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Elections in Armenia

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  • Re: Elections in Armenia

    People who think Raffi does not have his own circle of oligarchs who support him truly don't know what they are talking about. The thing with Raffi that people still don't understand is that he is a disaster in the making! We can only thank Raffi for taking one step forward and 3 steps back. This is a crying joke as the people who support Raffi still don't see, or want to understand that even the US, Russia are behind Serj.

    People who support Raffi only give the Baboon permission to make mockery of Armenian in the COE! Yet these same supporters fail to see any of the failing. They will just have some other venue to argue while ignoring any valid points raised. That is because the failure is too obvious and can't be argued with.

    All this while Armenia had the best election so far, an election in witch even Raffi could have at one point credited himself yet he blew it all away. Did such a bad bad job that even the support he had with the West is evaporating faster then his waistline. Oh and BTW what happened with these fake hunger strikes? The man is fatter now then before his hunger strike. He must be eating Entenmann's kosher cookies in his tent...LOL

    And that is "Exactly" The points that some of you just don't want to see. Say goodbye to Raffi, as the failed Pakhlava revolution will have to go back to the drawing board. And as you all know the West does not recycle failed people! However lucky for Raffi I hear he has a lifetime supply of cookies for his service to the yahoodi's grand game.
    Last edited by Vahram; 03-23-2013, 08:22 PM.


    • Re: Elections in Armenia

      Originally posted by Mher View Post
      @ Mher & Londontsi
      Again I tell you , nobody is for the oligarch shame .
      Again I tell you of my extreme concern over Raffi .
      I admit , all I've learned about about the goings on of my real country I've gathered from this forum .
      Please tell me who Raffi's father is and what you know of his politicle outlook .
      Who raised Raffi ?
      The US has clearly shown to favor turk ( mildly putting it ) .
      Do you think Raffi might compromise or jeopardize our current relation with Russia ?
      Do you think Raffi might possibly ruffle our current relation with Iran ?
      Please , I'm asking sincerely , no other motivation .
      These are but two of my concerns .
      Art ashes


      • Re: Elections in Armenia

        Who raised Raffi ?
        The US has clearly shown to favor turk ( mildly putting it ) .
        Do you think Raffi might compromise or jeopardize our current relation with Russia ?
        You nailed some very good points! First the fact that he was raised on Kosher milk should not be a surprise to anyone, anyone besides Raff Fans that is. He is going to tilt the country to pro Western tilt? A West that abounded Armenia before, a West that is pro toork, a West that can't say the G word!

        And what did Raffi do this time? Well for starters he enjoyed a system that has been more transparent, a system that is more fair, fair enough to give him 37 percent of the VOTE! Yet this same god damned idiot single handedly ruined Armenia's image! Had we just excepted the fact that Serj won this would have been a great victory for all of Armenia, even his supporters. We would have had a great base to go forward and try again in another election.

        But, after drinking Kosher milk that was not his aim. The aim was to raise hell on the cheap, and that is exactly what he accomplished. To the point that baboons are asking COE to invalidate the Armenian elections! Congrats folks, this is really good going by Raffi!

        Kosher milk anyone?


        • Re: Elections in Armenia

          Originally posted by londontsi View Post
          Came on guys, lets not turn history on its head.

          Serj did what he was told by other powers.

          The only reason the nation was saved from humiliation was the people would just not accept it.
          The nation’s pain and sence of betrayal was so great that they started calling the President a traitor.

          If you can see ( remember) the truth, then you can see the correct path.

          Serj went along because he knew that the Turks would never hold up their part of the agreement and that they would tack on additional preconditions that even the West objected to......then he fcked them with the supreme court ruling.
          Nothing to do with Diaspora crying wolf.
          B0zkurt Hunter


          • Re: Elections in Armenia

            Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
            Serj went along because he knew that the Turks would never hold up their part of the agreement ......

            ... and that they would tack on additional preconditions that even the West objected to......then he fcked them with the supreme court ruling.
            Interesting twist of events.

            We have to remember that the courts ( including the supreme court ) “are” independent. (According to the Armenian Constitution)

            This argument falls into the trap that our courts are not independent.

            Source of many complaints that our courts are open to manipulation by oligarchs and generally money and influence etc.

            Nothing to do with Diaspora crying wolf.
            Why did he tour the diaspora and tried to sell the idea.
            All could have been done without leaving Yerevan.
            Last edited by londontsi; 03-24-2013, 03:36 AM.
            Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
            Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
            Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


            • Re: Elections in Armenia

              Originally posted by Artashes View Post
              @ Mher & Londontsi
              Again I tell you , nobody is for the oligarch shame .

              Again you are sugar coating Serj's positon vis a vi the oligarchs.
              Its a non statement from your position.

              Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
              Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
              Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


              • Re: Elections in Armenia

                Originally posted by londontsi View Post
                Why did he tour the diaspora and tried to sell the idea.
                All could have been done without leaving Yerevan.
                It was all part of his master plan. The whole world is in awe of this master diplomat.


                • Re: Elections in Armenia

                  Raffi said

                  Speaking at a rally of his supporters last Friday, Hovannisian sharply
                  criticized the EPP head for his stance, as well as those world leaders
                  who have recognized Sargsyan's victory despite what he described as
                  obvious fraud in the election. He said this is killing democracy in
                  Armenia. "If this is Europe, then we don't need that... Let no one
                  teach us lessons in democracy, because we are a democracy," said the
                  Armenian opposition leader.
                  What a master planner, so now Raffi is telling the Europeans what to do as well and making fast friends..LOL

                  Raffi is a disaster even without being elected prez!


                  • Re: Elections in Armenia

                    I think it is funny that people here think that by getting rid of Serj and gettin Raffi power they will get rid of oligarchs. The existance of the oligarchy has nothing to do with who is in power-it is the reality of the economic system in place in Armenia and Raffi will not and cannot change that system. As for Serj i hear someone saying that he got lucky with the protocal situation and that he had nothing to do with how things turned out well to this i will simply state that lucky people get that way by putting themselves in situations where lady luck is likely to smile upon them. Its no accident but careful planing. It is obvious some people are never satisfied. You wanted capitalism in Armenia well there it is all complete with monopolies, oligopolies, monopolistics as well as perfect competition but wait your still not happy-now you demand that little ol Armenia to do things that the USA cant do. You want to spit on the only force guarenteeing you security and expect it to keep guarenteeing security and treating youas a equal partner when there is nothing remotly equal about that relationship. You guys are sounding like a used up gf that is well past her expiration date and has nothing left to do but to xxxxx about it and cannot get beyond that fact. Reality is not pretty and putting a bullet in your own brain is still not going to change reality.
                    Hayastan or Bust.


                    • Re: Elections in Armenia

                      Originally posted by Lernakan View Post
                      Yeugh, turns my stomach. What's up with that guy - the way he goes around fondling and feeling-up people. He is doing it all the time, in photo after photo after photo. Do we ever see the head-of-state of other nations doing a coochie-coochie-coo with the chins of members of their armed forces?

                      Or is this the secret fantasy of all the Serjolites, to be groped by him?
                      Last edited by bell-the-cat; 03-24-2013, 12:28 PM.
                      Plenipotentiary meow!

