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War in The Middle East

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  • Re: War in The Middle East

    In order to understand how fanatical J-e-w-s think and the driving force behind their absolute disregard towards human life, we must look at their history and sacred literature. Please take some time and watch this video presentation and do so with an open mind:
    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


    • Re: War in The Middle East

      I have seen that video before. It's interesting Pike would do this since he himself is Jooish. However, I really don't see a difference between this and Islam and Christianity. You can also find such self-centered and egocentric views in those religions. The only difference is it is not as commercialized among Judaism.
      Last edited by Anonymouse; 07-27-2006, 09:03 AM.
      Achkerov kute.


      • Re: War in The Middle East

        Originally posted by Anonymouse
        I have seen that video before. It's interesting Pike would do this since he himself is Jooish. However, I really don't see a difference between this and Islam and Christianity. You can also find such self-centered and egocentric views in those religions. The only difference is it is not as commercialized among Judaism.
        Can you please give examples of violent, hateful or vulgar messages found within the Christian Gospels? Can you show me how vile the founding fathers of the Christian Church were during the early years of the Church? I am talking about direct actions, commandments, comments and not vauge interpretations or insinuations.

        Don't confuse what Christians do with what is written in Christ's Gospel. Christian texts do not consider non-Christians inferior animals, nor do they encourage their massacre. Obviously, there have been many so-called Christians who have engaged in criminal activity. However, the vile behavior of these so-called Christians is always found 'outside' of what is acceptable within Christian ethics. This less-than Christian behavior of certain Christians are at times found within 'cults' or within denominations that twist interpretations of the Gospels to fit their earthly intentions.

        On the other hand, you need not spin, twist nor manipulate Talmud or Torah texts to see the utter hate and violence towards non-J-e-w-s. And when you add to this violent theology violent human nature - you get violence and hate towards those not chozen by God. As such, the whole intent of the Talmud is to demonize non-J-e-w-s. Throughout history, it was the behavior of 'traditionalist' J-e-w-s that often times caused violent reactions from the Goy. We Armenians would do well to study the Talmud and then compare it to the Chrstian Gospel.

        Its funny that we Armenians are the first ones who often times 'cry' that we as a nation are not as united as the J-e-w-s and yet we reject any concept that looks down on non-Armenians.

        Although I don't believe that J-e-w-s are much more united than us, nonetheless, let me say that if J-e-w-s seem united its because of their sacred literature and the obvious fact that the J-e-w has been hated globally throughout history. So, we Armenians are at a clear disadvantage here - we are universally liked and our sacred litarature is tolerant and egaliterian.

        Incidentaliy, I do not believe in the farfetched fairytales that Christ being the long awaited Massiah of the J-e-w-s. I believe Christ to be the final manifestation of our ancient pagan Gods.
        Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


        Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


        • Re: War in The Middle East

          What does any of this have to do with the war that is going on now? I know the connection you are trying to make and does serve as a background (although I think it takes a stretch) but this is not about exposing Judaism as an evil cult. Moreover, one can argue that hubris is not limited to just xxxs. Their mistreatment and genocidal behavior towards Palestinians and Arabs and gentiles is no different than the American government and its treatment of Indians, or the Romans and the barbarians. The idea of a "chosen people", is the hallmark of any and all empires and peoples in relation to a subhuman "other". Moreoever, in that regard Zionism is no more different than Nazism as they each ascribe superiority and value to themselves in relation to others.

          However, one does not need to explore the inherent nature of the Talmud to see that any people or state that are absolutely corrupted by power, can resort to such tendencies. And who says Armenians reject any concept that looks down on non-Armenians? Every people in varying degrees has different levels of intolerance towards "the other" in order to ensure its own survival. It may be better in some than others, or more potent, but that is the case. And just what about Armenians suggests to you that we are universally well liked? We may not be on the level of most Joos, however, statements like that are still unwarranted.

          I am not denying or raining down on the truth of the matter here, but only trying to see the relevancy which I know you will argue is relevant.
          Achkerov kute.


          • Re: War in The Middle East

            Originally posted by Anonymouse
            What does any of this have to do with the war that is going on now? I know the connection you are trying to make and does serve as a background (although I think it takes a stretch) but this is not about exposing Judaism as an evil cult. Moreover, one can argue that hubris is not limited to just xxxs. Their mistreatment and genocidal behavior towards Palestinians and Arabs and gentiles is no different than the American government and its treatment of Indians...
            Listen, I am going to say this once more and end this discussion.

            What Europeans did to native Americans has nothing to do with Christ's message, it was the gluttonous and violent nature of humans that was the driving force behind what occured in the new world. On the other hand, the violence commited by J-e-w-s against Arabs (or other Goy has) has alot to do with their sacred scriptures, in 'addition' to human nature.

            In the west we have Christianity to tame us, or to fall back on. However, proud or observant J-e-w-s have this idea that the world was essentially created for them, thus they can do as they please. Obviously, not all J-e-w-s fall under this catagory, however, the observant and the zionist J-e-w does, even if they are non-believers.
            Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


            Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


            • Re: War in The Middle East

              Originally posted by Armenian
              Listen, I am going to say this once more and end this discussion.

              What Europeans did to native Americans has nothing to do with Christ's message, it was the gluttonous and violent nature of humans that was the driving force behind what occured in the new world. On the other hand, the violence commited by J-e-w-s against Arabs (or other Goy has) has alot to do with their sacred scriptures, in 'addition' to human nature.

              In the west we have Christianity to tame us, or to fall back on. However, proud or observant J-e-w-s have this idea that the world was essentially created for them, thus they can do as they please. Obviously, not all J-e-w-s fall under this catagory, however, the observant and the zionist J-e-w does, even if they are non-believers.
              I am not disagreeing that Zionists and ultraorthodix Joos adhere to everything that was and is stated in their sacred texts and no doubt they view non-Joos with contempt. However, Islam is very similar and the Koran is riddled with similar passages as well as the Hadith. You are against Joos, but you support Hezbollah and the Arabs, who no doubt have similar fanatics and who by default are part of a religion that views non-Muslims and Christians in contempt. Why?
              Last edited by Anonymouse; 07-27-2006, 02:49 PM.
              Achkerov kute.


              • Re: War in The Middle East

                The difference between Islam's and Judaism's techings as far as violence is concerned is very small. Both contain plenty of destruction and death so that the club members make gains. The main difference is that while Muslims waged wars and killed to spread their message (something about heaven being underneath the sword), God did it on behest of xxxs (something about dead Egyptian infants). Only Christianity (The New Testament) is void of death and destruction for the sake of Christians, only Christianity talks about such pacifist concepts as turning your other cheek, throwing the first stone only by the sinless (although Quran talks about Christ, it doesn't touch on many of his decidedly love and peace filled teachings), etc.

                I agree though that fundamentally, religions have been taught to be exclusive clubs and in the long run (in the afterlife) anyone not in the club is doomed. So, for a fundamentalist, if someone is doomed in the afterlife what difference does it make if they're xxxxed now. And in fact, while Christians haven't been raised on a steady diet of war and destruction sanctioned by God, they have been taught about purification and absolution for the heretics and non-Christians, mostly by pain and torture and death. This is after all the foundation of Spaniards' expansionist philosophy in the new world, spread of the truth. A bit later, it was the spread of civilization or the white man's burden, now it's the spread of freedom, all variants of the same thing.

                It's like the functions 1/x, 1/(x*x) and 1/(x*x*x), all three, some faster some slower, converge to 0, thanks to ugly nature of man.
                Last edited by karoaper; 07-27-2006, 03:34 PM.


                • Re: War in The Middle East

                  Originally posted by karoaper
                  It's like the functions 1/x, 1/(x*x) and 1/(x*x*x), all three, some faster some slower, converge to 0, thanks to ugly nature of man.
                  That was beautiful.


                  • Re: War in The Middle East

                    Originally posted by Anonymouse
                    I am not disagreeing that Zionists and ultraorthodix Joos adhere to everything that was and is stated in their sacred texts and no doubt they view non-Joos with contempt. However, Islam is very similar and the Koran is riddled with similar passages as well as the Hadith. You are against Joos, but you support Hezbollah and the Arabs, who no doubt have similar fanatics and who by default are part of a religion that views non-Muslims and Christians in contempt. Why?
                    I wanted to end this discussuion but one more clarification is due.

                    Foremost, the Arab world and Iran has been attacked for well over fifty years now. Some of them are now simply reacting, albeit in a primitive way at times. Prior to Israel's creation there existed no Islamic problem - what-so-ever. Note: the Ottoman Empire was essentially a 'Turkic' empire where Arabs were looked down upon and massacred quite often. Turks also fought Iranians for centuries. As a matter of fact, prior to Israel's creation, prior to France's-England's-America's meddling into Mideast affaris, Arabs and Iranians were passive for about a thousand years.

                    I have nothing against Islam, Arabs or Iranians, because I know them well on a personal level. I also know J-e-w-s on all levels. Moreover, Iranians and Arabs have had very good relations with Armenians. Let me remind you that while Israel was helping Azeris during the Artsakh war Iran was helping Armenians. While Zionists were plotting with Young Turks against Armenians Arabs and Iranians were giving us shelter. While Palestinian Arabs give Armenians respect and protection in Jerusalem, J-e-w-s in the 'Holy Land' steal our lands, attack our God and spit on our clergy. While Israel is engaged on an official level to undermine Armenian Genocide recognition worldwide, Iran commemorates April 24th with massive demonstrations. While Israel signs economic pacts with Turks and Azeris, Iranians sign economic pacts with Armenians.

                    Moreover, I have no reason to dislike Hizbollah, as far as I'm concerned, they are heros. Why dont you put yourself in their shoes and we'll see how kind or passvie you will be after a while, even as a Christian.

                    Historically, Islam have been very tolerant of Christians. Even during the height of the Crusades large populations of Christians lived in Islamic lands unmolested. How many Muslims were able to live in Christian Europe at the time? How are Christians and Muslims being treated in the theocracy of Israel today? However, I admit that due to various geo-political factors certain areas of the Islam world have fallen into decay.

                    My comments are primerily regarding Levatine Arabs and Iranians.

                    Yes, most of this is 'political' in nature, but then again, so is my dislike of J-e-w-s.
                    Last edited by Armenian; 07-27-2006, 04:50 PM.
                    Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                    Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                    • Re: War in The Middle East

                      Originally posted by Anonymouse
                      I am not disagreeing that Zionists and ultraorthodix Joos adhere to everything that was and is stated in their sacred texts and no doubt they view non-Joos with contempt. However, Islam is very similar and the Koran is riddled with similar passages as well as the Hadith. You are against Joos, but you support Hezbollah and the Arabs, who no doubt have similar fanatics and who by default are part of a religion that views non-Muslims and Christians in contempt. Why?
                      It is really posts like this that make me want to come back to threads like this. Otherwise, the tireless rants about how the US and Israel are the roots of ALL evil in the world just get very very boring after a while. I know that the pop culture and the constant propaganda machine in those countries just continues to drive the notion that US is the "big satan" into the minds of everyone starting from very young (I was raised in Iran afterall so I heard all those death to American and Israel chants too everyday) ... and I am very well aware that western Armenians have fully "confused" their personal Armenian issues with the Turks with the more local (and deep rooted) geopolitical problems with the Joos. But at some point someone has to step back and say wait a minute ... it's not all as black and white and just because Israel is not necessarily the holiest of all parties out there, it doesn't justify the relentless Islamic fundamentalism that will not tolerate ANYTHING but itself.

                      Well that and the 1/x thing too ... Except that if I remember my elementary calculus correctly, if you integrate 1/x, it'll diverge while 1/x^2 and 1/x^3 will converge. So I hope that has some brearing on what Karoaper was trying to say
                      Last edited by Sip; 07-27-2006, 04:46 PM.
                      this post = teh win.

