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War in The Middle East

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  • Re: War in The Middle East

    Even Syria, which is mainly Sunni, is controled by a mainly Allawi government, thus keeping the pro-American Sunni element in check.


    • Re: War in The Middle East

      Noam Chomsky could very well be one of the most outspoken critics of Israel. Man is he hated.

      Subscribe to RepresentativePress to help the campaign: the facts about Lebanon, Isr...

      Little Green Footballs: News, politics, culture, music, coding and occasional off the wall humor

      Last edited by karoaper; 07-26-2006, 08:03 PM.


      • Re: War in The Middle East

        Originally posted by karoaper
        Heard from a buddy, who had actually been to the post and knew some of the guys, that the entire UN post was obliterated. Fourteen munitions were dropped on it. Arriving ambulances and help was bombed too. Seems like the maniacs are bombing left and right and xxxx precautions, even if in some cases the generals are telling them to excersize caution. Imagine if such disregard is shown towards possible European troops, how inconcequential Lebanese civilian losses are.
        What kind of professional army, and I'm not even taking into account Israel's supposed "one of the top armed forces" claims, allows children in amongst a paladin platoon during war time, what kind of professional army allows children to write messages on the 155mm shells fired by these artillery pieces, what kind of professional army has extremely religious people running alongside their tanks and apcs in staging areas, and people playing instruments and singing like the soldiers are off to a parade, when they're actually heading off for combat.
        I find something deeply disturbing about all these thing which have been allowed and are going on right now concerning the IDF.


        • Re: War in The Middle East

          Originally posted by karoaper
          Noam Chomsky could very well be one of the most outspoken critics of Israel. Man is he hated.

          Subscribe to RepresentativePress to help the campaign: the facts about Lebanon, Isr...

          Little Green Footballs: News, politics, culture, music, coding and occasional off the wall humor

          I've always been a fan of his criticism of empire but not his economics.
          Achkerov kute.


          • Re: War in The Middle East

            Hizbullah Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah Addresses the Lebanese Nation and Makes a Lot of Sense

            Regarding the confrontations on the field, I wish to draw your attention to the nature of the psychological war which the enemy employs and to which we, as resisting militants and people, must give attention. I can assure you that we will be transparent and honest with you. We do not hide our martyrs. If anyone of our leaders or cadres gets killed we will declare it with pride. If the number of our martyrs inclines we will be proud of it. If the enemy captures any wounded or people we will not deny it. If there will be injuries or prisoners we will not deny it.

            This is our way. Even when the fight took place in Maroun el-Rass, we said that there was fighting. And when we departed we said that Maroun el-Rass was over. You must listen to us, not to the psychological war which the Israeli enemy employs. Since two days, the enemy has been saying that it was now controlling Bint Jbail, with the aid and propaganda, unfortunately, of many Lebanese and Arab media means. They did not control the city of Bint Jbail. The entire city of Bint Jbail is still under the control of the Mujahideen until the recording of this message. They are fighting, facing and maintaining their steadfastness.

            The enemy is talking about hundreds of martyrs of Hizbullah. Where are those hundreds? They are talking about 20 captives. Where are those 20 captives? A few days earlier, the enemy talked about two captives in Maroun el-Rass. After that, it released them because they were two civilians who did not have any ties to the resistance.

            The enemy keeps talking about the occupation of cities and villages as well as the killing of large numbers of people in order to hurt the morale of the Mujahideen and people. I say to you, do not believe these lies, and listen to us. When some of our men die we will declare our martyrs. When we depart a village after fighting like heroes we will declare that we departed. We do not lie to our people, but it is the enemy that lies to its people, and it is the one that practice censorship. The enemy does not tell the facts to its people or the world. This is a sign of its weakness. On the other hand, our transparency and clarity is the proof of our strength and willpower.
            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


            Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


            • Re: War in The Middle East

              Originally posted by D3ADSY
              What kind of professional army, and I'm not even taking into account Israel's supposed "one of the top armed forces" claims, allows children in amongst a paladin platoon during war time, what kind of professional army allows children to write messages on the 155mm shells fired by these artillery pieces, what kind of professional army has extremely religious people running alongside their tanks and apcs in staging areas, and people playing instruments and singing like the soldiers are off to a parade, when they're actually heading off for combat.
              I find something deeply disturbing about all these thing which have been allowed and are going on right now concerning the IDF.
              It is disturbing. but then again it takes more than high tech equipment and weapons and training to make a professional army.


              • Re: War in The Middle East

                Noam Chomsky is one of the greatest minds of our time. google his name and read several things by him if you don't know his name already. he is the einstein of language and linguistics.


                • Re: War in The Middle East

                  BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

                  These guys are basically, animals and no I'm not talking about Hezbolah.


                  • Re: War in The Middle East

                    that spielberg guy has to shoot several thousand holocaust movies to fix joos image...


                    • Re: War in The Middle East

                      Originally posted by Otto3
                      that spielberg guy has to shoot several thousand holocaust movies to fix joos image...
                      Exactly, they run Hollywood and the media so they can fix any bad image.
                      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:

