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Strippers And You

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  • #31
    Re: Strippers And You

    Originally posted by Saco View Post

    A stripper, as I remember, or was she just working at the club? I don't know. Anyways, there was this one guy who slept with her. He also knew that his friends, maybe four-five had also slept with her. You still with me? So, anyways, this guy liked this girl and after talking to her, he realized who she really was. The phrase "beautiful in the inside" is significant here because she was beautiful both on the outside and the inside. Her job didn't define who she was. This guy got really close to this girl in a matter of days. It appears that money had really forced her to get into that business and this guy pulled her out, married her, and they became a great couple, until today. The guys mom was extremely impressed although at first, she couldn't believe her ears. This girl turned out to be an angel in the end. This is the real life version of Ktor mu Erkunki, one of my all time favorites. The guys friends kept teasing him and feeling uncomfortable but he shunned them off, forgot about them and realized what is more important to him. That guy ... was me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'm just kidding, but I would love to have seen the looks on your faces .
    Accepting your statement for a moment that money had forced her to that line of "work": How would you justify the sleeping w/ the 5 or 6 of that particular group of friends? Was that for money too?

    Getting back to money as a reason. I don't buy that. Needing money can require a person to get a job, but not that particular job. That was a choice, freely made. Unless someone put a gun to her head (Mouse - a threat of imminent severe bodily harm? ) and said she had to strip or be a prostitute, there was no coercion.
    [COLOR=#4b0082][B][SIZE=4][FONT=trebuchet ms]“If you think you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”
    -Henry Ford[/FONT][/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]


    • #32
      Re: Strippers And You

      Originally posted by Armanen View Post
      I hope you are joking.
      Sarcasm, sir.
      Achkerov kute.


      • #33
        Re: Strippers And You

        Originally posted by Anonymouse View Post
        So? She still became a stripper and whorred herself out. To me it's not the underlying rationale that matters. People have many rationales for the things they do.
        Well, i suppose i still wouldn't hold it against her, b/c i know if i ever made some bad life altering decision i'd still want people to accept me and view me as me. It's not like she was a prostitute, (which i think some of you are confusing stripper with)and even if she was, i don't see what the problem is if she gave up her job, and was drug and std clean. To me it sounds like most of the people on here wouldn't date her b/c

        1.She's a "xxxxx"
        2. It's embarrassing
        3. They'd be neurotic when thinking about all the things she's done before them.

        As for whoring herself out, you all forget that the majority of the population is sexually active. There are 68 million current STD infections among Americans and 15.3 million new STD infections every year. So don't label. Just b/c one is a stripper or not a stripper does not mean they have an std.

        And even the person you go out with is saintly and clean, who's to say she wasn't a "xxxxx" before she met you? like you're ever going to know if she or her friends and family don't tell you.


        • #34
          Re: Strippers And You

          Here's what I think.

          When female say they became strippers because they need the money is such a poor excuse. I didn't read the posts in this thread so I don't know if this was brought up. First of all, she should be getting an education and/or working elsewhere.

          How does everybody else do it? We don't sell ourselves; I see strippers in the same light as prostitutes. If anything, prostitutes probably deal with less men a day; I don't know, I'm just saying. Strip clubs are sleezy and one of the things that will be around forever for 15-year-old kids and raging alcoholics who can't get girls anywhere else.

          To me, strippers are xxxxxs. I don't care if they sleep with customers or not. I don't care if they have STDs or not. I don't care. They're "selling" themselves on stage so they can "sell" you a dance to make some money. It's ridiculous, how do guys enjoy themselves knowing they blew close to a hundred dollars on a lapdance?


          • #35
            Re: Strippers And You

            Originally posted by ara87 View Post
            As long as she's std clean and willing to give up her line of occupation for you, why not? However if she's working as a stripper to pay off things like college loans, medical bills, etc, chances are she'll stay with her current occupation unless she can find a job that pays the same or better (unlikely)
            And you'd feel good about marrying a girl who was once a stripper? The mother of your children has given lapdances to countless men in clubs?

            As far as "paying off things like college loans, bills" -- how does everybody else do it? What about the men, and other women, who have medical pills and loans to pay for? They're not working in strip clubs.

            These strippers should do what everybody else does. Work their way up in a real job and pay for your bills through that. By the way, most of these strippers aren't paying bills or loans. Trust me.


            • #36
              Re: Strippers And You

              Perhaps they like their jobs One-Way, they don't mind taking that kind of road to earn their money.

              Personally, I don't feel to comfortable about dating them, but that's just a feeling I get, I also don't feel the need to rationalize it.


              • #37
                Re: Strippers And You

                Well, the question was how I feel so I feel the need to rationalize their career decisions for the sake of argument.


                • #38
                  Re: Strippers And You

                  Guys, let's clear something up, real quick.

                  One-Way, what you described is looking at the ball from exactly ONE WAY. When I shared that true story, I never said the girl was innocent. I just said that she changed her ways immediately. Why do you think that? Would a girl or any person who likes his/her current state and/or environment do something like that? Going once....going twice.... PERIOD. My real point was that we shouldn't look from one angle alone. And One-Way, I really suggest you don't criticize. Not that you CAN'T, but because you shouldn't. I was more disgusted by what you said at one point, then by the thought of a prostitute or a stripper, to be frank. How can you say all that? How can you compare a stripper to normal people? I'm not saying that what their doing is right, but their right in their own way. Do you know what a person has been through when you say all that? Maybe she had no where to go, maybe she was thrown out of her house, I could go on and on. Many girls don't even let you know how they feel inside. They're good at hiding it. If a boy reaches the point where a girl is being THAT truthful to him and letting him know how she feels deep down, then he can solidly think about keeping that girl as close as possible. What I'm trying to say is that most of those girls lose their faith in the world and think that it won't ever get better then this or that people will never look at them differently.

                  Life is a very fragile thing, so is fear. You have no idea what people, besides strippers, go through, neither do I, that's why you don't see me throwing punch lines in their faces or in the forums. Be careful what you say. Until you haven’t put your feet in the shoes of someone else, you won't understand what's going on and DON'T have a right to say powerful words like "First of all, she should be getting an education and/or working elsewhere" or "How do WE do it?". You sound almost like a racist. What those WE mean and I capitalize it because the way you said it calls for that. WE almost sounds like strippers and prostitutes are aliens from planet X. There are many strippers that do it because they like it, maybe they like sex, maybe they like seeing the goofy look on the faces of guys, etc. But those that got in because of negative reasons, I'm sure they never would have if it really didn't call for it. You know how many strippers there are that do it all for their family, maybe because their husbands were killed, maybe because some xxxxxxx cheated them and left when he found out about the kids, etc. Those women took up the challenge and supported their family instead doing what many normal girls with the ability, more or less, to take care of a baby did. Many people should learn from them. Even in their terrible times, they still took care of their family and taught them the right way of life. Don't ever doubt that those kinds of people exist, one lives three buildings away from me. My little brother’s classmate in 5th grade is the son of a prostitute. No one hurts him or throws him in a terrible state.

                  So now, do you still want to criticize? I think we can criticize much more about people in general. Prostitutes and strippers have their excuse, let’s say and what they do is wrong and all. Why do so many other people do all the wrong things they do when they live a million times much better life then those strippers do? When a judge calls criminals or victims to the stand, they always have an excuse that makes them right in their own way. A thief who stole some food or money says that he couldn't support his family. He's right in his own way. A person who didn't study for his exam says he had so many other things to study and was tired. He was right in his own way. So, why can't a stripper be right in her own way? Many singers in clubs, nightclubs, etc. have better morals and takes on life then most people put together. We all have something to learn and believe me, should learn something from everything and NEVER, EVER criticize. Those words were sharp and I'm not a stripper and I felt bad already. If any stripper read this, wouldn't she just say "This is what people think of me, what chance is there for me in life anyway (or maybe anymore)". Many strippers go through this, I'm sure. Imagine telling a kid that he's a terrible student constantly. He'll get pissed and never study again.

                  The mind is a tricky part of the body and no one will ever be able to understand why a person did something completely. So I think you got my point. I never said something was right but neither did I say it was wrong. Hope you got my point and I didn't say this to offend you. I said this because I don't think anyone else would. In life many criticize and when they fall into that situation, they then understand how the person they criticized felt. You don't have to become a stripper to understand how she feels. Life will bring up a good enough opportunity for you to understand. It's Ok to try to understand but not criticize. Hope we're on the same page and I agree with a lot that you said except many other parts. I especially agree that wasting your time in strip clubs isn't right. I don’t really imagine how people waste so much money there either and don’t want to. Good luck to everyone. I rest my case.


                  • #39
                    Re: Strippers And You

                    Originally posted by Saco View Post
                    When I shared that true story, I never said the girl was innocent.
                    And when I first made my post in this thread, I said I didn't read any previous posts.

                    Originally posted by Saco
                    My real point was that we shouldn't look from one angle alone. And One-Way, I really suggest you don't criticize. Not that you CAN'T, but because you shouldn't. I was more disgusted by what you said at one point, then by the thought of a prostitute or a stripper, to be frank. How can you say all that? How can you compare a stripper to normal people? I'm not saying that what their doing is right, but their right in their own way. Do you know what a person has been through when you say all that? Maybe she had no where to go, maybe she was thrown out of her house, I could go on and on. Many girls don't even let you know how they feel inside. They're good at hiding it. If a boy reaches the point where a girl is being THAT truthful to him and letting him know how she feels deep down, then he can solidly think about keeping that girl as close as possible. What I'm trying to say is that most of those girls lose their faith in the world and think that it won't ever get better then this or that people will never look at them differently.
                    So??? There is no excuses to turning to that kind of life. That's no justification for what they do. They have no morals. She was an angel in the end... Well, if she was such an angel and had some dignity, she would never take that route, no matter what. She'd die on the streets if she had nowhere to go. If I had nowhere to go, as a guy, and nothing to do with my life -- would I resort to selling drugs? Could I live with myself, doing that? Become a drug dealer, possibly a drug addict. I rather hold up a coffee cup and ask for spare change.

                    I can't look at these people differently. I don't know about Armenia, but in America, there is no excuse. The least they can do here is get a job at a fast food place. Stripping is the easy way out, so is prostitution and drug dealing. It's one and the same for me. Sorry to break it you.

                    Originally posted by Saco
                    Life is a very fragile thing, so is fear. You have no idea what people, besides strippers, go through, neither do I, that's why you don't see me throwing punch lines in their faces or in the forums. Be careful what you say. Until you haven’t put your feet in the shoes of someone else, you won't understand what's going on and DON'T have a right to say powerful words like "First of all, she should be getting an education and/or working elsewhere" or "How do WE do it?". You sound almost like a racist. What those WE mean and I capitalize it because the way you said it calls for that. WE almost sounds like strippers and prostitutes are aliens from planet X. There are many strippers that do it because they like it, maybe they like sex, maybe they like seeing the goofy look on the faces of guys, etc. But those that got in because of negative reasons, I'm sure they never would have if it really didn't call for it. You know how many strippers there are that do it all for their family, maybe because their husbands were killed, maybe because some xxxxxxx cheated them and left when he found out about the kids, etc. Those women took up the challenge and supported their family instead doing what many normal girls with the ability, more or less, to take care of a baby did. Many people should learn from them. Even in their terrible times, they still took care of their family and taught them the right way of life. Don't ever doubt that those kinds of people exist, one lives three buildings away from me. My little brother’s classmate in 5th grade is the son of a prostitute. No one hurts him or throws him in a terrible state.

                    So now, do you still want to criticize? I think we can criticize much more about people in general. Prostitutes and strippers have their excuse, let’s say and what they do is wrong and all. Why do so many other people do all the wrong things they do when they live a million times much better life then those strippers do? When a judge calls criminals or victims to the stand, they always have an excuse that makes them right in their own way. A thief who stole some food or money says that he couldn't support his family. He's right in his own way. A person who didn't study for his exam says he had so many other things to study and was tired. He was right in his own way. So, why can't a stripper be right in her own way? Many singers in clubs, nightclubs, etc. have better morals and takes on life then most people put together. We all have something to learn and believe me, should learn something from everything and NEVER, EVER criticize. Those words were sharp and I'm not a stripper and I felt bad already. If any stripper read this, wouldn't she just say "This is what people think of me, what chance is there for me in life anyway (or maybe anymore)". Many strippers go through this, I'm sure. Imagine telling a kid that he's a terrible student constantly. He'll get pissed and never study again.

                    The mind is a tricky part of the body and no one will ever be able to understand why a person did something completely. So I think you got my point. I never said something was right but neither did I say it was wrong. Hope you got my point and I didn't say this to offend you. I said this because I don't think anyone else would. In life many criticize and when they fall into that situation, they then understand how the person they criticized felt. You don't have to become a stripper to understand how she feels. Life will bring up a good enough opportunity for you to understand. It's Ok to try to understand but not criticize. Hope we're on the same page and I agree with a lot that you said except many other parts. I especially agree that wasting your time in strip clubs isn't right. I don’t really imagine how people waste so much money there either and don’t want to. Good luck to everyone. I rest my case.
                    Look, I don't need to be in there shoes. My family was piss poor for most of my life. Did that break up my parents marriage? Did that break up my family, my home? These strippers were probably better off than my family was years ago. It's no excuse, that's the end of my argument. Again, I don't know how it is in Armenia. Maybe it's like Tijuana, when I saw 13-year-old girls standing in front of a hooker house waiting to be hired... and they were. These angels have nowhere else to go? Would your mother or sister, hypothetically, turn to that type of life if they had faced similar consequences?

                    My main argument was about life in America. This sleezy bullshit is far too simple. These fake women think they're attractive and try to become models/actresses when they're all a condom away from becoming a stripper/pornstar. Most of these women, Armenians too, will throw away any loose morals they have for a shot at making some money. It's disgusting.


                    • #40
                      Re: Strippers And You

                      Originally posted by One-Way View Post
                      And you'd feel good about marrying a girl who was once a stripper? The mother of your children has given lapdances to countless men in clubs?

                      As far as "paying off things like college loans, bills" -- how does everybody else do it? What about the men, and other women, who have medical pills and loans to pay for? They're not working in strip clubs.

                      These strippers should do what everybody else does. Work their way up in a real job and pay for your bills through that. By the way, most of these strippers aren't paying bills or loans. Trust me.
                      Should women feel proud when they marry a guy, who's always been the "leader of the pack" and has had countless one night stands? Strippers are not even having sex, they're mainly getting felt up and giving lap dances, some clubs don't even allow touching, just watching. And so big deal, she got paid for it, who cares? As far as paying of bills go, if she has no other means for better pay, why shouldn't do it? It's not like the women working in strip joints have the credentials to be lawyers or something. Should she live her whole life in debt for the sake of dignity when she could be out of debt in a substantially shorter amount of time? I know many of them aren't paying of school, medical, and credit card bills, however some are.
                      Last edited by ara87; 10-13-2008, 10:07 PM.

