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Elections in Armenia

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  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

    ARMENIAN: kez harc unem talu. Ays orov levon@ vor otar ujeri het gorc uni yev irenc hamar e ashxatum misht el senc a yeghel? vor Artsakhian sharjumnern sksan Levoner vor pes arachnor ink@ kaxmec Karabakh comiteen. indz haneluka te vonc ink@ etkan hayrenasirakan baner kani baic parzoren otar ujeri hamar a ashxtum.


    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

      Putin Backs Armenian Crackdown

      MOSCOW (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin voiced support Thursday for the Armenian government's crackdown on the opposition that comes in the wake of a disputed presidential election.

      Putin's backing contrasted with calls by the United States and others in the West for Armenia's president to lift a state of emergency imposed in the wake of weekend clashes between protesters and security officials that left eight people dead and more than 100 injured.

      Speaking by telephone with outgoing Armenian President Robert Kocharian, Putin "expressed certainty that the efforts made by the Armenian leadership will serve to provide for constitutional order," the Kremlin said.

      The bloodshed was the worst political crisis to hit this strategically located, volatile former Soviet land in nearly a decade. Armenia has close ties with Russia, which maintains a military base in the Caucasus Mountain nation.

      The government crackdown came after round-the-clock protests by opposition supporters alleging fraud in the Feb. 19 election. Official results put the opposition candidate, Levon Ter-Petrosian, a distant second to Prime Minister Serge Sarkisian, Kocharian's favored successor.

      Kocharian declared the 20-day state of emergency Saturday night, following a day of clashes that erupted when police broke up an opposition tent camp, then used tear gas and fired in the air to disperse thousands of demonstrators.

      More than 100 people were detained during the protests and in their aftermath and several have been formally arrested, including top allies of Ter-Petrosian.


      • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia


        And, Serge was the head of National Security of RA when the 96 crackdown happened.

        At the end of the day, there is not much difference between LTP, Robert and Serge.

        Its an old Soviet trick to claim to be a democrat when you are steadfastly communist.

        But, you can only use that trick once, eventually its charm runs off.

        The Final Cut.
        Last edited by freakyfreaky; 03-06-2008, 09:32 PM.
        Between childhood, boyhood,
        & manhood (maturity) there
        should be sharp lines drawn w/
        Tests, deaths, feats, rites
        stories, songs & judgements

        - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


        • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

          Here is the article about the arrest of an election official for the overstated vote tallies for LTP, Sargsyan and V. Hovannisian.

          Լուրեր Հայաստանից եւ Սփյուռքից, սպասվող իրադարձություններ, շուտով, տարեթվեր, նորություններ հայկական աշխարհից, Արցախից, The Noyan Tapan Highlights անգլերեն եւ ֆրանսերան շաբաթաթերթ, հրատարակչություն, գրքեր, հայ մամուլ, News from Armenia, Diaspora, Новости Армении и Диаспоры

          Between childhood, boyhood,
          & manhood (maturity) there
          should be sharp lines drawn w/
          Tests, deaths, feats, rites
          stories, songs & judgements

          - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


          • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

            In such a case, I will personally make every effort to have my children assimilate into their comfortable western existence as soon as possible for I will never look toward an Armenia as a Turkish slave.
            Following the declaration of independence on May 28, 1918, the National Council of Tbilisi undertook the formation of a new government for Armenia. Hovhannes Kachazuni was unanimously elected prime minister. His cabinet member, who were in Tbilisi, did not leave for Erevan until August. In the meantime, Armenia was governed by the National Council of Erevan.

            Andranik was extremely upset when he read these terms of the Treaty of Batum:

            "[Russian] Armenian, therefore, without Alexandropol, Kars, Srumalu, Karabagh, Sangezur, and without Nakhichevan."

            "Armenia's army should not exceed 1,200 soldiers which should be placed under Turkey's control."

            "It is forbidden to organize armed units on Armenia's soil, and Vehib Pasha has specified that Andranik must disband his 1,200 soldiers."

            After completing his reading of the Treaty of Batum, Andranik sent a telegram to the commander of the Armenian army, saying, "With the terms of tis Treaty you have passed the chains of enslavement around your own necks with your own hands."

            General Andranik refused to recognize the Republic of Armenia created by the enslaving terms of the Treaty of Batum. This sham state had neither the independence to keep an army for the defense of its borders, nor the freedom to use and control its own roads. It would not have been in keeping with his nature for the heroic General Andranik to have bowed his head to the infuriating terms of the Treaty of Batum. In Haikal's words, "The hawk of the skies cannot turn into a creeping lizard."


            • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

              Get involved. Fax or email the following to various embassies and/or organization.


              Levon Ter Petrosian Must be Punished!

              The treasonous criminal Levon Ter Petrosian and his team of bloody usurpers need to be punished for their crimes against the Armenian state. We expect to see Levon Ter Petrosian and his team imprisoned for life, exiled or executed for their crimes. President Robert Kocharyan waited far too long to crack down the masses of absolute idiots pursuing suicidal political agendas. If Armenia is to be respected as a viable nation serious about protecting its national interests, every single one of the organizers of last weekend's failed coup d'etat need to be imprisoned, deported or executed for treason against the state. There can be no sane excuses for supporting a treasonous criminal like the turkophile Levon Ter Petrosian, especially after having observed eight years of his corrupt and ruinous presidency. If the Armenian electorate was dissatisfied with Serzh Sargsyan they should have given their support to any of the other presidential candidates - not Levon Ter Petrosian. Sadly, a significant portion of the Armenian nation today has revealed severe political immaturity and social irresponsibility. Consequently, a significant portion of Armenia’s citizenry has revealed that they are unable to govern themselves via democratic means.

              Nevertheless, we expect the Armenian state to:

              Ruthlessly crush the bloody rebellion and severely punish its leadership.

              Summon the Russian FSB to help hunt down and eliminate anyone involved in the funding and/or the organization of this attempted coup d'etat.

              Shut-down western funded anti-state media outlets such as A1 Plus, Hetq, Armenianow and Radio Liberty.

              Subject to closure various NGOs in Yerevan that are engaged in anti-state activities.

              Deport foreign agents such as Onnik Krokorian and Richard Giragosian back to where they came from.

              Deport the brainless pig Raffi Hovanisian back to his stinking hole in California.

              Up hold the rule of law and order in Armenia.

              Protect at all costs the territorial integrity of Armenia and Artsakh.

              Protect at all costs Armenia's alliance with the Russian Federation.

              Serzh Sargsyan's presidency will be judged by whether or not he is able to eradicate the HHSh party within the Armenian Republic. The HHSh party is a cancer in Armenia serving American and Turkish interests. This dangerous cancer needs to be eradicated as soon as possible.


              Concerned Armenians
              Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


              Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


              • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                Armenians, wake up!

                Do not spare these petty demons involved in Levon Ter-Petrosian's movement. These people are a threat to the very existence of the Armenian nation. They are playing with fire. I pray to God the fire ends up burning them. Do not argue with them, do not debate with them. Simply do what you must do to off-set their evil agenda. Contact your local embasies and express your strong support for the ruling authorities and your wish to see Levon and his street porniks punished severely.

                Do not fool yourselves, open your eyes, this struggle is between Artsakh Armenians and Yerevan Armenians over the Armenia's meager economic resources. If these animals in the Levon camp succeed in overthrowing "Karabaghtsiner" from Yerevan all they will do is replace them with Yerevantsi criminals with Yerevan style corruption and oppression. Just looking at the individuals involved, Petrosian, Grzo, Manvel, Arzumanian, etc., it's quite obvious that this movement has nothing to do with democracy, fighting corruption, free elections, ect...

                Their evil agenda is simply rooted in severe jealousy and revenge, nothing more. The fact of the matter is, when these demons were ruling in the 90's we saw what they were. Never again. If these people are truly against corrupt "Karabaghtsiner" let them go after the 'individuals' who are corrupt and not mix into this sociopolitical mess the entire population of Artsakh, Artsakh's name, or Artskh's geopolitical status. Nonetheless, a majority of Armenians in and out of Armenia do not support their evil agenda. However, many people simple do not understand the geopolitical/sociopolitical ramifications of this destructive movement. As a result, many of the naive folk are falling victims to their lies and manipulations.

                I keep hearing - "but Artsakh is seeking independence, that is treason."

                The reason why official Artsakh at times insinuates pursuing independence, dependent of Armenia, is due to regional geopolitics. Theoretically, Stepanakert pursuing independence alone because that is more palatable for international bodies than having Armenia annex Artsakh. Mixing Armenia into the independence factor of Artsakh insinuates, on the international stage, that Armenia is attempting to annex Artsakh for its nationalistic pursuits. An example of this situation is the status of Kosovo. Why did Kosovo not join Albania and choose independence at the encouragement of Washington? Because internationally such a move would be more acceptable.

                Besides the great sentimental and psychological importance of Armenian dominance in Artsakh, why is Artsakh's crucially important for the Armenian nation?

                1) With its numerous monasteries and archaeological sites, Artsakh is culturally very important to us Armenians.

                2) Artsakh is a breadbasket. Large percentage of the territory in question is highly fertile and can feed ten Armenia's. Armenia's arable lands are more-or-less confined to the Ararat valley and, agriculturally, the Ararat valley is very stressed.

                3) Artsakh has significant deposits of minerals/metals that are crucial for Armenia's economic growth.

                4) If the Armenian nation looses Artsakh it will loose along with it a significant percentage of the diaspora's most committed Armenians, Armenians who's sole emotional, psychological and physical attachment to Armenia today stems from our historic victory in Artsakh and not the third world style political situation in Yerevan.

                5) Artsakh is a strategic territory that gives Armenia geopolitical importance on the international stage. World powers 'only' understand the language of might. Armenia being a tiny landlocked nation within a region like the Caucasus 'cannot' afford to give up a single square millimeter of its territory. As a matter of fact, for Armenia to truly prosper, Armenia need to gradually expand it national holdings. Therefore, instead of thinking about how it will be if we abandon Artsakh - start thinking about how will it be when Armenia gains direct assess to the Black Sea.

                6) Sacrificing Artsakh for open borders and trade with Azeris and Turks only means Armenia's eventual enslavement to the Azeri and Turkish economies. Once Armenia become dependent on Azerbaijan and Turkey economically - kiss Armenia and all its national interests goodbye. In such a case, I will personally make every effort to have my children assimilate into their comfortable western existence as soon as possible for I will never look toward an Armenia as a Turkish slave.

                If I had to choose between trusting Yerevan in the hands of Russophobe Turkophile gyots of Levon's camp or oppressive and aggressive Artsakh Armenians - I would choose Artsakh Armenians every single time.

                And before anyone reading my commentary says - you have no right to get involved in the internal politics of Armenia if you are not an Armenian citizen living in Armenia; I have two things to say:

                1) Whether you know it or not, whether you want it or not, foreign agents are already deeply involved in these types of movements. Therefore, if you don't want the opinion of diasporan nationalists, just realize that you are already allowing Western and Turkish agents to sow their seeds of destruction in Armenia.

                2) What's more, the greater picture is clearer from a distance than when you are stuck in it. Ignorant and/or hungry people cannot be trusted to make the right political decisions for a nation, especially for a nation that has complex geopolitical problems such as Armenia.
                Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                  The following letter is supposedly written by a "Piece of Crap" volunteer who spent time in Armenia. He is claiming that Armenian state authorities have detained his Armenian wife's father during the attempted coup d'etat. The following is his letter:

                  Friends, After the Peace Corps my wife (Armenian national) and I moved to DC. This is my father-in-law below. He has worked endlessly to make Armenia a modern free country regardless of political party. The Armenian security forces abducted him off the street and currently have him detained somewhere. Could you please cut and paste the following in a new letter? Sign your name and send the letter to the emails at the bottom. [you could even forward this email, erase my comments and drag the addresses below in to the Send To section] These are a number of international agencies and government organizations that might be able to help. Afterward, please forward this to anyone and everyone you think will help.


                  John & Manet

                  Dear Sirs, I am writing to you regarding your government's recent detention of peaceful protesters in Yerevan. They were peacefully promoting democracy when Armenian security and police forces opened fire on the protesters, killing at least 8 people. During this, several citizens were abducted, beaten and detained by police forces. They have been held since March 1st without being charged with any crime or given access to a judge or lawyer. Recently, reports have come to my attention that at least one is being threatened with a prison sentence of 10 years, without even having the benefit of a trial. Such actions are patently illegal and immoral. These detainees should be freed immediately. I am calling on you to respect universal human rights. Regardless of anyone's political beliefs, they do not deserve to be abducted, beaten and illegally arrested like these brave peaceful protesters the Armenian government is detaining. I urge your government to bring about the immediate and unconditional release Ashot Manukyan and all the political prisoners detained with them.

                  The writer than asks to send the letter of protest to the following individuals:

                  The is clearly a part of a PR campaign to damage Armenia's international image further than it already has as a result of Levon's actions. No Armenian should stand for this regardless of political affiliation. Please, send the above addresses a piece of 'your' mind regarding what is occurring in Armenia.
                  Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                  Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                    Although it does not have any oil or gas reserves, Armenia today is playing an integral part within the region's "Great Game." With Moscow pressing the West with its virtual monopoly of Central Asian gas and oil distribution networks, western projects such as the Nabucco and the Baku-Ceyhan are gaining great strategic importance. So, why was did the West not jump on the Levon Ter-Petrosian bandwagon? Most probably this was because the West knew Levon could not succeed against the well organized authorities in Yerevan and the resulting chaos, if any, could potentially undermine Armenia's political stability. And in the eyes of many political analysts, an unstable Armenia could mean resumption of war in the Caucasus - a risk no one today is willing to take. These are some of the geostrategic factors that shape regional politics. These are the factors that the "people" need to be educated about.



                    Troubling news from the Caucasus

                    Bloodshed in Armenia worries both Russia and the West

                    THE day after Dmitry Medvedev's presidential victory, Moscow's leading papers turned their attention away from the long-predicted result to the unexpected bloodshed in Armenia. At least eight people were killed in clashes between security forces and opposition supporters protesting against alleged fraud in the country's presidential elections. “An election won with some blood”, ran the headline in Kommersant, a leading business daily. Small, complicated and with names that are hard to spell, Armenia has long been out of the mainstream of world news. Yet what happens in this country has implications not only for the whole of the Caucasus, a region vital for Europe's energy security, but also for Russia. The story of rigged elections, corrupt officials and dead protesters is particularly unnerving for Russia, a country that prides itself on its stability. On February 19th Armenia held presidential elections. The incumbent prime minister, Serzh Sarkisian, assisted by a biased media and occasional stuffing of the ballot boxes, won 53% of the vote. If the election had been conducted fairly, there is a good chance he would have faced a second round and a possible defeat. But Mr Sarkisian had the backing of Robert Kocharian, the current president, which swung the result. (Mr Kocharian, it is said, fancies the job of prime minister—not unlike his Russian counterpart.)

                    International observers did not cover themselves in glory. The Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe pointed out many shortcomings, yet said in an initial statement that the ballot was “mostly in line with the country's international commitments”. The opposition, led by Levon Ter-Petrosian, an academic and Armenia's first president, demanded a re-run of the election. His supporters took to the streets. Mr Ter-Petrosian is no democratic angel. In 1996 he is widely believed to have rigged the presidential election in his favour. Still, those who voted for him this time did so largely in protest against the local mafia, corruption and unemployment now associated with Mr Kocharian. For 11 days the government put up with the peaceful protest. But on March 1st, the police moved in on the pretext that protesters were carrying firearms, which some observers say were planted. Mr Ter-Petrosian was placed under de facto house arrest and the crowd was dispersed. Predictably it regrouped and gathered in front of the French embassy in Yerevan. Mr Kocharian sent in the army, and the area was soon lit up with tracer fire. Eight people were killed, cars were torched and shops were looted. Many protesters were armed with stones and metal poles. But the responsibility ultimately lies with the government which allowed the situation to deteriorate into chaos. The state of emergency now imposed by Mr Kocharian for 20 days, including a media blackout and the arrest of opposition figures, may temporarily suppress the protests, but it is unlikely to resolve the underlying problems. These include corruption, low living standards and an economic blockade by Azerbaijan and Turkey because of Nagorno-Karabakh, the Armenian-populated enclave inside Azerbaijan that was conquered by Armenia in 1994. This conflict has long been frozen. But three days after the violence in Yerevan, Armenian and Azerbaijani forces were involved in their worst firefight in a decade. Both Armenia and Azerbaijan accuse each other of starting the skirmish, which caused a disputed number of deaths on both sides.

                    Claiming that Kosovo's declaration of independence last month has emboldened Armenian separatists, Azerbaijan's president, Ilham Aliev, has given warning that he is buying weapons to retake Nagorno-Karabakh by force, if necessary. A renewed war could destabilise the region and jeopardise a strategic oil pipeline to Turkey that runs only 15 kilometres (ten miles) from the ceasefire line. Nagorno-Karabakh remains an open sore. Mr Ter-Petrosian's downfall in 1998 was mainly caused by his hints of a more flexible approach to a peace settlement with Azerbaijan. Both Mr Kocharian and Mr Sarkisian are from Nagorno-Karabakh and fought in the war, but they have done little to move towards peace. In a recent commentary in the Washington Post, Mr Ter-Petrosian dismissed the notion that only hardliners from Nagorno-Karabakh can solve the conflict. Indeed, he argues that Mr Sarkisian, whose presidency is now marred by bloodshed and incompetence, will be even less able to govern. Russia and the West have an interest in Armenia's stability, and they need to work to maintain it. This could be Mr Medvedev's first foreign test as president.

                    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                      Originally posted by Gevork View Post
                      ARMENIAN: kez harc unem talu. Ays orov levon@ vor otar ujeri het gorc uni yev irenc hamar e ashxatum misht el senc a yeghel? vor Artsakhian sharjumnern sksan Levoner vor pes arachnor ink@ kaxmec Karabakh comiteen. indz haneluka te vonc ink@ etkan hayrenasirakan baner kani baic parzoren otar ujeri hamar a ashxtum.
                      Harcs ov karox e patasxanel?

