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The Narcissist Thread

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  • #91
    If you were impervious you wouldn't write two paragraphs justifying yourself.
    Achkerov kute.


    • #92
      Originally posted by loseyourname I haven't paid a cent for a single article of clothing I own, nor for any vacation I have taken, ever. I have usually taken other people's cars on road trips, and I managed to live rent-free in a virtual mansion in northern New Jersey after knowing the owner for less than a week. Somehow, I'm managing to get what I want, and it aint by changing myself to fit a given expectation.
      While this is all great and dandy, one thing that is most valuable to me is my pride, and self-respect. Free-loading, and using people for materialistic gains is something that I do not look up to. And I have extreme trouble being two-faced. I just can't do it.
      That is why I scored 45 and not 85.

      However, if you acted as you described, than good for you. I applaud your endowment.

      See dear anileve - you failed to read my last post. I am a changed man. Indeed a leopard can take off his spots and put on new ones. Now I am the chameleon, and I will mold myself to fit whatever situation I am in at any given moment.

      Apparently your chameleon abilities are a bit rusty, as your score pointed out, as well as your belief in this_

      It makes you truthful. The higher you score, the harder you are trying to be something you're not.
      or were you being a chameleon and pretending that you are always yourself, and do not try to be something you're not?


      • #93
        But you see, you misunderstand, my friend, for the narcissist loves nothing better than to write about himself, and to see his own writing pop up on a screen. You too are merely feeding the beast and playing right into his hands every time you respond to him.


        • #94
          A true narcissist wouldn't need to justify himself on an internet forum.
          Achkerov kute.


          • #95
            Yes, I pointed this out to him earlier.

            However, this is not the true narcissist thread, so stop the narcissim!


            • #96
              All these posts, devoted to dear little me. I don't know what to say.


              • #97
                The narcissist wakes up in the morning and wastes half of it because he can't take his eyes off of the mirror. He then logs onto the internet to download pictorial reviews that he will need for an upcoming biology exam as well as some chemistry review problems. Along the way, he is delighted to see that yet more of his fellow posters have devoted their valuable time in a futile attempt to get through to him, all the while making themselves tools in the furtherance of his self-love. He is delighted to see that his thread has grown so quickly and that his post count is so ridiculously high after only three and a half months. He will now review and read his own posts, and become all the more enamored with his own linguistic skill, made all the more beautiful in contrast with the stumbling attempts at psychoanalysis of the uglies who have openly declared "psychoanalysis is dead."


                • #98
                  And the narcissist will wait, to see if he can get yet another rise out of the uglies, for his message of self-love will surely achieve nothing if it is not heard.

                  The true narcissist indeed possesses such an abundance of self-love that it can be said he is a very loving person. In fact, love is the basis of any philosophy by which love is effected, for love can only come from love. The good narcissist is a man who bases all of his actions on the principle of "do unto thine own self as you would have your fellows do unto you." The natural offshoot of this is that golden rule promulgated by many major religions and the one true commandment of the self-proclaimed Essene Messiah: "love thy neighbor as you love thyself." For indeed, self-love can only emanate from a soul that is inherently loving, and an inherently loving soul, by definition, must love that which is not him equally much as he loves that which is him. For love can only whither when exposed to hate or to scorn from within, and so the true narcissist must never hate and must never scorn and must never hold grudges. Indeed, he must welcome the uglies who attempt to bring him down with their psychobabble with open arms; he must learn to utilize their own scorn and turn it into love for himself. For that is truly the key: hate can never be removed from this world, and that is an unfortunate fact, but hate can be turned on its head, and made into love, and only the truly skilled narcissist will be able to do this.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by loseyourname He is delighted to see that his post count is so ridiculously high after only three and a half months.
                    Less narcissist, more big loser, don't you agree?
                    The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. -- F. Scott Fitzgerald


                    • Victory is his! The narcissist is delighted to see the first ugly of the morning come in to his thead and give him yet another opportunity to talk about that one subject which consumes his fancy more than any other: himself.

                      ckBejug, you are welcomed by the narcissist with a great bear-hug, but you must not be disappointed that his kisses are reserved for his own forearm.

