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Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black World

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  • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

    Originally posted by Pedro Xaramillo View Post
    Actually, that increases the risk of assimilation, look at the Armenians and the Georgians, how many became Georgian, they are Caucasian and Christian, closer to you, but most assimilate, people assimilate due to racism and pressure and lack of awareness, welcome in mixed kids the same and they wil want to learn about their culture too

    LOL yeah look what that got us, georgia has often gone out of its way to spite Armenia, yet much of their recent culture and history was dominated by Armenians. As with baku, tiflis was made into a modern city by Armenians.
    For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
    to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


    • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

      Originally posted by CRDA-France View Post
      As I said before, the debate is positionned on several different spaces :

      - 1/ race
      - 2/ sexuality (or lack of sexuality)
      - 3/ sociological : 2a/ integration 2b/ assimilation
      - 4/ (unspoken) psychology (personality, agressivity, guilt, etc.)
      - 5/ psychic (Collective unconscious : )
      - 6/ social (labor)
      - 7/ economical
      - 8/ political
      - 9/ diplomatical
      - 10/ cultural
      -11a/ patriotism -11b/ nationalism - 11c/ racism
      -12/ Armenia
      -13/ Diaspora
      with different environments :
      -14/ (Old*) West Europe [* = according to former US State Department Minister, Rumsfeld . LOL ]
      -15/ Russia
      -16/ Turkey
      -17/ Middle East
      -18/ Africa
      -19/ Asia
      -20/ America, Canada, Australia, New Zeeland

      What has been said formerly can be available with mixed marriages with Russians, French, English, Italians, (white) Americans, etc, etc. The debate should not be on race, but on how children are going to be raised, if Armenity is going to be transmitted, if the couple is going to participate with Armenian life, to encourage Armenian schools, etc, etc...

      I happened to meet Armenian personnalities or officials during the soviet period. Some were married with Russian women. Some spouses encouraged Armenian life in their family, some did not at all. We know the phenomenen of assimilation, how many common or not common Europeans or Americans behave with Armenians : what effort do they do inordrer to foreward Armenian Culture in their families ?

      This debate becomes an untold or openly racist debate if only we debate on inter racial level and we do not speak on mixed marriages. And do we speak or not for Armenia or for Diaspora ? Adding the fact that there are many families with both Armenian parents who do not do much to raise their children as Armenians.

      Nil (Paris)

      Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.

      We have not much progressed, mixing up (many-many) things. I remind that the topic being : Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black World.

      Here is a website of an Armenian-Guadeloupian association, Guadeloupe being one of the French West Indies Islands :

      Here my pages on Guadeloupe Island :

      http://www.globalarmenianheritage-ad...e2_2007mai.htm - http://www.globalarmenianheritage-ad...e2_2007nov.htm - http://www.globalarmenianheritage-ad..._2009avril.htm -

      Recently I have found an historical article on the first known Armenian who was in Guadeloupe Island. This happenned in the beginning of the XVIIIth century. Khatchadour, was the name of this Armenian who lived in Guadeloupe. He was the servant Avetik, Constantinople Armenian Patriarch.

      Patriarch Avetik being a strong anti-catholic person, was secretaly kidnapped by the French Ambassador in the Ottoman Empire and taken to prison in France. He resisted many years not to become Roman Catholic under Royal French pressure and finally exhausted, he converted to Roman Catholic religion. His servant looked for him from Constantinople, he arrived in the kingdom of France under the rule of Louis XIV.

      The servant Khatchadour was arrested and sent to exile in Guadeloupe where he got married with a French woman. But here we have an important, serious historical article in French about the first known Armenian in the West Indies: http://www.globalarmenianheritage-ad...hatchadour.htm <<<<

      I think the local Armenian-Guadeloupean Association can raise money and have the permission of the local authorities to create a small monument commemorating the souvenir of the first known Armenian in the West Indies (?). We have to get prepared here in Paris.

      Last edited by CRDA-France; 06-08-2010, 05:58 AM.


      • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

        Originally posted by Armanen View Post
        Alexandropol was renamed to Leninakan in 1924. Does that mean there was automatically intermixing then too? It would be fitting for you to have proof.
        I provided proof but this thread has had a makeover and it is not here anymore thus i will relpost it.

        Notice how the Kharabagh population is different from the rest of the Armenian populations DNA because of its geographic isolation. The rest of the Armenian population has been exposed to turcks, persians, greeks, russians, romans...and their genes and ours have mixed and exist in our population enough to be statisticaly pretty significant.
        Here you can test your own DNA

        Here is a good explanation why our dna is close to the turckish dna (this excludes Kharbagh dna)

        "Let us examine the situation in two areas of the Middle East where a radical change in the population and language occurred rapidly without being accompanied by a significant genetic change, and try to explain it. The land that now forms the nation of Turkey (Anatolia) was once a part of Byzantium. Greek (Christian) was the major influence there. The Turkic-speaking people arrived there from Central Asia in the 11th century A.D., spread successfully throughout the land and Turkish eventually became the dominant language as a Turkish nation was established. Turks are, as the authors state, "the only major group in the region that speak a language originated at a great geographic distance (probably in the Altaic region)." The pre-existing people in Anatolia, however, did not physically disappear. The genetic studies show that the majority became part of the new Turkish population. The genetic constitution of the Turks today is much closer to their nearest geographic neighbors, although none is a Turkic-language population, than to the Turkic-speaking populations of Central Asia. The authors interpret this to mean that "the Turkish language was imposed on a predominantly Indo-European-speaking population (Greek being the official language of the Byzantine empire), and genetically there is very little difference between Turkey and the neighboring countries. The number of Turkish invaders was probably rather small and was genetically diluted by the large number of aborigines." And [ in Turkey] "language replacement has occurred essentially without, or with very little, gene replacement.""

        Intermixing has always happened and continues to happen when two or more groups of people are in close proximity. We armenians shared common ancestors with other indoeuropens like Iranians but that does not mean Armenians and Iranians did not intermix and have offsprings after that common ancestor. The general Armenian population has genes which the Kharabagh population does not, this can mean only one thing, that those Armenians who did not live in isolation like the kharabghtis did actually interbreed with other people.
        The proof is there for all to see you just have to open your eyes. You claim i am the agent of the globalists without my knowing it. Well if that was true then i wouldnt give a rats ass about our culture and would embrace the western one with glee but that is not what i do and you can see my admiration for Armenian music, dance, costumes, languadge, history.. It is our culture that defines us not our blood and the many Armenian childeren who were taken during the genocide are proof of this because their "armenian blood" does not in any effective way distinguish them from turcks. Neither them nor any onlooker could conclude that they have armenian blood unless you do a dna test but even then there are similarites as described in the "proof" i posted so it still would not make a distinction. There were plenty of turcks, persians, kurds, georgians, yezdis more resently even russians who assimilated and interbred with Armenians and are part of the Armenian genepool and you cant tell them apart from other armenians either. What makes one Armenian is not the blood runing through your veins but the culture one was born into or has decided to adopt because the blood runing through your veins is not too different from the ones you call turck, iranian... Racism really has no justification in this world. The genetic distinctions between even the most diverse human populations do not provide the bases for discrimination. Sure some africans are way taller then some armenians and sure they have a different color skin to but you teach him armenian and he will learn it, you teach him our customs he will learn them to. Sure along with the physical distinctions there may be some behavioral ones to between some of the races but these are much more easily dealt with then skin collor. We Humans are not born all that different from one another, it is what happens after we enter this world that shapes us into who we are.
        Last edited by Haykakan; 06-07-2010, 04:32 PM.
        Hayastan or Bust.


        • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

          RIO in Hayastan.
          Hayastan or Bust.


          • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

            I for one would like to express sorrow for the hard times the kids will have to go through... think of the size of their noses!

            It's left to individuals and their desire to assimilate into our culture, Michael might be holding off just as many Armenians have in other countries. And as such he might be getting enough disdain from the community around him, that is his problem. The idea of pure Armenian culture is a bit idealist, in reality lets look at our children and what culture they are grasping, what music they are listening to. Look at yourself and the pop music you listen to. Is it all Armenian? What is this bass?? I think it is wise for our culture to reach across borders and learn ideas, put hints of them into our traditional music. If we don't it will be our traditional music, our melodies, our vocals, that will be hinted in their music, and culture in general. We have to grow, it will happen whether we like it or not.


            • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

              Sure, Europian women might be fun to have sex with, but when it comes to having children, you can sure as hell be assured, i'll only have children with an armenian woman. we are ancient people, and we should preserve our blood. And if you think otherwise, you can gladly go f**k yourself.


              • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                Originally posted by Mos View Post
                we don't need blacks, they will only bring trouble like the Persians have. And no seeing them in Armenia is a bad thing. What hell do they have to do with us, let them go back to their torn up Africa and stop showing up in every country.
                Originally posted by Mos View Post
                they will only bring trouble like the Persians have.
                Explain please?


                • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                  I am curious, what do you guys think of Armenians who are mixed with Iranian ethnic groups? For example Kurds or Persians?


                  • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                    Originally posted by Azar View Post
                    I am curious, what do you guys think of Armenians who are mixed with Iranian ethnic groups? For example Kurds or Persians?
                    In the ideal situation, the Armenian culture is based upon preservation of our language, traditions and blood in the sense that we ought to marry only Armenians.

                    In reality, the assimilation rate is very high (the negative consequence of living in foreign countries) and many Armenians marry other ethnicities (most of them so-called fake ''Christians'' like West-Europeans).

                    There are hundreds of thousands of Armenian-Kurds, who we should encourage to become ''fully'' Armenian again or at least be an Armenian sympathisant, racism would do no good.

                    Personally, I am strongly against marrying other ethnicities, be it Dutch, Persian, Russian. Armenians who marry Persians mostly marry Christian (or atheist) Persians, marrying a muslim is out of the question and highly discouraged.

                    Persians are our allies and good friends (and neighbour), but we have a different culture, different traditions, different religion. Persians fought for 200 years against the muslim Arab invaders, but failed and got defeated. That is where our roads seperated (because until then, we had the same god Mithras and inter-marriage rate was very high).


                    • Re: Inter Racial Armenians-Blacks Families: (Small?) Bridges To The Important Black W

                      Originally posted by Tigranakert View Post
                      In the ideal situation, the Armenian culture is based upon preservation of our language, traditions and blood in the sense that we ought to marry only Armenians.

                      In reality, the assimilation rate is very high (the negative consequence of living in foreign countries) and many Armenians marry other ethnicities (most of them so-called fake ''Christians'' like West-Europeans).

                      There are hundreds of thousands of Armenian-Kurds, who we should encourage to become ''fully'' Armenian again or at least be an Armenian sympathisant, racism would do no good.

                      Personally, I am strongly against marrying other ethnicities, be it Dutch, Persian, Russian. Armenians who marry Persians mostly marry Christian (or atheist) Persians, marrying a muslim is out of the question and highly discouraged.

                      Persians are our allies and good friends (and neighbour), but we have a different culture, different traditions, different religion. Persians fought for 200 years against the muslim Arab invaders, but failed and got defeated. That is where our roads seperated (because until then, we had the same god Mithras and inter-marriage rate was very high).
                      I think I have some Armenian blood as well, maybe I should get a Y-dna test done :P

