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Iranian-Armenian relations

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  • Vahramig
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Gegev, good question. Just to calm everyone here is the story of Vartan so the fake Persian can go kill himself.

    Chef Author Digital Creator bowhunter


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  • gegev
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Originally posted by Vahramig View Post
    ... game is to sour relations as they are growing.
    Why we are playing the Azeri game? Bashing Iran ...
    Last edited by gegev; 05-15-2011, 07:31 PM.

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  • Vahramig
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Gegev brother yea sure, but we are always in the hot seat. Let us blame ourselfs for our mistakes becuase the are our mistakes. However let us not blame ourselfs for everything! An enemy is an enemy, we can't be nice any more. Ever since we became Christians our faith has been tested, and our prospects become worse and worse. Armenia is a mere shadow of herself, we few are al that remain. At least if we go, let us go with eyes open and ready for a bloodbath. That is the only thing these animals understand, if we beat them hard enough, maybe they will go away for the next 300 years. Otherwise we are setting it up again, Armenia has a lot of red rocks, too bad it is the color of the peoples blood spiled on it. To have this fake Persian talk souce is just adding fuel to an already burning fire. And to top it off Vartan was a Persian..LOL this is not a barsig, this is a toork or heria.

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  • Vahramig
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Mos, mor tzier, this guy is not barsig, he sounds like no barsig that I know. Gerna elal vor heria elal.

    Perhaps his game is to sour relations as they are growing. Who is this fool to drive a wedge? He is not even a persian he could be one of the azeri ones they love saying Yerevan was theres :-)

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  • gegev
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Exploring history and learning errors made; that shouldn’t be repeated any more; is a good thing to do. But the future should be stressed most.

    There are several historical facts that we should remember always, such as AG etc. , and those that we do remember, but don’t talk about it every day.

    To enable nations having friends in nowadays settings, otherwise ... world consists of ... just enemies.

    Too sad ...
    Last edited by gegev; 05-15-2011, 07:15 PM.

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  • Mos
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Originally posted by Persopolis View Post
    You should stand on the border with Iran and try to inflict your punishment: when you run out of bullets throw watermelons.

    I like Armenians - don't get me wrong; but if your mindset is common in Armenia, I give you about 5-10% chance of surviving the next 50 years.

    It's like the situation with the moth that is attracted to the flame - your saber rattling is hilarious. I hope your people are generally more insightful than you are.
    Sorry but it won't be Armenian bullets, but American/Israeli bullets whose blood is boiling to invade Iran (especially Israelis). All we will have to do is give them a green light from our land. (Azerbaijan has already done that) Of course, that's in the case Iran wrongs Armenia, which I'm sure it won't because the consequences of not doing so don't look to good, and good relations between both our nations have usually been good, but you never know when Iranian nationalists like you can just screw up everything.

    Our mindset is not a love affair with iran. Our mindset is doing what's best for Armenia, obviously, thus again, any country wrongs us, we will respond appropriately, including Iran. I'm sure there are Iranians that are more mild mannered and are not blind nationalists that lay claim to everything in their sight.

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  • Vahramig
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Persopolis a greek name for a fake persian talking souce. That does not change the fact that you lost big to the Arab hords. At least little tinny Armenia kept what she believed in. Not with just Persians but everybody. You like this so much that now there is not such thing as Armeia it was all Persian...LOL

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  • Persopolis
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Originally posted by Artsakh View Post
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... is it a regular "Iranian" trait talking about how big and bad you are behind a computer screen ...
    There are 80 million Iranians in Iran ... we didn't grow our numbers or territories to such a vast expanse by being cowards or dumb.

    FACTOID: Number of times Armenians have conquered Persia in the last several thousand years = 0 (ZERO)

    You must have some chip on your shoulder because you've read the Armenian sources I cited and realized that you are not Armenian. Argue with the authors of those sources and the substance of what they wrote. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" type comments are meaningless.

    READ POST # 1475

    @ Below: I could change my name to this پاسارگاد or پرسپولیس... but if you don't know your own history, you wouldn't be able to cope with that.
    Last edited by Persopolis; 05-15-2011, 07:00 PM.

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  • Artsakh
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Originally posted by Persopolis View Post
    I like Armenians - don't get me wrong; but if your mindset is common in Armenia, I give you about 5-10% chance of surviving the next 50 years.
    and just who the F***k do you exactly think you are to give us anything? Who exactly do you think you are you faceless, dillusional know-it-all?????

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  • Artsakh
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    What Interests Iran in Armenia

    The special envoy of Iran’s president visited Yerevan. Mohammad Reza Rauf Sheibani met with the leaders of the country and the ex-president Robert Kocharyan, which was expected.

    Earlier the Iranian government had invited Kocharyan to Tehran where he met with the president of Iran.

    Today the embassy of Iran released a statement which actually explains the purpose of the visit of the special envoy, “since the Islamic Republic of Iran is the only country bordering on the conflict area, it is concerned by any effort to cause tensions in this region and will not allow these provocations to lead to the presence of foreign forces in the region.”

    The border with Karabakh which runs 170 km from Meghri to Horadiz is a vital issue of national security for Iran. This border is currently controlled by the Armenian force. The status quo and the presence of the Armenian force only on its border is favorable for Iran.

    Iran has reason to worry. The home political developments in Armenia may lead to a lasting division of power between the Armenian National Congress and the ruling majority. These two poles have the same approach to the settlement of Karabakh, both support a compromise, that is the return of four territories bordering with Iran to Azerbaijan.

    If the settlement takes this path, deployment of peacekeepers in the region will appear on the agenda. The contingent is one of the key issues of international diplomacy. Should it be Western, Russian or mixed? None of these is favorable for Iran. The presence of peacekeepers is viewed as a threat to its security, in particular, secession of the northern states of Iran. Russia has made two similar efforts in the 20th century.

    Hence, it was expected that the special envoy of Iran’s president would meet with Robert Kocharyan whose approach to the settlement of Karabakh and relations with Turkey differs from the approach of the Armenian National Congress and the government.

    Iran needs partners in Armenia who share its geopolitical approach. And an interesting situation occurs. Iran must try to persuade the Armenian not to return the territories.

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