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Elections in Armenia

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  • Re: Elections in Armenia

    Discussion on the Armenian elections featuring Richard Giragossian (in English).

    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


    • Re: Elections in Armenia

      Number of Armenia’s voters increased by 202,346 – Transparency International

      February 14, 2013 | 15:54

      YEREVAN. – In line with the 2001 and 2011 census data, the population of Armenia reduced by 194,157. But when comparing the number of voters in 2003 and in 2013, we can record that the number of voters has increased by 202,346. Director Varuzhan Hoktanyan of Transparency International Anti-corruption Center (TIAC) in Armenia stated this during a press conference on Thursday.

      In his words, the current voter lists include 10,773 addresses where ten or more people are registered; there are 5,715 voters without an exact address; and, finally, the data on the day and month of birth of 49,843 voters are missing. The lists also include 73,087 voters who were born before January 1, 1932, and 5,613 voters who were born after January 1, 1995.

      TIAC is preparing to submit its recommendations that aim to neutralize the exposed potential election violations and to conduct more transparent and legitimate elections in Armenia.

      The voter lists include 10,773 addresses where ten or more people are registered…


      • Re: Elections in Armenia

        Bro, he maybe normal in the 80s liek you said but trust me today he is TOTALLY STUPID!!!! First of all, he has a jooish family in the east coast I think in new york, he support Armenias enemy Sakashvily and he is fanatically antiRussian. Read this blog about him

        And watch all these interviews and you tell if you think he is normal person.

        Opposition candidate Paruyr Hayrikian indicated late on Friday that he expects a two-week postponement of Armenia's February 18 presidential election because...

        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

        Originally posted by Hakob View Post
        He is not stupid. I don't know very much about now, but back in 1989 he was like a prophet. He foresaw lot of things coming in Armenia. The start and process of war and how russia eventually would lean towards armenia. I remember when one known figure expressed fear about turkey. He knew that turkey would not get involved in artsakh war. This is back in 1989. His first wife left (jeuce, right). But his daughter is with him(second wife?).
        Maybe he is going nuts right now. But he was well ahead back in 80's.


        • Re: Elections in Armenia

          While there is real value in the diversity of opinions i am glad that some people are likeminded about some important things.
          Originally posted by Lernakan View Post

          Yeghpayr jan I agree with every word you said. Reading your post was like reading my own thoughts, I couldn't have said it better. Bravo yeghpayr!
          Hayastan or Bust.


          • Re: Elections in Armenia

            Reforming the Economy, Creating Jobs: What the Presidential Candidates Have to Offer
            Sona Avagyan

            15:33, February 8, 2013
            What follows is a synopsis of what the presidential candidates claim they have to offer regarding job creation, wages, and fixing Armenia’s economy in general

            Hrant Bagratyan: The majority of this candidate’s election platform focuses on the economy. The program he is pushing is called “Just 100 Steps to Social Justice”.

            The third step underlines Bagratyan’s belief that what is needed is to provide citizens with the opportunities needed to create businesses themselves rather than the state assuming the burden of creating jobs for all.

            Bagratyan calls for the government to incentivize small business by covering the cost of business loan interest. The economist also promotes the concept of cluster-businesses.

            Step 7 deals with the resettlement of Artsakh and the liberated territories via job schemes and pays particular attention to the relocation of Syrian-Armenians and Armenians who fled Azerbaijan. Bagratyan calls the initiative the “New Aleppo” program. It calls for the government to allocate $50,000 to each family that relocates for a minimum of five years and $120,000 for ten years.

            Bagratyan says that through changes to the tax system, there will be a relative boom of small and medium sized business in Armenia. He presents figures showing that in 2012, some 52% of Armenia’s economy was controlled by 44 families.

            The candidates program also calls for a new Labor Code to be drafted and adopted within the first year of his presidency that will limit employer from dismissing employees; especially based on reasons dealing with qualifications (Step 12).

            He also calls for the full taxation of large businesses in order to save SMBs struggling in unequal and unjust conditions.

            Step 26 deals with drafting a new tax system for the rural-based economy and individual entrepreneurs in the form of land tax, patent payments and one-time payments.

            Bagratyan program also deals with cutting the civil service sector (national, regional and municipal) by a factor of 1.2 to 1.5 which will result in an immediate wage rise by a factor of 2 to 2.2 (Step 51)

            Step 79 envisages the creation of some twenty innovation centers, techno-parks and laboratories in Armenia and Artsakh between 2103 and 2017. “State business promotion centers must be opened in all regional centers.

            Regarding the protection of SMBs, especially retail stores, Bagratyan calls for tighter regulation as to where the large supermarket chains can set up shop. The candidate also suggests that mobile markets be established in the country’s larger towns and that they get be subject to lower tax rates. (Step 82)

            Bagratyan accuses the current government of preventing other entrepreneurs from entering certain market segments by levying very high start-up fees for producers and processors. He calls for the fees to be pegged to production output. “The list of businesses for which one must receive state permission must be cut threefold; from the one hundred today to fewer than thirty or so. It makes no sense why someone wishing to open a trade stall, drive a taxi or take measurements needs to obtain permission and pay some exorbitant fee. We will fix this issue in a year. (Step 88)

            In terms of improving the lot of villagers engaged in farming, Bagratyan says that he will subsidize the production of agricultural produce.

            Bagratyan points out that villagers are leaving their plots of land en masse, selling them whenever possible, and becoming farm labourers. Others migrate to the cities or emigrate. In Step 92, therefore, he calls for a radical change in policy to promote, both via legislation and in practice, the promotion of rural business and a struggle against large land holdings.

            “70% of a villager’s labor winds up in the pockets of market owners,” notes Step 94, which calls for restoring markets designed for rural business in the cities and the establishment of new ones within a two year period.

            Bagratyan’s platform also places an emphasis on the need to expand cooperatives and assistance centers that will deal with irrigation, agro-service and the preliminary processing of agricultural produce in the next five years. (Step 95)

            Step 98 deals with the promotion of rural businesses engaged in producing “ecologically-pure” food. He argues that the aim is to breathe new life in family-run enterprises and those that depend on local cooperative efforts.

            Andreas Ghoukasyan: This candidate calls his campaign platform “The Crisis of Statehood in Armenia: Action Program for the Republic’s President”.

            Accordingly, the president is obligated, in conjunction with civil society, to define social oversight of the national wealth, to implement public scrutiny of the property belonging to top national officials and their families, to return to the Third Republic all ill-gotten assets acquired via corruption and to investigate aspects dealing with the formulation of Armenia’s foreign debt and the proper expenditure of loans from international lenders.

            Ghoukasyan posits that if the owners of illegal property acknowledge their guilt and cooperate in such investigation, the president has the right to propose that they retain ownership of said property, on condition that the full value reverts to the state with five years.

            The candidate argues that the state is obliged to ensure that each individual receives fair wages and normal working conditions.

            He is convinced that the fate of the country’s productive resources must not be dependent on the will of a narrow group of individuals. Thus, large enterprises must be in the form of collective property.

            Ghoukasyan calls for the drafting of a seven year national development plan that will unite the government, private holders of capital and the entire society in one collective effort.

            One of the goals of the development plan is to raise annual GDP to $60 billion.

            The platform ends by noting that the president must serve society in such a manner that in the span of two years a new economic system is established “that ensures the participation of each citizen in the creation of national revenue and his share in its just control, according to each person’s investment.”

            Serzh Sargsyan: President Sargsyan's campaign platform is called "Towards a Secure Armenia" and in it the candidate seeking re-election promises that "We will be living in a much better Armenia in 2018."

            Surprisingly, nowhere in the platform do we come across any mention of the emigration crisis. The candidate also avoids mentioning the causes of the challenges facing Armenian today.

            Pointing to the army as the number one guarantor of a secure homeland, Sargsyan says he will provide work and special education allowances to conscript soldiers.

            The candidate says he will strive to facilitate conditions for domestic producers to increase their exports overseas.

            He also promises to create free trade zones in Armenia and to draft a policy of systematic economic reforms that will help attract greater foreign investment.

            The main goal of his development policy will be the creation of mid and high level jobs for qualified workers and to raise the productive capacity of the economy.

            Sargsyan promises to create a legal and equal business environment for domestic and foreign enterprises and to pay particular focus on the continued development and modernization of the tax and customs sectors.

            As the other candidates, Sargsyan also calls for greater assistance to small and mid-sized business start-ups – greater accessibility to credit, training resources, the promotion of women run business, etc.

            The candidate has much to say about the need to incorporate new technologies into the economy but fails to provide specifics.

            Regarding agriculture, Sargsyan promises to continue the investments and assistance thus far provided (diesel fuel, seed, fertilizer, accessible management) and calls for the implementation of flexible mechanisms in the credit market.

            He says particular attention will be paid to grape growing and fruit cultivation and huge investments of new technology will be made in these sectors. Sargsyan will also do the same for the burgeoning fish-farming industry.

            Sargsyan argues that new jobs will be created due to plans to intensify road construction work in the capital and other towns.

            He also says the government will follow a development policy calling for a more balanced approach to investment and that the regions will be allocated a greater share of the state pie.

            The candidate promises to pay particular attention to providing jobs to those with disabilities.

            In the medical sector, Sargsyan plans to establish a state of the art hematological hospital in the country as well as an oncology center.

            The candidate promises that new job opportunities will arise from his program to build new kindergartens in the regions and a network of modern technology laboratory centers.

            Sargsyan states that the issue of youth employment will remain a top priory for his government and that the government will strive to raise the market competitiveness of young people and to promote business start-ups by young entrepreneurs.

            (To be continued)

            Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


            • Re: Elections in Armenia

              Raffi Hovhannisyan supporters are growing in such an unexpected way, that I first time in the recent elections suspect that Serj Sargsyan is going to become the looser, despite all obstacles they created for the opposition candidates.

              By the way Raffi tremendously improved his speech skills in Armenian language and looks much more confident and smart at his TV presentations.

              Amazingly this time, as opposed to the elections done before, the most part of supporters are the pensioners and the poor. He promised to double pensions, minimal salary and create 180,000 jobs.

              This means that the $25 bribe, to make living for 5 years, doesn't work any more.
              Last edited by gegev; 02-16-2013, 01:43 AM.


              • Re: Elections in Armenia

                I would pick Serj over Raffi any day. Serj has proven over and over again that he is a step or two ahead of other world leaders. Serj has military experience in kharabagh, he has diplomatic experience, he has a proven tract record of domestic reform and using world events to Armenia's advantage. Raffi is the armenian version of Shakasville or another version of LTP. We have seen what happens to nations led by such people and i very much doubt we want the same things to happen in Armenia again. Sure Raffi promises jobs and pensions but what polititions doesn't?
                Hayastan or Bust.


                • Re: Elections in Armenia

                  Hrant Bagratyan is sound on the economy, they should maybe include him in the next cabinet since he has probably a very slim chance of winning the presidency.
                  Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                  • Re: Elections in Armenia

                    Originally posted by gegev View Post

                    .......He promised to double pensions, minimal salary and create 180,000 jobs.

                    This means that the $25 bribe, to make living for 5 years, doesn't work any more.

                    I am glad this type of policy is in play.

                    Health of the nation can only be judged by how well the most disadvantaged are doing and not how rich the richer are getting.

                    Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                    Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                    Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


                    • Re: Elections in Armenia

                      Originally posted by Federate View Post
                      Hrant Bagratyan is sound on the economy, they should maybe include him in the next cabinet since he has probably a very slim chance of winning the presidency.

                      If this goes into runoff probably Raffi will tie up with Hrant Bagratyan as his PM or Economics minister
                      subject to personal egos of course.

                      Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                      Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                      Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests

