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What If Women Ruled The World?

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  • #31
    hayq said he is speaking out of "anger"

    you see what i mean


    we are not mass produced pieces of clothing, we are all different and we accept that as fact not try to fight it


    • #32
      Originally posted by dstyle
      If women ruled the world, more war, imagine one world leader being on her umm monthly thing, bam boom lol.
      Totally agree with that, but she can always have a male vice president and he'd handle stuff during the rough times of the month so she can just stay away from the nuclear detonation buttons! lol

      Originally posted by MadHandle
      And if they did rule the world...

      -Production in choclate would increase by 120 %,
      -Malls would double...hell even triple
      -Jelousy would replace aids
      -Sale in Shoes would be up by 80%
      -Telephones will require a minimum of 90 minute conversations
      -Listning will replace TV or any other visual for that fact
      -Sex will be up by 30 %....on the lesbian end!
      ManHandle, you're freaking hillarious man!


      • #33
        that entire thing about the "monthly" mood swing is BS! tell me when you have felt like you wanted to be SO evil to somene when you were on your period??? i have NEVER!

        actually being on my period has always made me more humble and more sensitive to everyone's feelings... so if we had leaders who were on their periods they would also be this way (MOST of the time)

        which is unlike men, who are permanately annoyed, easily out of patience, they would rather fight and be stuborn MUCH MORE then see a peaceful surrounding.

        they may be predictable, but what is that is predictable? the anger, the stubornness, the attituteds, the jealousy, the competitiveness, the lack of compassion and or carrying toward other human beings, the lack of carrying for the environment, the lack of love for non confrontational settings, etc...

        but when on our periods, we ladies, are very careful, more sensitive to our surroundings. actually the truth is that when we are not on our periods we are more unsensitive.

        this is ridiculas! how can people continue this misconception? dont we see it in ourselves ladies??? where does our period not help us? maybe we cant go swimming, but other then that, i dont even want to disturb an insect when i am on my period, let alone wage war against anyone.


        • #34
          Based on what Nunechka said, I think the world would be even more full of stereotypes if women ran the world.


          • #35
            women accept the difference and say, hey thats great: but men see it as a negative thing, they want everyone to be uniform if people are different men usually want to get rid of that difference.

            in the US there USED to be a strong sence of "assimilation" but now we embrace diversity. and thats because we women not only will fight for the MEN's rights but for all human kinds rights.

            I like the differences, but it just so happens that these difference make men out to be tyrants, war driven, and competitive, etc... thats ok with me, as long as you dont put the rest of us down.

            LIKE i said in my prior posts 7 out 10 men fit this stereotype, so the minority of men are as humane as the majority of women (7 out of 10 women).


            • #36
              lol girls are dangerous.


              • #37
                Originally posted by nunechka
                women accept the difference and say, hey thats great: but men see it as a negative thing, they want everyone to be uniform if people are different men usually want to get rid of that difference.

                in the US there USED to be a strong sence of "assimilation" but now we embrace diversity. and thats because we women not only will fight for the MEN's rights but for all human kinds rights.

                I like the differences, but it just so happens that these difference make men out to be tyrants, war driven, and competitive, etc... thats ok with me, as long as you dont put the rest of us down.

                LIKE i said in my prior posts 7 out 10 men fit this stereotype, so the minority of men are as humane as the majority of women (7 out of 10 women).

                It's cute when you try to justify your fantasy feminism with pseudo-scientific facts. 7 out of 10 women...ahan....


                • #38
                  A few very powerful women that come to mind seem to indicate that things wouldn't be too different....

                  Condi Rice, Madeleine Albright, Margaret Thatcher.... Anybody who sees them as nurturing must of had a very, very rough childhood.


                  • #39
                    i am not going to name all the "good" women, the list would render you dumb founded and just because you named some small number of stupid women doesnt take away from the fact that MOST WOMEN are nurturing.


                    • #40
                      and you know it may have been hard to do things when your gender wasnt considered a full person in society and when the other gender thought you were worthless. and it just so happened that the male gender was PHYSICALL stronger then the female gender so it probably was and you know it still is easier for a man to beat women then for a woman to beat a man.

                      i'd say give it time (since the voting thing happened just in this century) and not all countries have equality in gender, that maybe we can judge on a more "equal" base.

