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The Narcissist Thread

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  • #61
    Originally posted by sSsflamesSs A good narcissist will attempt to make out with himself in the mirror, followed by an exclamation of, "but it's not the same!"
    2 hours after having left the bathroom, the mirror would still be warm.
    Achkerov kute.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Anonymouse 2 hours after having left the bathroom, the mirror would still be warm.
      Among other things.

      So, Loser, what say you regarding cloning?


      • #63
        Originally posted by sSsflamesSs Among other things.

        So, Loser, what say you regarding cloning?
        If I were to clone myself, I would cease to be unique, genetically anyway. The clone still wouldn't be exactly me. To be honest, I have considered it, but I think I'd just prefer to mate with a woman whom I find to be my equal.


        • #64
          Anyways Loser we can never agree, even though we are sags! but it's ok i 4give u!


          • #65
            Is a narcissist someone who doesn't give a damn about anyone but him(or her)self?
            The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


            • #66
              Luckily only spiral and loseyourname are the only narcissists here, or so it seems.


              • #67
                Originally posted by ckBejug Is a narcissist someone who doesn't give a damn about anyone but him(or her)self?
                The true narcissist should so love himself that he would love all he has come from as well, including his home town, home country, and the human race. The true narcissist will always put himself first, but will nonetheless hold a special place in his heart for all homo sapiens. In fact, if he has the means, the good narcissist should even be a philanthropist, though he will necessarily keep himself at a distance from the rabble that he helps to support. For as I said, the self-love of the narcissist should naturally extend to a desire that all men should love themselves equally well, for narcissism can only grow with love. Of course, the narcissist will still be very self-centered, and will even have a great deal of difficulty understanding the willingness to give of those that he attracts, despite the fact that he gives them little of himself. He will have a good heart, but it is necessary to understand that the narcissist will see things primarily from his own point of view, and that his insular ego is not as easily affected from the outside as are the egos of the non-narcissists. For this reason, he will often perform acts that may be hurtful to the non-narcissist, but which would be commonplace to the true narcissist and not very hurtful at all. It is also important to note that the narcissist will often grow up adored by many, even envied, and that he has often been an object of affection for many who were willing to absorb abuse just to be able to give of themselves to the narcissist, and this is surely not a healthy state of affairs. The narcissist does not live in the same world as the non-narcissist, but rather lives in a world where he has reigned as prince for most of his life. Perhaps he is so blinded by his narcissism, experiences that might be humbling to the non-narcissist fail to humble the narcissist. For this reason, it is necessary to have a great deal of patience attempting to befriend the narcissist, but still not to be overly tolerant, for then you simply fall into his trap. It is best to keep a healthy air of xxxxiness when approaching, and to just play along and not take too seriously the rituals that he might perform. It is very important not to be too insecure around the narcissist, for this will cause him to lose respect, for the true self-lover can never love one who does not love herself equally first.


                • #68
                  According to the legends this Greek boy, Narcissus, fell in love with his own reflection in a pond. Narcissus was rejected by the nymph Echo and was punished by Nemesis-- he had to pine away as he fell in love with his own reflection. This sums up the nature of the narcissists.

                  It is a misconception that narcissists love themselves. In reality, they love impressions of themselves in the eyes of their beholders, of those people who put them on a pedestel and let themselves be taken advantage of by narcissists (who might not necessarily be out to take advantage, but if the offer is placed on the table, will not turn it away either).

                  Narcissists are said to be in love with themselves. But this is not true at all, if you think about it. Narcissus was not in love with HIMSELF. He was in love with his REFLECTION. There is a major difference between yourself and the reflection of yourself. And how does this apply to narcissists? Well, how do you see yourself if not in the way others see you? If you were all alone in the world with nary an opinion of another soul about yourself would you still think yourself beautiful, witty, intelligent, incredible, worth of your own love ten times over? Do you not use others as a comparison point? How do you know you're smart if there are no lesser brains out there to compare yourself to? No no, narcissists do not love themselves, they love their reflection.

                  You love what others see in you. What others admire in you, you admire in yourself. If not, then you wouldn't welcome the attention and the love and adoration of others. You'd shun it. To need not these things means you remove yourself from equations in which they are freely offered, not put yourself in those situations... But you're not a true narcissist because the attention, which you deem an unnecessary perk, is still something you admit that you enjoy. Make sense?
                  The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


                  • #69
                    No, it doesn't make sense. First, you say a narcissist does not love himself, but rather what others see in him, then you say I am not a narcissist because I look for others to see good things in me. That is exactly what you just said a narcissist should be.

                    Furthermore, you just stated the basis of a narcissist's self-love. Of course it is derived from a favorable comparison with others. I have already pointed this out. In order for the narcissist to be beautiful, there must exist a great majority of persons that he is more beautiful than. In order for him to consider himself intellectually gifted, the vast majority of persons must have an IQ far lower than his. Simply explaining the basis of the love does not do away with the love. Truly the narcissist loves the way he appears to others, but this is not of the utmost importance. For you forget that it is Narcissus himself that is viewing his own reflection. It is the way he looks to himself that he loves. The true narcissist is likely to be nearly oblivious to what others really see and most likely won't even care all that much. In fact, the truly good narcissist will believe that insults he receives are in fact compliments, to the point of self-delusion if he does not receive enough genuine compliments. This is the danger in becoming a narcissist; one might become very shut off from reality if the narcissism does not have a sound basis in the opinions of both oneself and of others.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by loseyourname No, it doesn't make sense. First, you say a narcissist does not love himself, but rather what others see in him, then you say I am not a narcissist because I look for others to see good things in me. That is exactly what you just said a narcissist should be.
                      Ok, you ARE a narcissist by what I said a narcissist should be. But not by the definition YOU give of a true narcissist. Because, like it or not, if others have a negative opinion of you, that bugs you. A narcissist would not be bugged by such trivial things. Also, I'm pretty sure that one who is a true narcissist (rather than just a c0cky guy trying to define himself as one) would not waste so much time defining himself as such. He'd hardly even know that's what he was, for he'd be too busy admiring himself in the mirror.....
                      The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

