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Sex before marriage

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  • Originally posted by armflower Sex before marrige?

    I think that there has to be only a one man in the life of any armenian lady...and that man has to become her husband...i don't approve sex before marriage with different men..i think it's is so wonderfull to realize that you belong only to one man, that he is the first in your life and the last one...that you didn't sleep with a lot of men and then found someone and married...i guess it is disgusting when a girl not virgin before marriage...unless i consider you can have sex with your future husband before marriage, because u are absolutely sure that you will create the family together...and by the way...the woman's duty is to give birth to a child...she has to be healthy...but not every woman who had an intim life is soo healthy...
    Have you been living in a bubble all your life?


    • Originally posted by Emil Have you been living in a bubble all your life?
      she totally has been


      • Originally posted by Emil Have you been living in a bubble all your life?
        I refer the reader to my thread on the advantages of hairy arms and how they are imperative if one wants to feel the dynamics of a bubble. The hairy arms enable you to catch the bubble and feel its weight and form.

        To add to this, I would say it must be one biiiiiiig bubble, you know like them giant ones those clowns blow up in a park? The ones big enough to house a toilet as you have a bowel movement, and do cartweels in?
        Achkerov kute.


        • Originally posted by fstkhnan lolllllllllllll
          she totally has been
          Quiet you. If I were you I would get in that jeep and drive away.
          Achkerov kute.


          • Originally posted by felizitation

            Personally speaking, I don't want to be a teacher. I'd prefer a girl who knows how to bring me pleasures, with fantasy and imagination.

            So, take pleasures now. It will be better for the one you really love.
            and what exactly makes you think that virgins need to be taught, and that they don't know how to perform in bed??? that's a TERRIBLE assumption.
            bringing pleasure is a part of someone's personality.
            people don't LEARN to do it.
            so when two people meet, they're either sexually compatible or they're not. if the girl doesn't have the attitude you want her to have in bed, chances are she'll never "learn" to be what you want her to be.
            people's sexuality is born with them.
            but anyway, take it from me. SPECIALLY in your case, I'm pretty sure you would want virgins, cuz they're a lot hornier lol and cuz they've kept it inside ALL that time.
            just something to think about.


            • Originally posted by Anonymouse Quiet you. If I were you I would get in that jeep and drive away.
              that was me by the way
              I accidently posted fstkh's username while she'd forgoteen to sign off


              • Well know I know a lot of Armenian girls that don't have sex before marriage. Let m clarify that for you, LOL, they don't have vaginal intercourse. LOL

                Ohhhhhh yeahhh I have come across my share of Armenian girls that are "virgins", you just need to check the size of their backdoor and their tonsils. LOL


                • Originally posted by jahannam and what exactly makes you think that virgins need to be taught, and that they don't know how to perform in bed??? that's a TERRIBLE assumption.
                  bringing pleasure is a part of someone's personality.
                  people don't LEARN to do it.
                  so when two people meet, they're either sexually compatible or they're not. if the girl doesn't have the attitude you want her to have in bed, chances are she'll never "learn" to be what you want her to be.
                  people's sexuality is born with them.
                  but anyway, take it from me. SPECIALLY in your case, I'm pretty sure you would want virgins, cuz they're a lot hornier lol and cuz they've kept it inside ALL that time.
                  just something to think about.
                  It's not the idea you expressed at all. By "teaching", i wasn't talking about sexual performances, but about owing something to someone.
                  Listen, what I mean is simple: virginity is gaining so much ground, grows so much in significance, that the virgin woman consider it as a symbol or a gift. But this is not.
                  By offering this gift, women considering the virginity as such, are transfering a responsability to the man taking it. The transfer is not free at all: the man should be up to it, and agrees, a mutual dependance, since this gift happens once in a lifetime.

                  Hence, I think that implicitely, a link of strenght is created: the man take something to the woman, the woman agrees with that. The man takes, the woman gives. The man gains something, the woman looses.

                  Thus, the look the woman would have, concerning this man, is like the embodiement of a symbol. Loosing her virginity would be like moving from the symbol of purity to a symbol of confidence and dependance. I alluded to a teacher because of the knowledge: the teacher represents the knowledge, and is bound to the pupil by a duty or responsibility, since the pupil expect something from the teacher.

                  So, what i was saying is that I refuse this symbolism and especially this link of strenght. I would consider my companion as being an entity equal to me (yes yes anon, no one is equal). A woman who have kept her virginity necessarly had symbolised it as I mentionned.

                  Now I agree with you that sexual pleasure is not only a matter of experience, but also a matter of involvement and feelings, which bring much more delight than just physical performances.

                  But I think we are not speaking in the same wavelenght, are we ?
                  Last edited by felizitation; 01-19-2004, 03:28 PM.


                  • In my point of view if too ppl connected to each other emotionally ,mentaly,spiritually so there is no point to avoid to be connected fisically as well...because if you connected with all of your emotions and you avoid conntact to him fisically then you abviously follow your mind but not your heart and feelings...and mind is crap ,it has nothing to do with your feelings or emotions,,,i prefer to follow my intuition, emotions and feelings.,because thats who i am .....GUYS don't get me wrong i m not talking about girls who sleep around for fun or just to get xxxxed.... sure thing they know they are dirty and the realization that what they do is WRONG they bury the truth...simple as that..but if you have someone in your( life which is normal),share the moments emotionally and fisically then nothing iswrong with that, and there is nothing to hid...

                    judge me!!! :PPP I am not virgin
                    I'm a monstrous mass of vile, foul & corrupted matter.


                    • no ones gonna judge you!!!

                      If you haven't noticed you're on my good list and when you're on my list sweet thing no one will dare critisize you or judge you.

                      ehhhh thats what i get for being known as the monster. Eternally scaring people away, if this keeps up i'm gonna be left all alone. BOOOO HOOOO HOOOO. LOLLLL

