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Iranian-Armenian relations

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  • lampron
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Georgia is thriving, still standing on his feet despite both our countries have lost 20% of its territory.
    Stalin gave you territories at other nations' expense
    He is not around any longer, so you now have to stand on your own feet
    Time to grow up eh?

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  • Mos
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    A new and interesting video that came out about iran-armenia:

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  • Mos
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Many Iranians living abroad are very well educated and have respectable professions. Same with Armenians.

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  • Persopolis
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    I would have to say that the average Iranian is more intelligent than the average American ....
    The statistic for Iranians living in America is that about 75% hold advanced degrees (Masters / Doctorate).

    This is not uncommon in the Iranian community: She is now an assistant professor at Harvard medical school.

    Last edited by Persopolis; 04-23-2011, 10:55 PM.

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  • Persopolis
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Iran's Deputy Interior Minister says Tehran plans to close off borders - Sat Apr 23, 2011

    “The comprehensive project of sustainable security will soon be implemented in the country's borders,” Abdollahi said on Saturday.
    Abdollahi said Iran's southwestern, northwestern and western borders were the Interior Ministry's priorities, adding that “this plan will be implemented on all borders in order to prevent unauthorized crossings especially for terrorists.”

    Georgian meeting calls for the removal of Armenia from the Caucuses & solidarity with Azerbaijan.

    Turkey demands Iran to ban Armenian Genocide documentary screening
    On April 24, Tehran will host the screening of Tigran Khzmalyan’s Armin Wegner- Genocide Photographer film. Members of the Armenian community as well as Iranian parliamentarians will attend the screening. The movie will be broadcast on one of Iranian TV channels

    Turkey shocked at screening of Armenian Genocide documentary in Iran on April 24
    Last edited by Persopolis; 04-23-2011, 05:07 PM.

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  • Tigranakert
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Haha, got to love these ones;

    1. Because only an Iranian can jerk off at Water World and send satellites into space -- both of which make Azerbaijan extremely nervous and cause high-level meetings.

    4. Because Iran is not afraid to hang Pan-Turkists on a weekly basis and post the pictures on Facebook.

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  • Persopolis
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Top 10 Reasons It's Good that Armenia Shares a Border with Iran.

    10. Because it makes the Georgians look bad when Iranian Muslims take care of Armenian monuments and give the Armenian church money.

    9. Because Ahmadinejad might threaten to 'wipe Azerbaijan off the map.'

    8. Because if Sakashvilli starts wearing a yarmulke, Iran isn't afraid to say something about it.

    7. Because Iran's Mullahs make Azerbaijan's Mullahs look less scary.

    6. Because sharing a border with 'Greater Afghanistan' would really suck.

    5. Because Iran is the only country that can declare Jihad while having Christians living safely within its borders.

    4. Because Iran is not afraid to hang Pan-Turkists on a weekly basis and post the pictures on Facebook.

    3. Because it's good to live next to a country that scares the hell out of Saudi Arabia and Israel at the same time.

    2. Because if Finland shared the Armenian border instead of Iran, it would do absolutely nothing to deter Turkey from plotting more diabolical sh*t.

    1. Because only an Iranian can jerk off at Water World and send satellites into space -- both of which make Azerbaijan extremely nervous and cause high-level meetings.
    Last edited by Persopolis; 04-23-2011, 01:20 AM.

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  • Mos
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    Originally posted by Persopolis View Post
    Where did you see this? Can you give a quote?
    You showed a map of Greater Iran with Armenia included a few pages ago, and frequently talk about Armenians being within the sphere of Iranians and thus degrading our independence.

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  • Persopolis
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    NewJulfa Isfahan Anniversary of Armenian Genocide in 1915

    Armanestan-e Gharbi Bayad Azad Beshavad ('Turkey must free Western Armenia')
    Last edited by Persopolis; 04-22-2011, 09:35 PM.

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  • UrMistake
    Re: Iranian-Armenian relations

    So if Armenia is battleground of 2 powers its people become automatically originated from one or another victors camp?

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