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Elections in Armenia

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  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

    Gharabaghtsis aren't real armenians. They've lived and worked with turk-azeries and they are looking like turks. Look at Kocharyan's eyes, are they armenian eyes. I've watched in one DVD how Ter Petrosyan asked Kocharyan "do you know "Hayrmer"" and when Kocharyan answered "no", Ter Petrosyan said "You aren't armenian". I am agree with Ter Petrosyan and if you look at Gharabaghtsis eyes, you can see, that they are not armenian, they are mongol-tatars. Look at Zori Balayan's eyes too, every one can see it. =eng
    Qunem bolorin ovqer verin gratsi het hamamiten!

    Qunem bolorin ovqer Gharabaghi hayeri patvinen kpnum!


    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

      Originally posted by Armenian
      Amrotz, it's very sad and quite alarming. From Los Angeles to Yerevan you will find many low lives now using such rhetoric against Armenians from Artsakh.
      I don't know about Serzh and Robert, I suppose due to their positions they have to be calm, but I'm sick and tired of anti-Artsakhtsi rhetoric and I'm very angry with these scumbags. I can't wait for the opportunity to smash anyone's face who dares to say it in front of me be it in LA or Yerevan.

      Thankfully though the vast majority of our people, including the decent and the intelligent ones, don't support these rhetorics so, to me it means that if we end up cleaning up these filth among us then it will be a positive thing for our nation as we will only wipe out the dirt leaving everything else in tact.


      • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

        It is indeed very sad to hear this kind of statements. Our power should lay in our unity. It is wrong to call one karabaxci, parska-hay, iraqa-hay, russa-hay. I do not deny that there are differences between them, but there are also lot's of similarities, and we must build our relationship on that.

        If we were one, then there would have been over eight million Armenians world wide. Now I sometimes wonder how many "true" Armenians there are, maybe no more than two or three million.

        This must be our first objective, to unite the Armenians. If we were united, then we could spend our attention to, for example, those thousands and maybe millions of Hamshen Armenians. If we could make them "Armenian" again, that would be of a HUGE interest for the Armenian state.

        Unfornately, there are a lot of jealous and stupid Armenians. That is why we failed, and the j-e-w-s (for who everyone is a j-e-w, they barely make difference from which country who's from) succeeded.
        Last edited by Tigranakert; 04-08-2008, 11:59 PM.


        • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

          Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
          Qunem bolorin ovqer verin gratsi het hamamiten!
          Amrotz, it's very sad and quite alarming. From Los Angeles to Yerevan you will find many low lives now using such rhetoric against Armenians from Artsakh.

          Originally posted by HayotzAmrotz View Post
          Thankfully though the vast majority of our people, including the decent and the intelligent ones, don't support these rhetorics so, to me it means that if we end up cleaning up these filth among us then it will be a positive thing for our nation as we will only wipe out the dirt leaving everything else in tact.
          Amrotz, I know you are not going to agree with me but, in my opinion, a vast majority of our people are worthless and a large number of our people are absolute garbage. What keeps Armenia and Armenian heritage afloat is a small 'golden core' of true intellectuals and true patriots within our people. God forbid once this golden core disappears, the Armenian nation will disappear as well. One of the biggest problems we have as a nation is the idea that Armenians should not be killing other Armenians. In reality, this genocide derived complex keeps us from moving forward. What I personally want to see are Armenian patriots eliminating the useless garbage that exists within our society. The seven that died on the streets of Yerevan that night was a good start, it broke the ice. It showed everyone that no mater who you are you don't xxxx with the stability and the security of state. However, it would have been ideal if the interior ministry troops that killing the rioters would have then been sent to Levon's dwelling to torch the place down with him and his entire team in it, along with his entire family of course.

          The Levon camp vainly attempted to exploit the garbage, the idiots and the self-hating vermin in Armenian society in an attempt to realize their economic and political goals. And being that Armenians are fertile ground such self-destructiveness Levon's trick worked. As a result, we have many "proud" Armenians from Los Angeles to Yerevan that would sooner make peace with Turks than with Artsakh Armenians.

          Another point I would like to make here is that although mainstream news outlets in the West have by in large ignored the Armenian crisis (due to geopolitical nuances), the US State Department is slowly but surly 'cooking' things within cyber space. Websites such as Radio Liberty, Armenianow, Hetq and A1 Plus are essentially English language magnets attracting human-garbage and becoming a conduit for anti-Artsakhtsi hate rhetoric.

          Here, look again at the low caliber of our people:



          Pleas read the numerous commentaries in the aforementioned websites to realize just how disassociated our people are from political reality and patriotism. What's going on is literally an information war against Armenia. That is why I keep asking concerned Armenians to make counter-posts within the discussion boards of Armenianow and Hetq.

          The anti-Artsakhtsi rhetoric of the Levon camp was by design. They knew such talk would resonate with the street whores in Yerevan. Thus, Levon and his team are not the sole problem we face, a large percentage of our people are our fundamental problem. I simply suggest you start looking for patriotism, spiritualism, intellect and decency in an Armenian - before you consider him/her a compatriot.
          Last edited by Armenian; 05-03-2008, 06:35 PM.
          Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


          Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


          • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

            Originally posted by Armenian View Post
            Amrotz, I know you are not going to agree with me but, in my opinion, a vast majority of our people are worthless and a large number of our people are absolute garbage.
            Armenian, that’s a counter-productive approach. We simply can’t view and consider the majority of our people as “garbage”. Let me put it this way: What good are the nationalists without the nation?

            Actively implementing that sort of policy will sooner or later back fire at nationalists and their structures, be it a political organization or a government office. And when that happens, it will be a real and long term tragedy for our people because it will make “nationalism” a dirty word and nationalists in the eyes of the nation will become criminals thus creating at best a highly divided society (think today’s Chile) and at worst a society where nationalism will become a disease (think today’s Germany). The biggest problem is that we are neither Chile nor Germany, and as soon as we become seriously divided and therefore weak, we, as a nation, will be finished! Then our only salvation will be the willingness of Russia to incorporate us into their Federation.

            Originally posted by Armenian View Post
            What keeps Armenia and Armenian heritage afloat is a small 'golden core' of true intellectuals and true patriots within our people. God forbid once this golden core disappears, the Armenian nation will disappear as well.
            I agree 100 per cent. But the danger is that if these nationalists begin to indiscriminately eliminate then they will harm their own cause and this golden core will be treated by people as a curse rather than blessing. The solution is: Small scope, targeted elimination of the filth.

            Originally posted by Armenian View Post
            One of the biggest problems we have as a nation is the idea that Armenians should not be killing other Armenians.
            True. We need to free ourselves from that stupid notion. Those who endanger the safety and security of our state must be punished, including killed if necessary.

            Originally posted by Armenian View Post
            The Levon camp vainly attempted to exploit the garbage, the idiots and the self-hating vermin in Armenian society in an attempt to realize their economic and political goals. And being that Armenians are fertile ground such self-destructiveness Levon's trick worked. As a result, we have many "proud" Armenians from Los Angeles to Yerevan that would sooner make peace with Turks than with Artsakh Armenians.
            Yes and the problem is that one day US is going to try to use these “proud Armenians from Los Angeles and Yerevan” like condoms: to screw our country and make us a Western xxxxx like the Ukraine. And those “proud” coc-k suc-kers would be more than happy to be an American condom. We need to discredit and if necessary eliminate them and only them!

            Originally posted by Armenian View Post
            Pleas read the numerous commentaries in the aforementioned websites to realize just how disassociated our people are from political reality and patriotism.
            Most of these comments are by individuals who are associated with the Western interests, in other words these are their Armenian condoms. There are ways to discredit and destroy them. We should learn from Putin. British Council of Russia is a good example.

            Originally posted by Armenian View Post
            The anti-Artsakhtsi rhetoric of the Levon camp was by design. They knew such talk would resonate with the street xxxxxs in Yerevan. Thus, Levon and his team are not the sole problem we face, a large percentage of our people are our fundamental problem. I simply suggest you start looking for patriotism, spiritualism, intellect and decency in an Armenian - before you consider him/her a compatriot.
            I agree. I’ve become a lot more careful in considering someone a nationalist.

            P.S. At the end of the day the future of not just the Armenian state but also of the Armenian nation belongs to those who live in Armenia, only to them! Those parasites in LA and those pseudo refugees in Europe can go and get stuffed.


            • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

              Here is something interesting I came across:

              Achkerov kute.


              • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                Interesting turn of events in the Armenianow website. I had not heard that Levon Ter Petrosian was part Assyrian. How valid is this claim? Is anyone here involved in the posts in question?

                And I just found this as well- Levon Ter Petrosian HAYRE TURK? VAY VAY!! DAVAJAN LEVONIG!!:

                I am 'shocked' to hear this about Levon Petrosian... I hate the treasonous criminal in question regardless of his ethnicity, but are you guys serious? Are you sure? This is the first time I am hearing this... How can I confirm this troubling information.

                - Gurgen, 2008-04-11 11:54:26

                Thank you to all my Armenian friends. I too consider myself am Armenian, even though I am 100% Assyrian. As for LTP, I am shocked and surprised that the majority of my Armeniann friends have no clue about his ethnicity. He is 100% Assyrian.We knew all along about this.Having said that ,LTP served your nation gracefully.He has his flaws like everyone else.What I want to see from my Armenian friends is to stop the infighting,and start thinking about OUR common enemy, the Turk. The Turk massacred about 700,000 Assyrians alongside 2 million Armenians.Our cause is common, our future together.The happiest people on earth, and at this moment are the Turks. Forget about a ersons ethnic background, be it Assyrian or Artsakhian or Armenia native, unit around your current president, give this gentleman a chance.It is wrong to villify wither LTP or the other 2 presidents.Take a lesson from our history. A powerful Assyrian nation collapses and becomes a nation on the "internet" only.I do understand the emotions, some childish some mature,but you simply are destroying your nation. We never proclaimed that LTP was the greatest president of your country, he was a human being. He has his flaws and committed some mistakes.Come on my Armenian brothers, look to the future, yesterday is past,forgive and forget. Give your new president the benefit of a doubt and let him do his work. TO CONCLUDE: Yes, LTP is 100% Assyrian, but like myself they have been Armenian for 100 years.Let us unite against the manipulating and genocidal Turk.

                - Gerges Bano, 2008-04-11 10:25:38

                zaven s. LTPs parents are Musa Dagh Assyrians, as a Musa Daghian myself, we (had) a very good Assyrian population living in Musa Dagh. My grandfather talks highly about them.He assumed that there were a total of 1,000 Assyrians in all of Musa Dagh. All were loyal, and all fought alongside against the common enemy. All were "Armenianized" way before 1915. I always considered LTP as Armenian, always ignoring his Assyrian ancestory.I hope this puts an end to LTPs ancestery. But it hurts to see some hooligans amusing themselves by calling the current president Artsakhtsi.How about Armenian first? What is the difference between the current president and the first? Same oligarchs, same mafia. We need to give this Armenian president a chance. It is no secret that Armenia Now is biased against the current president, that is fine. Voltaire, the French philosopher once said:"I don't like you and your politics, but I will protect you to the end." LTP belongs to the past, let's go forward and give our new president a chance to govern.If he fails, then you have evry right to call him names and ask for his resignation.

                - Haroot, 2008-04-11 01:50:00

                It is/was no secret about LTPs ancestory.Born in Alepo Syria of Assyrian parents.I am surprised that only a few Armenians know about his heritage.Having said that, his parents were 100% Armenianized like thousands of Assyrians did long time ago. The problem as some of you have discussed here, was not LTPs heritage,but the hatred of one Armenian(Armenia) against the other(Artsakh).And all the time they forgot about LTPs own heritage.Every home has its own dirty loundery, let us not accuse 120,000 Artsakh Armenians because LTP lost. This kind of logic is flawed.Also childish slogans such as "azatutyun hayastani" don't solve anything. The ONLY thing that surprised and baffled me was when LTP started exposing his supporters, that is scary indeed.Let us give Mr. Sargissyan a chance,if he falters or screws up, then the people will recall him.Too much damage has been done by LTP.I blame LTP for agitating and encouraging the young to demonstrate, and all the time he has his mansion and dacha and enjoying the good life, albeit a regular citizen.

                - Karapet, 2008-04-11 01:33:52

                As a committed Hunchag, I am starting to suspect that the problem is not the current president, but the first president, LTP. This guy has divulged the names of his supporters, one by one. In a word, he became a "singer" and a "rat." In a way I am glad he lost. He was about to cede control of Artsakh to the enemy. he himself declared on several ocassions that Artsakh should be swapped for peace. "Peace?" what Peace?? Who with? The Turk? Do you think Armenia,where I live now, and with a population of about 3 million, can stop a well fed, well trained and well armed(with latest American weaponary), assault from the East(Azerbaixan) and the West(Turkey)? "Garegin" and the "Concerned Armenian" are right in their assessment of the geopolitical situation in the Caucasus.Just because we don't like Serzh Sargissyan, should Not translate hatred towards the Artsakh Armenians. And LTP, as stated before is of Assyrian ancestory, and not to repeat what Garegin wrote before me, there is absolutely nothing wrong for having an Assyrian(Armenianized) becoming president of Armenia. Three of Lebanons former presidents claimed Armenian ancestory. What deturbs me seeing a lot of young kids swayed by these "romantic" and "romanticised" notion of revolution. Why not revolt against Turkish hegemony? why not revolt against LTP for continually affirming his osition to return Artsakh to the Turk? I still have to hear an "apologist" for LTP to explain to us as to "Why LTP wants to swap Artsakh?" Anyone???????

                - Njdeh Barmakyan, 2008-04-11 01:08:16

                According to a population count(Demographics) conducted in 1907,there were 879 Assyrians living in Musa Dagh.LTPs great greatfathers name is Yohanna TP, Assyrians were and are known to use the name Yohanna for John or Hovhannes. As for emigrating to Armenia, we consider Assyrians as brothers fighting the same enemy,the Turk. We cannot and should not attack Artsakh Armenians because of Kocharian or Sargissian. If you want to "present" Artsakh to the turks, why not do so now? Currently Armenia will not survive one day, mark my word, one day, without Russian protection. That is geopolitics my friends. It is one thing to be politically naive, but being stupid is.....dangerous. And yeah..LTPs parents ARE Assyrians, nothing wrong with that, a lot of Assyrians have assimilated and consider themselves Armenian.Here is the problem with some of the people who post derogatory comments about the current president, calling him Artsakhtsi, as if Artsakh Armenians don't count as being Armenians.Shame on all who try to divide Armenians.At least the current president is 100% Armenian, and I will never change my sick lamb for the enemies healthy wolf.

                - garegin, 2008-04-11 00:40:49

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                • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                  Originally posted by Lucin View Post
                  Իսկ ո՞վ է Օննիկ Գրիգորեանը: Ինչու՞ ես անունը անընդհատ էս «շարքերում» նշում: Բոլորովին չէի լսացել նրա մասին բայց մի քիչ իր մեկնաբանութիւնները (վերջին իրադարձութիւնների վերաբերեալ) կարդացի, անկեղծ ասած յատուկ տարօրինակ/ հիւանդ չգտայ իր մտայղացումները, եթէ ոչ հակա-Լեւոն ապա ավելի շուտ չէզոք մի լրագրող թւաց աչքիս... Չե՞ ս կարծում:
                  Քույրիկ ջան, ներող եղիր որ ուշացումով եմ պատասխանում քեզ, ուշադրությունս այս վերչերս շատ է ցրվում: Մեր երկրի խնդիրներով շատ եմ տարված: Մի խոսքով քեզ չեմ արհամարում: Համենայն դեպս, նախքան որ վճռական գաղափար կազմես Օննիկ Գրիգորեանի մասին նրա «բոլոր» գործերը ուսումնասիրիր: Օննիկ Գրիգորեանի նման մարդիկ Հայաստան «ուղարկուած» են: Այս մարդիկ հակա-պետական «ցանցեր»ի մասնակիցներ են, օտար ազգերի հպատակներ և գործակալներ: Այս մարդկանց գլխավոր նպատակն է Հայաստանում լարված դրություն ստեղծել, բևերացում ստեղծել, հակասություն ստեղծել, հիասթափություն ստեղծել, հուսատություն ստեղծել, ևայլն... Եւ այս բոլորը կանեն, և անում են Democracy and Human Rights-ի դրոշի տակ:

                  Originally posted by Anonymouse View Post
                  Here is something interesting I came across:

                  Anon, fundamentally the crucial point here is the very 'nature' and 'character' of the Levon camp and not whether or not the current powers in Yerevan are stainless. It was ridicules, absurd to the extreme degree, watching these past criminals and traitors proudly and boastfully standing up on podiums and preaching freedom, democracy and human rights. I had heard of Vano's comments many years ago, it's common knowledge for those who are involved in Armenian politics. Although not related to this topic, another piece of information I pieced together during my travels to Armenia was that Armenian forces in the spring of 1992 had not notified Levon Petrosian that they were about to storm the strategic town of Shushi because they feared that Levon would sabotage their operation. As we all know it was the capture of the fortress city of Shushi that turned the tide of the war in Armenia's favor. According to the information I received in Shushi by former fighters, Levon was notified of the operation only after the town had been secured.

                  No matter how ones approaches this issue, in the absence of a viable alternative, one must come to the conclusion that the current authorities in Yerevan were, are, and will be the best option to run the nation for the foreseeable future. I am just upset at how many of our countrymen are clueless about politics and history in general. These people in the Levon camp almost ruined the Armenian Republic.
                  Last edited by Armenian; 05-03-2008, 06:36 PM.
                  Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                  Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                  • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                    haha, now it makes more sense why levin would marry a joo, he is a semite too.
                    For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                    to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



                    • Re: Presidential elections 2008 in Armenia

                      Originally posted by Armenian

                      Do not fool yourselves, open your eyes, this struggle is between Artsakh Armenians and Yerevan Armenians over the Armenia's meager economic resources. If these animals in the Levon camp succeed in overthrowing "Karabaghtsiner" from Yerevan all they will do is replace them with Yerevantsi criminals with Yerevan style corruption and oppression.

                      I keep hearing - "but Artsakh is seeking independence, that is treason."

                      I also keep hearing - "why do we even need Artsakh?"
                      Untrue. The "struggle" in Yerevan is absolutely NOT between Artsakh armenians and Yerevan Armenians, and I'd suggest you put a stop to such nonsence.

                      Levon and company have tried to exploit the peoples social-economic dissatisfaction by associating their problems with the fact that the president and other top leaders are natives of Karabakh and out of touch with the problems facing the Republic of Armenia.

                      And if you could barely provide for your family, I'm sure you would hate your leader too, especially if that leader was somehow different in any way different-That is, simply put, human nature. we saw this during the leadership of Levon when the people complained of a "syrian" ruling over them.

                      Any way, with that said, I have yet to come across any Armenian-no matter how bad their situation- who would speak about "why do we even need Artsakh?" On the contrary, no matter how bad their situation may be, Artsakh is the source of inspiration and pride for the Armenian citizens.

                      Likewise, most Armenian citizens are also against open border with Turks inspite of the problems caused by blockade.

                      And as for "but Artsakh is seeking independence, that is treason," once again I have never heard of any individuals making such an argument, but I think to even respond to such a silly statement you lower your integrity by even responding to such stupid statement as the reasons are clear why Artsakh is pursuing international recognition.
                      Last edited by Federation; 04-11-2008, 11:26 AM.

