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Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

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  • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

    Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
    At this point, I have something to say again....

    How are you not a Persian yourself if you know so knowledgeable about them (whether or not the vast content of criteria of Persian-ness vs Azeri-ness that you have in your head has any bearing on objective reality)? Is your wife missing hands to type on a keyboard and you are just her hands? What are you? Why do you talk so little about your own culture? Is it so shameful you needed to adopt that of your wife's?
    We represent a group of Persians. There are Armenians from Iran on this forum and they can confirm what I say about Iran. You do not have to rely on me. This is called Verification. Just pose a question to Armenians and ask them if I am correct or not?

    About You: I am sorry. But you have lost a lot of your credibility.

    I am of Scandinavian origin if you insist to know.
    Last edited by oslonor; 09-19-2008, 05:59 PM.
    Persians and Hollywood

    A Google Blog


    • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

      Originally posted by oslonor View Post
      We represent a group of Persians. There are Armenians from Iran on this forum and they can confirm what I say about Iran. You do not have to rely on me. This is called Verification. Just pose a question to Armenians and ask them if I am correct or not?

      About You: I am sorry. But you have lost a lot of your credibility.

      I am of Scandinavian origin if you insist to know.
      Armenians who can confirm what you say? Then why aren't they doing so? Where are they, which Armenians on this forum are you talking about?

      The reason I'm so suspicious of you is because you show so much interest in such a small subject that is not even related to your origin. You don't talk about anything else, you just keep on insisting the importance of your views and how they are correct and ours false with the same tactics.

      You go forum to forum doing this, and if that's not being a troll, I don't know what is.

      You boast about the rigid, black and white phenotype differences between Azeris and Persians and insist that your Persians are Nordic and Cro-Magnon without ever really defining what you mean by the latter. Later, you admit that Persians are not a homogeneous group, and so then, how could they be defined along such rigid lines for physical appearance to begin with?

      You sometimes say that 5% of Iran is "truly ethnically Persian", whatever that means, but don't explain how you came to this conclusion

      You accuse Armenians of being Azeris in a forum where we can detect the Armenian-ness of each other by more intimately Armenian cues than you can have access to, this automatically caused problems for how you are perceived around here.

      And all your points about the history of Persian and Iran, etc... where are they coming from? Can you tell us the names of some worthy books that we can find?

      Also, why don't you ever bring up the topic of Zoroastrianism in Iran today? If you wanted to prove your point about ethnic groups from pre-Islam times in Iran, why don't you start with those that practice this religion? I'm willing to bet that it is these people who probably have absorbed much less with the genes of Muslim invaders of Iran.

      Let me bring up a few more questions about ethnicity now... please answer these, I'm more keen on these issues than those you like to post.

      If you speak a language, does that make you part of the same tribe of that language?

      In Azeri Turkish, are there no regionalisms? Do all Azeri Turkish speakers feel as though the speakers of the same language on the other side of the border are part of this homogeneous "Azeri Turk" identity?

      Why does Azerbaijan side with Turkey far more intimately than with Iran?

      Would it be safe to assume that the agendas of Pan-Turkism and Pan-Iranism have fundamental differences?

      How long has this "5% of Iran that is Persian" group of people been a hostage to "non-Persians" running the government anyway? When was the last time "Persians" ruled their own country? How much of the ethnic demographic did they constitute at that time? If it was substantially higher then than it is now, what happened? What happened to those distinctive phenotype features of Persians that you claim about? How could they have possibly all disappeared in the modern "Azeri Turk" population if they are just a minority? Wouldn't it make more sense to say that Iran is still mostly ethnic Persian (whatever that means)?


      • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

        Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
        Armenians who can confirm what you say? Then why aren't they doing so? Where are they, which Armenians on this forum are you talking about?

        The reason I'm so suspicious of you is because you show so much interest in such a small subject that is not even related to your origin. You don't talk about anything else, you just keep on insisting the importance of your views and how they are correct and ours false with the same tactics.

        You go forum to forum doing this, and if that's not being a troll, I don't know what is.

        You boast about the rigid, black and white phenotype differences between Azeris and Persians and insist that your Persians are Nordic and Cro-Magnon without ever really defining what you mean by the latter. Later, you admit that Persians are not a homogeneous group, and so then, how could they be defined along such rigid lines for physical appearance to begin with?

        You sometimes say that 5% of Iran is "truly ethnically Persian", whatever that means, but don't explain how you came to this conclusion

        You accuse Armenians of being Azeris in a forum where we can detect the Armenian-ness of each other by more intimately Armenian cues than you can have access to, this automatically caused problems for how you are perceived around here.

        And all your points about the history of Persian and Iran, etc... where are they coming from? Can you tell us the names of some worthy books that we can find?

        Also, why don't you ever bring up the topic of Zoroastrianism in Iran today? If you wanted to prove your point about ethnic groups from pre-Islam times in Iran, why don't you start with those that practice this religion? I'm willing to bet that it is these people who probably have absorbed much less with the genes of Muslim invaders of Iran.

        Let me bring up a few more questions about ethnicity now... please answer these, I'm more keen on these issues than those you like to post.

        If you speak a language, does that make you part of the same tribe of that language?

        In Azeri Turkish, are there no regionalisms? Do all Azeri Turkish speakers feel as though the speakers of the same language on the other side of the border are part of this homogeneous "Azeri Turk" identity?

        Why does Azerbaijan side with Turkey far more intimately than with Iran?

        Would it be safe to assume that the agendas of Pan-Turkism and Pan-Iranism have fundamental differences?

        How long has this "5% of Iran that is Persian" group of people been a hostage to "non-Persians" running the government anyway? When was the last time "Persians" ruled their own country? How much of the ethnic demographic did they constitute at that time? If it was substantially higher then than it is now, what happened? What happened to those distinctive phenotype features of Persians that you claim about? How could they have possibly all disappeared in the modern "Azeri Turk" population if they are just a minority? Wouldn't it make more sense to say that Iran is still mostly ethnic Persian (whatever that means)?
        Mr. Jgk3: It seems you are living in a "World of Alice in Wonderland". Large numbers of Azeri Turks have been moved to Armenia from Iran and they are setting up criminal networks. These criminal networks operates on the basis of terrorism, narcotics and prostitution. They will try to subordinate the Armenian state to Tehran regime. They will use terror and bribery, blackmail and threats. Instead you are talking about trolls. Trolls or no trolls, I suggest you focus on Armenia. Persians whatever they are , are not Armenias problem.

        Ask your "3 click" friend to respond to our questions.
        Persians and Hollywood

        A Google Blog


        • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

          Swedish Views on Azeri Turk "Aryans"
          No matter how indo-european their language are, their culture and their genetics are not. They can call themselves "aryans" or whatever, but to be honest I have never ever met a more greedy and destructive people.

          They are narcissistic and have a damaged self image. They tend to be drawn to vulgarity and excess, as well as being extremely self righteous.

          It disturbs me a lot that some white northern europeans look favorably at iranians just because some pro-nazi statements made by the current iranian president. The people who do this probably never met many real life iranians.

          I live in a predominantly nordoid country myself that has a large iranian immigration and the idea that iranians and nordics should be close relatives is prepostrous. No one in this country, not even the anti-racist left wingers, would ever see a relationship between iranids and nordics. They are as far apart as you can get on the europid racial tree.
          The xxxs in Stockholm look a lot more nordic than any iranian I ever saw.

          Those links you posted didn't work, but I assume it was pictures of iranians with caucasian influences, they are not related to germans, they never where and those "historical sources" that say otherwise was proven wrong long ago.
          German 19th century archeologists in India, during the time of german national renessaince in the divided Germany of that time, made up a totally bull**** story about the "aryans".

          If you read the Nazi racial biological despricptions of xxxs and take a look at the subhumans named x or y selling kebab on the streets of my home city, they are a perfect match physically for the nazi description of xxxs.

          I would rather live in a favela in Rio, full of negros, than having to accept one single iranian as "neighbour" of mine or give any credit to their dirty culture.

          P.S. Copied from another forum. The poster is a Swede.
          Persians and Hollywood

          A Google Blog


          • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

            I was going through Mr. Lucin posts and find many interesting comments by Mr. Lucin.

            Here is one Quote Lucin:

            If you look into Northern provinces of Iran, you will find there, people with blue or green eyes and blond hair in abundance, especially towards the Caspian Sea regions. Interestingly, these people are also known for their prominent noses. But as you approach southward and the central regions (like Esfahan, Shiraz, Tehran, Ahvaz, etc.) the features get darker and darker.

            Oslonor Comments:

            This is a recent scheme invented by Iranians/Azeris that divides Iran into North Persians and South Persians. In other words they eliminate all ethnicities in Iran and talk instead about everybody is a Persian. The only difference between "Persians" is a linguistic difference. Also Northern Persians are lighter in skin and southern Persians are darker in skin. All Persians have big noses. It entirely contradicts the Ethnic Map of Iran produced by Western Academic Institutions and accepted by anybody who knows anything about Iran. Azeri Turks have themselves big noses that is why they try to impose on other people. The people in Caspian region have parthian-native origin. So they claim that Parthians had big noses. Iranians/Azeris have also produced some fake Parthian coins with big noses to prove their point. associated with Parthian research warns about the fake nature of these coins. Azeri Turks north or south have the same olive skin and it has nothing to do with Sun.
            Last edited by oslonor; 09-23-2008, 04:58 PM.
            Persians and Hollywood

            A Google Blog


            • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

              Lurs in Lurestan with Parthian Origin

              Map of Lurestan
              Persians and Hollywood

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              • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                Real Parthian Statue from Museum of Turkemenstan

                Persians and Hollywood

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                • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                  Fake Cyrus the Great: (Iranian/Azeri Cyrus the great with a big nose)

                  Persians and Hollywood

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                  • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                    Fraud on Afghans: The second picture is photoshoped to impose a big nose on the afghan girl. Russians have done extensive analysis on these photos and that is what they Russians say about these photos.

                    Persians and Hollywood

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                    • Re: Neo Iranians: The Case of Azeri Turks

                      Typical Iranian/Azeri Turk
                      Persians and Hollywood

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