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Iranian-Armenian relations

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  • Artsakh
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Originally posted by Persopolis View Post
    You shouldn't forget what YOUR limits are; speak that way to enough Iranians and your new home will permanently be in Glendale. What I presented were historical facts and I am not intimidated by you in the slightest. Make sure you understand that Iranians are not Aliyevbaijanis by yourself before Iranians are put in the position of teaching you.
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... is it a regular "Iranian" trait talking about how big and bad you are behind a computer screen, you faceless coward, because the one's I've had interactions with growing up were all pus**ies, with a capital P, and cowards with a capital C. I loved it how they would kiss our Armenian A_S-s es and try to hang out with us, thinking they were one of us.

    You're no Iranian. What you are is mentally sick individual who thinks he is changing something or furthering geo-political interests through a chit chat forum. You are dillusional, and you've got much too much time on your hands--not a trait of a mentally healthy person. Step out for some fresh air you sick man, it'll do you some good. And as i've said, sick or not, watch your limits, you're a guest here and don't u forget it.

    I love it how you're wasting the precious moments of your life, you sad sad sight. You must have no life whatsoever outside cyberspace, do you?

    Now be a good dog and go put together a 5 page essay in response to this post, you pyscho!!!
    Last edited by Artsakh; 05-15-2011, 06:40 PM.

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  • Persopolis
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    The problem with most of the clowns on this forum is that they don't know their own history -- everything I wrote in my earlier post is corroborated by Armenian sources. When the Sasanians killed off Vartan they killed off a member of the Arsacid-Persians.

    From Armenica

    "The critical conflict which arose between Armenia and Persia had its roots in religion. For by this period, Sasanid Persia was no longer the Arsacids' Persia, which had been liberal and tolerant towards other religions among its subjects. More over, the Sasanids did not felt any kinship with the Armenians, whereas the Arsacids were linked to their Armenian cousins, the Arshakouni. Sasanid Persia had reverted back to the old Achaemenidian Persian religion, Mazdeism, with its fire temples, worshiping the sun and its fanatic priests.
    The only thing I take exception to is that Zoroastrians did not worship fire (they used it in religious rituals) - In fact, they worshipped one God Ahuramazda. But I guess the historian had to write that part in to make it seem like a worthwhile battle given that Vartan (the Iranian-Arsacid) died. The equivalent insult can be made by Zoroastrians about Christians, I suppose. Maybe Zoroastrians should say that Christians worship 2 "perpendicular sticks." +

    Christians lived fine in Iran before and after Vartan - Vartan tried to form alliances outside of Iran by using religious conversion to cement foreign alliances. He lost. The fact that he was made a "Saint" is the biggest Achilles-heal Armenia has today.

    But as an Iranian, I want to thank you for making an Iranian warlord into a Saint.

    Of course, the bad news is that the Bible lists Cyrus the Great, a Persian Zoroastrian King, as the only non-xxxish "Messiah":

    "Thus says the Lord to His anointed Messiah, to Cyrus [...] to subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut: 'I will go before you and make the crooked places straight; I will break in pieces the gates of bronze and cut the bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places ...." [Isaiah 45.1-8]
    Take your pick: Either as Christians you pay homage to an Iranian-Warlord (Vartan) that you named a Saint or to a Persian Zoroastrian King the Bible calls 'the Lord's Messiah.'
    Last edited by Persopolis; 05-15-2011, 06:38 PM.

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  • Vahramig
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    "It's hard to be related to someone that was killed off. By the way, Vartan neither brought nor secured Christianity in Iran. Christianity in Iran predates Armenian conversion to Christianity and the Bible and earlier Christian groups state the same. Read the Bible - that's what it says - and if you're a Christian you supposedly follow the Bible that was written, not write your own.

    IF you have any relation to the people from Vartan's era; it's likely to those who supported Persia - because the other ones lost their heads. "

    You don't know the history for you to even comment on it. I will let this one slide becuase I know you don't know. Vartan fought with you guys because you guys tried to convert us. After this battle you did not return for 300 years. So it cost you blood, we were not in your land trying to convert you, you were in our land converting us. And you lost big!

    Now if I'm not the son of Vartan what makes you the son of Iran? Get real!

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  • Persopolis
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    ...I added to my earlier post above if someone wants to read it.

    (Okay kiddos ... enjoy your off-topic spats.)

    Originally posted by Mos View Post
    No it's simple politics. You reward the countries that do you good, and you punish the countries that wrong you.
    You should stand on the border with Iran and try to inflict your punishment: when you run out of bullets throw watermelons.

    I like Armenians - don't get me wrong; but if your mindset is common in Armenia, I give you about 5-10% chance of surviving the next 50 years.

    It's like the situation with the moth that is attracted to the flame - your saber rattling is hilarious. I hope your people are generally more insightful than you are.

    Originally posted by Vahramig View Post
    Well Vartan was right! We had a nice war with Persians and they lost a lot of blood.
    It's hard to be related to someone that was killed off. By the way, Vartan neither brought nor secured Christianity in Iran. Christianity in Iran predates Armenian conversion to Christianity and the Bible and earlier Christian groups state the same. There are churches in Iran much older than Armenian churches. Read the Bible - that's what it also says - and if you're a Christian you supposedly follow the Bible that was written, not write your own.

    IF you have any relation to the people from Vartan's era -- which you likely don't if you have no ethnic connection to Iranians -- it would be likely a connection to those Armenians who supported Persia - because the other ones that followed Vartan lost their heads.
    Last edited by Persopolis; 05-15-2011, 06:01 PM.

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  • Vahramig
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Make me! You can't beucase you are chicken, and your itelect is not good enough to compete. What is the matter little kitty can't stand the heat? Your plan of anti Armenian posts is not holding water any more and you can't stand it can you bell?

    My people have had a long and hard history, this makes us unique in many ways. Taking on a little pipsqeak like you is no hard task. This is easy picking, you just don't have what it takes. Your jig is up and it eats you up inside. You can't stand it heria, you have been placed on notice. From one post to the next your posts show all what you are made of.

    I don't think I own this place yet, but I will own this place long before you do. :-) Now that is a fact!

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  • haysip
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
    The people that know history will know that it did not! And know that there was no "Armenian" Kingdom of Mitanni and that thousands of years separate Mitanni from Cilician Armenia.
    when Tigran Mets conquered Cilicia, there were already Armenians there. why? because of the Armenian Kindom of Mitanni which later changed to Cilicia

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  • bell-the-cat
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Originally posted by Vahramig View Post
    Be careful little kitty! This is an Armenian forum you are the pest just remember that. Always siding with anything anti Armenian. I will not let you talk your bull, becuase that is all it is.

    Oh look I have more posts than you do..LOL You don't hold much importance with a lot of people here, so Know your limits odar.
    See, 60 posts and he thinks he owns the place! Cease your incomprehensible and inconsequential squeaking.

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  • Vahramig
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Your wrong bel the belig, it is 60 posts, so get your figures right. You can't count? Let me guess you are a heria that fits. Do you want me to feed you some kibels and bits or would you rather have some meowmix?

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  • bell-the-cat
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Originally posted by haysip View Post
    the people that know history will know that Cilicia(lesser Armenia) originated from the Armenian Kingdom of Mittani
    The people that know history will know that it did not! And know that there was no "Armenian" Kingdom of Mitanni and that thousands of years separate Mitanni from Cilician Armenia.

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  • Vahramig
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Be careful little kitty! This is an Armenian forum you are the pest just remember that. Always siding with anything anti Armenian. I will not let you talk your bull, becuase that is all it is.

    Oh look I have more posts than you do..LOL You don't hold much importance with a lot of people here, so Know your limits odar.

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