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To impress a woman, a man.

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  • #71
    If you can place gender roles in those cookie jars with labels of "effeminate" and "feminine" I can certainly do the same with the psychoanalysis. Now in terms of "inner fear" I would like to offer a logical explanation. If someone is customizing something or developing a plan, it means that a certain level of caution is pending on his/her worried little mind. God knows I have my own little "customizer" creature in my head. But to strictly request a certain image which is clear cut and almost manufactured drains any sort of spontaneity, passion or all that juicy stuff you are supposed to receive from having someone simply compliment you, rather than fold under you.


    • #72
      Originally posted by anileve
      Thanks for clearing that up. Being that I suffer from an inversion syndrome, I meant a scale from negative one to negative ten being the highest. Minus or plus one just shows your passion fluctuation, I'll let you know when you can kiss my feet and worship the ground I walk on.
      An inversion syndrome? You are stretching with that. Anyway, I am sure you have many syndromes. "Down" being one.

      Originally posted by anileve
      Violette, nothing is wrong with big asses, it is what Anon prefers so I simply listed the qualities he looks for in a woman.
      Big asses are the best.

      Editted by anileve because she wants dusken to get upset and say something so everyone will freak out and ban him.

      Stop doing that. It is irritating.
      Last edited by dusken; 04-27-2004, 01:53 PM.


      • #73
        There is no problem in being drawn to dominant men, in fact I highly enjoy someone overpowering me a little on special occasions. But consistently wearing a cap of some definition restricts people from developing themselves. The role switch has to happen interchangeably and naturally, sometimes there is an urge to relax and have someone command the ship, other times it's great to be able to sit down and plan out the entire day. In both cases, both individuals learn to respect each other and COMPLIMENT each other, rather than that stupid "complete" word. If you are incomplete and can play only one role then you become dull and predictable. And once again, that is my personal opinion.


        • #74
          Originally posted by anileve
          If you can place gender roles in those cookie jars with labels of "effeminate" and "feminine" I can certainly do the same with the psychoanalysis. Now in terms of "inner fear" I would like to offer a logical explanation. If someone is customizing something or developing a plan, it means that a certain level of caution is pending on his/her worried little mind. God knows I have my own little "customizer" creature in my head. But to strictly request a certain image which is clear cut and almost manufactured drains any sort of spontaneity, passion or all that juicy stuff you are supposed to receive from having someone simply compliment you, rather than fold under you.
          Now you are trying to apply youre definition of what you deem "passionate" to someone else. For some strange reason people reading this believe that I want a lifeless passive robotic woman. That is not so. In my opinion a womans identity lies in her feminine altruism. Women are made for duties that differ from men and the marketplace and those women that endeavor there too long are the most unfeminine ones, losing their essential womanliness in favor of a "independent domineering career woman" image, which I don't like. For me a woman is the creator of the internal and the home, and feeds spiritual aroma that nurtures the man or children. To me she creates love and intimacy. By modern "progressive" definitions I am "ancient" and "backward". I fully recognize that, nor do I want or expect women to conform to my idea of what I find attractive. There are plenty of both to go around for everyone.
          Achkerov kute.


          • #75
            haha. OMG. Poor Anon. Anileve, the man is obviously very old fashioned and traditional when it comes to the kind of woman and wife he wants. Nothing's wrong with that. Jeeees. lol.

            Women are made for duties that differ from men and the marketplace and those women that endeavor there too long are the most unfeminine ones, losing their essential womanliness in favor of a "independent domineering career woman" image, which I don't like.
            Anon, do you want a housewife? I mean, you don't want your future wife to work or do you just say a woman has her own place in the worforce, which would be...........?
            I see...


            • #76
              Originally posted by Anonymouse
              With your ego you need all the criticism you can handle. In my personal opinion, a man is a man that has control and moderation in his life and values and doesn't allow the woman to get to that point where she shall criticize him incessantly, and when that happens you have an inverted relationship.
              To me, a man is a human being with a y chromosome. Whatever he wants be beyond that is his business. Prescribed gender roles are a load of crap.

              His confidence gives him that masculinity.
              I think testoterone might have something to do with it, too.

              A man in control is a man sure of himself and knows himself. He is assertive and dominant. I can never marry or have a wife that is domineering or strives for control.
              A truly self-assured man will allow himself to let go every now and then. An intelligent man will even take heed of the criticism of a woman that knows what she is talking about.

              I am very black and white old fashioned compared to some of the modern "enlightened" men out there.
              Indeed. You want to close the borders, end interracial breeding, you don't believe in evolution, and you think a woman's natural place is to submit to a man. You'd fit in wonderfully in Tennessee.

              To me the nature of femininity is maternal. A woman nurtures and gives her husband and children unconditional love.
              Idiots on Jerry Springer give unconditional love. A real women loves he who loves her back.

              Likewise the essence of a man is paternal direction giver. The sort of "God like figure" that gives purpose and security to his wife and family. But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
              Or you could be right that that's the way you feel, and that that is the role you will need to play in order to be happy in a relationship. Then you can acknowledge that your needs have no bearing on the way any other man or woman should behave.


              • #77
                Originally posted by SagGal
                haha. OMG. Poor Anon. Anileve, the man is obviously very old fashioned and traditional when it comes to the kind of woman and wife he wants. Nothing's wrong with that. Jeeees. lol.

                Anon, do you want a housewife? I mean, you don't want your future wife to work or do you just say a woman has her own place in the worforce, which would be...........?
                Not a "housewife". For male female dynamic is for the woman to entrust worldly power to the man, and for him to use it to ends that shall make her happy, to depend on the man she loves, yes. To me a man wants power and women want love. When women want power ( like nowadays ), as in the modern day domineering "independent" business woman, then you have frigidity and alienation, and hence the soaring divorce rate. All you women except for one seem to miss my point. I will now stop trying.
                Achkerov kute.


                • #78
                  Originally posted by dusken
                  Editted by anileve because she wants dusken to get upset and say something so everyone will freak out and ban him.

                  Stop doing that. It is irritating.
                  Well my love, if you want to avoid future irritation, refrain from going overboard and you will not receive any intervention from me. I think it's pretty simple and logical.


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by loseyourname
                    A truly self-assured man will allow himself to let go every now and then. An intelligent man will even take heed of the criticism of a woman that knows what she is talking about.

                    Idiots on Jerry Springer give unconditional love. A real women loves he who loves her back.
                    This is what I call top notch poetry, no better yet a masterpiece and words of wisdom I think every man should engrave in their mind on their way to puberty. Not only that, lose I would like to give a VERRRRY Powerful high five to a girl who is dating you right now.

                    Yes I am very excited right now, and screaming for joy having read such brilliant statements from a man who used to crawl under my skin in the past. You are the best if only for this moment!


                    • #80
                      Originally posted by anileve
                      Well my love, if you want to avoid future irritation, refrain from going overboard and you will not receive any intervention from me. I think it's pretty simple and logical.
                      Your interventions are just for fun. I did not go overboard; everyone just assumes that everything I post is going overboard. Your intervention was no better. All it did was invert my intention. If you are going to edit something because the content is too suggestive then you need to either delete it or make the language softer while maintaining its point of view.

                      Oh crap. Let me guess: I should read the forum rules.

