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War in The Middle East

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  • Re: War in The Middle East

    everybody else is doing it so why cant they? (was that a song?)
    Last edited by Otto3; 07-26-2006, 03:34 PM.


    • Re: War in The Middle East

      I thought it's a good idea actually. There will probably be some from the rest of the Islamic world too.

      I wonder if non-Israeli xxxs would volunteer too.


      • Re: War in The Middle East

        Originally posted by D3ADSY
        How did the Stormfront crowd greet this post and it's message? I gather it must be a difficult task trying to convince the sieg heil type that Mr. A-rab is the enemy of an enemy and therefore useful for the time being.

        I support Lebanon and her people, be they Shi’as, Sunnis, Christians or the Druz, because after the Genocide, during our darkest hour, the people of Lebanon welcomed Armenians to their country. They have always respected us, our culture, traditions and religion*, the establishment of the Catholicosate of Cilicia in Antelias in 1930 is the best example of that. They have supported us in our quest for justice and have recognized the Armenian Genocide. They have a very good relationship with our Homeland.

        I think what I said above is clear enough to show why I support Lebanon - it has nothing to do with the theory “enemy of my enemy is my friend”.

        I love my people and my land – I’m a proud Armenian nationalist and I would fight against anyone, any group, any nation or any state which would try to harm my nation.

        So the reason for my empathy towards Zionism is based on their attitude towards the Armenians in general and towards the Armenian Genocide in particular.

        * Speaking of respect to our church, this incident, that has happened not long ago, came to mind


        • Re: War in The Middle East

          I am very proud of Iraq and Maliki's statements reagrding not to condem the actions of Hizbollah. Iraq is a country of its own and has a right to its own opinion. I find it very upseting that liberals are trying to force feed the government of Iraq to support Israel. The U.S. will sooner or later have to conclude that they are the only country in the world that is indiscriminently backing Israel. The world publics patients must be wearing thin about the U.S. and Israel alliance. At some point the U.S. has to surcome to its blind support.


          • Re: War in The Middle East

            Originally posted by Armenian
            Becareful Karo, the administator here might ban you because you sound like an anti-Semite.

            I'm glad Armenians are finally waking up to what Zionism is all about.
            very VERY slowly, don't forget, ignorance is bliss


            • Re: War in The Middle East

              HayotzAmrotz well said..

              The Arabs also accepted xxxish refugees who fled from their own genocide.

              However, look at the difference between the Armenians and the xxxs who found refuge in the Middle East. One stayed loyal and friendly, while the other backstabbed the Arab nation that accepted them.


              • Re: War in The Middle East

                Originally posted by simonig
                I am very proud of Iraq and Maliki's statements reagrding not to condem the actions of Hizbollah. Iraq is a country of its own and has a right to its own opinion. I find it very upseting that liberals are trying to force feed the government of Iraq to support Israel. The U.S. will sooner or later have to conclude that they are the only country in the world that is indiscriminently backing Israel. The world publics patients must be wearing thin about the U.S. and Israel alliance. At some point the U.S. has to surcome to its blind support.
                I agree. However, the issue here is not American support for Israel, its Zionist control of America. Take a close look at the behavior of American politicians and the media. Then tell me who these people are serving, America or Israel?
                Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                • Re: War in The Middle East

                  Originally posted by simonig
                  I am very proud of Iraq and Maliki's statements reagrding not to condem the actions of Hizbollah. Iraq is a country of its own and has a right to its own opinion. I find it very upseting that liberals are trying to force feed the government of Iraq to support Israel. The U.S. will sooner or later have to conclude that they are the only country in the world that is indiscriminently backing Israel. The world publics patients must be wearing thin about the U.S. and Israel alliance. At some point the U.S. has to surcome to its blind support.
                  Did you hear the recent uproar of Democrats about how angry they were that Iraq did not condemn Hezbollah's actions and in fact called Israel to use restraint?
                  Achkerov kute.


                  • Re: War in The Middle East

                    Originally posted by Armenian
                    Becareful Karo, the administator here might ban you because you sound like an anti-Semite.

                    I'm glad Armenians are finally waking up to what Zionism is all about.
                    I'd be shocked to find out that someone in this day and age didn't appreciate the vile and criminal nature of Zionism. Not vile or criminal because they enjoy it, but because they have absolutely no regard whatsoever for the suffering of others, as long as that suffering paves the way to any and all of their goals. It's a complex situation, because inasmuch as we say that Hamas is a creation of Israel's oppresive and apartheid-like policies (a fact), the radical and extremist nature of Israel is also due to constant oppression of xxxs in the past. Some say, this past was justified. Actually my prof here, who's wife is xxxish, had some strong things to say about xxxs, including that xxxs brought their own mistreatment onto themselves. As far as I'm concerned, nothing justifies massacres and pogroms. Nways, it does not matter how and why a criminal and ugly character comes to be, what does matter is how it affects others. Just because Israelites were abused when they were young, does not mean they should get away with inflicting punishment on others. Sadly though, self-interested western powers believe that Israel's ends justify their destructive and oppresive means. In fact, not just wester powers, the cowardly and traitorous Arab leaders seem to believe that as well.
                    Last edited by karoaper; 07-26-2006, 06:27 PM.


                    • Re: War in The Middle East


                      A demonstrstion in London England

                      OK, stop and think for a moment.

                      Israel has been mercilessly battering Lebanon and Palestine for two weeks now and is threatening Syria and Iran as well. So, where is the Arab world in all this mess? Where is the Islamic world? Where is Al-Qaeda? Where are all those Islamic lunatics we see running amok every time someone publishes a depiction of Mohammad? Why all of a sudden strong criticism by the Arab league against Iran and Hizbollah? Where are the hundreds of thousands of primitive Pakistani Islamists shouting death to America, death to Israel, death to Christians? Where is Ossama Bin Laden?

                      So, why all this silence as Israel engages in genocidal activities with the active support of America?

                      The answer lies in the simple fact that militant Sunni Islam, the worst kind of Islamic fumdamentalism, is controlled in its highest levels by America, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. When it serves their strategic self-serving purpose (as in Afghanistan, Iraq, Russia, India, Bosnia, etc) the fuse of Islamic terrorism is ignited, and we all sit back and watch in horror the resulting blood shed. And that is exactly why I laugh when I see public manipulations such as the following two pictures taken in London of some "Islamists" who are either utter idiots or simply doing a good job for their bosses:

                      Also, think about this.

                      Would the American public have tolerated the senselessly bloody Iraq war, the Afghanistan war and the current international crisis in Lebanon had it not been for the attacks on September 11, 2001? I vividly recall public sentiments within America overwhelmingly on the side of Palestinians just prior to the September 11 attacks. Moreover, America was in no mood prior to 9/11/2001 to engage in destructive and bloody adventures across the globe.

                      Its obvious that for quite a few years now violence in the name of Islam has been used to harden public sentiments within the west against certain Arabs and Iranians. Islamic fundamentalism has been used to draw America into the Middle East and Central Asia. Islamic fundamentalism has also been used against the growth and spread of Arab nationalism. And most recently, Islamic fundamentalism has been used against Shiites and Iranians.

                      In essence, the terrorist organization called Al-Qaeda (founded by America, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia) has done more to hurt the Arab/Iranian/Muslim world than all the bombs Israel and America have put together. Globalists and Zionists fear Iran and Arab nationalism more than they fear Islamic fundamentalism.

                      The reality is that Islam is a tool that can be easily used and discarded due to the mere fact that true Islamists tend to be simple people from uneducated and impoverished backgrounds. On the other hand, Arab nationalism is a real danger. As Abdel Nasser revealed some the 40 years ago, the potential danger of Arabs uniting from Morocco to Iraq was something the west could not tolerate. What's more, the republic of Iran is feared due to its wealth, ideological convictions, vast resources, military/diplomatic capability and its robust nationalism.

                      The fact is, the west has not been able to control the major powersof Iran, Syria and until recently Iraq like they have been able to control Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan. The governments of Syria and Iraq, in particualr, were founded upon Arab nationalism. Nonetheless, according to most political analysts, the very source of Sunni Islamic terrorism (Al-Qaeda) is found within Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Then one must ask the question: Why did we attack a secular Iraq when it had nothing to do with 9/11 and why are we trying to do the same with Syria and Iran?

                      Incidentally, I still can't figure out why Hizbollah is classified as a 'terrorist' organization when all it has done is combat opposing forces within Lebanon. And if Hizbollah are fanatical Shiia Islamists, why do they have close relations with a secular Syria and various Christian groups within Lebanon, including Armenians? And when was the last time Iran invaded or attacked another nation?

                      So, the questions remain: Who is Al-Qaeda? What is Islamic fundamentalism? Who are the real terrorists? What do they want? Who is controlling them?

                      Your answers are as good as mine.
                      Last edited by Armenian; 07-26-2006, 08:05 PM.
                      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:

