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To impress a woman, a man.

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  • #51
    Originally posted by dusken
    I never said there was any conscious designation of roles. I believe roles possess the potential to evolve and change as the environment evolves and changes. That is not necessarily a bad thing.
    Be that as it may, every woman desires to be submissive and controlled by a man. Yes I speak of it as an axiom, because that is the way it goes. Inversion is unnatural and the consequences have been dire for women, frigidity, high divorce rate and alienation.
    Achkerov kute.


    • #52
      What's with all this impressing bullxxxx?

      Alright, women have been known to be the ones who need to be impressed by a man. I think it's the other way around. You see this in their clothes, their hair, their make-up...everything. We are all a bunch of idiots...marching to the same competitive drumbeat. We try to out-do eachother in hopes of our Prince f*ckin Charming to come riding in on his horse and carry us off to his palace...LMAO! Can't you see that men don't care about things like that? A real man can see beyond all the fake hair & fake nails & fake breasts..ok maybe not the breasts....But anywho, why try to impress?

      The same goes for guys who try to impress girls. Unless you are buying her flowers, and cherishing her out of the goodness of your heart (HIGHLY UNLIKELY), then you need to WAKE UP! If a girl is only going to be happy with you when she sees you with a dozen roses in your hand, then she is NOT going to be a good partner, wife, mother, or role-model for your kids...Instead, you should be yourself and let the women appreciate you for all that you are, and not some made-up macho man.

      This reminds me of the pandas. During mating season, the female panda rubs her asss on the grass, which lets out this sticky smelly goo, to let the male know that she's ready. Now THIS is what I call impressing


      • #53
        I, for one, am turned-off if I feel a girl is not being honest about herself. I do not like make-up, hair coloring, jewlery, tanning, fake breasts (I do not consider myself a "breast guy"), etc. The lack of confidence associated with these is unappealing.


        • #54
          Originally posted by dusken
          I, for one, am turned-off if I feel a girl is not being honest about herself. I do not like make-up, hair coloring, jewlery, tanning, fake breasts (I do not consider myself a "breast guy"), etc. The lack of confidence associated with these is unappealing.

          As much as I hate to say this ...APRES!


          • #55
            Originally posted by dusken
            I, for one, am turned-off if I feel a girl is not being honest about herself. I do not like make-up, hair coloring, jewlery, tanning, fake breasts (I do not consider myself a "breast guy"), etc. The lack of confidence associated with these is unappealing.
            I'm not surprised that there are guys like that.

            OK. Just want to ask the guys something. A lot of guys just like to have fun with crazy wild girls, but they marry the type of girl dusken just described or just somewhat good girls. True or false?
            I see...


            • #56
              The girl I described can be fun and wild like anyone else. As a matter of fact she can potentially be very naughty.

              Anyway, it depends on what someone wants at any given time in ones life. If you just want sex, you find people that satisfy that desire. They may not be desirable beyond that. Some people may be uncomfortable with entirely superficial relationships but it can be just the right thing for others. However, I feel that if you are to marry somebody, that person must be sexually compatible with you and will not snuff your ability to have fun in the manner you would like. You will probably get wildly varying answers from men to that question because men are not all the same. Also, what should be factored in is the whole "the grass is greener on the otherside" idea.


              • #57
                "An [Armenian] woman is a lamb in the kitchen...but a tiger in the bed."


                • #58
                  Originally posted by patlajan
                  I'm refering to the mindless search for happiness.
                  I was aware of that. What I asked is for you to further elaborate. I don't understand what you meant by "mindless". You've mentioned it's the search for the ideal which doesn't exist according to your calculation. Also you managed to intertwine some sort of a introduction to multiplication of westernized civilizations to save the dying elite breed. So I can't make the connection here.

                  It seems that you are suggesting that people should stop searching for their preferred partners (which you call "mindless", since it doesn't exist), and instead concentrate on plucking to multiply. Am I understanding this correctly?

                  And next, what the heck do you really consider "bliss on tap"?


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by dusken
                    I, for one, am turned-off if I feel a girl is not being honest about herself. I do not like make-up, hair coloring, jewlery, tanning, fake breasts (I do not consider myself a "breast guy"), etc. The lack of confidence associated with these is unappealing.
                    Then fortunately for you, we won't get along. Oh wait, we don't already. Do go on preaching your fairy tales.


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by anileve
                      Then fortunately for you, we won't get along. Oh wait, we don't already. Do go on preaching your fairy tales.
                      Do not worry. I hate you as a person and do not want anything to do with you. Do go on clowning yourself up and making useless posts.

