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What Do Men Want In A Relationship?

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  • #51
    Originally posted by hyebruin
    if our lil teenage moderator here thinks that he's 'lived life' then let him dwell in that fantasy ..... maybe if mr. moderator moved down to l.a. he'd be more sympathetic with my views! heck i don't know?? maybe canada and europe have really great guys!! but unlike some people i won't be so ignorant as to dismiss that possibility, for i have not lived there and i do not know how men behave in that part of the world...i can make assumptions, but i won't
    I see no reason why you should drop that age card. Baron has established himself as one of the more mature, diplomatic and bright members of this forum. It's very unlikely that he says anything that may reflect irrational thinking. Frankly I don't agree with your views of men, in fact I feel that you highly overdramatize your issues. And once again, they are purely your issues. The fact that you are constantly confronted with the negative exemplars of men is a result of your pessimistic and prejudice view. If you continue this sort of attitude, chances are you will never find a man who you will be able to get along with. No man or person likes to hear that he is thrown in the same category as a dog. May I add that you are also using double standards when you express your views. On one hand you criticize men for thinking that women are lose and nothing short of sex machines, yet you yourself mercilessly stereotype all men as dogs. You also claim that men have no feelings, yet you insult them and then become agitated if they become offended and try to defend themselves.

    Maybe just maybe, if you would change your biast perspectives, you would actually be able to see more positive qualities in people and as a result would attract better quality of men.


    • #52
      Originally posted by anileve
      I think someone should create a thread on "What women want", otherwise this is turning into a mixed thread. If you can notice there has been a deficiency in replies from men, I can safely conclude that they have no idea just what the heck they want. In fact it leads me to believe that they want everything, just as women do, except that we are much more vocal about it.

      What do Men want at 20, 30, 40.
      I find it funny, that the same person who balks at people who make stereotypes and generalizations, makes sweeping stereotypes and generalizations here.

      I also find it amusing that most of the people replying to this thread are women, since it's supposed to be about what men want in a relationship.

      Perhaps this thread was just another attempt at trying to get other men to voice their opinions, aside from my opinion in that other awful thread, for whch I was subjected to a series of disgruntled criticisms. Women seem very intolerant toward different points of view, and I would guess that this thread is made to validate those other views which I do not necessarily represent, those men which conform to the women. But if you're waiting for the 'men' of this forum to reply, you might as well have a Snickers.
      Last edited by Anonymouse; 05-22-2004, 10:02 PM.
      Achkerov kute.


      • #53
        Originally posted by Anonymouse
        I find it funny, that the same person who balks at people who make stereotypes and generalizations, makes sweeping stereotypes and generalizations here.

        I also find it amusing that most of the people replying to this thread are women, since it's supposed to be about what men want in a relationship.

        Perhaps this thread was just another attempt at trying to get other men to voice their opinions, aside from my opinion in that other awful thread, for whch I was subjected to a series of disgruntled criticisms.
        Anon, is it absolutely necessary for you to quote the entire article, sheesh! I shortened it, sorry.

        Now I didn't write that article, so I wasn't really making any generalizations. The reason why women are replying to this thread is because they were substituting the lack of participation from the male members of the forum.

        And perhaps your post is just another attempt at provoking a series of disgruntled criticisms from the women. In that case I would have to disappoint you, we are pretty certain about what your views are, and I for one am not interested in forcing any change towards your direction. Instead of analyzing the turnout of the thread, you might want to mention some of the things you prefer in your women. That is of course aside from your well know desire for a selfless, domestic housewife. Let's go into details of what sort of little gestures, habits, preferences, traits and qualities you desire.


        • #54
          [QUOTE=anileve] selfless, domestic housewifeQUOTE]

          See? This is what I mean about a stupid generalization. You're going on a pretty dangerous assumption with that statement.
          Achkerov kute.


          • #55
            Originally posted by anileve
            selfless, domestic housewifeQUOTE]

            See? This is what I mean about a stupid generalization. You're going on a pretty dangerous assumption with that statement.
            There were no assumptions what is so ever. I merely repeated what you have mentioned in the other thread. What part of that phrase is incorrect? On a number of occasions you've expressed your attraction to women who are altruistic and concerned with domestic matters more than anything else, and of course the strong presence of the femininity. By no means, do I care to criticize your preference for that sort of a woman, nor does any other female of this forum. There is only concern, your persistent dictation of what a woman should be in order to preserve the unity of a family. As if it is her sole responsibility to do so. Your preferences belong to you only, and no one can take that away from you. Keeping that in mind, you must respectfully grant everyone the same privilege of holding their own opinion.

            Having said that, I would ask you to address my previous question.


            • #56
              Originally posted by anileve
              There were no assumptions what is so ever. I merely repeated what you have mentioned in the other thread. What part of that phrase is incorrect? On a number of occasions you've expressed your attraction to women who are altruistic and concerned with domestic matters more than anything else, and of course the strong presence of the femininity. By no means, do I care to criticize your preference for that sort of a woman, nor does any other female of this forum. There is only concern, your persistent dictation of what a woman should be in order to preserve the unity of a family. As if it is her sole responsibility to do so. Your preferences belong to you only, and no one can take that away from you. Keeping that in mind, you must respectfully grant everyone the same privilege of holding their own opinion.

              Having said that, I would ask you to address my previous question.
              When did I not grant people the 'same privelage of holding their own opinion'? That I disagreed with them and argued ( only after having been argued upon ) I see no merit to your claim that I do not respect others' beliefs. With that said I am only trying to correct your warped view of what spiral referred to in the other thread, as a "brainless robot", meaning that the woman doesn't function in any other thing other than doing dishes or popping babies. That most certainly is not correct. Of course when one prefers someone with a traditional backdrop, it seems alien to all the 'progressives' who see the 'role of women changing' ( to what I do not know and my guess is neither do you ).
              Achkerov kute.


              • #57
                Edited by loseyourname: Shut up. You're pissing me off. You're doing exactly what you're complaining about.
                Last edited by loseyourname; 05-23-2004, 03:56 PM.


                • #58
                  Bruin, please go easy on the personal attacks and address my questions instead. Not all men are out to get you.


                  • #59
                    Originally posted by hyebruin
                    this is a perfect example right here where your immaturity comes out!! do you know me? no! do you know what i do? no! do you know what i have done? no! do you even know my name? no! do you know where i live? no! do you know if i have a high school diploma? no! do you know if i have any college education? no! so cut the crap!!! you have nooooo idea what you're talking about; and for the record for those who do not know here's a little factoid: the male cortex is not fully developed until age 21!!
                    Do you know 99,9% of men? How were YOU able to arrive to such a conclusion?

                    And I'm happy to know that I have not fully developped intellectually yet. God knows that I still have many, many things to learn. Now tell me, at what age does the female temper fully develop?


                    • #60
                      anileve i do not know what exactly it is you want me to 'reveal'??? but i have very good reason to hold the views i do! and just cuz i am vociferous enough to state my opinion does not mean that other women do not hold the same views!! and i am not just reflecting on my experiences here; i have seen shiiiiit happen to close friends as well as to other girls...needless to say i do not get into my philosophy here on men when i go on a date! i stay my sweet self and only later with THEIR attitude they confirm my stance on their pighood!!--i see what you're saying about us attracting and molding into reality that which we believe; however, there comes a point when you know what is out there and how ugly it can be!!--hey, i'm glad you don't understand where i'm coming from! good for you but don't be so quick to judge!

