Originally posted by OguzKhan
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Originally posted by OguzKhan
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Originally posted by OguzKhan
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Just remember that Iranians are proven to be fearless;
Just remember it was the Persians that defeated the USSR in Afghanistan;
Just remember how many of us are in all corners of the earth and watch you;
Just remember that we can send Baku to the bottom of the sea in 15 minutes;
Just remember that Iranian-Azaris think you are garbage.
Just remember we can turn Turkey into Kurdistan and all of the Republic if Azerbaijan into Armenia.
Just remember 1 million people dying in the Iran/Iraq war means nothing to an Iranian - can you imagine the fun we would have with you?
Just remember that Iranian-Azaris watch you like hawks and collect information on you.
You little boys don't stand a chance with us - Not even God can help you if we get angry.
We do this for fun: That's in Tabriz sucker; those are people affiliated with Baku - who's protesting? Do you think Aliyev can do anything? He's afraid to step foot in Iran.
Only You Can Prevent Pan-Turkism - (Image Changed to G-rated.)

The Republic of Azerbaijan's military is a paper tiger when it comes to Iran - Let's see you start something.
I have a collection of Saddam's weapons from circa 1985 when he was backed by the U.S. and Saudi - those weapons are new and only hit the ground once.

Go watch how calm Iranians are destroying Saddam's tank regiment with small arms from a few hundred meters; they laugh and tell jokes in the face of fire.
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