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Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

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  • Artashes
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by TomServo View Post
    Here is a Russian political analyst's (a pro-Putin one at that) view of how the Karabagh conflict would be settled with Armenia in the Eurasian Union. Does it differ markedly from the West?

    Can Eurasian integration of Yerevan help in settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh problem?

    I think that the accession of Armenia, in particular, will help to advance the search for a constructive solution to the Karabakh issue, which I can see only provided that all refugees can return to Nagorno-Karabakh, to Azerbaijan. By the way, I recall that at least 400,000 Azerbaijanis also fled Armenia. At least, the return of Azerbaijanis to Nagorno-Karabakh and then a referendum, perhaps on the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh, which will consist of at least two peoples. There are, however, also Russians - three peoples will be its foundation. The formation of a Caucasian "Switzerland," I do not see why not. When France and Germany fought against each other on the territory of Switzerland, French-speaking Swiss, German-speaking Swiss and Italian-speaking Swiss established mechanisms of democratic governance. The structure of Nagorno-Karabakh is also Canton-like. There were regions dominated by the Azerbaijanis, there were regions dominated by the Armenians. Without the return of all the people who would like to go back there, we cannot talk about any recognition of Nagorno-Karabakh or discussions of this issue, in my opinion. However, postponing it, undoubtedly increases the risk of military conflict.
    By not acknowledging the the fraudulently named azerbaboonies are turk invaders that did murder their way into ALL those areas the person (politicle hack) that wrote the above is ligetimizing the illigitimate.
    Slick, but worthless. Just another con that picks and chooses what dates in history to mention & which to ignore.

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  • Vrej1915
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Դեսպան․ Հայաստանը Իրանի հետ երբեք չի քննարկել գազ գնելու հարցը

    Հայաստանի իշխանությունները Իրանի հետ երբեք չեն քննարկել գազ գնելու հարցը: Այդ մասին այսօր հայտարարեց Հայաստանում Իրանի դեսպան Մուհամմադ Ռեիսին:

    Նա պարզաբանեց, որ խոսքը ոչ թե գազ՝ էլեկտրաէներգիայի դիմաց գործարքի մասին է, այլ Հայաստանի սպառողների համար գազ գնելու:

    Սարգիս Հարությունյան
    Հայաստանի իշխանությունները Իրանի հետ երբեք չեն քննարկել գազ գնելու հարցը: Այդ մասին այսօր հայտարարեց Հայաստանում Իրանի դեսպան Մուհամմադ Ռեիսին: Նա պարզաբանեց, որ խոսքը ոչ թե գազ՝ էլեկտրաէներգիայի դիմաց գործարքի մասին է, այլ Հայաստանի սպառողների համար գազ գնելու: Սարգիս Հարությունյան

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  • Mher
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Hakob View Post
    thank you

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  • londontsi
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Hakob View Post
    If they are liberals or prowesterns, then how come they are so categorically against and protest the implementation of mandatory pension contributions law? It is a main component in every capitalistic western democracy. Like social security in USA.
    The reason is that ...........
    Only Rasputin could have come up with such an idea.

    The government having miserably failed in running the economy due to its corruption and incompetence,
    with growing poverty levels has decided to “worry” about the people’s pension.

    They are looking for ways to cream ( cream ???) off the income of a small proportion of the population who could be classified as “better off”.
    The money to be invested in foreign countries.

    The people and the oppositions are right to oppose this stupid idea.

    For a starters the subject was not debated properly in the parliament.

    Contributory pension schemes are ( should be) voluntary and not compulsory.

    Taking money from people’s salary against their will is unconstitutional.

    Private (non governmental) pension plans are a luxury afforded by rich countries
    meaning they supplement an already subsistence state pension and never are the primary pension.

    Contributory pension plans have a horrible history of failure to deliver.

    They depend on the plan manager(s) to perform, traded successfully.
    Most of the plans are tied to the stock markets.
    Stock markets are not wealth generating activity but a zero sum game, same as gambling,
    meaning for every winner there is a looser.
    Therefore by definition the plan cannot guarantee a promised return.

    They also depend when you retire, luck.
    If you are lucky and retire when the markets are buoyant your return will be better than another
    who retires or forced into early retirement coinciding with a bear market.

    There is a huge suspicion and a lack of trust in the government due to its incompetence and corruption.
    These plans will last typically for 30-40 years.
    Try and tell me who will be held responsible if pension returns are inadequate.

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  • Hakob
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Mher View Post
    Hey do you have an exact source for the Azeri-Turkish part


    It is a turkish site

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  • Mher
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Hakob View Post
    Below I have disorted news posted by Vrej, followed by the real story.

    Իրանի ապտակը Հայաստանի իշխանությանը
    Նաիրա Հայրումյան
    Հինգշաբթի, 05 Դեկտեմբերի 2013,

    Հայաստանում Իրանի դեսպան Ռեիսին երեկ հայտարարել է, որ ողջունում է Հայաստանի ու Ռուսաստանի էներգետիկ համագործակցությունը, սակայն Իրանը կարող էր Հայաստանին մատակարարել էժան եւ անհրաժեշտ քանակի գազ: Այս հայտարարությանն անմիջապես արձագանքել էր ՀՀ էներգետիկայի նախարար Արմեն Մովսիսյանը, հայտարարելով, թե իբր Իրանը առաջարկում է ավելի թանկ գազ, քան ռուսականն է, հերթական անգամ ստելով հանրությանը:
    Դեկտեմբերի 2-ին Հայաստանը կորցրեց էներգետիկ անկախության վերջին 20 տոկոսը եւ էներգետիկ համագործակցություն ծավալելու վերջին հնարավորությունները: Հայաստանը կորցրել է ինքնուրույն գազ գնելու հնարավորությունը:
    Ներկայում այդ հարցերը լուծելու է Գազպրոմը, իսկ այն դժվար թե գազ գնի Իրանից: Թեեւ, չի բացառվում, որ հիմա գնում է եւ թանկ վերավաճառում հայերին:

    Without going further Here is the real news inteview.

    Tehran ready to boost gas supplies to Armenia, envoy says

    December 4, 2013 - 18:27 AMT
    PanARMENIAN.Net - Tehran is ready to significantly increase the current modest volume of its natural gas supplies to neighboring Armenia, the Iranian envoy said, according to RFE/FL Armenian service.
    “Iran can meet Armenia’s gas demand yet that depends on a deal between the two countries,” Mohammad Raiesi told a news conference on Tuesday, December 4. “It also requires relevant infrastructures. So the outcome depends on the Armenian authorities.”
    Armenia began importing Iranian gas following the completion in late 2008 of a pipeline connecting the two countries. According to Armenian government data, Iranian gas deliveries totaled roughly 500 million cubic meters last year, compared with almost 2 billion cubic meters supplied by Russia’s Gazprom. The Iranian gas is mainly used for generating electricity exported to the Islamic Republic.
    Some critics of the Armenian government have accused it of deliberately failing to use the pipeline to ease Armenia’s heavy dependence on Russian energy resources. They say that greater gas imports from Iran would have strengthened Yerevan’s hand in its dealings with Moscow.
    Energy Minister Armen Movsisyan repeatedly said earlier this year that the import volumes remain modest because the Iranian gas price is higher than the one set by Gazprom. Raiesi, publicly denied these claims in June, however.
    The Iranian ambassador declined to specify the exact gas tariff for Armenia, noting that Iran exports gas at international market prices.
    A rise in Iranian gas supplies became even more unlikely after the government sold its remaining 20 percent share in Armenia’s gas distribution network to Gazprom on Monday. The $155 million deal was formalized in Yerevan during Russian President Vladimir Putin’s official visit.
    Raiesi insisted that the deal will not hamper further development of Armenian-Iranian energy cooperation. He said it does not run counter to close ties between the Armenian and Russian energy sectors.
    Movsisyan and Iranian Energy Minister Hamid Chitchian met twice, in Tehran and Yerevan, last month in the space of two weeks. Official Iranian and Armenian
    sources reported few details of their talks.

    Here is another article from This article is published in 2012. In 2013 prices actually rose even higher.

    Ill give only the part that concerns us.

    Turkey currently buys a cubic meter of Azeri gas for $330 and pays Russia $400 for the same amount. However, Iran sells its gas to Turkey for $505 for each cubic meter, which increases Turkey’s natural gas bill by an extra $800 million annually. The price of a cubic meter of natural gas is sold for $400 in international markets.

    Turkey wants Iran to bring the price down to international levels. A similar situation arose between Turkey and Russia in the past; however, it ended when Turkey traded an agreement allowing the Russian South Stream pipeline to pass through Turkish territorial waters for a price discount. As a result, the price Turkey pays to Russia was reduced to $400.

    Now here is Armenian offial's inteview

    Energy Minister: Armenia will save $800 million on Russian gas in 5 years

    December 04, 2013 | 18:18
    YEREVAN. – Armenia will save $800 million at the expense the elimination of export duties on Russian gas during the next five years, Energy Minister Armen Movsisyan said.

    “Gazprom has repeatedly stated that the Russian gas price should be increased, including for Armenia. In 2011, we managed to negotiate with the Russian side for Armenia to continue getting gas for $180 per thousand cubic meters before the talks are over,” Movsisyan said in response to opposition MP Aram Manukyan.

    As a result of the state visit to Armenia by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the sides agreed on the formation of gas price for five years as well as management of the accumulated debts. Since 2011, the price difference between the old 180 dollars and the actual price, which Armenia had to pay, reached $300 million.

    “According to our arrangement, we will pay half of the debt, and another half will be paid by Russia,” the Minister added.

    According to him, in total from 2011 to 2018, the financial burden on the Russian side at the expense of discounts and canceled fees will make about $1.1 billion.

    “We decided to pay $155 million out of this amounti n the form of 20 percent of ArmRusGasprom shares,” he concluded.

    Gazprom owned 80% of ArmRusGasprom shares, while the rest twenty belonged to the Armenian government. As a result of Putin’s visit, an agreement was reached to transfer 20% to Gazprom.

    So Naira Hayrumian writes this article, calling it "Iran's Slap On The Face Of Armenia", lies about Iran's offer as "it could be cheaper than Russia's, then goe into usual Armenia bashing and wrongfull information in order to fool us.
    From this articles and any information you guys can check shows that Iran sells it's natural gas no less than $500 for 1000 QM. India had problems with Iran too about the price and Iran refused to lower it.
    So what makes this idiots to come up with this marazm, you figure.
    If Iran was ready, why didn't sell gas lower than $189 before?
    Russia is going to sell gas to us much cheaper than Azerbaijan to brother turkey. What else we want? Should our citizens freeze like in 92-94 for us to think straight? Apparently this does not seat well for some cyrcles.

    I will follow about Previos article about that wh ore, Naira.
    Hey do you have an exact source for the Azeri-Turkish part

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  • Hakob
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
    Why does Russia restrict the construction of pipeline between Iran and Armenia to not exceed certain diameter? It is obvious that Russia has alot of say in Iran/Armenia energy deals.
    Russia has lot to say for sure. And that comes from Iranians and us mostly.

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  • Hakob
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Mher View Post
    I'm not the most pro-Russian person but if I can't understand what these people on Lragir want from Armenia. I really don't. I feel like they're one of those self hating liberals that just want to criticize anything and everything. As if they simply want to criticize Armenia's every move until the country is empty of people. Chem haskanoom es martekants ooghegha vontse gortsoom.
    If they are liberals or prowesterns, then how come they are so categorically against and protest the implementation of mandatory pension contributions law? It is a main component in every capitalistic western democracy. Like social security in USA.
    The reason is that they couldn't care less about it. All they want is to paralyze the government in every move or action it makes. Saturate public with as much mistrust towards government and country as they can.

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  • Eddo211
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Why does Russia restrict the construction of pipeline between Iran and Armenia to not exceed certain diameter? It is obvious that Russia has alot of say in Iran/Armenia energy deals.

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  • Mher
    Re: Is Russia an ally or foe, nowadays?

    Originally posted by Hakob View Post
    Anybody has read this article? If you guys need we have to translate.
    But I will go with some parts only, because it boils my blood, I can't repeat all.

    From beginning to end it is an insult not only to our government but to all citizens as well. She starts by "Putin's visit was a horrible failure. Armenia has opened doors to foreign invaders himself". While Serj Sargsian was handing over anything that he could to russians, parliament was discussing reform of the the pension plans.
    Bla ba bla. Under ovation, Armenia handed over the last remnants of sovereignty. It is no coincident that a famous russian journalist Vadim Dubnov called Armenia russia s most despicable partner.
    At least there were a few hundred normal people in Armenia (the rest of population is not normal for her), that came out to protest. Otherwise Putin might've thought that Armenia is empty and everybody is making shaurma in Moscow. It would not be too far from reality, because even living in Yerevan, every Armenian makes shaurma for Muscovites with their body and soul.
    More bla bla as to Putin said that russian base is a stability guarantee (she puts it very cynically). That Armenian's do everything for russian's stead. Armenia has capitulated completely.
    She finishes with "the most horrible thing on Putin's visit was the conduct of Armenians, as if nothing had happened and Armenians can only be under russia's Abdomen (she implies between the legs, doing you know what).

    And this is from a wh ore that wants to pretend to be a patriot.
    Patriot will not put this kind of insults to her own people.
    But weigh, are Armenians her people? Comments like her's I only read in azery blogs.
    What she, Igor and others are doing is not about Armenia's independence. You would not lie and distort (I showed many times, like above, the lies and deceits theese people make) for the noble cause of nation's welfare. Their main goal is to block and damage Armenian-Russian relations.
    It is very easy nowadays by turks or other enemies (I will not name but there are others too, trust me) to fund and sponsor people or publications in Armenia to do their black propaganda, covering up under disguise of patriotism. And as such, those people are not interested in grass roots hard work of real opposition. Thay are interested in creating and spreading a havoc. An atmosphere of mistrust and hatred. To do this, they will not stop to fabricate lies and distort facts.
    Sometimes comes a minute when I want to ask Vrej, what's your real name man, Toffik or Ali?
    I'm not the most pro-Russian person but if I can't understand what these people on Lragir want from Armenia. I really don't. I feel like they're one of those self hating liberals that just want to criticize anything and everything. As if they simply want to criticize Armenia's every move until the country is empty of people. Chem haskanoom es martekants ooghegha vontse gortsoom.

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