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Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black World

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by Mos View Post
    Well that's hard to guarantee and in the end of the day they are Muslims. Our nation and people has been built on a Christian Identity, not Muslim or J3wish. I don't see why Muslims would have to be an exception, while J3ws may work for Israel, Muslims may be sympathetic to Turks or Azeris - or fanatic groups that could endanger our country. We don't need either groups in our country - you want Armenia to Islamisise like Europe is? Europe is slowly losing its national character as a result, forwarded by dreams of a "multi cultural" society which are truly unrealistic.

    We need to maintain a Christian Armenia, built on our ancient ideals and culture, and not get brainwashed by the destructive "multi cultural" mentality that is destroying Europe.
    I'm glad people like you will never be in a position of power to push forward their crazy ideas. You as an immigrant to a foreign country dare to say things like that.


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
      I'm glad people like you will never be in a position of power to push forward their crazy ideas. You as an immigrant to a foreign country dare to say things like that.
      Armenia is not an immigrant country. We have a fragile demographics like no other, and letting a large flow of immigrants come in, especially Muslims, Blacks, could have dire consequences for our country. An influx of Kurds for example would be a nightmare, because on average they have many more children than Armenian families. With such a fragile demographics, our population balance could be changed very fast. Just look at Europe as a stark reminder of this and how demographics there are being destroyed because of such immigration. You walk in some places in Austria or Germany, and you will think you are in neighbourhood of Ankara. Why should we ever let this happen to Armenia? Drastic measures need to be taken to avoid drastic consequences.
      Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
      "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by Mos View Post
        Armenia is not an immigrant country. We have a fragile demographics like no other, and letting a large flow of immigrants come in, especially Muslims, Blacks, could have dire consequences for our country. An influx of Kurds for example would be a nightmare, because on average they have many more children than Armenian families. With such a fragile demographics, our population balance could be changed very fast. Just look at Europe as a stark reminder of this and how demographics there are being destroyed because of such immigration. You walk in some places in Austria or Germany, and you will think you are in neighbourhood of Ankara. Why should we ever let this happen to Armenia? Drastic measures need to be taken to avoid drastic consequences.
        What consequences could blacks or Muslims have? Or you just don't like them because they don't look like you or don't believe in the same fairy tale you believe in? Who was talking about an influx of anything, you were talking about deporting everyone that was not Christian. Please tell me how is your view any different from the people that perpetrated the Pogroms at the end of the 80's in Baku, Sumgait etc. They were following the same ideology as you are now. Armenians lost hundreds of thousands of their men fighting fighting against the same ideology. Being Christian makes one a better Armenian? Or makes one more loyal to the state? Is being Christian something magical? As long as they are loyal to the Armenians state what does their personal lives matter or their skin color or even if they are Armenian or not?


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
          What consequences could blacks or Muslims have? Or you just don't like them because they don't look like you or don't believe in the same fairy tale you believe in? Who was talking about an influx of anything, you were talking about deporting everyone that was not Christian. Please tell me how is your view any different from the people that perpetrated the Pogroms at the end of the 80's in Baku, Sumgait etc. They were following the same ideology as you are now. Armenians lost hundreds of thousands of their men fighting fighting against the same ideology. Being Christian makes one a better Armenian? Or makes one more loyal to the state? Is being Christian something magical? As long as they are loyal to the Armenians state what does their personal lives matter or their skin color or even if they are Armenian or not?
          What consequences could Muslims and Blacks have? Take a look at the Muslim ghettos of Europe or black ghettos of North America, and you will know what I'm talking about. Increase in crime, an overturned demographics, and a nightmare for a country like ours which needs to maintain its national character and identity.

          You only need a few blacks or muslims, a few seeds, to prepare your nation for such disaster. Once they are there, the influx will only naturally follow. Our men were fighting for the freedom of our lands, we were not fighting an "ideology" but for freedom, and God gave it to us.

          To be Armenian you must be Christian. Christianity is a fundamental pillar of our identity. It is Christianity that allows us to call ourselves Armenian today - it's our religion that preserved our culture and language, and its for our religion that so much of our blood has been spilled. Our national character, as a result, and identity has been forged around our Christian heritage, so not being Christian really takes on away from the Armenian identity.

          Many Turks in Germany who are 2nd or even 3rd generation, which are German citizens, continue and will continue to have allegiance to Turkish nation and Islam to an extent over Germany. Same with Muslim immigrants throughout Europe, take a look at UK especially and the Muslim fanatics there. Islam in Armenia is dangerous - we don't need it. Nor we need blacks, because we want our country go forward not backward. It's good that no Armenian in their life in Armenia would accept a black person in Armenia has an Armenian - nor should they ever.
          Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
          "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
            I'm glad people like you will never be in a position of power to push forward their crazy ideas. You as an immigrant to a foreign country dare to say things like that.
            Are you going to argue against the facts that Western and now parts of Eastern Europe are losing their culture, have low birth rates, high immigration from muslim nations who do not integrate well and have more offspring than the natives? Are you going to deny that much of Western Europe is no longer Christian?
            For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
            to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Originally posted by Mos View Post
              First off, a person whose is the result of a white/black union tends to be a lighter shade than that person in the picture.

              Second, the last thing we need in Armenia is black people and any Armenian woman that marries them is truly an idiot and should be shunned. Sorry but I would never accept a black person as an Armenian and don't think any Armenian in their right mind should. If one wants Armenia to transcend into a garbage dump, encourage more blacks to come to Armenia and marry Armenian woman - encourage the BS "multicultural" ideals that are spewed out by the West. If it was for me - I would have all black people deported from Armenia - I want Armenia to stay a country of Armenians for Armenians, given our demographics any minorities such as blacks or Muslims (e.g. Kurds) pose a great threat to our demographic stability.
              I hope not everyone shares your excitment, i also understant exactly how you felt about Azerbaijanis as a nation. I knew and heard before that Armenia is monoethnic and that they dont want to live with anyone except for themselfs, but you can never forget that you are not th eonly people in the entire world. Racism is ok it happens everywhere but the way you portair urself is just discusting.
              Americans didnt htink of Blacks as a good fighters and such untill they proved themself on battle with extra cojones and stronger physicial power. Read up on black Tank battalion during WW2. You know that u are being called a Blackass in Russia yourself.


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Originally posted by umid123 View Post
                I hope not everyone shares your excitment, i also understant exactly how you felt about Azerbaijanis as a nation. I knew and heard before that Armenia is monoethnic and that they dont want to live with anyone except for themselfs, but you can never forget that you are not th eonly people in the entire world. Racism is ok it happens everywhere but the way you portair urself is just discusting.
                Americans didnt htink of Blacks as a good fighters and such untill they proved themself on battle with extra cojones and stronger physicial power. Read up on black Tank battalion during WW2. You know that u are being called a Blackass in Russia yourself.
                Calling Azerbaijan a "nation" is already to much. It's a fake state with an artificial history - a result of pan-Turanist wet dreams.

                Armenia is not America!! Stop comparing, Armenia is not an immigrant nation, it's a small country with a fragile demographics. Ends justify the means. The end being maintain the national character of Armenia, and the means being controlling non-Armenian residency and immigration.

                What Armenians are called in Russia has nothing to do with what I am saying. And if you want to go there, while Armenians are becoming millionaires and billionaries and powerful people in Moscow and Russia, Azeris there are still just making Kebab on the streets....
                Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Originally posted by Mos View Post
                  What consequences could Muslims and Blacks have? Take a look at the Muslim ghettos of Europe or black ghettos of North America, and you will know what I'm talking about. Increase in crime, an overturned demographics, and a nightmare for a country like ours which needs to maintain its national character and identity.
                  Is it because they are black or Muslim that there is an increase of crime rate? Or are there other reason behind the rise of the crime rates? What identity are you talking about the 70 years of soviet rule or the thousand year of occupation before that? Armenia is developing its identity right now.

                  You only need a few blacks or muslims, a few seeds, to prepare your nation for such disaster. Once they are there, the influx will only naturally follow. Our men were fighting for the freedom of our lands, we were not fighting an "ideology" but for freedom, and God gave it to us.
                  You have no clew what I am talking about do you? I am talking about the fight against Nazism, that seems very close to your BS idea of racial and religious hatred.
                  As long as a black or a muslim are loyal to the republic what does it matter to you the color of their skin or their religion?

                  To be Armenian you must be Christian. Christianity is a fundamental pillar of our identity. It is Christianity that allows us to call ourselves Armenian today - it's our religion that preserved our culture and language, and its for our religion that so much of our blood has been spilled. Our national character, as a result, and identity has been forged around our Christian heritage, so not being Christian really takes on away from the Armenian identity.
                  To bad that Armenians existed before Christianity and so did our language and it will still exist after Christianity is long gone. The existence of Muslim Armenians is a proof of that fact.

                  Many Turks in Germany who are 2nd or even 3rd generation, which are German citizens, continue and will continue to have allegiance to Turkish nation and Islam to an extent over Germany. Same with Muslim immigrants throughout Europe, take a look at UK especially and the Muslim fanatics there. Islam in Armenia is dangerous - we don't need it. Nor we need blacks, because we want our country go forward not backward. It's good that no Armenian in their life in Armenia would accept a black person in Armenia has an Armenian - nor should they ever.
                  To bad that there are even more Muslims living in the Uk that are loyal to the state and are now fighting for her majesties interests in Iraq and Afghanistan. But who can expect you to put things into perspective? It also seems that you are back on the anti-Islam bandwagon.

                  How is having blacks in your country moving backward? Are you implying that blacks are inferior?

                  PS the blacks living in Armenia are being accept as Armenian and they have done more for Armenia than you will ever do aka serve in the army.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Originally posted by Armanen View Post
                    Are you going to argue against the facts that Western and now parts of Eastern Europe are losing their culture, have low birth rates, high immigration from muslim nations who do not integrate well and have more offspring than the natives? Are you going to deny that much of Western Europe is no longer Christian?
                    Not being Christian has noting to do with immigration but more with the fact of people losing their faith. What does being Christian matter? No they aren't, Europeans today don't have a different culture from 50 years ago, the French are still drinking their wines, the Germans are still the same punctual time driven bastards they always were. Most Muslims in Western-Europe have been living there for a couple of generations now and arrived in Europe as guest workers after WWII. they have integrated as much as the Armenians have but I don't see anyone complaining about that fact. The last generation of Muslims has integrated more than the one before and in a generation there will be no difference except the skin color or the religion. Because they are a minority and they can never replace the original population. More than 90% of the people in Europe are white natives.

                    Originally posted by umid123 View Post
                    I hope not everyone shares your excitment, i also understant exactly how you felt about Azerbaijanis as a nation. I knew and heard before that Armenia is monoethnic and that they dont want to live with anyone except for themselfs, but you can never forget that you are not th eonly people in the entire world. Racism is ok it happens everywhere but the way you portair urself is just discusting.
                    Americans didnt htink of Blacks as a good fighters and such untill they proved themself on battle with extra cojones and stronger physicial power. Read up on black Tank battalion during WW2. You know that u are being called a Blackass in Russia yourself.
                    After the pogroms of Baku, Sumgait, Kirovabad etc. You don't have any right to even point at the most racist person on the face of the earth and call the racist because you are the same. Armenia is not mono-ethnic and our minorities have it much better than the ones living in Azerbaijan. The way he portraits it, is the same way your people acted during the Artsakh war and before.


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
                      Is it because they are black or Muslim that there is an increase of crime rate? Or are there other reason behind the rise of the crime rates? What identity are you talking about the 70 years of soviet rule or the thousand year of occupation before that? Armenia is developing its identity right now.
                      The statistics are pretty clear regarding this. What reasoning would clear them? That they are oppressed?

                      Our ancient identity has not just been forming, our soviet component may have formed recently, but our core has not.

                      You have no clew what I am talking about do you? I am talking about the fight against Nazism, that seems very close to your BS idea of racial and religious hatred.
                      As long as a black or a muslim are loyal to the republic what does it matter to you the color of their skin or their religion?
                      Because a Muslim and a Black will destroy our national character as a Christian Armenian people, just like they are doing in Europe where politicians are already bowing to their interests above others.

                      To bad that Armenians existed before Christianity and so did our language and it will still exist after Christianity is long gone. The existence of Muslim Armenians is a proof of that fact.
                      Of course, but you cannot deny that a large portion of our identity has been influenced by Christianity. We are the oldest Christian nation in the world. Our sacred letters were for example created with the adoption of Christianity to translate the Bible. The existence of Hemshins is as a result of forced conversions by Turks, and unfortunately they don't even identify themselves as Armenians and are quickly assimialting into Turkish society. That is one example actually of how a different religion Armenian is not Armenian as they have assimilated so.

                      To bad that there are even more Muslims living in the Uk that are loyal to the state and are now fighting for her majesties interests in Iraq and Afghanistan. But who can expect you to put things into perspective? It also seems that you are back on the anti-Islam bandwagon.
                      I rather have Armenians fighting for Armenia than Muslims. We are not that desperate for people.

                      How is having blacks in your country moving backward? Are you implying that blacks are inferior?
                      Because rather than having Armenians move back we have blacks that have nothing to do with Armenians moving in.

                      PS the blacks living in Armenia are being accept as Armenian and they have done more for Armenia than you will ever do aka serve in the army.
                      How many blacks have served in Armenian army? 1? 0.5? I am not going to accept a black person as Armenian nor does Armenian society. I know very well our Armenians view blacks when they see one, I've been in that situation many times. So don't make like I'm the only one who thinks this.

                      We have to maintain our national character and not let the multicultural BS which is fed by the West destroy Armenia. We need Armenians to fight for Armenia, to build Armenia, and to live in Armenia. Not Muslims, not blacks, but our own Armenians!
                      Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                      "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."

