates from France, Finland and Denmark had been sitting.

    The British and Spanish delegations also walked out, both countries' foreign affairs divisions confirmed. Video Watch delegates make their exit »

    U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon issued a statement criticizing Ahmadinejad for using the conference "to accuse, divide and even incite."

    Ban said he had spoken to the Iranian president and asked him not to focus on "divisiveness" in his address.

    "It is deeply regrettable that my plea to look to the future of unity was not heeded by the Iranian president," Ban said.

    During Monday's speech, Ahmadinejad paused a moment, then continued: "In fact, in compensation for the dire consequences of racism in Europe, they helped bring to power the most cruel and repressive racist regime in Palestine.
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    "It is all the more regrettable that a number of Western governments and the United States have committed themselves to defend those racist perpetrators of genocide," he said, echoing Tehran's official line on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

    Israel was established in 1948 as a homeland for xxxish people after the Holocaust, on land also claimed by Palestinians.

    Ahmadinejad said Zionism, the xxxish national movement, "personifies racism" and accused Zionists of wielding economic and political resources to silence opponents.

    He also blasted the United States-led invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan. "Wasn't the military action against Iraq planned by the Zionists and their allies in the then-U.S. administration?" he demanded.

    At least two protesters in brightly colored wigs interrupted Ahmadinejad as he began to speak, shouting: "You're a racist!" in accented English.

    But some delegates cheered as he began his speech while security officers dragged the protesters from the chamber.

    Later in the address, more protesters shouted at him from a balcony, leading him to pause and look down for a moment, a smile playing across his lips.

    He also blamed the United States for the world economic crisis.

    Israel withdrew its ambassador from Switzerland in protest before the conference, which the United States and a number of other countries are boycotting.

    Alejandro Wolff, the U.S. deputy ambassador to the U.N., called Ahmadinejad's remarks "vile," "hateful" and "inciteful," and praised Ban's condemnation.

    Speaking at a Holocaust remembrance service in Jerusalem, Israeli President Shimon Peres said Ahmadinejad's address "constitutes an acceptance of racism, rather than the fight against it."

    "It is hard to fathom why despots such as Hitler the Nazi, Stalin the Bolshevik and Ahmadinejad the Persian chose the xxxs as the main target for their hatred, their madness and their violence," Peres said. "Perhaps they targeted the xxxish people because of its spiritual power - a nation poor in material possessions, but rich in values -- for he who is infected with megalomania fears the power of the spirit."

    A number of European countries had vowed to walk out if Iran's president made offensive remarks.

    "The UK unreservedly condemns Iranian President Ahmadinejad's offensive and inflammatory comments. Such outrageous, anti-Semitic remarks should have no place in a U.N. anti-racism forum," said Peter Gooderham, Britain's envoy to the U.N. in Geneva.

    French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said he instructed the country's ambassador to the U.N. to leave the conference along with his European colleagues after Ahmadinejad spoke "in an unacceptable way."

    Ahmadinejad was the first speaker at the conference because he was the only head of state to respond to the invitation, conference spokesman Ramu Damodaran told CNN.

    "Invitations are sent to all member states. They decide at what level they wish to be represented," he explained. Ahmadinejad "was the only head of state who had confirmed as of today -- and when you arrange the list of speakers, heads of state get precedence over non-heads of states."

    The United States, among others, is refusing to send any envoys at all to the Durban Review Conference.

    While rejecting the boycott, Navi Pillay, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, urged reporters "not allow this one intervention to mar the conference.

    "I prefer to move on," she said at a news conference after Ahmadinejad's speech. She also criticized the delegates who walked out during his speech, saying his "unsavory remarks" did not "provide justification for anyone to walk out of the conference."

    Pillay said Sunday that she regrets -- and is "shocked" by -- the United States' decision to boycott.

    The U.S. State Department said Washington's decision was based in part on a conference document that "singles out" Israel in its criticism and conflicts with the United States' "commitment to unfettered free speech."

    Australia, Canada, Germany, Poland and Italy are among those also boycotting the conference.
    "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X

  • #2
    Re: U.N. Anti-Racism Conference

    Everybody treats Israel like it is their mother. Why can't Israel be criticized? What makes them so good? They don't have a republic, but have theocracy with religious laws that only favor xxxs in the country. And many Israelis too are racist against Palestinians. Everybody calls Iran terrorist this, terrorist that. Well, when does Iran kill innocent civilians? Well Israel does against innocent Palestinians trying to live their lives. To me Israel is a terrorist country.
    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


    • #3
      Re: U.N. Anti-Racism Conference

      good spoken.we as armenians have to see all the sides,we have talks with turks we can find truths at them and falses.Why Israel can't do that with Iran?
      At media i saw only people leaving but not media told me the reason or the speach so i can judge him as a free man leaving in dimocratic state.


      • #4
        Re: U.N. Anti-Racism Conference

        Ամօ՜թ, այս ինչ խայտարակութիւն ըրաւ հայկական պատվիրակութիւնը ։
        Armenian Delgation Walks Out on Ahmadinejad Speech in Geneva
        [ 2009/04/21 | 12:22 ] politics

        According to an April 20 article in the Guardian News the Armenian delegation in Geneva to attend a major United Nations conference on racism walked out on a speech being delivered by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

        Several minutes into his speech President Ahmadinejad stated, “Following world war two, [powerful countries] resorted to military aggression to make an entire nation homeless, on the pretext of xxxish suffering and the ambiguous and dubious question of the Holocaust … and they helped bring to power the most cruel and repressive racists in Palestine.”

        It was at that point that the European delegates in the chamber, along with the Armenians and the St Kitts delegation, rose in unison and walked out.

        President Ahmadinejad’s presence at the conference was controversial from the start and the U.S. and Israel led a boycott followed by Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland. Britain, France and other EU nations decided to attend but were ready, with their “shoes on” as one British official put it, to walk out if Ahmadinejad’s speech proved offensive.

        Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


        • #5
          Re: U.N. Anti-Racism Conference

          I guess they want to stick with the rest of Europe. Too bad. I wonder if they would have walked out if he didn't say "ambiguous and dubious question of the Holocaust" but still spoke against Israels actions toward Palestine.
          [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
          -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


          • #6
            Re: U.N. Anti-Racism Conference

            Originally posted by Siggie View Post
            I guess they want to stick with the rest of Europe. Too bad. I wonder if they would have walked out if he didn't say "ambiguous and dubious question of the Holocaust" but still spoke against Israels actions toward Palestine.
            What the man is trying to say is those that have suffered tragedy are usually humble towards humanity and don't turn around and exhibit the same oppressive measure towards others.
            Last edited by KanadaHye; 04-22-2009, 09:54 AM.
            "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


            • #7
              Re: U.N. Anti-Racism Conference

              Originally posted by Federate View Post
              Ամօ՜թ, այս ինչ խայտարակութիւն ըրաւ հայկական պատվիրակութիւնը ։
              Armenian Delgation Walks Out on Ahmadinejad Speech in Geneva
              [ 2009/04/21 | 12:22 ] politics

              According to an April 20 article in the Guardian News the Armenian delegation in Geneva to attend a major United Nations conference on racism walked out on a speech being delivered by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

              Several minutes into his speech President Ahmadinejad stated, “Following world war two, [powerful countries] resorted to military aggression to make an entire nation homeless, on the pretext of xxxish suffering and the ambiguous and dubious question of the Holocaust … and they helped bring to power the most cruel and repressive racists in Palestine.”

              It was at that point that the European delegates in the chamber, along with the Armenians and the St Kitts delegation, rose in unison and walked out.

              President Ahmadinejad’s presence at the conference was controversial from the start and the U.S. and Israel led a boycott followed by Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland. Britain, France and other EU nations decided to attend but were ready, with their “shoes on” as one British official put it, to walk out if Ahmadinejad’s speech proved offensive.


              I am flabbergasted… That's a sheer shame. Who tells them to leave? Because some 'European' countries decide to do so? It just reminded me of Ahmadinejad's visit to Armenia where a handful of big-mouthed Jews had organised a protest againt him. They practically do whatever they want, whenever they want and wherever they want...

              Իրաւ պատւի հարց էր… Ջհուդները ջանք չեն խնայում վարկաբեկելու մեզ, մեր նահատակների յիշատակը, խոչնդոտելու հայանպաստ բանաձեւեր եւ այլն, յետոյ մեր «դեբիլ» պատւիրակութիւնը թողնում է սրահը… Մարդ չենք դառնայ…
              Last edited by Lucin; 04-22-2009, 10:16 AM.


              • #8
                Re: U.N. Anti-Racism Conference

                Originally posted by Lucin View Post
                I am flabbergasted… That's a sheer shame. Who tells them to leave? Because some 'European' countries decide to do so? It just reminded me of Ahmadinejad's visit to Armenia where a handful of big-mouthed Jews had organised a protest againt him. They practically do whatever they want, whenever they want and wherever they want...

                Իրաւ պատւի հարց էր… Ջհուդները ջանք չեն խնայում վարկաբեկելու մեզ, մեր նահատակների յիշատակը, խոչնդոտելու հայանպաստ բանաձեւեր եւ այլն, յետոյ մեր «դեբիլ» պատւիրակութիւնը թողնում է սրահը… Մարդ չենք դառնայ…

                Ayo, manavant vor mer miag paregame Barsign e. Ourish teratsi chounink anontsme zad vor mez hed paregam e. Chehoutnere aghvor me pernads en yevroban, Amerikan yev ashkharhe, namanavant vor aytkan vadoren ge varvin ays chehout esvadsnere mez hed, inchou bedk e mer badviragoutyoune chi harke Barsigin yev anor naxakahin? Gadaryal himaroutyoun mer badviragoutyan goghme.


                • #9
                  Re: U.N. Anti-Racism Conference

                  Originally posted by Mos View Post
                  Everybody calls Iran terrorist this, terrorist that. Well, when does Iran kill innocent civilians?
                  Several hundred thousand of its own citizens - men, women, and children - executed at the whim of its mullahs and similar Muslim fanatics - plus millions more driven into exile. And not to mention the hundreds of thousands "martyred" during the Iran-Iraq war.
                  Plenipotentiary meow!


                  • #10
                    Re: U.N. Anti-Racism Conference

                    Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
                    Several hundred thousand of its own citizens - men, women, and children - executed at the whim of its mullahs and similar Muslim fanatics - plus millions more driven into exile. And not to mention the hundreds of thousands "martyred" during the Iran-Iraq war.
                    You mean the war where US supplied both sides with weapons and US intelligence told each side what to do? I recall that US meddling very well...
                    "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X

